Chapter 275

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Russian Territory of Rome. Rome Treaty Organization

It’s time to divide India.

I had tears in my eyes as I personally attended the Rome Treaty Organization meeting.

No matter the era, a woman’s tears are always a powerful piece of evidence.

“There has been a civil war in India. It’s truly a sad occurrence. Ideally, this should be resolved within the Rome Treaty, but I have been supporting Prime Minister Churchill and India’s independence, which is why I am here today.”

With tears rolling down, I clung to the hope that this tragic matter would be resolved at the Rome Treaty.

“I can’t believe there’s bloodshed in a country we, the British Empire, have fought so hard to grant independence.”

“It’s truly tragic. Although Britain has oppressed India for years, now we are leading the way in modernization and have allowed them to peacefully gain independence through religious, ethnic, ideological, and philosophical divisions, Gandhi has taken advantage of our oversight and bound India forcibly.”

At my words, the colonialists of the Rome Treaty nodded.

Anyway, weren’t they all excited to be spinning the laundry already?

Look at this.

Britain has modernized India, and now India is on the path to civilization, promoting peaceful separation and independence while completely withdrawing its troops.

In this process, Gandhi has been desperately working to prevent any independence of each faction, trying to bind them together at all costs.

Who will appear as the villain here?

To each ethnicity, won’t Gandhi merely come across as a new oppressor?

Chandra Bose and Nehru seem to be the only ones in touch with reality.

“This self-proclaimed non-violent pacifist seeks to oppress the secessionists and the Muslims and Sikhs? This is unacceptable!”

Just how desperate must Churchill be to shed tears in a time like this, an uncharacteristic display of emotion.

If we’re going to spin the laundry, it better be done thoroughly, right?

Now, it’s time to expose Gandhi.

Honestly speaking.

If Gandhi had simply followed my lead, I’d have gotten him remembered in history as a proper independence activist.

But given the situation, we must create grounds for intervention.

“A little while ago, I investigated Gandhi through the Okhrana. And I learned something shocking. This is Gandhi’s true nature!”

As I snapped my fingers, the Okhrana appeared.

I handed out documents to the delegations present at the Rome Treaty Organization meeting detailing Gandhi’s investigation through the Okhrana.

While it was labeled as the Okhrana’s investigation, I already knew about Gandhi’s background from the future, so I could pull this off and use it at the Rome Treaty Organization.

“Ha, a pacifist, but behind the scenes, he’s up to lewd acts!”

“Sleeping with young girls? Sympathizing with nekomancers? Just an excuse to hold young women!”

“I heard he even slept with his great-granddaughter!”

“Utilizing female jealousy to create scandals, what is this? Even same-sex lovers?”

“So, he claims to be a pacifist, but between the sheets, he must be a tyrant!”

“He couldn’t trust English doctors and let his wife die, but then sought treatment from an English doctor himself?”

Thus, I diligently tore Gandhi down.

But honestly, if he had behaved properly, this wouldn’t have happened.

Ultimately, it all comes down to his own misdeeds.

So now, I’ve made more grounds for bringing Gandhi down and intervening in India.

We can’t leave India in the hands of such a fraud!

And that’s what it boils down to.

“This man intends to unify? As a Tsar of Russia, I’m ashamed to have ever supported Gandhi, even for a moment. What’s a saint, and what’s a war hero? I considered this contradiction-filled man, full of lust, to be an independence activist — a blemish on my life.”

I let more tears flow, enough to wet the table.

Churchill, who knows my inner thoughts, looked like a crumpled piece of paper, grimacing at the sight.

Anyway, at this point, the Rome Treaty has no choice but to intervene.

We can’t allow a lust-crazed devil to rule India, which has just escaped colonialism.

“The Rome Treaty Organization must step in now!”

“They say Gandhi has been shot by an assailant, and his fate is uncertain. We can no longer entrust India’s fate to this individual. Forcing those seeking independence together is a form of imperialism, isn’t it? This cannot be ignored!”

Now that I’ve laid ample bait, it’s about time to state that we shall guide India properly.

“The Sikhs, Muslims, and Untouchables are looking for our support. However, keeping intervention in India goes against our agreements with the United States. Thus, let’s resolve this matter together with the U.N.”

The United Nations was established during my last trip to the U.S. through discussions with Liboff and Huey Long.

The permanent members of the United Nations include the U.S. and the Rome Treaty Organization. For now, these are the only two.

The original permanent members like Britain are now bound within the Rome Treaty.

Hence, the United Nations is, in fact, an organization where the U.S. and Rome unite for world peace.

Below them are African nations, Chinese nations, and Asian nations all mixed together.

“That sounds like a good plan.”

“We shall name this our peacekeeping forces dispatched to India. Furthermore, I will personally go to India for its peace.”

“Your Majesty intends to go yourself?”

Indeed. I shall go. Who else would?

Now is precisely the moment for me to step in and bring this peacefully to a close. That’s how it should be.

After all, Gandhi, while calling for a united India, only ignited conflicts.

In the end, Gandhi essentially dug his own grave.

Of course, even if Gandhi genuinely wanted to abolish the caste system, it would be hard to eradicate something so deeply rooted.

But that is not my concern.

“I am the very one who supported someone as detestable as Gandhi. If I don’t resolve this myself, then it will seem like I’m just avoiding the issue. I’ll consult with the U.S. and send peacekeeping forces, but this is also a personal matter for me.”

Thus, the first dispatch of peacekeeping forces was decided.

I telegrammed the U.S. to resolve the issues in India, and MacArthur also had no choice but to step in to prevent the Rome Treaty Organization from gaining influence in India.

“We in America, as permanent members of the United Nations, will also dispatch peacekeeping forces as per the Rome Treaty’s request.”

As such, the peacekeeping forces were formed and would march directly into India by land and sea.

I, too, headed for India to maintain peace and bear responsibility for the consequences of supporting the lustful embodiment of Gandhi as an independence activist.

Though I felt a bit sorry for Gandhi, I couldn’t help but wonder why he’d given me such justification.

Originally, the true identity of this Gandhi as a pervert was a story that came out in the 90s.

He should’ve kept his lower half in check.

One or two incidents would be understandable, but when you’re constantly making excuses here and there to indulge your lust, how could that go unnoticed?

Sure, there are those who respect him in Korea for his nonviolent resistance, but I’m a case of disappointment after seeing his true nature.

In this age, it’s unlikely that Gandhis aren’t the only ones engaging in such behaviors behind the scenes, but it’s sufficient to tarnish Gandhi’s image as an independence activist.

Should I even suggest that Balhae and the United Japanese States send peacekeeping forces too?

Although Balhae claims to inherit the Korean Empire, it’s still a newly established nation, and the United Japanese States, recognized not as the Empire of Japan but as the heroic nation of Mutaguchi Renya, seems to be treated more like a new country.

I even received a ‘gift’ of the Yamato Hotel, supposedly a remnant of Japanese rule.

If the opportunity arises, they would likely be eager to join in.

* * *

Dispatch of peacekeeping forces from the United Nations.

These peacekeeping forces weren’t solely composed of Europeans and Americans.

The Balhae Federation and the United Japanese States from East Asia also sent peacekeeping forces.

And while Gandhi was packaged as an independence activist to the world, he was being rebranded behind the scenes as the embodiment of hypocritical lust, causing dismay among the Koreans of Balhae who once respected him.

“Who would’ve thought the great independence activist would have such a background?”

“That we compared such a person to our independence activists is now our obligation to send peacekeepers to protect the weak from Gandhi in India!”

Not only thinking about independence but also wanting to save India from falling into the same plight, Balhae, who was currently enjoying the thrill of being a victorious nation against Japan, had a strong desire to rescue them.

The same went for Western Japan.

“Prime Minister, shouldn’t we also send peacekeepers?”

“Absolutely, we shall raise our forces, Your Majesty!”

Western Japan. In other words, the United Japanese States also needed to fix their image.

Renya crafted a justification to portray himself as a true hero while preparing a military force, which included liberation from China and colonial emancipation.

For someone like Renya, dispatching peacekeeping forces was only natural, and there was a need to promote ourselves as a nation not the Empire of Japan, but the land of the hero Mutaguchi Renya!

A nation embodying true Yamato, a land of righteousness distinct from the Kanto folks, who had been beaten senseless in their barbarous past, sent in the spirit of samurai honor.

Japan currently bore a population casualty of 40 million, with the United Japanese States at 22 million and the Kanto Republic at 18 million, excluding numbers from Ryukyu and Ezo.

Recently, the United Japanese States had even ‘gifted’ a Yamato hotel, no, a battleship, to the Tsar’s personal residence, receiving considerable material support compared to China, but poverty and starvation were still rampant, so they had to wag their tails at the Rome Treaty.

Above all, to be able to call themselves a nation, one must fulfill their duties within the organization of the United Nations.

Therefore, they had to step up even more, and thus the Far East peacekeeping forces were dispatched.

* * *

In truth, going to India posed some issues.

After the last abdication incident, there were concerns among the Russians that my going to India might symbolize throwing in the towel.

In light of this, I had to hold a press conference to explain why I had to go to India. I had to disclose how Gandhi betrayed us, oppressing others like various religions, minorities, and the Untouchables to force them into unity.

Thus, I had to take responsibility.

The former Portuguese territory of Goa was acting as a gateway to the western states of India.

I came to this place, separate from the U.N. peacekeepers, to care for and console the Indian refugees who had fled due to the sudden civil war.

“Aah, this person truly is a saint.”

“They’ve given us food.”

“Long live the peacekeeping forces! Long live Tsar!”

These people didn’t blame me.

After all, we are peacekeepers, and it’s only natural.

These Indians seemed to have no concept of a single ethnicity.

Well, even Korea now comprises Manchurians, Jews who settled in Southern Manchuria rather than Northern, and Russians who fled during the Red-White Civil War, truly resembling Balhae as a multi-ethnic nation, although we might see a single-ethnicity concept in the future.

While a Tsar, one shouldn’t be doing this, but like nurses who cared for soldiers back during the World Wars, I took care of them directly.

“Hahaha! It’s been a while, Your Majesty Tsar.”

“Oh, Patton. I would never have guessed you’d head the U.S. peacekeeping forces.”

Patton greeted me cheerfully upon seeing me.

Are you really here for the peacekeeping forces?

You’re not here with your armored divisions to ravage India, are you?

Well, even though this isn’t as intense as the Korean War, it is still a messy war, so I had to come here regardless.

“Haha. Once this matter is settled, I plan to head to Russia!”

“Uh, really? Why?”

Why again?

“Well, America is boring. Russia was more fun. Besides, my relatives are there, so it’s not a bad move.”

Hmm. Should I give him a warning? History might not change enough to have him end up in Germany, but I should give him a heads-up.

“Please, don’t ever think about going to Germany.”

“Oh? Looks like you’ve seen something about me. I’m planning to be buried in Russia, my second hometown, so it doesn’t concern me.”

No, I really want you to go elsewhere, is that okay?

I’ve heard Patton also played a role in taking out the remnants of KFC and earned himself a reputation for crushing the scant remaining Japanese defenses during the collapse operation.

Thanks to that, he’s been credited quite well.

After having various conversations with Patton for a while, I returned to care for the Indians, and the peacekeeping forces began operating in earnest.

The objective of the peacekeeping forces was simply to bring peace to India.

Currently, they were opposing Gandhi’s temporary government in India. The Jews, Sikhs, Muslims, Untouchables, and Punjabis formed groups wanting independence, setting themselves apart from Gandhi’s governance.

The fighting among these groups intensified.

Originally, Gandhi had received authority from the Indian Governor-General to carry out separation as the Rome Treaty Organization intended, but he decided against that, using the military he received from the Governor-General to forcibly maintain unity.

Although this was not solely Gandhi’s will, as it appeared there was significant pressure from Indian supporters behind him, still…

Because of this, India has become a bloodbath.

Especially since there was no proper military organization outside of the temporary government, resistance seemed futile without intervention from peacekeeping forces.

“Has Gandhi recovered?”

I asked Blasov, the commander of the Russian army who joined the peacekeeping forces.

“I’ve heard he died recently.”

“Oh dear, how tragic.”

Indeed, it’s truly sad.

Mahatma Gandhi leaving in such a way. It’s a pitiful and unfortunate fate.

But you know, isn’t this all self-inflicted, so to speak?—I could imagine that even if he had heard my words, he would have ended up assassinated.

Isn’t he negating the caste system?

Even during British colonial times, there must have been those who collaborated with the British. Anyway, it seems Gandhi, attempting to reform the caste system, would dislike aligning with factions aiming to abolish it.

This would likely exacerbate accumulated grievances.

Supporters of the caste system within the Indian temporary government would likely launch attacks, and even as I made my way here, fights must’ve broken out.

The Indian temporary government trying to catch the separatists seems hopeless.

Chandra Bose also appears to be struggling for initiative, likely because he came out after Britain had already divided things up.

India has truly become a mess.