Chapter 282

### Chapter 282 – Room 204, Mission’s Room – ‘Hotel Cinema’ (6)

– Yu Songee

Hearing Evelyn’s words, a snort of laughter escaped me. Is she trying to say that some unknown nobody has caught the prince’s eye?

Talk about a middle school crush! Even in this romantic fantasy setting, this is such a cliché plot. Nowadays, the popular stories out there have much more sophisticated build-up!

And this cheesy plot doesn’t end here. If anything, this is just the beginning!

— Bang!


“Let’s dance.”

“Uh, Jo—”

Before I could even finish my thought, he yanked me toward the dance floor where lovey-dovey couples were showing off their moves. The disguised guards in the back started to rush around, trying to figure out how to manage the situation.

Just like that, the dance began!

Two steps to the left, two steps to the right, spin around, take a step forward, and suddenly, I realized just how ridiculous this situation was!

What are these kids doing?

This is like an ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend flaunting their new partners! And here I am, stuck playing the “current girlfriend” role. Even at a younger age, I’d find this cringe-worthy.

“Son, Songee! Let’s go over there!”

I watched the boy, red-faced with excitement, drag me to the center of the plaza.

Trying my best to keep step with him, I noticed the absurd antics of the prince’s guards. Sure, even if the prince was being goofy and clumsy, wasn’t he still their lifelong master? They couldn’t possibly not know what this silly scene was about.

The onlookers were being urged to cheer us on, courtesy of the guards. Watching their desperate loyalty, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.


Looking up at the sky, I took in the bright blue, star-studded expanse. Glancing back at the boy and girl, both blushing red as they became acutely aware of each other.

This setup was so childish that I wouldn’t be surprised if a middle schooler had written it—but that’s what made it fun.

The truth is, even blockbuster romance movies, which boast millions of viewers, often contain cheesy plots.

You know, someone immensely wealthy can just decide to buy a ship because they suddenly feel touched, or a powerful individual can sway thousands with a mere wave of their hand. Then, out of the blue, they fall in love with someone of humble origin, as if they might toss aside everything they’ve built over their lifetime.

Such things could never happen in reality!

Yet, audiences globally have laughed and cried at such plots. Sure, maybe the directors skillfully conceal that “cheesiness,” but the fundamental reason runs deeper.

People inherently carry their youthful naiveté even as they grow older. We hide that innocence, calling it childishness, but everyone still holds a boy and girl within. And right now, my inner girl was bursting with joy.


This boy is really trying hard. In this ludicrous atmosphere, I glanced at the boy, whose seriousness was palpable as he tried to appear cool.

I could feel his embarrassment from his bright red face—it was like he was already defeated.

I mean, how could anyone not feel inferior to someone as radiant as Pendleton and Evelyn?

Even if I tried not to notice, the dozens of people around us made it glaringly obvious who was receiving the most enthusiastic cheers. On the opposite side, Evelyn was beaming, unable to mask her triumph. It was childish, yet amusing, and the characters were just charming in this scenario.

So, I figured I might as well put my hand in to help with this mood!


“Th-that really—”


“Uh, uh? Songee?”

“Sorry, I’m not Elena.”

“Hmm? What is suddenly—”

“But the real protagonists are not them; it’s us.”

The protagonist of this movie has to win, even if the battlefield is just a silly contest of wills between exes!

I reached into the air. Finally, at the border of a miraculous world created by distant advanced civilizations, something gleamed with the “light of victory,” sparking a miracle.


Suddenly, Pendleton started flailing around like a madman.

It was like the girl who seemed as innocent as a lark in his arms had morphed into a man-eating monster! Shoving Evelyn aside, he began shouting at the heavens, swinging his fists, but was only just now coming to grips with reality.

But it was already too late.

Evelyn rolled in the dirt, instantly ruining her dress. The surrounding crowd looked at Pendleton as if he had completely lost it, and tears began to stream down Evelyn’s cheeks.

Next to me was another lunatic.

“Bwahaha! What is that? Is he crazy?!”

“My prince, is this your idea of fun?”

“Uh? N-no! I—It wouldn’t make sense for a lady to tumble in the dirt! I just found myself wanting to lecture him on such idiocy!”

“Well then, let’s go give him that lecture.”


“Lecture. Right now, let’s go.”

With that, I started dragging the prince along. He seemed startled at first, but perhaps realizing this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he grinned as we approached the panicking Pendleton.


“… M-my prince?”

“What was that about? You just hurled a lady into the dirt! If the duke had seen that, you would be finished. As the future leader of the empire, I cannot let that go unpunished. And—”

“Over here, prince!”

“Huh? Huh?”

As Pendleton turned to gaze where my finger was pointing, mischief sparkled in his eyes. He looked like the happiest boy in the world, grinning wide, extending his hand.

“Lady Evelyn, take my hand and stand up. And… next time, try to find a partner who knows how to dance in public.”


Oh my? Oh my? What kind of gaze was that?

If looks could kill, my Yu Songee would have been dead at least 27 times over right then. The fury glinting in Evelyn’s eyes was so intense it nearly made my heart drop.

Did you catch that? The prince beside me hadn’t even noticed the bracelet’s peculiarities! Was this some kind of “antagonist’s sixth sense” at work?

Feeling an odd pressure in this atmosphere, I didn’t want to be outdone and leaned closer to the prince, whispering to the girl standing up.

“Princess, if you feel wronged, just be the protagonist.”

“What? What do you mean—”

“Be a ‘hero’ in the hotel. Got it?”


“It was Songee who said to help you up off the ground. You should at least say thank you!”

After struggling to gather herself for a while, Evelyn finally succumbed to the gazes around her and opened her mouth.

“… Thank you.”

That tiny voice was probably the highlight of this entire movie.


What a wild ride! Did everyone just see how brilliantly I manipulated everything? From the get-go, I had a grip on the entire flow of this film! My decisiveness! My insight into the prince’s feelings!

Wow! I’m just too perfect! Right now, I’m the “perfect Songee.”


Everyone was momentarily speechless as they watched Songee tout her achievements. My older sister, mouth half-open, couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Wow, is she seriously drunk on this movie atmosphere?”

On the other hand, Ahri, who had been cackling nonstop earlier, gave a thumbs up.

“Ahahah! Who cares? She’s doing great, right? Go Perfect Choco Songee!”


Considering the time, we were getting close to the movie’s conclusion. Evelyn and Pendleton had long since disappeared, and it felt like the New Year festival event was winding down. That was when the prince approached me.

“Um… Songee.”


“Today was so happy. Really.”

“It does look like it.”

“Ah, you probably know, and I know everyone knows, but um, about Evelyn…”

“I heard you had a good relationship with her in the past.”

At this moment, Joshua Pearsson was no longer just the emperor’s son or the crown prince; he was just a boy. His expression resembled someone who had been caught saving photos of an ex-girlfriend on his phone.

“No! What are you saying? It was just how things went, and we dated by chance.”


“Evelyn is a distant relative of my mother. She introduced us about two years ago.”

“Did things go well with her?”

“Did I say they did? I never felt comfortable when I was with her! She was always trying to remind me of my place. In the end, I broke up with her because of that…”

What’s up with boyfriends breaking up for what they did with their ex?

Honestly, I can assure you that no teenage girl exists who wouldn’t be interested in this subject. The moment this topic is mentioned, it could make anyone the star of the classroom!

“What happened?”

“Back then, about two months ago? I fell off Motian while riding. That crazy horse—”

The prince glanced at me, then changed his tone.

“…The horse that really hadn’t adapted to me threw me off, and everyone was all flustered. But instead of comforting me, Evelyn just gave me this cold stare. What did she say then? You need to practice your riding more? I got so mad that I told her to never come to the palace again!”

I can tell what that girl was like. It probably wasn’t that she truly loved the prince; she viewed him as one of her most precious gems. But when that gem showed any flaws, she was furious.

“At the time, I felt impulsive about ending things, and I often regretted it. My mother scolded me a lot. But…”


With that word, the boy looked at me with pure happiness written all over his face.

“Now, I think that was the luckiest moment of my life. Maybe Motian wanted to show me there are better people out there, which is why he threw me. So, I have something important to tell you.”

“Go ahead.”

“I want to officially introduce you to my father today. In an official capacity.”

The pivotal moment of the romantic fantasy has arrived! Yes!

The “proposal event”!

The boy’s bashful face lit up with the warmth of the festival. In this instant, the prince felt a bit like a real “main character.” If this were not a movie but reality, I might even feel a flutter in my heart.

If only the prince were a tad more handsome, brave, and smart—what a shame!


“Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! Kids these days! Saying such embarrassing things so easily!”

“… Ahri, what you just said is a bit much. Plus, Songee didn’t say it; she only thought it.”

“Psh! Eunsol, that’s still the same thing! It’s basically the same as saying it out loud!”

And just then, as if waiting for the right moment, “the real grandpa” burst out.

“Kids these days! Can you at least think about the audience watching?!”

On the contrary, Kain had a different view.

“Actually… didn’t everyone feel pretty romantic about that? But the ending completely crashed! ‘If only you were a bit more handsome, brave, and intelligent’? That’s as good as saying you want someone else instead!”

“Honestly, I’m just laughing,” Jinchul chuckled.

“Regardless, this is kind of a mood killer, right? Seungyub, wipe your drool. You’re practically about to jump onto the screen!”


— Clunk!


“Lady! Are you alright? How many times have I told you to be careful while riding?”

When I finally came to my senses, I realized I was in a carriage, moving along. It became crystal clear. Today was the day the prince would introduce me as his fiancée in an official setting.

The ending of this movie is finally in sight!

Of course, this happy ending was crafted by none other than me, Yu Songee! It was impossible to hide the smile bubbling up from deep inside. Wow! Am I a genius or what? After all, Elena couldn’t pull off such a smooth win!

I was intoxicated by my own perfection. Honestly, I’m allowed to feel this way today.

Leaning back in my carriage seat while chuckling to myself, the old man sitting across from me smiled subtly.

“Seeing the lady so joyful brings me happiness as well.”

It’s Gellion, the attendant sent by the prince to retrieve me.

He seemed to assume my joy was solely about the prince’s proposal. Not entirely wrong, though. That proposal is essential for a happy ending!

“Thank you.”

Suddenly, the old man’s eyes grew misty.

“I have served since His Highness was just a newborn. It’s a bit embarrassing, but I sometimes feel like I’m looking at my own grandson.”


“Please take good care of him. Lady—”

At that moment, a sharp instinct from “Perfect Songee” kicked in.

What’s the deal with this “carriage ride scene”? Since when have we had any detailed scenes about “traveling” in this movie?

From the party to the fox-hunting grounds, the crown prince’s zoo, and then the New Year festival—never once had there been a “moving scene!”

Because there’s no time for dull scenes in a limited screening! So the ongoing “carriage ride” can only be…

A “fun scene.”

— Clunk!