Chapter 263
A big advantage in the jungle,
followed by a solo kill in the top lane.
The early game couldn’t have been better.
[“This is it!”]
“Good job.”
The game’s momentum had already shifted to our team.
More than anything, our team had never lost in such a favorable game before.
Yeah, even if the opponents were strong teams like SY or SCV.
“I’m gonna go for this relentlessly. Make sure to move to bot lane right away.”
There are plenty of ways to solidify a lead, but when the game is this overwhelmingly favorable, there’s no need to overthink it.
‘Now she’s probably heading to the top jungle.’
Nidalee probably thinks I’ve cleared the entire bottom jungle and will want to take the top one.
But I certainly wouldn’t just sit back and watch that happen.
“Take it out like a wolf.”
I got Galion’s leash, leaving just one small wolf behind, and headed back to mid with Galion.
[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]
You can’t permanently stop their leveling.
But you can make the process immensely painful.
Just like now.
As we reappeared in mid and pressured Raise, Nidalee had no choice but to back off while trying to go for the raptor.
Because I headed straight for the raptor.
‘Even if you want it, you can’t have it.’
Due to Nidalee’s level 1 state, she couldn’t get to the raptor in time, making this possible.
So, once again, Nidalee was chased away, but she had nowhere else to go.
All that was left in her bottom jungle were a ganked wolf and a toad.
However, there was no way I would easily allow her to take those.
“Ji-hoon, can you be a little relaxed? Put a ward on the enemy toad and come back.”
Jungle pressure through bot lane dominance.
No matter how good a supporter you are, considering Nidalee is level 1 and Ruler is higher than that, she couldn’t ignore Ruler.
Sure enough, when she ran into Ruler at the toad, Nidalee had to dodge the back-and-forth trading of damage.
So far, Nidalee had only eaten a single small wolf.
She had to be starving.
‘Still, no means no.’
Where would Nidalee aim next?
Given how badly she was falling behind, she’d be lucky to find a crab.
Of course, there was no way I would just let her have that.
[“They’re moving on the enemy bot.”]
[“Mid is moving too.”]
Maybe it’s because of the extreme situation.
Unable to watch the jungle fall behind any longer, the enemy seemed to be responding rather drastically, giving up all their lane cs.
‘They probably judged that if the jungle falls behind more, the game is lost anyway.’
It looked a bit extreme, but it was a sound judgment.
Especially for Nidalee, since she’s a champion that thrives off growth, if the gap between the jungles widens any further, she’d be below even a spearman.
Of course, if the enemy is doing that, it’s only right for us to respond, right?
[“I’m heading there now.”]
[“We’ll go.”]
[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]
Amid the chaotic pinging, both teams’ champions gathered around the bottom river crab.
It was a 4v4 situation, excluding the top lane.
“Let’s hit the crab first.”
[“Is that okay?”]
“I won’t let it be taken.”
What do you see me as?
Speaking of which, there’s no moment more ironic for a jungler than a smite fight.
Many people, no, even junglers say it’s a position that relies more on brains than hands.
But this smite fight is all about instinct, intuition, and primal senses.
Sure, luck plays a part.
But that luck tends to favor those who have skill.
Today’s lucky star was me.
My smite hit right on top of the crab’s head.
And I was the one who did it.
[Kianan – Level 3]
[Nidalee – Level 1]
An instantaneous level difference.
There was no way a fight could even form at that difference.
Of course, I had no intention of stopping there.
With the crab taken as the signal, the 5-man champions turned around, but Galion had already caught Raise from behind.
Raise had no flash.
Let alone, this was right on the riverbank.
It was the perfect spot for Kianan to set up his CC combo.
-You have slain an enemy!
With the CC chain, Raise couldn’t even react before getting taken out.
Watching this were Jhin, Janna, and Nidalee, who attempted a shaky kiting, but of course, Nidalee got snagged by Jiksoo from the back.
She got tossed toward our champions after being hit by Jiksoo’s W.
It was a literal express delivery.
-You have slain an enemy!
2:0 kill exchange.
In fact, it was such an overwhelming victory that even calling it an exchange seemed irrelevant.
“You all did great.”
[“What was that smite!”]
“That was me.”
…The reactions from my teammates were a bit mysterious, but I tried not to show it.
Anyway, the meaning behind the scene a moment ago was clear.
The winner of this game had already been determined.
The Nexus is in sight.
The enemy champions tried to block us, but they couldn’t close the huge gap in growth.
Twins started shattering one by one,
and soon the Nexus exploded.
15 minutes and 59 seconds.
OLZ wins.
It was such an overwhelming and destructive victory that there was no need to look at any other stats.
“Wow! But who gets the POG for the second set?”
“Who do you think?”
“Obviously, it’s me?”
Well, it had to be expected…
The POG of the second set was the jungler.
That was me.
‘…Looks like it ends up like this.’
To be honest, even I thought I did well in the second set.
I completely took out the enemy Nidalee from the game.
If I were Nidalee, I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight.
It was a moment I wanted to avoid, but still, the fact that I wasn’t alone today was comforting.
“Outlaw and Protein players! Time for the interview!”
“Oh, right! Let’s go.”
We walked toward the commentary area with an even more serious stride than when we headed to the venue.
-Dong gidong gidong
-It’s coming
-Something big is coming
-Holding my breath until it arrives
Protein and Outlaw’s interview.
As before, there was obviously a huge commotion in the chat even before this interview began.
-Here it comes
-Dong gidong gidong gidong
-Noona, I’m dying!
Amid everyone’s expectations, the formal interview finally started.
[“Hello, Outlaw player, Protein player. Seems like we see each other quite often, right?”]
[“Yes. It really feels like we run into each other a lot.”]
[“Ha ha… Does it?”]
The commentators’ expressions turned mischievous.
They looked like little troublemakers.
[“Yes, and Protein, your last interview became a huge topic—are you aware of that?”]
[“…I’m not sure.”]
[“Really? I figured your teammates would discuss it with you.”]
[“…I guess I was too busy working out every day for that.”]
[“Ah… That makes sense. As I said last time, it seems like you work out really hard. Ha ha!”]
-That’s true ㅋㅋㅋ
-Ah, I can’t resist working out
-Yeah, lol
-Gym rat! Gym rat! Gym rat! Gym rat!
[“Now, getting into the game content… In the first set, top Viktor showed up. What did you guys discuss in the team?”]
[“Ah… I think it was a pick that Yeonwoo… no, Honor has shown to be good at, so I don’t think there was much discussion.”]
A minor slip of the tongue.
The shark-like audience wouldn’t let that golden opportunity slip away.
-The worst top laner in history, Honor
-Noona… call my name too…
-Madness, madness, madness, madness.
[“Now, moving on to what happened in the top lane… There was a solo kill. Given Honor’s usual performance, you probably didn’t expect that. What call came through at that time?”]
[“We just said, like… it’s okay, let’s focus.”]
[“I see. Then for the POG of the first set, Protein, after a solo kill in the top lane and some incidents in the bot lane, you showed some incredible movement. Did you think, ‘I have to carry this game’ or something like that?”]
The interviewer’s gaze drifted seamlessly to Protein, Kim Ji-hoon.
Truly a pro among pros.
[“…I wouldn’t say I thought that.”]
[“Ha ha! You seem a bit awkward still. So, among fans, there’s talk that the reality Sett appeared on Summoner’s Rift during the first set. What do you think?”]
[“…Ah, yes.”]
Protein answered somewhat reluctantly.
He’s still awkward during interviews, just like before.
Of course, the audience loved that demeanor even more.
-Cutie with a body that doesn’t match his size
-For real
-Is this… 600 total weight?
-But seriously, he is a physical monster; Outlaw seems tiny next to him lol
The expression on Outlaw next to him wore a strangely delightful smile.
He looked like he was having the time of his life.