Chapter 27

It was like the Monday training was just the beginning; the Academy worked us hard until Wednesday.

We didn’t have duels every day like on Monday; instead, we trained with automatons, focusing on martial arts or doing basic physical training.

In short, it was ridiculously tough with absolutely no fun. Quite the miraculous schedule, indeed.

“That wraps up our villain training. Tomorrow, instead of training, we’ll have a session to brainstorm temporary hero names and suit designs, after which we’ll return to our usual self-directed training. Good job today, students. I hope you all get some good rest!”

“Haa… Haa… Finally, it’s over!”

Yeonhwa, drenched in sweat, sighed with relief that this hellish training was finally over.

The rest of us were just sprawled out on the gym floor, gasping for breath.

Myself included.

We all looked like we were about to die, whether we were cool kids or energetic types.

It was hard to tell if we were undergoing rigorous training or just living out our Academy days.

Those with abilities like Seolhwa, Jinhyeon, and Ageha were pushing themselves to create ice or stir up cold winds to cool their bodies down.

The others were slithering closer, trying to find some relief from their soaked bodies.

Of course, it provided only a momentary relief; it didn’t change the fact that our clothes and hair were drenched in sweat.

“I really need a shower…”

One student mumbled, and several others nodded in agreement.

Hearing that, Yeonhwa, overflowing with sociability, naturally began recruiting people to join her for a shower…

And somehow, all the girls in Class A ended up heading to the showers.

Including me.

I wanted to skip out, but Yeonhwa, Lapiz, and Ageha kept insisting, so I couldn’t escape.

In short, it was peer pressure.

Not that I particularly wanted to go, but when everyone around you says to do it, you just go along for the ride.

Though compared to most peer pressure scenarios, this one yielded surprisingly mild and wholesome results.

Well, at least washing up wasn’t a bad thing.

The boys weren’t exactly forming a group, but around half of them were scratching their heads or wiping sweat, saying they should go shower too.

Minho, Jinhyeon, and Changwon were among them.

“By the way, where’s the shower room…?”

The girls huddled together but couldn’t come up with an answer, so ultimately Yeonhwa asked Justitia.

“They said it’s on the basement level of the Student Council Building. There’s also a swimming pool nearby. The pool is closer, but the Student Council Building with the laundry room is probably better, right? We need to wash our gym clothes too.”

“Wait, there’s even a laundry room in a dorm…?”

More than that, Lapiz seemed shocked that there was a laundry room in the Academy, and she questioned Yeonhwa.

“Yep! I found it while exploring the Academy! The washing machine is top-notch with a drying function—it can make everything fluffy in just 10 minutes!”

“It’s better than the one we have at home. This is so typical of Heros Academy—always the best!”

Seolhwa marveled at how even the washing machine was top-notch at Heros Academy.

The girls unanimously decided to head to the Student Council Building, collected their bags and uniforms from the classroom, and then buzzed over to the building.

On the way, Lapiz noticed me slightly apart from the group and came over to chat.

“B-Blanca. You seem rather quiet. Is it because you’re not happy…?”

“No, I just don’t have much to say. Things seem to be going alright without me. Is there really anything that needs to be said?”

“But if you stay quiet, it’s a little odd, don’t you think? At the very least, how about chatting with us?”

“Ugh, I’m tired.”

Ageha seized that moment and chimed in.

I get that she’s trying to be thoughtful, but this is unreasonably tiring.

“Just because you’re a hopeful hero doesn’t mean you have to act like one 24/7… Even real heroes can’t handle that.”

Once I shot that logic her way, Ageha seemed to accept it and backed down.

“Speaking of which, doesn’t it seem like the homeroom teacher keeps pointing out how un-hero-like you are, Blanca?”

Yeonhwa smoothly chimed into our conversation, bringing up Justitia.

“W-Well, that’s true… B-Blanca has made some mistakes, but the t-teacher is a bit harsh, too… I guess?”

Since Yeonhwa and Lapiz knew my ‘past’, they sided with me, while Ageha, who knew none of it, spouted an obvious remark.

“That’s because it’s true that you’re not very heroic, Blanca.”

“Well, that’s true, but it feels a bit harsh,” Seolhwa added.

“After all, she’s a real hero. It’s only natural she’d be picky about that aspect. I think this will keep up until you become more like a hero, Blanca.”

“I despise hearing the same thing over and over…”

Ageha cleverly suggested that I just change, but if it were that easy, I would have done it long ago, I shot back, and stepped into the changing room.

Ageha didn’t seem intent on pestering me here either; she quietly stripped off her clothes and tossed them into her locker.

A quick glance revealed she certainly had a nice figure.

Ageha really was well-sized. She had a long way to go compared to me, but still impressive in her own right.

That kind of figure can’t just be for show. Of course, Seolhwa remains the main contender.

As for Lapiz, she was just about the perfect size for her build.

And Yeonhwa was really average.

But for some reason, the girls have been stealing glances at us for a while now, which puzzled me.

If it were just obvious staring, it would be one thing, but they looked away shyly when our eyes met, which made me wonder what the deal was.

“Hey, it’s better than our facilities, right?”

“Shampoo… I don’t even know how much this is worth…?”

“I’ve only ever seen it; this is my first time using it… It’s insane!”

Stepping into the shower room with an undeniable unease, I found the girls absorbed in their admiration.

Most said that these facilities were better than their homes or even higher-end resorts.

I couldn’t argue that; aside from the fact that we shared this space, it was much better than what the Boss’s mansion had.

As they were bustling around, I stepped aside, turned on the hot water, and plunged my head in.

The warm water felt just right as all the grime poured off.

Once I started, everyone else stopped their admiring chatter and settled into their own little groups to wash up.

“The water is a bit much…”

“Oh, right, Lapiz doesn’t like water that much. But we have to wash sometimes, right?”


Naturally, Yeonhwa, Lapiz, and Ageha gathered around me chatting away.

Then, out of nowhere, all the attention shifted my way.

“Umm… Blanca, I felt the same way during the rescue training, but you’re pretty well-built, aren’t you?”

Ageha poked at my arm like it was a loaf of bread, tilting her head as she spoke.

“Of course! You thought my body was just a lump of fat?!”

“N-No! I just meant… uhm… er… Y-Yes…”

It felt like my casual remark shot her down, and her eyes whirled before she ultimately conceded.

“If it were all fat, there’s no way I could move like this. Of course, there’s muscle. It’s just that everything I eat turns to fat!”

“Indeed, I see now…!”

As I shared this nugget of reality with Ageha, Yeonhwa suddenly poked her hand beneath my chest and lifted it while mumbling.

“…Blanca. This isn’t called fat.”

I was about to ask what exactly it should be called, but then I saw her cold expression and shut my mouth.

Whatever the reason for her chilliness, I had the feeling that arguing would lead to big trouble.

There’s nothing scarier than a usually cheerful person not smiling.

“B-But, with your abilities, shouldn’t you be a bit more… stocked up?”

“Stocked up?”

“Ah, um…”

Lapiz rather timidly brought that up to defend me, but it didn’t seem to resonate with Yeonhwa.

If anything, it merely piqued Ageha’s curiosity, who had remained silent until now.

Yeonhwa kept lifting and lowering my chest a couple of times while gently squeezing, then sighed dramatically as if she envied me, letting her icy demeanor relax.

I really had no clue what she was envious of. It was just uncomfortable for me.

…But I sensed that uttering anything about how uncomfortable it was would lead to scary consequences, so I kept my mouth shut.

“If I eat well and sleep well… do you think I could end up like you, Blanca?”

Lapiz stared at my chest, saying something about how she envied that aspect.

“If you look at your mom or grandma, maybe. Right, Yeonhwa? You think so too?”

“Y-Yeah… I guess so… Ahaha, haha… Sigh…”

Hmm. Maybe I asked the wrong question.

Yeonhwa seemed to be looking even more dejected.

“Even small things have their own demand…”

She mumbled so quietly that I could barely hear it, and I couldn’t catch the rest of the words.

“Hey everyone. By the way, it seems we’re supposed to decide on hero names tomorrow. Do any of you have any in mind?”

Ageha snapped back into focus, shampooing her hair and asking us.

“Hero name…? Oh, I do! I’ve had one since I was a kid! Pyra! It’s a little twist on my dad’s hero name, Pyro! What do you think?!”

As soon as her favorite topic came up, Yeonhwa perked up.

“I think it’s a great name! It reflects your abilities intuitively while also paying respect to your father’s hero name!”

“I-It sounds cool!”

“Me too.”

“Hehe, right?! What about you, Ageha?”

“Of course. The name I’ve thought of is Hecate.”

“That’s the name of the goddess who supposedly presided over magic in ancient mythology! It sounds a bit grand, but… it’s always good to aim high!”

“No, you’ll be a truly great hero suited for that name. That way, you can flatten Blanca’s nose!”

“I see. Do your best! I’ll be cheering for you, Ageha! Oh, and Blanca, don’t let it be an easy ride! But hey, do you have any names in mind?”

“Not a single one.”

No joke, I didn’t have anything at all.

Nothing even popped into my head.

“Ugh. I thought as much, but it’s really true! Hmm… something that would suit Blanca…”

Yeonhwa gathered her thoughts, trying to think of a good hero name for me, but nothing concrete came up.

“I’ll think about it until tomorrow. You don’t need to worry too much. Besides, it’s temporary, right? So it can be anything that works.”

“That’s exactly what shows that you’re not heroic, Blanca!”

“I, um… I admit it’s a bit embarrassing… but… to honor my grandma’s name, Terra…”

“That means earth, right…? I guess Lapiz really likes her grandma?”

“Uh, yeah. My grandma is strong and cool! Not that I don’t like or think my mom isn’t cool!”

“Of course, we know that. But I get your feelings, Lapiz.”

With that, Yeonhwa decided she’d help me think of names, rubbing a shower towel on my back.

Somehow, it felt a bit too vigorous.