Chapter 281
“YSG said they have a schedule, so it looks like we can only do about two scrims. Just so everyone knows.”
“Got it.”
It wasn’t my first match against YSG, but the feeling was oddly nostalgic.
Recently, while YSG barely lost to MYE in the playoffs’ first round, they had built enough momentum to secure a spot in the Red Cup selection.
The reason YSG scheduled scrims with us was to prepare for that very selection.
‘Looks like they’ve been doing well since I left.’
I still remember all the little bits and pieces from my time at YSG.
To be honest, ever since I started seriously practicing, the team’s atmosphere had completely changed.
Of course, there were minor conflicts here and there, but overall, how could the mood be bad when they were just winning scrims?
Whether it played a part or not, YSG had gradually changed since I left.
Team discord seemed to have calmed down to some extent, and, most importantly, their performance had improved from before.
They were already a team without any shortcomings in individual skills, so rising performance was somewhat expected.
‘Well, that could just be my opinion.’
Anyway, the important thing was that this YSG was now our opponent.
For the time being, our relationship was one of mutual assistance, but next year would be different.
We were going to win the qualification matches.
“Let’s get started right away.”
“Let’s start.”
“Go go.”
And thus, the ban/pick phase began in earnest.
Our side was red, meaning we were picking last.
And so,
The ban/pick for the first set of scrims was completed.
Top: Oren / Kamal
Jungle: Nidalee / Diana
Mid: Renekton / Galion
Bot: Jhin / Caitlyn
Support: Yuumi / Ruler
Both teams had clear intentions.
For YSG, the idea was to focus on mid with Renekton and Nidalee, trying to either seize control or push in.
We aimed to solidify a combination with Kamal, who could pressure top, supported by Galion, to gain advantages in side lanes and initiation.
Although the bans and picks made it seem like the top was the main focus, the true center stage, as always, would be the bot lane.
Jhin vs. Caitlyn.
Yuumi vs. Ruler.
The top side that enables the bot lane to win would be the key to victory in this game.
-Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!
The game officially began.
[“Everyone, fight on.”]
[“I’ll make it pop down bot. No worries.”]
[“Shut up for a sec, man.”]
[⬇] [⬇]
[OLZ Outlaw (Diana) is on the move]
[OLZ Outlaw (Diana) is on the move]
We pinged the bot lane.
Even though the picks on top were pretty hype, the focus of this game was definitely the early bot lane matchup.
“Could be an enemy coming.”
[“Got it.”]
We quickly slipped into the bottom bush and hid.
First bush.
Second bush.
[“Let’s go in a bit further.”]
We finally made it into the last bush.
Since we hadn’t spotted the enemy, it looked like they might’ve invaded our jungle or were playing defensively.
[“Let’s wait here for a bit.”]
Anyway, the important thing was that we had successfully infiltrated the bot bush.
If we didn’t get an advantage from this, we’d certainly suffer a significant early jungle loss.
-Minions will spawn in 30 seconds!
Time ticked by.
We still hadn’t seen the enemy Jhin and Yuumi, but there was no need to panic.
If they wanted to seize control of the bot lane, they would have to show up eventually.
-Minions have spawned!
The alert announcing that the full-fledged lane phase was about to begin rang out, and finally, the enemy Jhin and Yuumi slowly started to reveal themselves.
However, Renekton was coming up with a confident grin.
It seemed they were suspicious since we hadn’t shown up during the invade stage.
But we were still positioned at bot without anyone going back to base.
In other words, unlike what the enemy thought, it was a 3:5 situation down bot.
[“Let’s go for Renek first.”]
As soon as Renekton caught up with us, we charged at him.
Caught off guard, Renekton hurriedly used Flash, but it was already too late.
Kamal’s hook snagged the wall, and Kamal soared in, griping Renekton by the nape.
Followed up with Galion’s W.
It was practically a picture-perfect combo.
-First Blood!
-Enemy eliminated!
In that moment, all that the enemy Jhin and Yuumi could do was watch as Renekton went down.
[“Well done.”]
[“Good job.”]
Of course, we had to forfeit some teleport abilities on top and mid as a trade-off, but it was definitely a worthy price.
The early gain from bot lane.
Yes, it meant our jungle routes would be slightly delayed, but considering that the enemy mid was behind, it was a fair trade.
‘Most importantly, Caitlyn got the kill.’
Everyone knew about Caitlyn’s late-game scaling.
Plus, in a game where early lane phases mattered most, a kill in that phase was as sweet as it gets.
I immediately headed for the bottom jungle and started jungling.
Given we started a bit late compared to the enemy, there was bound to be some risk involved.
‘Not really a route for a full camp.’
The enemy’s composition was straightforward.
The top was fortified with Oren while the mid was focusing on gaining advantages.
Therefore, I couldn’t just take my time jungling to match their tempo.
‘I can’t afford to enjoy a full camp since I’m behind.’
Of course, with our mid being Galion, breaking through won’t be easy, but I wasn’t planning to play around too much to fit into their tempo.
The route I chose was Bird-Du-Bird.
It was a somewhat costly route for Diana, but it had to be done to keep pace with Nidalee’s tempo.
‘I’ll look for a chance to intervene at level 3.’
By then, Nidalee would probably be assessing her timing for a mid intervention as well.
That’s when I needed to catch the enemy off-guard.
‘Of course, there’s a chance she might try to target top instead.’
Who was the enemy jungler?
YSG DieHard.
Before I joined YSG, he was the jungler known as the boy prodigy.
Of course, as a prodigy, he’d trouble me when I was just a rookie, but that seems like a lifetime ago now.
‘His momentum these days is nothing to scoff at.’
Proving that very fact, as I peeked out from the river top side, Nidalee appeared right on cue.
‘Alright, bring it on.’
[OLZ Outlaw (Diana) targets YSG DieHard (Nidalee)]
“Nidalee here.”
[“Got it. Are we fighting?”]
“Of course.”
[“Okay. I’ll dive in right away.”]
[“Me too.”]
Kamal, who had the upper hand on top, began to move first, while on the contrary, the enemy Renekton started to head out from mid.
Due to the lane situations, it was inevitable our lanes would clash in this way.
And then,
The intense battle at the river top finally began.
YSG DieHard and Choi Woo-jin had been trying to prove themselves endlessly since Outlaw left the team.
To make sure no one was saying had Outlaw been here, had Outlaw been there.
Thanks to their bone-crushing efforts, YSG had finally made it to the playoffs this summer season.
But it wasn’t over yet.
Although they had to deal with one of the traditional powerhouse teams, MYE, in the playoffs, there was still the real challenge of the Red Cup selection ahead.
‘I must win.’
But regrettably, right from the start, a catastrophe struck as Renekton went down due to enemy snares.
The enemy camped the bot lane, completely unconcerned about the top and mid teleports or the jungle being behind.
That’s what led to the outcome.
The skirmish at river top began.
Unfortunately, the result wasn’t good.
1:2 trade.
And this was just the beginning.
As the game progressed, Choi Woo-jin felt it slipping more and more into the enemy’s intended flow.
So he decided to gamble.
“We have to fight at Rift Herald.”
And then, they lost.
“…Too bad, too bad.”
[“Next team fight, we’ll be fine.”]
Team elder Kim Man-gi offered consolation, but deep down everyone knew the outcome was already decided.
The game went on.
They fought when they shouldn’t have,
And lay down when they needed to fight.
Then, when Choi Woo-jin finally regained consciousness, familiar words appeared before his eyes.
OLZ vs YSG Scrim.
Set 1.
Kill Score 15:3.
OLZ Victory.