Chapter 270
#270 Meta Study (3)
Both teams’ ban/pick is as follows.
Top: Oren / Jason
Jungle: Xin Zhao / Jarvan III
Mid: Viktor / Akali
Bot Lane: Caitlyn / Jhin
Support: Karuma / Yuumi
“Hmm… I’ve heard rumors that Karuma’s tier has risen a lot recently, and BGG is picking Karuma first.”
“Yeah. Since it’s a pick that hasn’t appeared in a while, I wonder if they’ll run into various trial-and-error situations… But still, Karuma is such a good pick, so it could have come up at any time.”
BGG is on the blue side.
BLH is on the red side.
Even though it’s the opposite of the last game, BGG decided to pick Karuma, completely ignoring Caitlyn.
“Is this even BLH’s ban/pick?”
According to our recent research, Karuma is currently a top-tier pick in the bot lane, including both the marksman and supporter roles. So, if you can’t pick it, banning it is the way to go.
“Can we break through in the top lane?”
“Well… but Jason isn’t exactly a pick that usually breaks through Oren.”
Looking at the matchup of Jason vs. Oren in solo rank statistics, it’s quite an extreme matchup. Jason is clearly at an advantage in lane, yet statistically, Oren is considered one of Jason’s hard counters.
This statistic suggests that the difficulty of mastering the champion Jason is high, compared to Oren’s lower difficulty and overwhelming team fight capability.
Of course, someone might argue that pros play Jason differently.
But unfortunately, even among professional gamers, Jason is one of those champions that can really test the skills of top laners. There are even players who tried Jason a few times, had poor results, and never picked him again.
Of course, there were also jungle players who absolutely refused to use Lee Sin, so it’s not like we are judging others.
In any case, Jason is both a pick that can effectively break through tanks and one that struggles with it. It’s fair to say there’s a kind of skill ceiling involved.
Generally, picks that can break tanks well have extreme characteristics. For example, Fiona.
From that perspective, Jason is undoubtedly a champion with a learning curve.
If this game goes reasonably, BGG will definitely win. The difference in late-game compositions was just that extreme.
“Let’s get started.”
“Oh, right.”
As Baek Seong-an said, the second set has officially begun.
-Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!
I couldn’t hear the cheers of fans from our team’s replays. Instead, it wasn’t completely silent either.
-BGG looks like they might win?
-Our team’s Jason always gets wrecked by Oren.
-Feels like it’ll happen here too? Haha.
-RL, but if he can’t do anything, then tank is the best.
-But how many players in the country even use Jason well?
-Right, it should be guys like King or Easy who use him, not some second division scrubs.
-Agreed, totally agreed. Haha.
The chat is filled with deep distrust about Jason.
It’s inevitable. No matter how professional, trust in players from the second division is naturally lower than for those in the first division. Especially since picks like Jason show more poor results among first division players, it just makes things worse.
“Looks like both sides are just trying to establish vision and back off?”
“Yeah. BGG seems to want to avoid giving any unnecessary variables, while BLH is taking a more cautious approach due to their harsh memories from the first set.”
“I think the key in this game will be how TPT’s Jason performs. Not only is it crucial against Oren, but BLH’s overall composition is quite weak in sustained damage. Jason needs to fill that gap effectively.”
“Exactly! But who is TPT? Before OLZ’s Honor came into play, he was even called the best top in Challenger!”
“Feels like there are a lot of ‘best tops’ though… but that’s not the important part!”
-Another best top.
-What does it matter if it’s players who are just gonna get dealt with at the Honor level? Haha.
-Agreed, agreed.
The early game unfolded pretty much as expected.
Caitlyn and Karuma’s destructive lane phase.
Even with Jhin and Yuumi, they just couldn’t catch a break.
However, there was one unexpected twist. Jason was putting way more pressure on Oren than expected in the top lane.
“Jason is really on point right now?! Bringing out Oren right in front of me? It feels like he’s saying something like…”
“Exactly. It’s a first pick Jason vs. a second pick Oren. This could be quite infuriating for the TPT player! How can you choose Oren like that??”
“That’s right!”
Then, nearly simultaneously, pinging began.
Both junglers were pinging.
“Looks like Xin Zhao was a bit faster.”
“If Jason can just back off properly, it feels like it’d set up a counterattack.”
That one chance. That was what mattered, but sadly, by the time Xin Zhao arrived, Jason had already used all his skills in the trade.
His only escape was Flash.
And that Flash was easily caught by Xin Zhao.
-First Blood!
-An enemy has been slain!
“No, no…!”
“Did Jason go too far? It was the timing when the enemy jungle could come, and he overextended!”
Sadly, after Jarvan arrived, all he could do was keep the lane from pushing too hard and hand it over to the returning Jason via Teleport.
They had already suffered a big blow from the start.
-This is getting bad.
-The enemy jungle is living in the top lane!
-The enemy top is living in the top lane!
-Haha, can’t argue with that.
-This clearly shows jungle difference.
-What’s Jarvan doing, just watching? Haha.
-Breaking news: Jarvan’s retreat ping is now showing up! Haha.
BLH’s misfortunes didn’t stop there.
BGG’s powerful bottom lane phase started pushing BLH’s bottom lane back as well.
It was already happening because Caitlyn and Karuma, who were both top-tier picks in the current meta, easily dominated their lane.
“BLH is in trouble… Depending on how you look at it, the only hope they had, Jason, just died. It’s worse than last game!”
Time passed slowly.
The situation was pretty similar to the previous game.
Since BGG had control in the bottom lane, Xin Zhao had no reason not to take the Dragon.
-Blue team has slain the Earth Dragon!
Bit by bit, the control of the game shifted over.
“This is not looking good for BLH.”
“I just keep wondering why they had to do that with the ban/pick. Isn’t their composition one that can’t deal with Oren?”
Of course, Oren was a second pick, so that could happen, but that just meant Jason needed to step up even more.
“Ah, ah…! He’s not dying! Akali used her ultimate, but he’s just too tanky!”
Feeling the urgency, Akali hurried to hit level 6 and tried to snatch a kill, but sadly, Viktor was just too strong.
Thanks to the new Mythic item.
“Usually, Akali would have usually used the belt to avoid being spotted before diving in… But it seems like she was just too eager!”
“Could be seen as an opportunity that she leapt at, but if the advantage was gone, Viktor would have backed off.”
“True, that makes sense.”
There weren’t any major events.
BGG just kept collecting Dragons and Rift Heralds, while also snagging turret plates.
But honestly, that alone had already put BGG in a winning position.
The result of BLH’s foolish ban/pick was straightforward.
Jason couldn’t break through Oren at all,
Akali fell way behind Viktor in growth expectations,
and the bottom lane had been dragged around after losing control early on.
“This is how the match wraps up!”
In the second set, BGG claimed victory.
A complete win of 2:0.
It was the first upset of the second round.
“Looks that way, right?”
We, who watched the match, came to realize one thing.
Where the focus of this meta lies.