Chapter 277
The game starts with a loud ping.
“Can we push bot hard?”
[“We’re pretty strong already.”]
[“Got it.”]
A not-so-reliable guy and a dependable guy responded in turn.
Anyway, having bot lane dominance was crucial in this game, potentially carrying through to top lane as well.
The current meta heavily favored bot lane matchups, and if we started losing, we had no idea where the enemy Leona and Nidalee would roam to.
‘Well, I think it’s unlikely based on our usual team…’
In the Legends of League, nothing is guaranteed.
Even if you’re a top pro gamer, winning and losing in solo queue is just part of this game.
We couldn’t afford to be careless.
“Let’s go.”
The invade route we chose aimed straight for the enemy’s red.
This was not just to gain an early advantage, but to seize vision around their red side and read the enemy Nidalee’s movements accordingly.
The path we took was nearly textbook, entering through the top tri-brush.
As soon as we arrived at the tri-brush, we saw the enemy Renekton scampering diagonally away.
[“Renekton used e at level 1.”]
Forcing the enemy Renekton to use a level 1 skill was a success in itself, but we didn’t stop there.
“Let’s head straight to the red bush.”
Ezreal’s Q flew into the red bush for vision checking.
Whether the enemy was hiding or really absent, we couldn’t tell, but no signs of them were found after our first check.
In that brief window, we placed a ward and successfully entered the red bush.
[“Enemy’s coming.”]
The moment we got into the enemy’s red bush, the enemy team started climbing up through the tri-bush toward the red jungle.
Four of them.
The only one missing was Renekton.
Of course, it didn’t matter since we had already confirmed his position when we invaded.
“I’m watching Renekton from behind. I know.”
[“Got it.”]
Both sides were aware of each other’s positions.
The start of the fight was initiated by Leona.
“Leona is using Aftershock.”
Attacking Aftershock Leona early on would be foolish.
Thus, we secured an escape route and waited.
“Renekton is coming in.”
Just as the enemy Renekton tried to jump in from above with his e,
[“Focus Renekton first.”]
Galion’s taunt caught Renekton.
With a quick turn back, our focus led to Renekton using his front e, only to panic and try to escape with a flash, but Ezreal’s Q caught him and sealed the deal.
-First Blood!
-Enemy eliminated!
But the battle wasn’t over yet.
While we latched onto Renekton, the enemy crashed into our territory.
“Oh no.”
The first target they persistently aimed for was none other than me.
Targeting the jungler during an invade is a wise choice in a way.
-You have been slain by the enemy!
The screen tinted gray.
It seemed the enemy was really determined to take me down.
Of course, such forced focusing comes at a cost, and soon after, the enemy Viktor was eliminated.
-Enemy eliminated!
[“Let’s back off now.”]
The enemy team, realizing further fighting was hard, naturally disengaged.
A 2:1 exchange.
Not bad at all, in fact, quite a good start.
With the first blood from the early invade fight, the commentators were filled with excitement.
『“Both teams are going all out from the start, aren’t they?!”』
『“Absolutely! It was a clash with zero retreat!”』
『“Ultimately, OLZ gained first blood and an extra kill, which gives them a significant advantage, wouldn’t you agree?!”』
『“Indeed! For OLZ, first blood and a kill make a massive difference!”』
-Everyone’s scrambling to back off, lol
-Renekton must be shook, haha
-Wow, that was insane
-In the meantime, why is BLH so focused on taking down Outlaw? lol
-Of course, you have to take down the scary ones first, haha
After one skirmish, both teams’ junglers took their respective buffs.
Both were empowering their tops.
『“In the case of OLZ, they didn’t leash, while BLH did leash.”』
『“Right. It seems OLZ is prioritizing bot lane, while BLH values the synergy between Renekton and Nidalee more.”』
『“Let’s see… I wonder how each team’s choice will differ. It seems like Yune will be under more pressure now…”』
『“In a way, OLZ entrusted a great deal to Honor? That’s one way to look at it.”』
『“Exactly. But since Honor usually performs well, we should expect something this time too!”』
For sure, until they took down the first buff monster, the leashed Nidalee was definitely faster.
But Outlaw skipped golems and went straight for the raptors, heading towards the upper jungle.
That meant skipping one camp in the lower jungle.
Then Outlaw skipped wolves and headed right for blue.
『“Uh oh… is Outlaw planning to gank top right now?”』
『“If so, he could definitely arrive at top faster than Nidalee, who is clearing all camps!”』
『“But on the flip side, if nothing happens at top, he’ll suffer for it!”』
『“Exactly. From now on, what Honor does will be crucial!”』
Thanks to eating the raptors, it wasn’t an extreme route like bear-to-bear, but as the commentators warned, it wasn’t without risks.
Soon enough, proving that fact, when Renekton avoided damage exchanges, Outlaw’s Diana decided against a risky gank and instead turned towards wolves.
『“Currently, the top situation is too uncertain for a gank, so they’re opting to scout through wolves.”』
『“Right. Or could they be thinking of making a play around the crab?”』
Nidalee’s route was through six camps.
On the other hand, Diana’s was through five camps.
Even if Nidalee had the leash, there was no denying Diana would still arrive at the river’s upper side slightly earlier.
Of course, Nidalee wasn’t going to make the foolish decision of walking straight into the bush in the upper river.
She checked vision through her w.
However, that alone was already enough to give Diana the upper hand.
As Nidalee approached the bush to set a trap, Diana’s q and e flew in simultaneously.
That combo required absolute confidence in landing skill shots.
And, of course, that combo was successful.
『“Look at the river! We need to check the river now!”』
『“Both teams’ junglers just met!”』
After the crab patch, the crab’s worth definitely decreased.
But still, if the enemy gets it and you don’t, the gap widens.
So while its importance might drop, getting robbed of it still feels absolutely awful, and naturally, you have to check it once in a while.
Outlaw perfectly capitalized on that weakness.
『“Oh! Nidalee took way too much damage! Fortunately, she might not have to burn a spell, but… if so, she’ll completely lose both the upper krab and the upper control?!”』
『“That’s right! It was a play that entirely pierced through the enemy’s mindset!”』
True to that, Nidalee was forced to flee down towards the lower crab after taking a beating from Diana.
Meanwhile, Diana took the upper crab and immediately headed for top.
The jungler trade from earlier quickly set up for a top dive.
-That was insane
-Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!
-God of the jungle
-Nidalee’s been chased out
-That puts Renekton in danger
[Outlaw (Diana) targets BLH TPT (Renekton)]
A ping lands on Renekton.
In a panic, Renekton tries to push the wave, but Honor’s fierce onslaught interrupts him.
『“Oh… this isn’t a situation where Viktor can come for support!”』
『“Right! Galion’s early kill from the invade has let him push the lane, so… can TPT survive this?!”』
When the commentators ask if he can survive, it usually means he’s dead.
And it was true this time too.
An incredibly smooth, clean dive.
Soon after, Renekton fell.
-Enemy eliminated!
It was the moment when BLH’s early strategy completely fell apart.