Chapter 26

The next day.

Lee Ha-yeon talked to Kwon Tae-ho about the Celestial Lady’s suggestion—joining the Holy Order of Knights. Kwon Tae-ho agreed readily, saying it was a good opportunity.

However, since they would be infiltrating deeper into enemy territory, corresponding preparations were necessary.

“What—what is this…?”

Lee Ha-yeon was at a loss for words, staring at the bizarre scene unfolding before her.

The office, which had always been in disarray, was now cleared to create a large space.

Kwon Tae-ho placed Lee Ha-yeon at the center and began to inscribe a geometric magic circle around her.

Lee Ha-yeon had some knowledge about magic. However, the magic circle in front of her was so complex that she had never seen anything like it before.

In the dimly lit office, the intricate magic circle was drawn on the floor. Standing in the middle, a young woman tilted her head in bewilderment.

“It really looks like some kind of devil summoning ritual.”

Yoo Seol commented on the scene. It was meant as a joke, but Lee Ha-yeon couldn’t smile about it at all.


“If you join the Holy Order of Knights, there’s a high possibility of signing a magical contract to maintain secrecy. We don’t want any internal information leaking out. It would be pointless to infiltrate just to have that happen. That’s why I’m preparing these shortcuts.”

“Is this a shortcut? What kind of magic is it?”

“Spirit Creation Magic.”

A type of magic that Lee Ha-yeon had never heard of, even with her limited knowledge.

-Swish. Swoosh.

After finishing the magic circle, Kwon Tae-ho casually tossed aside the mana pen he’d been using and provided a further explanation to Lee Ha-yeon.

“A magical contract usually involves souls. So, if we prepare a fake soul to avoid the contract, the real one can be freed from it.”

It was a common trick used by con artist mages to cheat unsuspecting people.

“…You’re quite skilled in magic. Where did you learn this? They didn’t teach us this kind of magic at the academy…”

“Actually, I’m originally more of a mage than a martial artist. I learned martial arts separately after my return; magic was my main specialty.”


Lee Ha-yeon had assumed he was just a fighter, constantly throwing punches.

Despite being surprised, upon reflection, there had been clues. Even casting six spells simultaneously was something Kwon Tae-ho had done effortlessly, something that even competent mages struggled with.

Still, to think that Kwon Tae-ho had originally been a mage…

“That doesn’t suit you…”

“I hear that a lot. Now, I need you to stand in the middle and close your eyes.”

“But if this magic is one that con artists use, isn’t it illegal?”

“It is illegal. But I’m legal. After all, I’m an executor.”

Lee Ha-yeon realized anew the greatness of an Executor’s license.

As instructed, when she closed her eyes, Kwon Tae-ho began to infuse the magic circle with mana.


With the resonance of the mana reaction echoing, the mana drifting around began to coalesce around Lee Ha-yeon’s chest. The shapeless mana rapidly gained properties and forms, soon nearly duplicating Lee Ha-yeon’s soul.


Feeling something pushing into her chest, Lee Ha-yeon gasped momentarily, and at that moment, the magic circle drawn on the floor activated and ended.

“Okay, it’s done.”

“Is it really over?” – Is it really over?

“Huh?” – Huh?

As Lee Ha-yeon puzzled over what had changed, she frowned at the voice resonating in her head. Whatever she said echoed back several times in her mind.

“What is this? Why is it like this?” – What is this? Why is it like this?

“You hear a voice in your head, right? You have two souls, but only one output, so the commands lost their path and keep circling in your mind. It might be a bit difficult until you get used to it.”

“You should have told me that in advance!” – You should have told me that in advance!

“Don’t worry, it’s not harmful. You’ll be fine in about an hour.”

“An hour…” – An hour…

Every time she spoke, echoes reverberated several times in her mind, causing dizziness. Even moving her body felt like the commands were overlapping, making it clumsy.

Eventually, Lee Ha-yeon shut her mouth and lay on the sofa. Kwon Tae-ho, along with Yoo Seol, moved the furniture back to its original positions.

“By the way, this is unexpected. I never thought they would notice the recruit’s power and approach us with an invitation to join the Knights first.”

“It’s a good thing for us, but it feels a bit too convenient, doesn’t it?”

“You don’t think we’ve been discovered, do you? Recruit, what are your thoughts?”

In response to Kwon Tae-ho’s question, Lee Ha-yeon looked at him with a resentful expression. He knew well how painful it was to be made to answer now.

“…I didn’t sense any suspicion. The Celestial Lady was kinder than I expected. For now, it seems okay.”

“Really? Then do well.”

Nodding along with Lee Ha-yeon’s words, Kwon Tae-ho.

In contrast, Yoo Seol seemed to be watching Lee Ha-yeon with a lingering gaze. Regardless, Lee Ha-yeon focused on calming the echoes in her head, meditating in a state of mental emptiness.

Several hours later. In the evening, with the sun setting.

With her head cleared, Lee Ha-yeon headed straight to the church’s headquarters. She had already contacted the upper mage, who acted as the front desk, informing them she was joining the Knights.

Upon arrival at the headquarters, as expected, the mage had accompanied another mage to draft a confidentiality contract. Fortunately, the mage remained blissfully unaware of the existence of the spirit within Lee Ha-yeon’s body as they completed the contract.

“Now, let me give you a brief explanation about our Knights.”

The additional explanation was nothing special.

Although the name “Holy Knights” sounded grand, it was essentially like a small subgroup within a religious organization. Thus, it wouldn’t cause too much disruption to everyday life.

Primarily, members were summoned when there was a need for force, but those occasions only happened about once or twice a month.

Outside of that, they could freely use various facilities associated with the organization and enjoy tax benefits by utilizing their official clergy status, leading to more mundane discussions than Lee Ha-yeon expected.

“Let’s leave the explanation at that. Shall we meet the other members? There’s accommodation for members at the headquarters, and a few are currently staying there.”

“Yes, I’d like that.”

The Knights’ accommodation was located in the central building shaped like a “M.” The central building housed not only the Knights but also the Celestial Lady’s own living quarters.

-Clack. Clack. Clack.

As they moved toward the central building, Lee Ha-yeon heard familiar footsteps coming from down the hall.

“Ah! Celestial Lady…?”

Approaching from a distance was a woman adorned with a pair of wings and a halo.

Come to think of it, she had encountered her around here before~ As Lee Ha-yeon pondered this, the mage beside her spoke in a low voice.

“Why are you here? I believe you’re not allowed to be here at this time.”

“…I thought I could wander around the headquarters as I please.”

“You cannot. Rules are rules. Please head back immediately.”

The woman hesitated for a moment at the mage’s words, but eventually nodded in resignation. Lee Ha-yeon felt uneasy watching this scene.

Wasn’t the Celestial Lady essentially the highest-ranking position in the Truth Church? To think someone of such standing couldn’t even determine her own movements—it seemed odd.

Moreover, while the mage’s tone was respectful, it strangely felt patronizing towards the Celestial Lady.

Lee Ha-yeon had questions but was not given the chance to resolve them as the woman walked away solemnly down the hall, leaving the two behind.

“Shall we go back?”

“Uh, yes.”

It was as if the mage decided not to allow Lee Ha-yeon to ask any questions as they resumed moving.

The central building resembled a smaller version of a grand cathedral.

Although it had two stories, it was taller than a typical five-story building. The first floor contained accommodations for members, along with offices for high-ranking officials of the church, while the second floor featured an audience chamber with the throne of the god Dion and the living space of the Celestial Lady.

Once they entered the first floor, the duo headed inside. The accommodations resembled a dormitory, with a spacious common area at its center, leading to separate rooms for men and women.

“Since it’s not yet bedtime, everyone should be here.”

As the mage spoke, he opened the door leading to the common area.

The moment he did—


A sweet fragrance wafted out.

Lee Ha-yeon frowned for a moment at the aroma, but immediately recognized what it was.

‘Is that… holy water?’

The rich scent of holy water filled the space.

The smell was so strong that the inside of the common area was filled with a hazy mist, obscuring the overall scenery.

“Over there.”

Once the mage pointed out, they saw several men and women lounging on the central sofa, indulging in leisure.

The attire of the men and women was almost like underwear. One woman was wearing a sheer negligee that left her breasts completely exposed.

Sprawled across the table were various alcoholic drinks, as if it were only natural, and despite the weather, some were puffing away on cigarettes.

‘Wait, is that really a cigarette? The scent is completely different. Could it be marijuana or something…?’

The men and women seemed oblivious to Lee Ha-yeon’s entrance, remaining absorbed in their own world. As the mage approached with Lee Ha-yeon, one woman finally noticed her and rose from her seat.

“Oh, is this the recruit you mentioned earlier?”

“That’s right.”

The woman speaking to the mage was the same negligee-clad one from before.

Dressed in an outfit that wouldn’t look out of place on a barmaid, she approached Lee Ha-yeon and blew the smoke from her recently smoked cigarette toward her, the sticky, pungent odor revealing it was certainly not tobacco.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Kim Hye-sol. Twenty-six years old. You?”

“I’m Lee Ha-yeon… I’m also 26.”

“Oh, we’re the same age? That’s great! There aren’t many people my age here, so I’ve been lacking someone to talk to.”

“Hye-sol! Don’t talk like that just because there’s a small age gap! I’m still young too!”

“Hah! Once you’ve passed thirty, you’re an old man! Why are you trying to hang out with the youngsters?”

The man behind them made a snide remark; Hye-sol shrugged it off and picked a glass from the table to offer to Lee Ha-yeon.

“Come on, it’s a celebration of meeting a friend of the same age. Let’s take a shot.”

“W-well, I…”

“Even if it’s the first time, be polite. It’d be rude to refuse since a friend is offering.”

Under the strange pressure, Lee Ha-yeon had no choice but to accept the glass. It smelled like alcohol, but a shot wouldn’t harm her.



However, the moment she swallowed the liquid, Lee Ha-yeon realized it wasn’t alcohol.

A wave of ecstasy coursed through her body.

Gripping her trembling shoulders, Lee Ha-yeon bent her knees. At that moment, Hye-sol burst into laughter, pointing at her.

“Ha ha ha! This girl is totally a newbie! It’s okay, it’s okay. You’ll get used to it after a few drinks.”

“I-is this holy water…?”

“Yes. The Knights can drink holy water freely. And it’s highly concentrated, too. Once you get used to it, you can enjoy the pleasure without any hallucinogenic effects. If you go further, you can even do this.”


As Lee Ha-yeon was reeling from the effects of the holy water, Hye-sol opened her palm. In her palm floated a small golden sphere radiating light.

“Divine power. Isn’t it amazing? The more holy water you drink, the stronger your connection to the Celestial Lady, and you’ll be able to wield the power granted by Dion. This is a power that the country hasn’t even begun to sense yet. Isn’t that incredible?”


Incredible, my foot. To put it bluntly, this was illegal power. To flaunt such things in front of an Executor, Lee Ha-yeon managed to compose herself and smiled widely.

“That’s impressive. Do all of the Knights have such powers?”

While saying that, Lee Ha-yeon secretly activated the recorder she had tucked into her pocket. Unaware of her intentions, Hye-sol continued to brag.

“Well, not everyone, just those with suitability. Everyone here can use it. Now, don’t just stand there, come sit here. You can leave now.”

“Yes, I’ll take my leave then. May Dion’s blessings be with you.”

“Yeah, and may they be with you. Now, come here, Ha-yeon.”

After sending away the mage, Hye-sol led Lee Ha-yeon to sit on the sofa. Only then did the others start showing interest toward her.

“Oh, you’re really pretty up close! This new recruit.”

It was the same man who had made sarcastic comments earlier. Hye-sol frowned and waved her hand dismissively.

“Ugh, why do you guys jump on pretty girls right away? She’s my friend, so don’t get any ideas.”

“It’s a good way for the members to bond, right?”

“Why would you try to hit on someone who doesn’t know anything yet? There are plenty of pretty regular people outside, just pick any one of them to hook up with.”

“I wouldn’t do that, would I? Of course I would have! But those are all ordinary people. Only returnees can handle this.”

The man lightly tapped the inside of his elbow with his finger. There were several reddish needle marks visible where the skin had recently broken.

The traces of what they were were clear. They were marks of drug use. As Lee Ha-yeon showed signs of wariness, the man chuckled and extended his hand for a handshake.

“Well, once we’re friendly enough, we can agree to terms. I’m Park Yu-seong. Thirty-six years old. Call me oppa casually.”

“I’m Lee Ha-yeon. Nice to meet you.”

“Hmm, alright. Do you drink? I just got some really nice whiskey in. How about a drink?”

Before Lee Ha-yeon could even answer, Park Yu-seong poured whiskey into an on-the-rocks glass and offered it to her.

“What’s taking so long? Why aren’t you drinking?”


His outwardly friendly attitude concealed a strange pressure. Lee Ha-yeon glanced around and tilted her glass back. It wouldn’t matter if it wasn’t holy water; she could drink as much as she wanted.

“Oh, you drink well. Another shot?”

“Don’t force drinks on someone who just got here! That’s why old men like you aren’t popular!”

“I told you not to call me old! There’s only a ten-year gap! You were just graduating elementary when I went to college!”

“Then you are old, aren’t you? Right, Ha-yeon?”


Caught between the two who began bickering, Lee Ha-yeon broke into a sweat.

She had activated the recorder for this very reason, and yet time was being wasted on such a trivial conversation. The moment their quarrel ended, she jumped right in with a question.

“By the way, I have a quick question. I’ve heard a brief explanation, but what exactly does the Knights do?”

“We? We are like the sword of the Celestial Lady, striking down the enemies of the church!”

At Park Yu-seong’s declaration, Hye-sol added with a frown.

“Seriously, how can you explain it like that? We’re basically like security personnel. We follow the Celestial Lady when she goes out, or act as bodyguards for events outside the church. Outside, there are plenty of troublemakers who start trouble calling us a cult.”

“Hmm, it sounds like your activities are pretty ordinary…?”

“Why don’t you mention that? It’s our job to beat up other cultists and force them to repent, too!”

With Lee Ha-yeon’s reaction, Park Yu-seong began bragging again.

“What was it called? The Seria Church? There’s a ridiculous cult worshiping some god from a parallel world near Namyangju? The Celestial Lady absolutely won’t tolerate those kinds of people. So she went to correct them directly.”

“C-correct? You mean…”

“Showing them overwhelming power, making them realize their place, and then enlightening them with the grace and love of Dion. Thanks to that, they’re all fervent believers of our church now.”

Understanding what was a clear violation of the law as Lee Ha-yeon did not fully grasp the church’s specific peculiar rhetoric, Hye-sol added.

“In simpler terms, we beat them up and brainwashed them with holy water to make them believers.”

Though she elaborated in a way to make it easier to understand, the implication of that explanation was quite different for Lee Ha-yeon.

The core members acknowledged their illegal acts of violence and drug-induced brainwashing. Recording it all, Lee Ha-yeon cheered internally.

This is it.

This is solid evidence that the Truth Church is a criminal organization. It hadn’t even been long since she infiltrated, and they were spilling secrets while intoxicated by alcohol and drugs—it couldn’t be more convenient.

If all went well, perhaps this information collected today could lead to a full investigation into the Truth Church.

“Anyway, Ha-yeon, now that you’ve been selected for the Knights, let’s work well together going forward. So, how about another drink?”


The issue was whether Lee Ha-yeon could maintain her sanity tonight.

With the sweet scent wafting from the glass, she instinctively knew that it wasn’t alcohol but holy water.

‘No more than this. This is really dangerous.’

Even while her head screamed that, her heart pounded with excitement, and her body was hyperactive.

But it cannot be.

If she drank anymore, she really might become addicted. Lee Ha-yeon gently shook her head toward Hye-sol, who was offering her the holy water.

“Uh, I’m not feeling well today.”

“Didn’t I tell you? Be polite. You’re not seriously thinking of dumping holy water given directly by the Celestial Lady, are you? Huh? Ha-yeon. I’m starting to feel disappointed in you.”

However, Hye-sol firmly rejected her refusal, presenting the glass of holy water to Lee Ha-yeon. Looking around, it wasn’t just Hye-sol but others were also watching, applying silent pressure.

Dare to refuse holy water? What are you doing? Just drink it already.


Ultimately, Lee Ha-yeon reluctantly accepted the glass. However, she could hardly bring it to her lips.

“What are you doing? Not drinking?”

Was this how soldiers during the war felt, knowing the risks of addiction but still shoving morphine into their veins to survive?

Lee Ha-yeon was weighing her options. Although she had recorded various testimonies, it still wasn’t enough. If she refused the holy water here and stormed out, it would arouse suspicion from the Knights and the Celestial Lady, preventing her from entering this deep again.

So, in the end, there was only one way forward.

“…No, I’ll drink it.”

“Good, great decision. May the grace of the Celestial Lady be with you? Hahaha!”

Now that it had come to this, there was no choice but to test her own willpower.

Even while thinking so, a strange sense of anticipation fluttered in her chest.

No matter how much she rationalized, humans were weak to pleasure. Having tasted the supreme ecstasy brought by holy water several times, Lee Ha-yeon had already been strongly hooked without realizing it.


Finally, feeling dry, Lee Ha-yeon brought the holy water to her lips.

-Knock, knock.

But just then, there was a knock from outside the common room door.

“Come in.”


“Excuse me. The Celestial Lady has summoned all the members present in the accommodations.”

“The Celestial Lady? Why?”

As Hye-sol and others shifted their attention toward the door, Lee Ha-yeon quietly set down the glass of holy water.

“They said they are conducting the oath ceremony for the newly arrived Lee Ha-yeon….”

“What? She hasn’t even taken her formal oath yet? I thought she already did?”

As Hye-sol turned around to ask, Lee Ha-yeon chuckled nervously, trying to evade the situation.

“When’s the oath happening?”

“Right now, they want you to come.”

“Tsk. It can’t be helped. Hey! Everyone, get up and come to your senses! The Celestial Lady has called! Hurry!”

At Hye-sol’s shout, the members who had been staggering from the intoxication quickly got to their feet. They all placed a hand on their heads and muttered briefly.



Golden light erupted from their hands.

The miracle of purification using divine power.

In an instant, their bodies and minds were cleansed. The effects of the drugs and alcohol disappeared, and as rational Knight members returned, they quickly straightened their attire.

“Alright, let’s go, Ha-yeon.”

Saying that, Hye-sol reached out her hand to Lee Ha-yeon. Unlike the others, she didn’t seem to care about adjusting her outfit, still wearing only her negligee.

“…Yes, let’s go.”

Along with Lee Ha-yeon, the Knights made their way to the audience chamber.

Originally, that place was intended to welcome Dion, who would descend upon this land someday.

At the center of the audience chamber, a throne was prepared for Him. However, when the members entered, someone else had already occupied the throne that should have been empty.

“Welcome, our proud Knights.”

“Celestial Lady, we greet you.”

The Celestial Lady Rozelia spoke sweetly from her throne. Watching the members kneel sharply and lower their heads at her voice, Lee Ha-yeon followed them a beat late.

“W-we greet the Celestial Lady.”

“It’s been a while, sister. Now, could you come closer?”

Upon being called by the Celestial Lady, Lee Ha-yeon stepped toward her slowly.

“Thank you for accepting the invitation to join the Knights. I believe you will be a great asset to our order.”

“Oh no, I’m not that great.”

“Please don’t belittle yourself. You will surely become an exceptional knight. I guarantee it.”

As she approached just below the throne, the Celestial Lady rose from her seat and slowly descended the stairs.

“You know why I called you, correct?”

“I heard it’s for the oath of entrance.”

“Yes, it’s an oath, but the procedure is quite simple. I will pray for you, and you will just swear to fight against the church’s foes as a knight of the gods.”

As she said this, the Celestial Lady held onto Lee Ha-yeon’s hands and began to pray.

For the moment, Lee Ha-yeon closed her eyes to mimic praying.

However, she couldn’t exactly pray. Her mind was filled with confusion from the sudden situation.

“…May the grace and blessings of our mighty Father Dion always accompany our sister.”

Finally, once the prayer ended—


The Celestial Lady, who stood quietly, released the cloth covering her eyes. Beautiful ruby-red eyes looked down at Lee Ha-yeon with a benevolent gaze.

“Sister, I will ask you this: Do you swear to use the power you possess for me and the church?”

“…I will.”

Just as she was about to respond formally, a sudden surge of intense dread shot up her spine, freezing her words.

“…I swear.”

But having come this far, there was no way to back out now.

Moreover, inside her body, there was the spirit of the healer that Kwon Tae-ho had prepared for her. Even if this conversation was a preparatory step for a magical contract, it would not result in her being bound by it, even in the worst-case scenario.

“Very well. I shall accept Lee Ha-yeon as a member of the Holy Knights. Then, for the final step…”

From her sleeve, the Celestial Lady pulled out a small knife. Momentarily taken aback, Lee Ha-yeon stepped back, but the knife was directed at the Celestial Lady herself.


The Celestial Lady sliced her wrist. It wasn’t a deep cut, but it was not insignificant either. Bright red blood began to drip steadily from the wound.

At the same moment.


Lee Ha-yeon was engulfed by an unprecedented impulse she had never experienced before.

‘What is this? No way—’

Instinctively, she understood. It was the same sensation she had felt when holy water was before her.

Yet, there was no holy water in this place. Still, the alluring temptation she had never experienced began to cloud her mind.

Lee Ha-yeon thought. The source of this must be the blood of the Celestial Lady.

-Drop. Drop. Drop.

The sweet scent wafting from the droplets of blood was so intoxicating that it felt as if her teeth were rotting. The aroma was similar to that of holy water, but its concentration was incomparably denser.

It was no surprise, since the church’s holy water was made by diluting the Celestial Lady’s bodily fluids.


In the presence of that raw essence, especially the Celestial Lady’s blood, Lee Ha-yeon found herself almost incapable of logical thought, her reasoning immobilized.

“Drink my blood. By sharing blood with me, you will be reborn as my eternal follower.”

“Y-yes. No, but, I….”

But just before her mind completely shattered, she forced herself to stifle the primal thirst, managing to look up at the Celestial Lady.

A deep smile painted the Celestial Lady’s lips. To Lee Ha-yeon, it was a smile that filled her with a terrible chill.

…This is dangerous. If I drink this, there’s no going back.

It was no longer a time to worry about infiltration. Lee Ha-yeon prepared to escape by tightening her legs.

“What’s wrong? Are you perhaps too squeamish to drink blood?”

Yet at that moment, the Celestial Lady innocently inquired. Wondering if it was possible to just walk away, Lee Ha-yeon gave a sheepish smile and replied.

“Y-yes, I have a bit of a fear of blood…”

But just then.

“Come on, you’ve seen blood a time or two while working as an Executor. Why act scared now?”


For an instant, Lee Ha-yeon’s brain stalled at the Celestial Lady’s words.

Did she just—get found out?

“Oh, you’re still an apprentice, so you likely haven’t worked in the field much, right? Then that’s understandable.”

The Celestial Lady spoke without caring for Lee Ha-yeon’s internal struggle.

“However, this is a significant ritual, so would you mind just shutting your eyes and drinking just this once?”

But Lee Ha-yeon could see.

Though her lips wore a gentle smile, the two eyes peering through the black veil were completely devoid of mirth.