Chapter 281

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 269: Finally

“It’s Lewis. I’m coming in, Director.”

“Please do~”

I knocked on the door to the director’s office, and from inside, I heard Mejina’s voice. I opened the door and stepped inside.

“It’s been a while. I heard you called for me.”

“Long time no see. I feel bad making you come right away, but could you wait for a moment? You can help yourself to the snacks on the table.”


It seemed Mejina had been working on some paperwork, probably compiling the information that was coming in about Shudo being chosen as the Hero.

After a while, as I leisurely enjoyed the snacks and my tea, she finally seemed to reach a stopping point, stood up from her chair, and moved to sit on the sofa directly in front of me.

“I called you, so I apologize for making you wait.”

“Don’t worry about it. Things must be hectic because of yesterday.”

“Well, yes. Since you seem to understand most of it, I’ll tell you — I had to compile and submit documents regarding yesterday’s situation. I was busy handling that.”

The “situation” she mentioned probably referred to the Emperor and the Holy Nation. Because Shudo is a citizen of the Ruzenia Empire who was chosen as a Hero, there is an obligation to report to the Emperor governing the nation.

Furthermore, regarding the Holy Nation, since that country treats Heroes and Saintesses as divine beings or representatives of the gods, there was probably a contract to report in advance should a Hero be born after the selection.

“Thank you for your hard work.”


Mejina took a sip of the tea I prepared and exhaled deeply, then switched her mindset, her expression brightening compared to before.

“Well then, I’d like to hear about you, Lewis-kun.”

“Sure! What would you like to know first?”

“First, could you talk about what happened during yesterday’s dungeon practical? I’d like to focus on the Hero-related aspects, please.”


I was instructed to discuss the circumstances that led to the Hero’s emergence. After that, I explained everything I knew objectively, including what was recorded and what I had witnessed with my own eyes. Mejina nodded with interest.

“I see. So that’s how the Hero selection happened in the labyrinth world. I knew such phenomena and records existed, but it actually unfolded like this.”

“You were aware of the records left behind as well, Director?”

“Of course. However, I had never been there personally, and since becoming director, it has only happened twice, including this time. I heard something about the last time involving being transferred somewhere, but I never knew exactly how it was inside, so this was really helpful.”

“Does that mean nobody was able to reach the temple?”

“Exactly! Normally, it’s unreasonable to expect students who have been enrolled for only about half a year to defeat C Rank or B Rank monsters. Additionally, the tales of students who were attacked by monsters with no understanding of the situation were mostly what circulated back then.”

“I see…”

Thinking about it, it was true. Excluding our exceptions and the group actions of Shudo and the others, it would indeed be challenging for ordinary students without much experience fighting monsters to face those creatures, regardless of the times.

“Thank you. This was very enlightening.”

“No problem. But why did you ask me?”

“Well, I thought you would report honestly without fabricating any details. When I first met you in this room, I thought of you as someone who has a detached perspective. This means you can view things objectively without excessive personal bias. In fact, your account aligns with what I’ve heard from adventurers, and your report, which blended key points with past records and speculation, was outstanding.”

“I didn’t expect to be praised so much. Thank you.”

Indeed, from my perspective, there was no need to lie in this report, and if I had asked other students, I might only have only heard stories that praised Shudo due to his magical influence.

Considering that, it’s likely that the adventurers Mejina mentioned who matched my report were indeed Rick and the others.

“Now then, what’s next? This is a personal matter, and it’s what I wanted to hear the most. Oh, of course, I was curious about the Hero as well, but honestly, you’re the one I’m more interested in. So, tell me about your battle with the angel.”

As Mejina said this, she leaned forward a bit, her eyes sparkling like a child, eagerly waiting for me to speak.

“Sigh… Fine. However, there are parts I can’t discuss, so please understand that.”

“Of course. If you were to honestly discuss things like trump cards here, I would’ve been astonished by your imprudence.”

“Glad to hear that. Then…”

I proceeded to give a broad explanation of my battle with Lucifer, omitting details about time-space magic and my specific fighting methods.

Even with that general explanation, Mejina was the type of woman who could make educated guesses about the combat, and she listened to my story with keen interest from start to finish.

“…And that’s how it went.”

“Truly fascinating! The Seraph Lucifer and the Divine Battle Magic? That’s a magic I’m unfamiliar with. It’s a pity I couldn’t see it with my own eyes.”

“Director, you’ve never seen an angel yourself?”

“There’s a hint of something in that ‘but,’ but yes, I’ve never seen one. You probably know, but angels generally don’t interfere with our world. That is because their master, the god, hasn’t permitted it, and the only times they’ve been allowed to intervene were when the Holy Nation requested their power for their magic.”

Though I hadn’t intended anything deep by it, Mejina seemed to interpret it quite sarcastically, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Well, regardless, as she said, unlike demons that can sometimes be summoned, records of angels showing themselves in this world only existed for Lucifer appearing in the labyrinth world.

Actually, perhaps if I went to the Holy Nation, there might be more documents regarding angels, but due to their strict information control, I wouldn’t know if I could even read those materials, being someone from another country.

(Speaking of which, Sephiria was from the Holy Nation. I should ask her later).

Since she had been by my side since enrolling at the academy, I had forgotten that Sephiria was the Saintess of the Holy Nation, so she might be the one who knows more than anyone about the information left in that country.

If that’s the case, then asking her first would indeed be the right choice.

“As a magician, I want to see new magic with my own eyes.”

“I completely understand that feeling.”

Being a fellow magician, I knew well that magicians are driven by their thirst for knowledge.

Wanting to encounter new magic or unexplained phenomena that defy their knowledge is a magician’s nature, and those with a strong desire often carve their names into history.

“Anyway, we’re done with the stories I wanted to hear from you, but it looks like you still have something to say…”

“Yes. There’s one thing I’d like to ask.”

“Hmm, sure. Go ahead.”

“Do you remember what I asked the last time I came here?”

“Last time you came? Oh, that! Hehe. Right. You want to fight me, don’t you?”


That was another reason I came here.

I wanted to fulfill the promise of a challenge I had made the last time I visited this room.

“Hmmm… Let’s see…”

Mejina narrowed her eyes, seemingly gauging my current abilities before she smiled brightly.

“Okay. Your current power is sufficient to challenge me. I’ll grant your request.”

“Thank you very much!”

“However, you’re not completely healed yet. Plus, there are still things I need to take care of. How about… ten days from now? Come back here at the same time then, and I’ll be your opponent. How does that sound?”

“Understood. Then I’ll see you again in ten days.”

“Yep. I’ll be waiting.”

“Then, if you’ll excuse me.”

I said this, turned my back to her, and exited the director’s office, walking alone down the quiet corridor, which would soon fill with students as classes began.


Finally, I had earned the right to challenge Mejina Markuri, who is called the strongest in this country.

I was so thrilled that my mouth naturally curved upwards and my heart began to race.

“Hehe. I’m really looking forward to it. Ah, I want to fight soon!”

They say happy times fly by in an instant while painful moments stretch like eternity, but for me, these ten days felt like an eternity.

I really wish time would pass quickly.

As I continued to walk down the corridor toward my classroom, I pondered such things.