Chapter 27

“Wait a minute!”

“Don’t panic!”

There’s no way a worthless bastard like him could possess two sacred artifacts of that level!

“A trivial thing is scheming—”

Gusra’s reasonable deduction pulled him out of the depths of despair.


Dares and Topin weren’t thinking differently either. Hadn’t they just seen with their own eyes the true value of that ‘coin’?

To so effectively nullify the power of black magic that gazed upon the realm of the 6th tier. It was something only priests and holy knights from the Church, tasked with significant duties, would carry.

The mere fact of possessing such a sacred artifact was shocking enough, and now he had another one?

A bastard who couldn’t even speak the name of his family?

It was a story hard to swallow. It was more reasonable to believe it was a fabricated lie to avoid a crisis.

…On a separate note.

The second coin that Ricir pulled out definitely showed its effect.

Gusra, Dares, and Topin.

All three were captivated by the coin’s presence, ceasing all actions.

They had no grounds to be confident in their thoughts.

Did the power contained in the coin only react to black magic? Dares and Topin felt nothing at all.

Gusra, too, was unable to grasp the power within the coin, as the black magic’s strength had been drastically weakened.

What if the coin was real?

What if the coin was fake?

“Ricir, hold onto that for now! Please keep it under control!”

As they were on the brink of a final confrontation, they found themselves in an unexpected stalemate.

The tension from the earlier extreme situation was once again diluted by Ricir’s presence.

“That bastard, even if it’s torn to pieces—”

The sound that came from Gusra was like the boiling of entrails.

Not only had the plans prepared over many years crumbled, but he had also suffered a permanent injury that would be difficult to recover from during the process of destroying a sacred artifact.

The 6th tier realm.

Right before his long-cherished wish was within reach, it vanished like a mirage.

How long would it take to reach that point again?

How much effort would be needed?

Did I, an old man, even have the time and effort left?

The more he thought, the more complicated and heated his head became.

A violent ripple surged through the emotions of the empty-feeling old black mage.

Ultimately, he arrived at one suggestion.

“Dares! Hand over that bastard. Then I’ll step back this time. Moreover, I swear by my magic that I won’t approach you again!”

The situation, while still far from good, had improved tremendously compared to before.

The proud black mage seemed to care for nothing anymore.

If he was determined to go all out, Dares and Topin, not to mention Topin’s assistant and Todina in the carriage, would not be safe.

Yet, could he really circumvent all that danger for just one bastard with no connection?

There was no reason to comply.

He had no reason to risk his life for a total stranger.


But— that was the same for Ricir.

Topin recalled the things he had done for them, strangers to him.

He could not bring himself to voice his agreement.

In the end, it was Dares who spoke first.



“There’s a possibility.”

“It’s too early to jump to conclusions.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.”

A resolute gaze was directed at Topin.

“I’ll buy us some time. In the meantime, gather everyone and get out of here.”


“This is the best option.”

“There could be a better plan!”

“Please, don’t say to hand Ricir over.”

“He is just a bastard you have no relation with! No one would care!”

“That was the same for Ricir.”


“He willingly handed that treasure over to Todina without any relation to us.”

“That’s…! He probably didn’t know the value of the treasure!”

“He could have slipped away in the confusion, but he chose to stay and help.”

“He doesn’t realize the severity of the situation…”

“Perhaps he may indeed be ignorant as you said. But that does not change the weight of the grace I have received from him.”


The old noble could not end up meeting the young mage’s gaze.

“Go straight to Durayglion. Explain to my father what happened here. Make sure to clarify the help you provided to me and Todina. And please ensure that Ricir also receives due compensation. Will you grant me my last request?”

It was a brief yet profound contemplation.

After some hesitation, Topin finally spoke.

“I can’t do that even if I die. Tell Ricir to do it.”

“What do you mean—”

“As you can see, he’s injured. If we push him a little more, he might sense the crisis and retreat.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Therefore, how about asking Ricir to evacuate the others?”


“You can’t survive alone. With me here, there’s at least a glimmer of hope.”

A moment of silence passed as they exchanged glances, and they both nodded at once.

They regrouped and faced Gusra, the mage and healer ready.

“Ricir! Right now, take the carriage and head to Durayglion! We will hold this person!”

Dares shouted while keeping his eyes glued to Gusra.

Gusra’s expression twisted, then burst into a wild laugh.

“You scumbags— Fine! Then I’ll do as you wish!!!”


Gusra’s left arm melted away like mud and reformed once more.

It was a creation of the black mage, known as a ghoul.

With a powerful push, it lunged to the left. Then, drawing a large arc, it closed the distance to the carriage where Dares and Topin had their backs turned.


Was he planning to take Todina hostage?

Without wasting a second, Dares and Topin swiftly moved to a position where they could monitor both Gusra and the ghoul.

Just as it seemed Gusra was joining forces with the ghoul— he suddenly turned his body in the opposite direction.


A sudden whirlwind erupted. Gusra sprinted at a speed hard to believe for an old man.

As the ghoul melted away, Gusra’s left arm sprouted again.

His true target was Ricir, who was at the other end.

“A hybrid ability user!?”

“Ricir! Run!!!”

Dares and Topin rushed in to protect Ricir.


Even Pamon, who had been nonchalantly by their side, was startled and reacted.

But the black mage, manipulating the winds, was already right in front of Ricir.

‘Isn’t that man a no-go!?’

In a hurry, Pamon infused her strength into him.

“Today, I’ll settle for your worthless neck, bastard!!!”

Gusra was fundamentally not a complete black mage.

He had once manipulated wind magic but, feeling its limitations, had turned traitor to black magic.

He chose wind magic as the decisive means to strike a blow at the despised bastard.

It was both to catch him off-guard and to prepare for an unforeseen situation.

“Let’s see if that so-called sacred artifact protects you!!!”

A victorious smile was already planted upon the black mage’s lips.

Without the sacred artifact, he was just a pitiful 3rd tier novice.


The old black mage’s seasoned judgment turned out to be correct.

The pure wind energy that burst forth from the black mage’s hands made Ricir feel a threat for the very first time.

The wind swirled rapidly, shaping into the form of a blade.

‘This can’t be— the power of purification won’t do anything against it— no, wait.’

In the extreme situation, Ricir’s magical thoughts, unbound by standards, began to run wild.


That wind blade might not be dispelled by the power of his unique color.



Ricir flicked the coin towards Gusra.

Not having invested enough time like the first coin, the power contained within it was relatively weak—


But it was sufficient to confuse the energy retained in the black mage’s body.

And right now, that was enough.

In an instant, the blade of wind lost its shape.

The wind energy broke free of Gusra’s control.

Ricir did not miss that moment.


The black mage’s eyes widened in disbelief.

The swirling wind energy in his hands had shifted to Ricir’s hand.

At present, Gusra’s mana was being devoured by Ricir’s power.

The repeated strain of mana utilization had stacked Mana Reflux atop itself.

Moreover, Ricir was blessed with Pamon’s grace.

All those factors were certainly crucial, but they could not provide a sufficient explanation.

No factor or words could sufficiently explain what was happening to Gusra right now.

‘I lost control of the magic!? To a mere 3rd tier novice!?’

There was still time and room.

He could respond to Ricir’s actions.


But instead of countering, Gusra asked Ricir for an explanation.

A response to an illogical phenomenon.

It was a feat that absolutely could not be performed by someone with the capacity of a 3rd tier.

A sensation beyond the reach of the 3rd tier he had never experienced.

So— it was possible he might not be at the 3rd tier.

No, surely he was not at the 3rd tier.

A wizard hiding his true realm and mocking him.

Yes. That explained everything.

The black mage, denied his world, waited desperately for Ricir’s next words.

He muttered softly.

“Got it.”

It did not take long for Gusra to comprehend the meaning behind that action, as if he too were surprised.

“Ah… ah… ah!!!!!”

Finally, Gusra sprang into action to respond to Ricir’s theft of mana.

But it was already too late; he was far too flustered.

Gusra instinctively drew forth the power of black magic.

What happened next was that the black magic power vanished without a trace, and thereafter, a fist charged with wind energy slammed into his jaw.


The old man’s body crumpled pathetically.


Pamon rushed to Ricir.

“Are you, are you okay!? Are you hurt anywhere!? I can’t believe a black mage could manipulate wind magic— if I had known, I would have stayed by your side…”

Pamon clung to Ricir, worry etched on her face as she scrutinized him from head to toe.

Being genuinely worried by a girl who was at least two heads shorter than him was quite a strange feeling.

Ricir chuckled and patted her head.

“…I’m the fool for worrying.”

After separating from Ricir, Pamon momentarily collapsed to the ground and began squirming in embarrassment.


Dares and Topin, who rushed to help Ricir, stood frozen in place.

“Ricir. What the hell—”

The two mages shared the same reaction as the black mage.

They sought answers to the illogical situation.

In response, Ricir picked up the coin that had fallen near Gusra.

And confidently gave a thumbs up.

“Indeed, a lucky coin.”



So what?

In every way, they found it hard to believe.

“Hey, Dares!”


As they were restraining Gusra and wrapping things up, Todina jumped out from the carriage and hurried to Dares.

“Are you hurt anywhere!? What happened to Damin!?”

“Todina, you—”

“Todina, what are you doing— I told you to keep calm!”

Todina responded to the startled expressions on Dares and Topin with an exuberant smile.

“But I couldn’t just sit still!”

With arms wide open, Todina bounced in place, spinning around.

She seemed overwhelmed by an unfamiliar sensation of vitality.

“Dares! I think I’m okay now—…”


Suddenly feeling dizzy, Todina stumbled.

Dares rushed to her side and helped her up.

She smiled bashfully.

Then, Topin approached and examined her condition.


“Topin, how is she?”

“Her vitality is significantly drained.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means all that’s left is for her to rest and recover.”


Dares pulled Todina into an intense embrace.

Todina was momentarily taken aback and then soon returned the hug gently.

After enjoying the warm embrace of a healthy lover for a while, Dares spoke in an emotional voice.

“Thank you… Topin…”

“I don’t feel like I’ve done anything worthy of thanks, though.”

Topin gestured toward Ricir, who stood beside them.


Dares stood up and faced Ricir.

“I don’t think I deserve to be thanked— cough!”

Dares suddenly hugged Ricir tightly, making it impossible for him to continue his humble speech.

It was a much fiercer and intense embrace than when he held Todina.

A particular insight surfaced in Ricir’s mind.

Wizards wielding flame magic are sometimes said to be consumed by flames and take on fiery dispositions—

Then, Dares looked directly at Ricir, still holding on tightly.

His red eyes were burning passionately.

“Let’s be friends!”


“Feel free to be comfortable. I want to treat you comfortably too! Can I consider you my friend?”

“…Huh? What do you— cough!”

Ricir’s words faltered again, unable to keep up with the tempo.

Dares hugged him tightly once more.

“Ricir! This grace! I’ll never forget it!”

“It’s nothing you have to remember!”

“Nothing? Don’t say that!”

“I would just be content if you could let me ride in your carriage—”

“Where to? Tell me your destination! I’ll take you to the ends of the earth!”

Only after a while could Ricir finally escape Dares’ arms.


▷ Fate 41: Insect-Eaten Happiness – Deactivated.

The corresponding rewards have been given.




Level: 15

Race: Human

Class: Mage



[Reached a specific level]

[Gained specialized traits according to class]

[Already has the highest specialized trait in that class]

[Received supplementary traits according to specialization]

[Already has the highest supplementary trait in that class]

[Received random traits]



[Acquired a specific trait]

[New class acquired]
