Volume 4 Chapter 95: “Sigma”

Volume 4: “The Eternal Contract”

Volume 4 Chapter 95: “Sigma”

“Balus. Are you making progress on your evil plan?”

Just as Subaru stepped out of the building, leaving the exhausted Emilia behind, he was addressed by Ram waiting for him.

With his hand on the door, Subaru squinted at Ram, who seemed to have been waiting for him.

“Evil plans? That sounds too sinister! Could you at least tone it down?”

“Two men sneaking around, hiding various things while plotting… I won’t say anything about that merchant enjoying free rein of the ‘Sanctuary’ since Lord Roswaal approved it…”

The merchant Ram referred to was likely Otto.

Even though they spent time in the same “Sanctuary,” the time Ram and Otto interacted was minimal, as she mainly took care of Roswaal. Their exchanges were limited to brief conversations while waiting for Emilia during the “Trials.”

Subaru also brought Otto along on his own accord, so there was no doubt Ram viewed him with skepticism.

As for Subaru, he still wasn’t sure how competent Otto truly was as a businessman. When he introduced Otto to Roswaal, it only seemed to Subaru that he was recognized for his comedic timing rather than any potential as a merchant.

Still, it was a fact that Roswaal permitted Otto’s stay in the “Sanctuary.” Thus, he could not explicitly reject Ram’s view, even if her gaze toward Otto remained critical.

“Well, that’s something he should be taking care of. I’m not going to bother correcting you.”

“That’s a rather unsupportive thing to say. Given how much he’s looked out for you, shouldn’t you reciprocate a little?”

“Unsupportive, huh… I can’t argue with that, but do you think I look like friends with him in your eyes?”

“After getting close and being so friendly, you still think you’re not friends? If you can act that way to a total stranger, that’s even more horrifying.”

Ram hugged herself and shivered dramatically. Subaru couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her reaction and words.

Noting Subaru’s smothered laughter with a strange look, Ram took a step back, creating distance.

“So, Balus, let me repeat my first question. —Is the evil plan progressing?”

“It’s moving along… but there are quite a few difficulties.”

It was unsurprising that the true intention behind plans could be easily seen through.

As Ram was a significant card on the side of Roswaal, who was in opposition due to their contract, she naturally kept an eye on Subaru’s movements. It was quintessentially Ram, straightforwardly pressing on with her inquiries.

“You’re here for Emilia, too, right? Wasting time chatting with me won’t help.”

“Given you’re outside, at least you’ve confirmed you’ve seen her off to sleep, right? After all that ruckus, she won’t wake up anytime soon.”

“…That’s a rather harsh viewpoint.”

“Just stating it objectively and frankly. Take it as advice.”

Having uttered that without hesitation, Ram glared at Subaru’s profile as he averted his gaze.

Slightly overwhelmed by her intense stare, Subaru suppressed a breath of frustration.

—It was about two and a half hours ago that Emilia’s contract with Pack had dissolved.

Despite having prepared to some extent for Emilia’s distress, confusion, and sorrow after hearing from Pack, nothing could have prepared him for the deep nostalgia that washed over him when he actually saw her.

Emilia, having lost her only support, was in a half-mad state, crying wildly.

With her beautiful silver hair disheveled, she clawed at her white skin and hurled everything around her, exposing her emotions like a child throwing a tantrum.

That she lacked the option of using magic to wreak havoc was perhaps a fortunate twist of fate for herself and those around her.

In any case, knowing beforehand about Emilia’s shock, Subaru had waited outside the room and dove in to embrace her as soon as he heard her screams.

For the next two and a half hours, he absorbed her broken sentences, wails, and feeble impulses of destruction, finally stepping out after leaving her sleeping.

Just as he considered handing the task of changing and washing her to Ram, their encounter suggested she had been waiting to do just that. Seeing her holding a wooden bucket and cloth allowed him to feel a flicker of relief.

With that feeling in mind, Ram spoke softly.

“Balus… do you really have faith in that person?”


“Looking at Emilia’s state just yesterday, there was nothing remotely hopeful about her overcoming the ‘Trial.’ The situation that couldn’t get any worse has now gone further downhill. The Great Spirit has left Emilia’s side, hasn’t it?”

“…So you’re aware of all of that.”

“After all that shouting, it’s clear as day. If you can notice, so can Ram. That’s just common sense.”

“I can’t deny the equation that makes me a fool either.”

Truth be told, Ram’s concerns mirrored Subaru’s worries.

Subaru had not taken Pack’s words lightly, but still, he accepted and supported Pack’s suggestion.

The notion that Pack’s existence acted as a brake against Emilia truly facing her past, compounded by the changes from every loop, doubts regarding Roswaal’s gospel, Beatrice’s pained cries, Echidna’s testimony, and Pack’s existence—they all intertwined, and Subaru backed Pack’s decision, throwing Emilia into a prison of loneliness.

As a result, for the first time in her life, she was truly alone.

What was needed to break out from that solitude was time and a catalyst.

Yet, both were lacking for Emilia right now. Her situation granted her no reprieve to face matters calmly, while the trigger she needed lay solely within herself.

That latter trigger, Emilia could only find for herself. Ram probably knew that and was unable to believe in that catalyst.

Except for the last part, Subaru was in complete agreement with Ram.

“Still, I’m counting on that girl. I still believe in her.”

“…That cheerful face. How can you make such a fantastically naive decision?”

“I decided I should place my trust where it’s due. Supported by the presence of friends working hard for me and that love dragon, I’ve become able to trust myself a little at least.”

“So how does that connect to believing in Emilia?”

“If I can trust myself, I’d want to trust what I desire, right? I like Emilia, and I want to be of help to her. Sure, a part of it is her stunningly attractive visuals… but the real essence goes much deeper.”

Staring back into Ram’s skeptical eyes, Subaru shrugged.

His feelings for Emilia had started when, upon being summoned to this other world, he had nobody to rely on or hope to cling to. She was the first to show him kindness.

Having his life saved and growing closer to her over time, Subaru recognized her as a girl he wanted to help—there was a intent of returning such kindness, though the deeper truths were lost on him back then.

After losing her right before his eyes and rewinding time, confronting the memories that should have been exchanged, Subaru had saved her from the fate of death, changing the future.

Every event in the mansion and the battle against the Witch Cult starting in the Royal Capital had stemmed from that original feeling—he had been driven by a burning passion ever since.

He was saved initially in the Royal Capital.

He was saved again when his heart, almost shattered at the mansion, was healed.

Having his life and heart saved, he wished to repay her kindness but ended up unintentionally inflicting pain on her with his unilateral actions.

He gained time to part ways, created rifts between each other, reassessed his own actions, and rose again.

He took down the White Whale, defeated Petelgeuse, and stood here now looking for reasons why.

By becoming aware of the strong bonds between himself and the Witch, swallowing the resentment built from his past with a makeshift farewell to his surrogate parents, he continued to be moved by inexplicable strength.

“That’s because… I like her.”


“The girl I fell for is hardworking, stubborn, unable to express her feelings openly, and can’t say she wants to cry when she needs to… A girl who can throw herself wholeheartedly for the sake of others without hesitation.”

“That might just be your own delusion. True, Emilia does prioritize others over herself, but wasn’t that because she was protecting her own heart? A means of guarding herself from being belittled because of her origins? Isn’t it scary to think you’re being manipulated?”


Subaru’s simple three-word response left Ram momentarily speechless.

Feeling satisfaction from her rare reaction, Subaru turned back to glance at the building.

His mind was occupied with thoughts of Emilia still lying on the bed.

“If being used works, then fine by me. Even if Emilia thinks of me merely as a tool that won’t break, that’s okay too.”

“Are you really fine with being seen as a tool?”

“Not quite. What makes me happy is that she wants to keep standing and walking with me, even using me as a tool. If she still has the will to lift her head… There’s plenty I can help with. So, feel free to use me as much as you like.”


Without a word, Ram narrowed her eyes at Subaru in discontent.

If anything, it was Subaru who felt refreshed by her expressionless demeanor. Ram’s demeanor towards Subaru accepting the term “tool” was very much like…

“I thought you’d be the one to cut through all of this.”

“——What makes you think that?”

“It’s because I’ve seen your attitude and actions, and it’s been quite… on the edge. I thought you understood others’ stances.”

“If you’re confronted with a problem that you can’t digest, witnessing someone else handling it will produce such feelings. Recognizing that others can bite off what you can’t make it even harder.”

After her rapid-fire speech, Ram averted her gaze in embarrassment. She let out a small sigh and waved her hand, dismissing Subaru, still standing by the door.

“That’ll be enough. If you want to be a tool, then act like one and give it your all for your master. I’ll take care of my own matters; that’s my freedom.”

“Of course. You should do what you want. —Just know this.”

Subaru called out to Ram, who was passing by and grasping the door. She paused and glanced back at him, seeking the continuation of his words, and nodded.

“I’m not serving Emilia out of pure altruism.”


“I want something from Emilia too. What I desire can’t happen without her cooperation. Sure, I said earlier that if she sees me as a tool she can use for her gain, well… I’m thinking the same about utilizing her.”

While the phrasing might have sounded harsh, having intentions behind interpersonal connections was unavoidable.

In a nutshell, Subaru wished for everyone present to reach the future he desired. Ultimately, one could argue that when Subaru completed that desired future, it meant he exploited everyone involved.

He wouldn’t mind being utilized by Emilia. He had the intention to cling onto her, unwillingly embrace her for the future he yearned.


Ram stepped inside the room without saying another word.

As the door was closing, just before her small body vanished from view,

“That’s no longer in line with the gospel. —In this world, Roswaal is already free.”

It was uncertain whether that final call reached her, for there was no reply.

The door fell shut with a sound, leaving Subaru unaware of what transpired inside.

Yet, he doubted Emilia would lash out at Ram upon waking. He figured the tired Emilia, having cried herself to sleep, wouldn’t have the energy for such a ferocity, nor did she have the time left to wake up before her body needed to rest more.

“My main interest lies with tomorrow. The contingency lies with the day after… Either way, it’s getting tight.”

Once the time limit arrived, Roswaal would summon snow, and the Great Rabbit would appear. If that happened, the “Sanctuary” would be done for. Should the challenge falter in its middle stages, Subaru would find himself bound by the contract.

Following the pact with Roswaal L. Meiastars, Natsuki Subaru must live a life that “will not choose means for a singular purpose.”

—Thinking that, he also wondered how true it felt.

“I can’t seem to give up on that one future even now.”


—At present, Subaru’s battle in the “Sanctuary” had entered its third day.

The deadline for the contract with Roswaal extended until the sixth day. By then, the calamity threatening the “Sanctuary” and the mansion was likely upon them, meaning the practical deadline edged to the night of the fifth.

In other words, there were only three chances left for Emilia to challenge the graveyard, including tonight.

However, the first day of those rare opportunities seemed destined for failure.

Emilia had broken down in tears after discovering Pack lost, falling asleep around noon, exhausted from crying. She had continued to sleep soundly ever since, showing no signs of waking.

If she were to awaken by night, how long would it take for her to reconcile the reality of Pack’s absence? The bond between her and Pack was far too deep and significant to just digest in a few hours.

Time appears to vanish when needed; it’s troubling how events requiring time always arrive at such moments. It’s futile to curse the malice of divine design, yet still, it stirred Subaru’s frustration.

“Seeing how broken up you are about being gone… I can’t help but feel a bit envious, and a hundred times more infuriated, Pack.”

Imagining the gray little cat in his mind, Subaru shook his head lightly before moving ahead.

Currently, there was nothing Subaru could do for the sleeping Emilia. The most he could do was hold her hand. If that could guard her from nightmares, he’d want to stay like that for hours on end.

Yet, just like Emilia had no time left, neither did Subaru.

He was still not yet prepared sufficiently to take a gamble.

Despite it being a plan involving several uncertainties, gathering every last possibility strengthened their chances to a slim fifty-fifty—perhaps even slightly more generous.

“That’s why I’m counting on this discussion, Ryuzu.”

“My expectations for you are just as high, Subaru. …Considering the two from earlier, I’ve been warned, after all.”

The sound of gravel crunching heralded the arrival of a small figure at the meeting spot—Ryuzu.

She appeared with a serious face suitable for her youthful appearance, glancing around the place Subaru had designated.

“However… Choosing this location as a meeting point is quite the character flaw on your part.”

“I thought it was a good choice because it doesn’t look like anyone would interrupt us. If I were in front of that crystal, I might accidentally say something I shouldn’t. Besides, I can’t see a future where I get used to that horrid smell there, no matter how many times I go there.”

Holding her nose in disgust, she conveyed her aversion to that experimental site that saturated the air with foul odors. Though it became a mockery of her hometown, Ryuzu probably felt the same way. Subaru’s words made her smile slightly.

“That said, I have some reservations about using Garfiel’s secret base. If it’s a hideout… there should’ve been other candidates too.”

“When it’s in the village, you never know who’s eavesdropping on you. Garfiel and Frederica’s home of memories… that wasn’t bad, but I’m in a similar position as you, trying to keep it discreet, right?”


As Subaru sought agreement, Ryuzu’s expression softened. After that, she stepped inside the shabby little shack constructed from scrap and decrepit wood.

“Sorry, but I don’t have any comfy couches prepared. I’d show far more respect if I had even a single chair I could part with.”

“Guess that means standing and talking. Pretty rude of you, young ones, to make the elderly walk.”

“Now that sounds very much like an old person. You’re quite keen on that elder appeal, huh?”

Subaru chuckled at Ryuzu pretending to be frail, despite her straight posture, as he led her toward the center of the shack while leaning against the wall with arms crossed.

“It wouldn’t be bad for me to keep this chat going with a cute girl.”

“Look at you, calling me a ‘girl’ when I might just be a tad too aged for that.”

“When age comes into play, my main heroine is significantly older too. Well, it just became clear that her appearance age and mental age don’t quite match up.”

About a hundred years of actual age, eighteen in appearance, and fourteen mentally. Emilia’s genre complexity was magnificent and genuinely kept Subaru on his toes. The reality might better fit as a “loli grandma.”

It’s finally become clear why she seemed a bit childish and weak, had lofty ideals, and occasionally made comments befitting an old woman. She would never succumb to confusion.

“For Emilia’s sake, I want to do what I can. —That’s why I have to ask you a ton of questions, Ryuzu Σ.”

“What… now?”

“Sorry, I’ve been calling you that without permission. Since all four of you go by Ryuzu, I thought I’d shorten it a bit for convenience. Alpha, Beta, Σ, Theta.”


With Subaru tripping over his words from the start, Ryuzu pondered with her hand on her mouth.

Her reaction was mild for having offended her, as Subaru gestured to point a finger at Σ before she could press for more information.

“First off, thanks for agreeing to talk. Honestly, considering your stance today, you could have easily chosen not to listen to me.”

“If it’s hard to say, calling me Σ is totally fine. Since we’ll discuss specifics, it’s better to differentiate between us. We haven’t had to do that until now.”

“Is that so? Then, I’ll take you up on that. If you’d prefer something cuter, I can swap names with the other three.”

“——No, I’m fine with Σ. No, that’s it, I like Σ.”

Ryuzu’s answer had a slight nuance change before and after, causing Subaru to blink in surprise, sensing she wouldn’t linger on this topic much longer.

With a hint of change in the atmosphere, she nudged the conversation toward more serious matters.

“I believe I have a grasp on the situation… What exactly do you want to know about the surrounding circumstances of the ‘Sanctuary’?”

“I want to know everything I don’t yet know… But specifically, I want to hear about what Σ saw in the graveyard. I’ve already heard from Alpha that there were two Ryuzu who faced the ‘Trial.’ You’re one of them, right?”

“That’s correct. I was one of the two Ryuzus who entered the graveyard. Though honestly, I only went in once, and that was for a very short time… I just stepped in to bring Garfiel, who had ignored the rules, back out.”

The details Ryuzu Σ recounted echoed something Subaru had previously heard from Frederica.

It was about Garfiel, who aimed to liberate the “Sanctuary,” entering the graveyard and not returning from the “Trial,” which prompted his sister to ask Ryuzu for help. During that event, Ryuzu was indeed the one who had been tasked by Frederica.

“Just stepping in… but you must have seen something once you were inside, right? Σ, your own past or whatever.”


“Unless you’re completely hated by the graveyard like Roswaal, your body wouldn’t be rejected when you tried to enter. Roswaal’s body supposedly almost burst, and even Patrasche, who came in to save me, was covered in wounds. Those without qualifications entering there must take an equal resolve to that of challenging the ‘Trial.’”

“Well, I might have had that resolve to be hurt.”

“That would be a beautiful conclusion. However… Were you to do so, I wouldn’t understand why Σ would oppose the liberation of the ‘Sanctuary.’ It doesn’t add up.”


While Subaru didn’t receive a confessional of sorts, the implication was that both Ryuzu Σ and Theta opposed the liberation of the “Sanctuary,” yet Σ chose silence instead of negation.

That itself was nearly tantamount to a silent agreement.

“Σ had to have seen her past in the graveyard. That must be why she shuns the possibility of liberating the ‘Sanctuary.’ What did you witness?”


“It’s conceivable you saw something around the period before or after Σ was born. It could have originated with the crystal, or perhaps…”

“Could it be… Ryuzu Meier’s past?”

Before Subaru could finish speaking, Σ struck straight to the core of the matter.

Subaru closed his lips firmly, that notion feeling entirely likely.

Ever since being born, claiming the name Ryuzu Meier, she had acted as a representative of the “Sanctuary,” influencing its current state. If they had regrets tied to their past before becoming Ryuzu, Subaru had considered that could play a role.

That assumption wasn’t far from reality, as indicated by Σ’s reaction.

“If what you saw was the genuine past of Ryuzu Meier locked inside that crystal… I can somewhat understand why you would be scared. The reason for being sealed within the crystal bears substantial weight.”


The one who sealed Ryuzu Meier within the crystal, creating replicas, was the “Witch of Greed,” Echidna.

If she had recalled “that time” of being sealed away by the witch, it could very well provide enough justification for why Σ had decided to give up on overcoming the “Trial.” But…

“How much do you know, Subaru?”


Wrestling internally with how to respond, Subaru hesitated at the question that felt trivial yet held profound weight.

The atmosphere shifted as a strange tension enveloped. Subaru recognized the telltale signs of life intertwining at the gambling table—the stakes of this discussion would decidedly shape the fate of the “Sanctuary.”

It felt a lot like when Subaru requested help prior to the battle with the White Whale back at Crusch’s mansion.

Namely, the current direction of this conversation profoundly influenced the “Sanctuary’s” future.


After a lull in the conversation, Subaru of deep thought pressed forward.

The answer Σ sought could greatly affect the road ahead.

Subaru had never been particularly adept at grasping emotions in others. In fact, he was painfully clueless. Even when he put his mind to it, he barely reached a satisfactory level.

What he needed to articulate at this moment was—

“I heard it from Echidna. Inside the graveyard.”

“—The Witch, huh?”

Upon hearing the name of the witch woven into conversation, Σ’s expression strained ever so slightly.

Subaru had grown acutely aware of the significance of Echidna’s name during his time spent in this “Sanctuary.” While Roswaal seemed to dislike referring to her by that title, it appeared Garfiel and Ryuzu also made an effort to avoid mentioning “Echidna” directly.

Echidna’s name was almost certainly a taboo for them. Whether good or bad, it’d trigger past experiences no doubt.

The repercussions of treading on such a taboo were a gamble, yet Subaru had made his choice.

“Even though my qualification was stripped, there was a time when I held the qualification to challenge the graveyard. Therefore, I know what happens within the ‘Trial’ through actual experience. I also have a decent grasp of Echidna’s schemes and the reasons behind creating this ‘Sanctuary’ and the mechanisms that birthed replicas like you, Σ.”

“….While it was merely things conveyed by Roswaal, I had my thoughts about your understanding being unexpectedly profound.”

“So, let’s say I have deeper insight into the circumstances than you might expect. I believe it would serve as beneficial criteria for deciding what information can be disclosed to me.”

“Such confidence, huh?”

At this point, a contemplative response came from Σ as she smiled gently. She then placed a small palm against her forehead and let out a long sigh.

That ritual seemed necessary for her decision-making.

“If you’re aware of the connection between the witch and the ‘Sanctuary,’ and know about me and Ryuzu Meier, then it would indeed feel unnatural to conceal the information…”


“Don’t rush. I understand your feelings, but… things are not that simple. —You wanted to know what the Ryuzu who faced the ‘Trial’ saw, right?”

That’s right, he was about to affirm that when a subtle sense of unease stopped him from speaking.

Now, Σ had deliberately opted to say “Ryuzu,” and not “I.” What could that imply? Both doubts and affirmation swirled in his mind just as Σ murmured.

“If you ask me what I saw, the answer is ‘I don’t know.’ Because I haven’t faced the ‘Trial’ in the graveyard. I did return from its depths, that much is certain.”

“…What does that mean?”

“Simply put, weren’t you curious? There should have only been one chance for Ryuzu to enter the graveyard to retrieve Garfiel, yet there were two Ryuzu who entered. Don’t you consider that a contradiction?”


It was only when it was pointed out that Subaru understood just how foolish he had been. Indeed, thinking that Ryuzu had entered the graveyard twice in one chance left no other answer except—

“The Ryuzu that went inside and the one that came out are different…”

“That’s correct. To put it in your words… The Ryuzu who stepped out is me, Σ. The one who entered was Theta. The one who saw the past was Theta, while I merely helped carry Garfiel out. In terms of position, I’m more of a neutral party against the liberation of the ‘Sanctuary’ rather than outright opposing it.”

Thus, continuing, Ryuzu observed Subaru’s impending disappointment and said,

“—If there’s anything that I can tell you, it would be about the past that Garfiel has concealed so desperately and those fragments that might remain.”