Chapter 284

The Ban/Pick phase has finally concluded.


[SY / MAX]

Top: Renekton / Jason

Jungle: Nidalee / Lee Sin

Mid: Azir / Viktor

Bot Lane: Jhin / Ezreal

Support: Yuumi / Karuma


It was the sort of predictable Ban/Pick that everyone anticipated, yet it also proved how standard it was.

“Pretty boring, huh?”

“Well, it’s the first match.”

As Baek Seong-an pointed out, just because it’s obvious doesn’t mean it’s bad. In fact, picks that are out of the ordinary often end up performing worse statistically.

“Both teams seem a bit vague on the initiation. This could drag on for quite a while.”

“True enough.”

Both teams brought champions skilled in the ranged combat, which is quite important in the current meta. However, that made their initiation a bit uncertain.

Of course, even if SY had Renekton, it’s tough to engage awkwardly without Flash.

Given the situation, the focus would inevitably shift to the potential super plays from Azir or Lee Sin.

“Has it started?”

“Yeah, it just kicked off.”

Only then did Kim Ji-hoon join us, having finished both his workout and shower. He looked like he wanted to waste not a second.

– Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!

“Oh, it’s really starting now.”

[⬇] [⬇] [⬇]

[❔] [❔] [❔]

[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]

The pinging from both teams was chaotic.

SY headed for a top invade through the tri-brush, while MAX went for a red invade via the bot tri-brush.

Like a mirrored image, both teams aimed for each other’s red jungle but ended up retreating after just establishing vision.

Thus, both teams learned the starting positions of the junglers.

『“So both jungles are now exposed to each other.”』

『“Yes. It seems SY wants to secure the early red to synergize with Renekton, while MAX appears to be prioritizing the bot side with their red start as well.”』

『“It’s a standard start, but how MAX’s WooChan handles Renekton and Nidalee will be key.”』

『“Ah, no wonder Jason is hiding in the bush. He seems to plan on applying pressure right from the start.”』

Renekton Nidalee vs. Jason Lee Sin match.

I asked Seo Yeon-woo, “What do you think about the top match?”

“It’s all about the jungle difference.”

Yeon-woo laughed as she said that. She wouldn’t stop saying “yes” normally, but during moments like this, she reminded me of her old self.

“Just kidding, usually Jason has the advantage. But considering jungle involvement, it can be different.”

“So it’s a jungle difference, then?”

As I pressed her, her voice quickly turned scrunchy.

“I was just joking…”

“I’m kidding too.”

I briefly considered teasing the scrunching Seo Yeon-woo more, but we needed to watch the game, so I stopped.

-Minions have spawned!

The real laning phase has begun.

At the start, the focus was obviously on top and bot.

In mid, it’s just mages battling, so it’s clear there won’t be any kills to see. But it’s not the same for top and bot.

“Oh wow, Ezreal’s Q is fierce.”

As if echoing that statement, the bot lane engagement began with King God Emperor’s Ezreal landing three consecutive Qs on the opponent. That, combined with Karuma’s harassment, left SY’s bot lane utterly losing the early level two lead.

『“King God Emperor! He’s really aggressive from the start?!”』

『“Yes! SY’s Jhin and Yuumi duo are taking a serious beating right now!”』

『“And the top! We have to check the top!”』

As the commentators shouted, the camera shifted to the top, where WooChan’s Jason was constantly pressuring TheOne’s Renekton.

“Hmm, should be hitting more…”

“Right. Even if Renekton seems to be taking damage, he’s not missing minions, and his health management seems decent.”

That was the discussion between Yeon-woo and Baek Seong-an.

“If that’s the case, he needs to pressure more and deny experience, but he’s not pushing hard enough.”

“Considering the lines of jungle, it’s tough to do that.”

“We have my sister mapping out their jungle paths for us…”

“She’s the odd one out.”

“Isn’t that right?”

It felt a little embarrassing hearing that while they were talking about me, but I pretended I didn’t hear anything.


[SY YunGi (Nidalee) targets MAX WooChan (Jason)]

『“Looks like Nidalee skipped a camp?”』

『“Yeah! Seems like she wants to make a fast play.”』

『“But this increases the risk a bit… Let’s just watch.”』

Yoon-ki’s Nidalee, fresh off hitting level 3, headed straight for the top.

Considering how normally Nidalee favors full camp routes or a quick 5 camp with the Crabby, this choice was risky.

Currently, Jason had pushed past the mid-point of the lane.

Given the timing, it was still a bit early for Nidalee to arrive, so Jason was effectively warding and pressuring.

At that moment, as Renekton spotted Nidalee in the ward, he used his flash to dive in.

A mistake was made here.

In the rush to respond, Renekton used his W with slightly insufficient Fury.

『“Uh oh… Renekton’s W was just his regular W! So Nidalee’s spear missed too!”』

A stunted stun duration and a missed spear.

What happened next was already inevitable.

Jason shoved Renekton away with his E and darted toward the turret.

Even though he lost some health and had some lane disadvantage, considering he escaped Nidalee’s gank and burned Renekton’s flash, it was a worthwhile trade.

『“Jason got away!”』

『“No way, as this means…”』

“This is bad news for SY.”

“That mistake was not great. Was he nervous?”

『“With Jason, every meta change seems to lead to a different storyline, but these days, he tends to shine more in the late game than the lane.”』

『“That’s true. In the past, it was always about him being a champion with an expiration date. Only good in lane. But these days, some even call him a late-game wonder!”』

While the commentators chattered away, Lee Sin’s turn approached.

Lee Sin farmed camps and even took down the Crabby before sneaking a look at mid.

『“Is he planning to do something in mid?”』

But the opponent was Rainbow.

They wouldn’t offer any weak angles.

Moreover, with Azir and Viktor mid-lanes, Lee Sin lingered momentarily but couldn’t find a plausible chance.

And then he recalled.

The early laning phase passed just like that.

In a way, SY, who needed to capitalize on advantages top, was feeling pretty discouraged.

Time ticked on.

The first skirmish revolved around the Dragon.

Given that both teams were relatively equal in the laning phase, no one seemed willing to give up the Dragon, resulting in a 5v5 team fight.

With Wind Dragon in play, pokes flew back and forth.

In this standoff, SY seemed to have the edge.

Thanks to Nidalee and Yuumi, they had better sustain compared to MAX.

Perhaps that’s why SY let their guard down a bit.

But the outcome was fatal.

『“Uh, uh-oh?”』

『“It exploded!!!”』

Jason’s EQ.

Karuma’s RQ.

Viktor’s E.

And Ezreal’s Arcane Shift finishing off the burst.

A concentrated attack from MAX’s champions hit Nidalee, who had been throwing out spears up front.

– First Blood!

– The enemy has been slain!

As the jungle collapsed in an instant, the control of the Dragon skirmish naturally shifted to MAX.

Without Smite, SY had no chance in a smite contest, meaning the first Dragon smoothly went to MAX.

“Nidalee might’ve been a bit too aggressive there.”

“Nidalee players always do that. They think they are invincible.”

“Seems like they prepared their position, fearing a smite contest… But still, it’s disappointing.”

The first Dragon battle was over, but the laning phase was still ongoing.

It wasn’t truly over until the first Rift Herald, which was yet to arrive.

『“Well, MAX’s bot lane was slightly favored before, but now after the Dragon fight, the balance of power has completely shifted, hasn’t it?”』

『“Yes! It feels like they can’t even trade damage at all. Oh, and here comes Lee Sin. If this keeps up, it seems they’ll just lose their bot turret!”』

Lee Sin was readying for a bot dive.

The first Rift Herald had spawned, but unfortunately, Nidalee wasn’t in a position to contest it straight away.

“It looks like MAX has won this one.”

Baek Seong-an said.

Everyone was in agreement.