Chapter 259
Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!
The game has begun.
[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]
A loud ping goes off.
“The invade match-up is… somewhat similar, I guess.”
There’s a Rakan on the enemy team, but we’ve got Sett on ours.
Since both teams have no reason to back down from an invade fight, going for the attack seemed like the best option overall.
Baek Seong-an spoke up.
[“Where to?”]
“Let’s head to Bot Lane.”
Our chosen invade route is through the Bot Lane intersection, targeting the enemy’s red side.
It’s one of the classic invade routes.
[⬇] [⬇]
[OLZ Outlaw (Xin Zhao) is on the way]
[OLZ Outlaw (Xin Zhao) is on the way]
At the Bot Lane intersection, Viktor scanned with his laser, but there was no sign of the enemy.
There are likely two possibilities.
Either they just placed a ward and left, or the enemy is trying to invade our side too.
Considering the enemy has no reason to back out of the invade, the latter option seems more likely.
[“They’re not here.”]
“Then let’s just take this.”
In that case, swapping starting positions would at least avoid losses.
At that moment.
[OLZ Getback (Raise) marked OLZ Outlaw (Rakan) for 5MAN Ern]
[“They’re coming in.”]
Looks like the enemy didn’t head up but crossed paths with us, starting to circle back through the Bladecaller intersection.
[“Let’s go for Sett first.”]
There’s no avoiding a fight now.
If we hesitate here, we’ll be severely punished by the jungle.
Whatever happens, it’s better to engage early.
We had no reason to avoid this fight, to begin with.
“Focus Rakan first. Stay calm.”
Protein’s Sett leads the charge, with the enemy’s Ern Rakan stepping up too.
In a tense moment, both teams’ champions clashed.
“Watch out for Rakan’s skill.”
Every CC ability matters in this early invade skirmish.
Rakan’s W can’t be dodged if you’re careful, but it’s an AOE skill that absolutely needs to be avoided.
And then,
As Rakan’s W came flying in, Protein’s Sett hit three with his E on the enemy side.
On the other hand, only Viktor got caught by Rakan’s W.
[“Okay, go in!”]
Both teams’ supporters started tossing their skill shots back and forth.
[OLZ OLZ Outlaw (Xin Zhao) has marked OLZ Getback (Rakan) for 5MAN Ern]
“Let’s burst Rakan.”
Rakan’s W is already down.
Moreover, he’s deep in our territory now, meaning Rakan used Flash too late to escape.
-First Blood!
-Enemy eliminated!
We succeeded in taking down the enemy Rakan first, but in the process, our Viktor also burned his Flash.
[OLZ Protein (Sett): Rakan used Flash]
Even with Rakan down, the fight wasn’t over.
Viktor decided to go forward using his Flash to chase Rakan, exposing himself to the enemy champions.
-Our ally has fallen!
[“Ah… Sorry.”]
Our Viktor went down.
Of course, just like before, the enemy LeBlanc was leaning forward to catch Viktor too.
-Enemy eliminated!
A 2:1 exchange.
Plus, we drove the enemy back in the jungle, gaining substantial benefits on the pathing as well.
[“Good job, everyone.”]
[“…Sorry. I could’ve avoided that. I miscalculated.”]
[“It’s okay; we’re still in the lead.”]
Seoyun’s mention of a miscalculation weighed on my mind slightly, but it happens.
What’s important isn’t that.
What’s crucial is that we’ve gained a huge advantage through this early invade fight.
‘Considering health management, this is an enormous gain.’
My mind worked like a calculator.
The current time is 1 minute 28 seconds.
It’s right at the time when buffs are about to spawn, making it tricky for the enemy to time their backs, so they’ll try to sneak into my Blue jungle after using Smite.
The issue is what comes next.
The first buff monster can be taken if they use Smite, but afterwards, their jungle might not be stable anymore.
Jarvan isn’t exactly known for his jungle clear speed, and his sustain isn’t that hot.
‘After Xin Zhao finishes his red, he will jump straight to our blue, arriving around 2 minutes 8 seconds.’
‘On the other hand, judging by where Jarvan is now, he should take at least 1 minute 37 seconds to get to my blue jungle. If he uses Smite to take blue and immediately goes for the Krugs, he won’t manage to finish Krugs before 2 minutes 8 seconds.’
I had no intention of leaving the enemy in a weak state.
I promptly changed my path.
『“Ah… Ornn is in trouble, struggling! He’s already used all his potions from the invade fight!”』
『“Yep! But since he used Smite, he might manage to take the camp… oh? Look at Outlaw’s path now! He’s going past red and heading straight for the Bot Lane intersection?!”』
『“Is he going for a level 2 gank?”』
『“No, he’s just passing through! He seems to want to catch Jarvan!”』
Outlaw’s Xin Zhao passed Bot and headed straight into his blue jungle.
Jarvan over there was low on health, struggling to take the Krugs.
『“Ah, oh no! Is this going to work?!”』
『“He’s out of skills! No spear!”』
As if on cue, just when Jarvan was fervently attacking the Krugs, Outlaw’s Xin Zhao pounced on him.
Jarvan tried to escape using Flash in a panic, but Xin Zhao had no choice but to match Flash.
-Enemy eliminated!
『“Whoa! Is this really happening?!”』
『“Outlaw is relentless! Did he really see the angle for this kill?!”』
『“Seems like using all his wards in the early invade was a huge deal, huh? If there was just one ward at the Bot Lane intersection, it might have been a bit different…”』
A solo kill in the jungle.
Given the nature of the jungler position, it’s something that typically doesn’t happen unless there’s a significant skill difference, and yet it has happened here.
In a pro-level game, no less.
-What the heck
-That was insane
-What is this
-Can you really see an angle like that?
-It’s like Ornn is just dancing on Outlaw’s palm lol
-Oh man, I’m going to die for real
The audience erupted with cheers.
Everyone knew Outlaw was good, but stunning plays like this in the jungle during the early game are rare.
-The game just exploded lol
-For real lol
-Krugs are gone lol
-Thanks for the leash lol
-Outlaw getting a kill that early? You can’t stop this.
-It’s like it’s already over?
Outlaw wasn’t done yet.
Normally, one might be satisfied with a kill and resume jungle farming, but he headed straight for the enemy’s blue.
『“Xin Zhao is taking a very wide route! Where’s he going?”』
『“Doesn’t seem like he’s going top… Could he be going for the enemy blue?”』
As the commentators expressed their confusion, the revived Jarvan began using his spear to attack the blue.
『“Is Xin Zhao going in?!”』
『“He is!”』
『“Jarvan just used his spear! He doesn’t have a ward! How perfectly timed is this timing?!”』
A ward got placed at blue, and Xin Zhao charged towards Jarvan.
『“Can Jarvan survive this?! He doesn’t have a spear?!”』
『“Oh no, the timing is just… Did he plan this from the start?!”』
『“Ah, oh no!”』
Due to Jarvan’s nature, he might be strong in a 2v2 or in burst situations, but when it comes to an outright head-on clash like this, his sustained damage is weak.
And with the enemy having both buffs, Jarvan had no way to escape.
-Enemy eliminated!
Jarvan fell once more.
And to top it off, he lost the blue he was trying to take.
『“And just like that, it’s happened again! Jarvan’s died twice in a row! How long has this game been going on, and he’s already been put down twice?!”』
『“From Jarvan’s perspective, it must be incredibly frustrating! What did he do wrong to end up dying like this twice in a row?!”』
『“And it’s not like his teammates can come help; the lane situations just aren’t favorable!”』
Two consecutive solo kills.
The chat exploded.
-Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!
-That was insane!
-What the heck!
-Nuh uh, I’m dying! Nuh uh, I’m dying! Nuh uh, I’m dying! Nuh uh, I’m dying! Nuh uh, I’m dying! Nuh uh, I’m dying! Nuh uh, I’m dying! Nuh uh, I’m dying!
-Just wow
With the jungler getting two consecutive solo kills, the game swung entirely in OLZ’s favor.
Just when everyone expected an overwhelming victory for OLZ, the moment arrived.
『“Uh, what?!”』
The commentators were thrown off guard as
-Enemy eliminated!
Honour’s Viktor managed to secure a solo kill on Brünem’s Jason.
No one saw this coming.