Volume 4 Chapter 96: “Paint Your Lips Red”
“Garfiel saw fragments of the past…”
“In a true sense, it is merely fragments. I fled the graveyard, holding that child who cried like a mantra. I know the general overview.”
Holding his breath, Natsuki Subaru turned to Σ.
Garfiel’s past—while it wasn’t what Subaru anticipated from his conversation with Σ, it was nonetheless a matter Subaru would have to tackle eventually.
Though the sequence was thrown off, the information gathered here was more than adequate.
“Can you tell me? What did that guy… Garfiel see in the past, and why did he give up on liberating the ‘Sanctuary’? Why does he so vehemently refuse for the residents to leave?”
“—What that child saw was the moment of parting from his mother.”
“The moment of parting…”
A stabbing pain shot through Subaru’s chest.
Parting with a mother—this echoed within Subaru’s own experiences tied to the ‘Trial’.
However, unlike Subaru, who could reflect on it with a light heart, Garfiel’s past was different. That was precisely why he was tied down to the ‘Sanctuary’ in such a maddening manner.
“Do you know about that child’s mother, Subaru?”
“…Just casually from Frederica. Both of their mothers were ordinary humans, and due to various circumstances, gave birth to them and left them in the ‘Sanctuary’.”
“One, unfeelingly left for happiness… that’s where this stands.”
Completing Subaru’s difficult words, Σ wore a faint smile. The details she added reflected what Subaru had heard from Frederica regarding their mother’s situation. Such a tumultuous life could only come from sheer bad luck.
If I recall correctly, Frederica and Garfiel adopted their parents’ surnames, with Frederica being a Baumann and Garfiel a Tinsel.
“However, if I recall Frederica’s story correctly, the parting with their mother occurred when they were very young… Even if they are shown memories from that time, how vivid can those memories be?”
“The ‘Trial’ devised by Echidna, who possesses the Book of Wisdom? It appeals to the person’s primordial memories rather than relying on uncertain memories. The scenery that the young child saw would have unfolded precisely, without deviation.”
Subaru reconsidered as he took note that the basis for his objections was rather weak.
Indeed, Echidna had leveraged Subaru’s memories to recreate even unreplicable towns or school buildings from his original world.
In terms of drawing out a person’s deep memories, it could be argued that Subaru himself was the embodiment of that.
“Understood. I’ll accept that. However, the issue is… why does Garfiel break down and cry when he relives the moment of parting with his mother?”
“To put it bluntly, for him, that’s merely a story from childhood about being separated, and the time he spent without her was far longer. It feels oddly out of character for him to cling to a past issue like that…”
“Do you think for Subaru that the memory of a child being abandoned by their mother is a mere minor wound?”
Σ’s probing words pierced through Subaru’s stubbornness.
Feeling as if a blade of words was pressed against his throat, Subaru fell silent. Σ lowered her eyes, heavy with pity.
“Even among those with me, like Frederica, none of us knew how deeply that child’s heart was pierced. Perhaps even Garfiel himself wasn’t aware, but that wound manifested when he interacted with his past during the ‘Trial’… That excessive conservatism he shows now stems from it.”
“…So, what are you saying? His refusal to liberate the ‘Sanctuary’ is driven more by negative feelings towards his mother, who chose the outside world over him… than by concerns about the outside world itself?”
“Indeed, it is likely hatred for the outside world. The very world that took his mother and left him behind. Even if he wanted to chase after her, the barriers prevented us from entering the outside. That child, who cherished both his mother and the residents of the ‘Sanctuary’, finds it unbearable to exist in contradiction.”
“Does he hate his mother? The mother who left him to go to the outside world?”
Having never experienced being abandoned by his family, Subaru couldn’t comprehend that suffering.
No matter how disgraceful Subaru was, neither of his parents ever abandoned or resigned themselves to him.
He was saved by that fortune, and it was that fortune that tormented him now.
“I wonder…”
At Subaru’s inquiry, Σ avoided giving a clear answer.
Wandering her gaze, she seemed to search for words before letting out a small sigh.
“I have never managed to extract the true feelings of that child towards his mother. I was cowardly. I feared that by extracting it, it would remind him of… the child who sobbed inside the graveyard at that time, making it impossible to ask.”
“But that child, despite knowing such a past, introduces himself as Garfiel Tinsel. He attaches his mother’s family name to his own. I believe he does that to ensure he doesn’t forget.”
“To not forget…”
Lowering his chin at Subaru’s words, Σ lovingly glanced around at the shabby hut Garfiel had fiercely constructed by hand.
“To not forget the emotions obtained from looking at the past. —Whether that was indignation or sorrow, I still do not know.”
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
“You look terrible, Natsuki. Are you aware of that?”
Upon reuniting with Subaru in the center of the village, Otto spoke with a wry smile.
“You’re one to talk. You look pretty filthy after half a day without seeing each other. Can’t you act like an adult instead of acting like a kid in the forest?”
“No one wanted to end up looking like they played in the mud, you know!”
“Don’t shout; it’s ringing in my sleep-deprived mind. Speaking of which, those dark circles under your eyes are quite something too. Playing in mud while scrimping on sleep… Are you perhaps caught in some sort of compulsion to finish everything before your time runs out?”
“Could you not frame it like a setting from some bygone entertainment tale?!”
From Otto’s yelling, it seemed there had indeed been a period when stories about patients suffering from terminal illnesses and their remaining days were popular in this world, and Subaru unwittingly gained that bit of knowledge.
After everything settled down, Subaru internally mused that importing various narratives from his previous world might be worth considering.
“That said, enough of our banter… Let’s get to the real deal, what’s the progress?”
“Well, to say we struggled without Natsuki would be an understatement… But even so, I believe we can say it’s gone quite well. There’s much to praise here.”
“Good job, good job, you’re the only one I can count on, let’s do our best!”
“That sounded incredibly hollow! The air feels dry as a bone!”
While Subaru watched Otto energetically wave his arms up and down, he couldn’t help but appreciate his friend’s cooperation. Expressing actual gratitude would be too embarrassing, so he’d silently keep it buried within.
“Anyway, it’s a relief that progress is being made. How’s the other side looking? Is it shaping up to be useful?”
“On that side… In such a short period, there’s a lot that’s lacking. Simply put, there isn’t enough time. If I cut back on sleep, I might make it in time for the day after tomorrow… maybe.”
“Cutting back on sleep, huh. I’m lost for words at your workhorse spirit.”
“Ugh! That’s a double-edged sword…!”
Otto put his head in his hands, regretting his slip of the tongue. However, even without this moment, he would have made the choice to sacrifice sleep to buy more time.
That’s the kind of earnestness Subaru trusted in him as a “friend”.
Otto, unaware of the appreciation conveyed through Subaru’s expressions and attitudes, shifted positions to face him after suppressing his troubled demeanor.
“So how about you, Natsuki? Are the scenes set for you? There were delays with Emilia after all, and to be honest, I considered packing up and running away.”
“I’m confident that the missing pieces are gathering rapidly. Though, I worry that the complete picture may not yet be defined.”
“Is it really alright? Time is running short…”
“Even if the pieces don’t fall into place by the time of the deadline, we will fill in the gaps with love, courage, and friendship. At least, that’s how stories go, in my experience.”
“Listen, Natsuki. I made remarks that disregarded the odds of winning, but that applies only if it’s a fair match, betting on zero chance is just the act of a fool or someone seeking death…”
Otto mumbled something indiscernible, but Subaru disregarded him as he commenced walking. Otto reluctantly matched his pace.
Without alarming or soothing Otto’s anxiousness, Subaru headed toward the building where Roswaal awaited him—there was no need, but he wanted to update on the ongoing situation.
After concluding discussions with Ryuzu Σ, Subaru was able to learn about Garfiel’s past fragments.
While Σ didn’t possess much more information, she did share that Garfiel’s hesitance regarding the liberation of the ‘Sanctuary’ stemmed from how he rejected his past and the state of θ, who had imposed the situation surrounding the graveyard upon her.
From the rotation of the replicas, the problematic θ was scheduled to appear tomorrow.
What θ witnessed during the ‘Trial’ was likely the memory of Ryuzu Meier interacting with Echidna, but what exactly did she see that led her to reject the world outside of the ‘Sanctuary’?
Clarifying that would provide a clue to unlock θ’s stubborn heart. If that could be accomplished, Garfiel would have no one to corrupt him with misguided advice, granting Subaru the opportunity to talk to a Garfiel standing right on the edge of a breakdown.
Although Garfiel presented a rough and violent demeanor, his true nature was not entirely simplistic enough to condone solving all problems with brute force. At the very least, that’s Subaru’s impression.
If Garfiel truly was that simplistic, he could just purge anything threatening the ‘Sanctuary’.
Because without Emilia accompanied by Pack or the always-prepared Roswaal, there was little to consider in combat against a beastly Garfiel.
In this ‘Sanctuary’, Garfiel undoubtedly held the most power, and if he unleashed his claws and fangs, it would resolve all issues brutally.
His restraint indicated that he sought reasoned solutions beneath that fierce facade.
“Which is why, I’m going to take advantage of that leniency and strategize behind the scenes… If I put it like that, we’re the villains here.”
“I don’t mind this approach of utilizing everything around us. Though I agree; it definitely doesn’t resonate with a classic fairytale protagonist.”
Otto, the small-time villain B, wriggled at Subaru’s murmurs regarding their less-than-heroic scheme. As villain A, all Subaru could do was think, “If B is into it, I guess that’s good.”
In any case, Garfiel’s issues could be seen as the final summary of various factors surrounding the ‘Sanctuary’. If he could be persuaded, the major issue B would almost be resolved.
And then there was major issue A, the ‘Trial’—Emilia.
“I’ll head back to see her again after this.”
The time had already passed evening; soft lights were beginning to illuminate the various spots of the ‘Sanctuary’. The sunset sank into the western sky, and the world transformed into a blend of orange and violet.
Night would soon arrive, and if all went well, it would soon be time to challenge the ‘Trial’.
However, no report had yet been provided on Emilia’s awakening.
Even if her awakening coincided with the ‘Trial’, considering the time needed for her to stabilize her mind, the challenge tonight would surely be postponed.
Or, in the worst case, it could render Subaru’s most crucial challenge for tomorrow in jeopardy as well.
Even Pack, who triggered Emilia’s mental issues, hadn’t clarified how long it would take her to fully absorb that initial shock.
“As far as the follow-up for Emilia goes, I get that it’s crucial… But without knowing how much damage she’s sustained, I can’t shake this feeling of just throwing it all to chance.”
“While it’s not exactly convincing, do you think you can manage some sort of persuasion with Emilia? I can’t say much since I heard about her situation after the fact.”
“There’s no doubt that she was confused to the point of not recognizing who was around her. I’ve never seen her act so much like a child. When it comes to whether I can do it… I can only be honest and say that I have to try.”
“Is it all going to be just a balancing act, then?”
Otto sighed at Subaru’s uncertain answer, but it seemed he had no intention of fleeing. Awareness of the precariousness of the task weighed on Subaru with a thread of guilt toward Otto.
Nevertheless, Otto positioning himself steadfastly beside him was truly a comfort to Subaru.
“If Emilia’s situation is like that, what’s going on with Garfiel? Were you able to gather any negotiating materials to soften his attitude?”
“I think we have a good starting point for negotiations. The issue is that preparations to get him to the table may still take some effort.”
Depending on how discussions with θ progressed, the approach with Garfiel could certainly change. Tomorrow’s meeting would reveal how θ would react—it would be the only foothold to advancing with Garfiel.
For every negotiation, there’s only so much to set with what they’ve gathered; it’s the rough nature of the challenge.
Repeating this tightrope walk over and over again was indeed a recurring theme.
“—We’ve arrived. This time, you’ll be joining in the discussions too.”
At the house they reached—the building where Roswaal awaited—Subaru spoke to Otto beside him. Otto wrinkled his face in disapproval at Subaru’s words.
“Yeah, okay, I understand. This time is different from last, and there’s no reason to stay outside. I’m going to accompany you… Oh, declaring I’m on the opposing side of the territory lord is something else. Am I gonna keep my neck after we sort this out or what?”
“Don’t worry. If your head rolls, mine’s going with it or is rabbit food. I’d never let you die alone!”
“That’s really not a reassuring thought at all!”
Subaru exclaimed emphatically while raising his thumb. Otto screamed in return.
And while they exchanged lighthearted banter at the entrance of the building, the door suddenly swung open from inside—and a maid with cold eyes stepped out.
“What are you making a racket about right outside the door when it’s getting late? You’re tarnishing Lord Roswaal’s reputation. Get yourselves in order.”
“Sorry for that… but what are you doing here? Is Emilia alone?”
After apologizing to Ram’s caustic remarks, Subaru pointed out the oddity of her presence. Ram sighed and dramatically shrugged her shoulders in an exaggerated manner.
“You don’t have to worry. I’ll be back soon. I was called to help prepare since Balus and the others are going to Lord Roswaal. —It’s a burden to Lord Roswaal, what a nuisance.”
“Is this our fault, circling back to us…? But just what preparation is Roswaal doing? He can’t even get out of bed, so what does he want?”
In reality, Subaru knew he was more than capable of getting out of bed and kicking Garfiel’s head in, but he feigned ignorance to throw off any suspicion.
Ram, closing one eye, quipped “Forget about that” and cut through between Subaru and Otto.
“Lord Roswaal is waiting, so hurry inside. Don’t drag this out and inconvenience Lord Roswaal. …Once that’s done, I want you to look after Emilia.”
“What a pushy girl. You’re worried about the real Roswaal, who’s usually like this. I need to prioritize Emilia. When she wakes, I don’t want her to be alone…”
“It’s unacceptable for Ram to be near Emilia when she wakes up. Don’t you get that?”
Now truly being left with a dumbfounded stare, Subaru was abandoned as Ram walked off. He silently watched her go, receiving a jab in the ribs from Otto.
“If that wasn’t intentional, that was one hell of a bad exchange, don’t you think?”
“…I get it. I was wondering if that was too much as I said it.”
“If you understand that, it’s acceptable to think of it as really cruelty.”
Brushing Otto’s elbow off in silence, Subaru stepped through the opened door into the building. Otto followed closely behind.
Accompanied by him, Subaru made his way to the innermost bedroom and lightly knocked on the door.
“Roswaal, it’s me. May I come in?”
“Oh, you’ve come! Please, do come in!”
A jester-like voice came through the door—it felt oddly similar to how he used to act, and Subaru opened the door with slight surprise.
And then—
“Oh, I see now.”
Gazing at Roswaal lying in bed, Subaru nodded in understanding.
Finally, he recognized the reason for Ram’s mention of “preparations.”
Beside Subaru, Otto peeked in and exclaimed, “Wow!” So, he must not have seen that before, huh.
“What a sincere act to deliver an interim report. I don’t mind that at all; it’s one of the things I like about you!”
Welcomed with open arms, Roswaal greeted them, grinning broadly in his clown makeup after so long.