Chapter 276

“Honestly, I think being under British rule would be better right now.”

How dire must the situation be for some Brits to be making such noises?

“Well, conditionally, I suppose.”

If the British Army hadn’t divided everything and had handed it over to Gandhi in a more unified way, the story might have been different.

Anyway, things have gotten pretty weird.

What we need to do is win over the hearts of Indians with supplies here and there for peace, and comfort those who were hurt in the wars.

“There are many areas that have become no-man’s-lands, and blood is flowing everywhere. Even among the troops of the Indian Provisional Government, the number of deserters is increasing. They’ve even mentioned Kali.”

Peacekeeping Forces Commander Zhukov said in utter disbelief.

Who could have imagined Gandhi’s death would lead to this?

Had he lived, he probably would have found a way to cling on somehow.

“Kali, you say?”

“Yes. Among the confused Indians, some say this is the true age of Kali.”

“Then it truly is the end times.”

The Age of Kali, known for war, destruction, and chaos. The end times.

Yeah, from India’s perspective, that sounds about right.

Especially since India is caught up in this endless cycle of blood washing away blood.

They didn’t even want this, but they are fighting their own Chinese Civil War.

We definitely need a solution for this chaotic India.

“The Indian Provisional Government hasn’t taken any significant actions, right?”

“Correct. They are in a situation where they can’t move in any direction.”

“Well, well. I didn’t expect this at all.”

If it’s this chaotic, they should really consider foreign intervention.

They’re probably too dazed to think right now.

With Gandhi dead, they can’t do this or that.

Even if they try to gather their wits, it must be hard with all the chaos erupting around them.

“Some of Gandhi’s supporters are calling you the Avatar of the goddess Kali.”

“Ha! You’d think I enjoy killing people if you heard that.”

I absolutely despise killing people!

I don’t have eleven heads or ten legs, you know.

How does this appearance suggest I am some god of destruction?

“However, because of that, there are also worshippers.”

“Worshippers, you say?”

“There’s talk of the Kali of the Kali Yuga. They say you descended to complete the cycle of the Kali Yuga.”

When life gets tough, people tend to believe such nonsense.

Ah, they are myths and nonsense, but from my standpoint, if I’m seen as a subject of that nonsense, then it’s nonsense, right?

“Will I make skirts from human wrists and appear before people with similar heads molded from clay, with eleven of them?”

That’s just absurd!

Why am I being treated like this specifically in India?

I have neither dark blue skin nor a long, dangling tongue, nor do I plan to wear a skull necklace around my neck like a catacomb.

“Your Majesty does not age. They say Kali symbolizes immortality. And since you’ve intervened in every war, it’s said you oversee even human lives. Particularly, on the part about taking responsibility for the world’s order, we sympathize.”

No, don’t sympathize! Please!

Honestly, I want to age severely even now—then again, maybe not that.

Maintaining this appearance is actually something I should be thankful for. But, to my knowledge, Kali is truly a terrifying goddess, right?

“Then why the worship?”

“Isn’t it because you are the Avatar of such a goddess?”

Well, there are even groups that follow the historical Hitler, so I guess it makes sense.

I’m also that kind of evil, yet treated like a god’s avatar.

Hmm, I understand it conceptually but can’t grasp it entirely.

“There’s also talk of you being the avatar of Shiva, intended to end this Kali Yuga. Since you came with the Peacekeeping Forces.”

I’d rather that be the case.

Treating me as Kali is crossing the line. It should be about bringing an end to the Kali Yuga (the age of internal conflict in India) with the military for peace.

That would be a favorable scenario, right?

Directly rescuing the suffering Indians caught in pain and woe.

In the future, Russia could significantly expand its influence over India.

Of course, on the surface, it would still seem like just one of those ignored regions in the Third World, but the United States would surely catch on to that.

However, it would be impossible to stop it.

After all, the Pacific is under U.S. jurisdiction.

Yet, to the extent that such wild talk is circulating, it wasn’t expected that India would have fallen so far.

“There’s no need to heed the madman’s words, I suppose. But is it really that dire for such things to be circulated?”

“It seems that way.”

When people are struggling to survive, strange things come up. Blood flows in no-man’s-lands, and they finally gain independence only to meet the end of times.

Then I guess we should give them what they want. Wasn’t it originally about selective sainthood?

This is all different from the peaceful establishment of various independent nations like I envisioned, whereas Gandhi wanted everything achieved under one Indian flag.

Surely, as a saint, I should bring peace to India.

“Then we should proceed accordingly. Contact the Indian Provisional Government. Tell them to cease oppression immediately.”

Even as a peacekeeping force, our role here is as a coalition for the world to realize justice, and with the Roman Treaty Organization and the Russian White Army, where I am the commander, I can lead this effort.

After all, the U.S. is also working together for peace, ultimately aiding future independence.

It’s fitting that the Russian Army targets New Delhi, especially to take responsibility for assisting Gandhi.

Then, we can appropriately separate Nehru as a pro-British faction and Chandra Bose, among others.

We’ll use them all for India’s independence.

Ultimately, Gandhi’s flaw was continuing along the lines of original history at the moment when the fierce heat of independence was in disarray. He made efforts toward the liberation of the untouchables yet did not deny the fundamental caste system.

Though he claimed to be reforming, even Gandhi found it difficult if he desired any change. Is Gandhi now dead, watching how the unity he advocated is unfolding?

I tapped my fingers lightly on the desk, pondering how to resolve this Indian internal strife.

How infuriating that they compare me to that damned goddess!

“Hmph, an interesting thought has crossed my mind.”


“If you treat me as Kali, then I should properly act as Kali, right? What if Kali’s army marched into New Delhi?”

“Oho. That could be interesting.”

Yes. This much seems acceptable.

If they’re going to treat me as Kali, then it’s only right for me to take up that role, isn’t it?

* * *

Chandra Bose was part of the Indian Provisional Government.

Although revered as the new leader after Gandhi’s death, Chandra Bose had no way to manage the bloodbath that is India.

The assassination and the attempts at unity were awkwardly foisted onto him by the Gandhi supporters who didn’t want to step up.

“An army of Kali, you say?”

Chandra Bose chuckled weakly, looking lost as if he had lost his nation.

What does this imply?

Is it not the meaning that they could really march into New Delhi and wipe everyone out?

Because of this, Chandra Bose had mostly intended to follow Anastasia’s directives. But that was overthrown by Gandhi, who insisted on one unified India.

The attempt might not have been bad, but the opponent was unfavorable.

Even more so, due to some reason, Gandhi’s duplicity was fully laid bare in Europe.

“What brought you here?”

Gandhi’s supporters likened the Russian Tsarina Anastasia to the goddess Kali and the Asura Kali, even insulting Anastasia while bringing up the Kali Yuga.

They claimed she was attempting to divide India. And they threw all sorts of insults at her for wanting to abolish the caste system, which was ironic given her position as a foreign emperor.

Ironically, Tsarina Anastasia was using that as a justification to send Kali’s army to New Delhi to prove the Kali Yuga. How nonsense is that?

The answer was simple.

“We must surrender.”

Chandra Bose and Nehru knew more than anyone about the state of the Roman Treaty Organization.

It was partly because they were receiving support for independence, but also because they understood that everything was orchestrated by Anastasia and Churchill.

They also knew that, compared to the prior colonial situation in India, achieving unity would be difficult.

“But what shall we do with those people?”

“We’ll take care of it. We lead the separatist factions and wipe them out. Otherwise, the Russian Tsar will truly unleash a massacre here.”

What’s more, the Tsar had already wiped out cities in France and China.

Is there any guarantee that New Delhi wouldn’t meet the same fate? The Tsar would sacrifice anything if it meant getting rid of his declared enemies.

Thus, it was imperative to resolve matters before New Delhi is erased completely.

“Perhaps we should lean on America.”

“The United States also arrived here as part of the Peacekeeping Forces. If we treat it as a division of labor, then they’re all in cahoots.”

Ultimately, there were two choices.

Give up on unifying India, or accept Kali’s army, whether it be the goddess Kali or the Asura Kali, and let New Delhi fall to the Kali Yuga.

And if they chose the former, they needed to deal with Gandhi’s faction in the provisional government.

But that wasn’t easy. Nehru had originally received independence proposals from the British, which made contact with the Peacekeeping Forces much easier for him compared to others.

In the end, their choice was to not only accept the Peacekeeping Forces but also seek their help.

“Aah, I have descended as the Avatar of Kali to New Delhi!”

Thus, Kali’s army marched into New Delhi.

* * *

India had been a colony, and now having just transitioned power from the colonial government, there was no way to oppose the Peacekeeping Forces.

Eventually, Nehru and Chandra Bose agreed to our proposal, and we rightfully entered New Delhi for peace.

“The ministers of the Indian Provisional Government are resurrecting the existing caste system more viciously and attempting to oppress other religions, ethnicities, and the marginalized that wish to gain independence, resulting in chaos and bloodshed across the Indian continent. We must disband the Indian Provisional Government and establish a new government with the Peacekeeping Forces under trust management for a while.”

“Not a bad proposal. Disband the government and call forth the leaders from various factions. We need to go through independence procedures.”

As a representative of the permanent member country, Eisenhower offered a plausible suggestion.

“Aah! The Russian monarch has come to save us in person!”

“Save us? It’s largely my fault for handing everything over to Gandhi. If we had independently managed things, this wouldn’t have happened. It seems I miscalculated thinking a colonized state could freely decide its nation’s independence.”

“Now, shall we get serious?”

India began to adjust its governance properly.

First, concerning the part of Pakistan from the original history.

They merged Punjab and Kashmir to restore the Sikh Kingdom that existed before the East India Company arrived.

Though they hadn’t yet formally reinstated any royal family, they were considering establishing a descendant of the Sikh Kingdom as the king.

Next, Karachi became the capital, and the southern coastal area of Pakistan saw the establishment of the Dhinia Republic, which could be considered the original Pakistan. The current New Delhi was the capital of the Bharat Republic, extending all the way down to the southern coast of Ahmedabad.

In North-Central India, supporters of Anastasia governed under the Lucknow Commonwealth, with Lucknow as their capital extending down to the southern coast, while the Hyderabad Kingdom, Madras Republic, and Bangladesh region housed a republic called Magadha, purported to be an ancient Aryan nation of India larger than the original history.

Hitler would probably be thrilled—or perhaps feel inferior—at the restoration of such a nation.

To the east of this, Burma emerged.

Although it became a bit complicated as it was carved up like this, it wasn’t bad.

What’s more, during the oppressive process of the Indian Provisional Government, a fair amount of ethnic movement took place, allowing for borders different from the original history.

Thus, the Bharat Republic under the Indian Provisional Government essentially became a reformed version of historical India with all its rotten customs. Regrettably, the higher-ups of the caste system had to deal with the Sudra and Chandalas, who were moved down to the Lucknow Commonwealth and Hyderabad Kingdom.

If you consider it, those high-ups of the caste system were Aryans themselves.

They are truly playing in their own league.

Perhaps they’d want to maintain the caste system, yet since they’ve lost their privileges to keep their class caste, even that might be out of reach.

“Well, it seems we’ve appropriately split things up. How wonderful it is. There’s no need for oppression, and no need to face one another in anger.”

It feels like we’ve ruptured borders similar to Africa in India. Still, at least we’ve divided it properly, so there shouldn’t be any spontaneous civil wars like in Africa.

While some factions might not be pleased with the division, most seem content with the borders established with the help of the UN peacekeeping forces.

On top of that, the conflicts deepened due to the oppression from the Indian Provisional Government.

Someone once said: it’s not because the enemies fight; rather, it becomes unforgivable animosity amidst their struggles, no matter the cause.

The Indian Provisional Government failed to embrace everyone, and as a result, they ended up divided like this.

“But we are still lacking greatly. Due to the forceful oppression from the Indian Provisional Government, we were unable to properly establish our own government.”

“Yes. You must assist us from the Peacekeeping Forces.”

“There’s a good chance similar events will unfold again!”

The countries that had declared independence trembled in anxiety. We needed to offer them support.

“Don’t worry. The Peacekeeping Forces will remain until a government is established, stopping any possible unrest, and we will implant the Roman Treaty and the advanced government systems of the United States. Then, the nations on the Indian subcontinent will be sufficiently qualified to enter the international community.”

When you consider the new landscape, Chandra Bose became the first president of the hefty Bharat Republic, while Nehru would lead the Madras Republic in the south.

However, what’s absurd in this process is that in the Magadha Republic, a Greek-French named Maximilian Portas, who converted to Hinduism and renamed herself Savitri Devi, became president.

This individual refers to Hitler as the avatar of Vishnu, essentially being the mother of Golden Dawn in Greece—neo-Nazi fascists who were also animal rights activists.

She had been inspired by Aryan supremacy and traveled all the way to India, but somehow the inspiration remained even in a world without Nazi Germany.

After all, the Donau Federation’s Hitler also praised the Donau ethnicity for preserving the superiority of the Aryan race, so perhaps she was influenced by that.

Regardless, having divided things like this turned out well; now all that’s left is to solidify the arrangement.

The Roman Treaty Organization advocates decolonization and must now support the formerly colonized nations so they can be self-sustaining. For a while, they will support the divided India through the United Nations.