Chapter 28


As the commander of the 1st Cavalry Army, he fought in the red-white Civil War, as well as the Soviet-Polish War. In actual history, he also made an impact during the German-Soviet War.

With history altered, he led a cavalry division in Ukraine and did quite well, but after the Southern Army was defeated by the attacks of Ungern and Anton Denikin, he returned to Moscow to take charge of the defense. However, at Stalin’s suggestion, he was assigned the task of cutting into the rear of the Black Baron to capture the princess.

The so-called “Saint Hunt” plan.

A hastily concocted plan that aimed to quickly strike and retreat, even if it meant the cavalry would take a beating, the goal was to capture the princess.

It would definitely be a blow to the Red Army’s cavalry, but if successful, they could rebuild anytime.

With this goal in mind, Budenny personally took hold of the reins and charged forward, quickly flanking the Black Baron’s army.

Sure enough, a brilliant tricolor flag of the Empire was fluttering in the rear.

Surely, the saint must be here.

“Red Army cavalry! Target the flank of the counter-revolutionaries! Capture the princess!”

Budenny’s cavalry rushed in at once.

However, although they had gotten into the rear, the princess was nowhere to be found.

The cavalry that had rushed in solely to capture the princess had to turn around in the face of a counterattack from the White Army.

They had gone too deep to turn back now.

Before long, Cossack cavalry sent by the Black Baron appeared before them.

The Cossack cavalry, known as the “Tsar’s Blade,” charged towards the enemy cavalry without a hint of hesitation.

“How dare these Reds enter our territory!”

“Look at these cheeky bastards riding in front of the Cossacks!”

Budenny had dealt with Cossacks before, but the Red cavalry couldn’t stop the Cossack cavalry made solely of battle-hardened warriors.

The blades of the Cossacks painted the Red cavalry literally red, thoroughly ravaging them.

At least under Budenny’s command, they managed to keep fighting somehow, but the outcome was painfully obvious.

As the Cossacks pressed from the front and the White Army’s artillery unleashed shells upon the Red cavalry—

“Damn it. To fail like this!”

With the fierce Cossack blades targeting the enemy cavalry amid the rain of shells, Semyon Budenny cried out.

“Catch that Red bastard!”

Before long, Semyon Budenny was captured by the Cossack cavalry.

* * *

Just as I expected, the shouting Red Army cavalry threatened our flank.

Are those guys idiots?

If we were truly an unprepared army, we might have been taken down by cavalry, but even if the main force, led by tanks, was attacking Moscow—

We were ready.

“How dare those cocky bastards flail around in front of the Tsar’s Cossacks! Cossack cavalry! Annihilate those Red cavalry charging in like moths to a flame!”

The Black Baron had prepared the Cossack cavalry in advance.

Under the Black Baron’s orders, the Cossack cavalry faced off against the Red cavalry head-on.

It was a clash between the enemy cavalry and the Cossack cavalry.

While there were indeed some Cossacks among the enemy cavalry, most Cossacks (including me, Anastasia) had joined the White Army.

The Cossack legion, organized in such a manner, faced the approaching enemy cavalry head-on.

The blades of the Cossacks, known as the Tsar’s swords, mercilessly cut down the enemy cavalry— the Bolsheviks.

The enemy cavalry fought fiercely, trying to penetrate the Cossack lines, but it clearly didn’t look easy.

Though not visible here, if the Cossack army lost, their rear would indeed be threatened.

Reports flooded in that the enemy cavalry had retreated, and the commander, Semyon Budenny, had been captured.

Still, they were impressive.

Even stuck in place just hindering our advance, they managed to pierce an opening.

“Still, they have quite a bit of momentum.”

“Nonetheless, they are Bolsheviks.”

Pyotr Wrangel dismissed the Bolsheviks as nothing significant.

True, they are just that.

If they had succeeded in landing a meaningful blow against us, it would have been more surprising.

However, there was more to be curious about.

“No, I mean, charging in foolishly is impressive. Unless they have some purpose, there’s no reason to attack recklessly.”

Hit and run. They intended to strike and retreat, but instead tried sticking around, and the enemy cavalry stubbornly clung on.

This must indicate some sort of objective.


No, wait a minute, something flickered across my mind.

Let’s see. Right now, if these incompetent Bolsheviks had a strategic goal, what could it be?

A perfect plan to turn the tide of battle.

“Hmmm. No, just a minute.”

Yes. That’s it. Nothing else makes sense.

“Are they perhaps trying to capture me with the intent to self-destruct? To turn the tide, they must capture me.”

“Oh, there might be a possibility.”

No, they don’t even have to target me because it’s a worthwhile attack.

As long as we don’t have Cossack cavalry, that is.

But, unless they are total fools, they must know we’re deploying Cossacks. So, they charged in knowing that?

They must have aimed for the command structure.

But surprisingly, since I stood at the forefront, they failed.

“From a strategic standpoint, those idiots clinging to numbers must capture me, the White Army’s center of gravity, to flip the tide of battle.”

“That’s right. But since the princess is at the forefront, it seems they failed.”

The Black Baron nodded in agreement.

Exactly. Clearly, that was their only option.

So they wanted to plow through our cavalry, they could afford to take me hostage, even just killing me would suffice.

“To fail in achieving their strategic goal and merely die.”

“Still, the Bolsheviks are quite numerous.”

They still have plenty of troops.

If most of them are true believers in Bolshevism, it would be shocking, but the way they charged seems like they were dragged in against their will.

Then they would want to surrender, but just before doing so, a gunshot to the head would be their fate.

The Red Army’s officers would act accordingly.

They had to do so to control people who were once peasants.

“They want to block us through sheer numbers, huh? They’ve made it quite clear that they hold no legitimacy or ideal behind Bolshevism. Many subjects will surely lose their lives.”

“To root out Bolshevism, there’s no other way. You must keep your spirits up.”

“Though it will take some casualties to break through.”

“They will surely want to defend Moscow. Still, there’s bound to be a limit to their troop mobilization.”

That might be true.

The actual circumstances differ too much from history.

These guys have succeeded in revolution and are already seeing morale plummet.

While continuing to draft soldiers, unlike actual history, there are increasing numbers who turn their backs on Bolshevism and join the White Army.

“Are there any insiders colluding within Moscow right now?”

“I’ve heard that Okhrana has infiltrated Moscow. Just wait a bit longer.”

Hmm, that’s likely to fail.

Even if Okhrana is formidable, the Reds will undoubtedly try to maintain strict control with Cheka in Moscow.

Unless it’s for a demonstration, a rebellion within Moscow would indeed be difficult.

“By now, many discontented Bolsheviks must be growing upset. How about using aircraft to distribute pamphlets declaring that those who surrender will be pardoned and encouraging Moscow citizens to revolt against the Bolsheviks?”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll let the air squadron know.”

Originally, pamphlets like that work well in situations like this.

* * *

The battle for Moscow was fierce.

However, unlike the demoralized enemy forces, the White Army, led by the Black Baron alongside the princess, was filled with fighting spirit.

“Look over there! Our Tsarina is watching over us at the forefront! Let’s slaughter all the Reds and dedicate our victory to the Tsarina! Huzzah!”

“God is with us! Annihilate the Bolsheviks!”

The White Army fought fiercely to defend Moscow, cutting down the charging enemy forces with upgraded PPD automatic rifles.

“If we lose to the counter-revolutionaries here, you will again suffer under the Tsar’s oppression! Let our deaths protect the Soviets achieved by Comrade Lenin!”

“For every counter-revolutionary you kill, your rations will increase!”

A bloody fight ensued between the White and Red armies.

White infantry advanced with British MK tanks and Renault FT tanks produced with help from the German Empire, rolling over the Red enemy without mercy.

“Argh! My leg!”

“Save me! I don’t want to die!”

Crunch, crackle, crunch!

Terrified Bolsheviks fell under the tracks of tanks, becoming meat paste, while the Red soldiers, horrified, had no choice but to continue fighting under the threat of Red Army officers behind them.

“Do you comrades want to die? Can’t you stop those counter-revolutionaries right now!? Or are you just useless sycophants who suckled at the princess’s skirts? Get to fighting!”

With political officers’ guns behind and tanks of the White Army charging ahead, the enemy was stuck, forced to use their lives to hold back the White Army.

In the air, Russian Imperial bombers Ilya Muromets and Austrian bombers Hansa-Brandenburg G.I dropped bombs on the enemy’s camp, continually harrying them.

The enemy did have aircraft, but the F1 fighters supplied by the Germans and the Sopwith Camel fighters from the British Empire shot down their planes like leaves falling in autumn.

The White Army advanced, capturing the Bolsheviks who were only using sheer numbers to push through.

“Break through the Reds’ trench lines! The high ground is close!”

Even Anton Denikin, leading the Southern Russian White Army, joined in from the south, relentlessly hammering the defenses of Moscow.

The Bolshevik trench was filled with comrades crushed under the machine guns of the tanks, and behind them, White infantry stormed in, firing submachine guns and PPD automatic rifles while breaking through the trenches.

Even so, they were holding their ground by sacrificing their population, so Moscow managed to endure.

Of course, it was unavoidable that discontent would boil up within the city.

“Why must we die?”

“If you want to die, you go out and fight! Don’t drag my innocent husband and child’s lives into this!”

“How can you raise a ruckus like this when the counter-revolutionaries are noble enough to fight against the invasion?”

Boom, bang!

Meanwhile, a firefight erupted between the Okhrana, which had infiltrated Moscow to gather those dissatisfied with the Bolsheviks, and the Cheka, which had come out to suppress the protests.

“The counter-revolutionaries have infiltrated Moscow! Take down the information bureau of the White Army leader, Anastasia!”

“Kill those Reds who think they are Okhrana!”

The Okhrana’s infiltration into Moscow was particularly shocking for the Soviets.

It meant the counter-revolutionaries had dared to come all the way to Moscow.

They were preparing to revolt.

Just like the Bolsheviks did when they sparked their revolution.

Having once experienced a revolution, the Bolsheviks found this fact even more shocking.

While they were unleashing the Cheka to kill the counter-revolutionaries, the number of counter-revolutionaries was bound to rise.

“Comrades, we are managing to hold them off, but who knows how long this stance can last?”

“So what exactly are you trying to say?”

“Comrade Bukharin is right. Comrade Lenin is a symbol of revolution for global communists. It would be wise for your Highness to escape Moscow at this point.”

Within the party, discussions of needing to escape Moscow were beginning to surface.

That’s how unstable the defense of Moscow had become.

This defensive line, sustained through the sacrifice of the people, would inevitably lead the Soviet populace to grow unhappy with the Bolshevik regime.

There was no reason for a populace disillusioned with the Tsar not to also turn their backs on the Bolsheviks.