Chapter 259
The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide
Chapter 247: Go Home
We were intrigued by a shadow that rushed into the church. Following the figure, we entered the church to find a desperate adventurer gripping a sister’s shoulder tightly.
“Please! Anyone who can help, I beg you!”
“W-what are you?” the sister stammered.
“Anyone who can use healing magic! Please help!”
The sister seemed perplexed by the man’s overwhelming desperation, but upon closer inspection, his worn-out gear caught my eye. His sword was missing from its sheath, and his clothes and pants were stained with dark red marks that looked worryingly like blood.
“What happened?” I asked.
“W-well, Sister Sephiria, this man suddenly—”
“Hey! Can you use healing magic? If you can, there are people who need help!” the man shouted.
Seeing the situation, Sephiria approached the man and the sister, her calm voice effectively halting his frantic advance.
“Please, calm down. First, tell us slowly what happened and what you need.”
“Ah, sorry.”
As expected of Sephiria, she infused her voice with magic to soothe him and encouraged him to speak with an air of saintliness.
“First, can you tell us what happened?”
“Got it. Actually, we were in Saramāju until a few days ago.”
“Saramāju?” Sephiria looked at me with a hint of surprise, but I didn’t know everyone from there, so it was no surprise that I didn’t recognize him.
“Did something happen?” I asked.
“N-no, please continue your story.”
“Ah, right. I mentioned being in Saramāju just now, but it’s not like I committed a crime. While adventuring, we were kidnapped by some bandits during a mission, and that’s how we ended up there.”
“I see. So you were kidnapped.”
“Exactly. I don’t know how long we were there, but one day, Princess Sharueina said she would help us.”
“Princess Sharueina?”
When one of the young men agreed with her, a strange courage welled up within us, and we managed to escape. But then, just as we did, a divine light descended from the sky, freezing those who were nearby.
“I see,” Sephiria murmured, her voice colored with confusion.
However, I understood why she was bewildered; since Fiera and the others returned, Kamael had been holed up in his room, and we hadn’t shared updates with each other yet.
Thus, it was Sephiria’s first time hearing about what happened in Saramāju, making it tough for her to follow the man’s tale.
“So, what happened to everyone after that?” she asked.
“Well, after that, Princess Sharueina, who was leading us, suddenly vanished, and the young man ran off in anger. We were left there, unsure of what to do, when suddenly, the young man who had disappeared fell from the sky.”
“He fell from the sky?”
“Yep. And he was in terrible shape, missing an arm, and a nearby magician could only perform emergency treatment since they weren’t specialized in healing magic.”
“I understand.”
(It seems that young man he mentioned is Shudo.)
It looked like the young man he was talking about was indeed Shudo, who had his arm cut off and mana organ stripped before being hastily teleported, ending up falling from the last location he was seen.
“So what happened then?” I asked.
“Somehow, the young man regained consciousness, and we started heading towards the nearest Valentine Duchy. However, along the way, we were attacked by monsters, and several adventurers and villagers, including the young man, got injured in the battle. Fortunately, the other uninjured members of our group are on their way here with the injured, and I came first to call for someone who can heal them.”
“So your urgency was to get help for your comrades, right?”
“Exactly! Please, that young man is our hero! I beg you to help him!”
“Please wait a moment,” Sephiria said as she tugged at my clothes and stepped away from the man to speak in a hushed voice.
“Lord Lewis, I haven’t heard anything about this.”
“I didn’t mention it. Remember, Kamael hasn’t come out of his room yet?”
“Right. We haven’t reported back to each other yet. So, the young man he’s talking about…?”
“I don’t know him.”
Sephiria stared at me for a while before letting out a small sigh of defeat, and then she looked at me with a serious expression.
“Should I help him?”
“Haha, that’s an interesting question. I didn’t expect you to ask if you should help.”
I thought for sure she would immediately say we should help, but the emotion in her eyes suggested she was open to either option, ready to follow my lead.
“Then hypothetically, if I said not to help, would you not help?”
“If you wish for that, I will comply, but that pertains only to him. I’ll treat the others.”
“I see.”
I already had my answer in mind but feigned to think it through for a moment before giving my instructions to Sephiria.
Without hesitation, Sephiria nodded at my direction and approached the waiting man, telling him to guide us to where his comrades were.
After leaving the church, Sephiria and I followed the man for a bit until we spotted a group slowly making their way toward the Valentine Duchy.
“That’s it!”
The man exclaimed with relief and quickened his pace toward the group.
“We’ll speed up, so hold on tight,” I said.
“Y-yes!” Sephiria replied shyly and tightened her grip around my neck, pressing closer to me.
This was after we left the church, but since Sephiria couldn’t keep up with the speed, I decided to carry her midway.
Now she was nestled in my arms, clinging to me while blushing shyly.
“Everyone! I brought the sister!”
The man shouted, causing the group heading our way to stop. Exhausted from their ordeal, they collapsed to the ground.
“Sister! Please!”
“I understand,” Sephiria replied.
As she slid down from my arms and approached the injured, she released her mana and softly murmured the name of a spell.
“‘High Heal’”
Instantly, the injuries of the injured before her healed, and those who were weak began to regain their color.
“It’s really healed!”
“A miracle…”
They expressed their astonishment at their injuries healing but quickly turned their expressions into joy, embracing those around them.
“Excuse me! Can you heal this person too?”
Suddenly, a desperate voice rang out, drawing everyone’s attention to one spot.
I followed the voice and saw a young man missing his right arm, with a deep gash across his side.
“C-can you do something to heal this young man’s arm? He’s our hero! Please!”
That was the young man I fought last in Saramāju, the one whose arm I cut off and whose mana organ I stripped away.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Shudo.”
I hadn’t wanted to see him until we got back to the academy, but since Valentine Duchy was the safest nearest town to Saramāju, it was inevitable he’d be here.
“I’m sorry. My abilities don’t allow me to heal an arm.”
“What? Then what about the bishop at Valentine Duchy? He specializes in healing magic, so he could…”
“Sorry, but I can’t allow that man to go any further.”
“W-who are you?”
The man, startled by my sudden interruption, looked at me with confusion.
“Don’t worry about who I am. More importantly, I can’t permit that man to enter the city ahead. So, forget about the arm.”
“N-no, it doesn’t make sense! What right do you have to say that?”
“Lord Lewis.”
“I know. Let’s wrap this up quickly because it’s a hassle.”
The man kept insisting he didn’t understand my words, but I ignored him and released my mana, enveloping everyone present.
Then, I used a spell that manipulates the memories of others, erasing all memories of Shudo from everyone around us.
Seeing the man who had just been calling out for Shudo suddenly go silent, I confirmed the spell was successful and then directed a different spell only at Shudo.
“I’d rather not see you again in my lifetime, but that’s not possible. At least stay quiet until we meet again at the academy.”
With a snap of my fingers, the figure of Shudo that was just in front of me vanished, leaving only the remaining adventurers, villagers, and Sephiria and me.
“Well then, take your time making your way to the capital city. We’ll head back first.”
“Y-yeah, got it.”
With that, I left the rest to the adventurer who guided us here, picked Sephiria back up, and ran toward the mansion.
“Lord Lewis, did I follow your instructions properly?”
“Yep. Perfect.”
“I’m relieved.”
What I instructed Sephiria to do was not to heal Shudo’s arm or mana organ and only to treat the minimal injuries.
Healing his arm would mean permitting his act of desecrating the grave of Rogurando.
I had no intention of forgiving that deed, so naturally, I wouldn’t allow his arm to be healed.
Also, I personally disliked the idea of him entering the town of Valentine Duchy.
Therefore, my plan was to erase all memory of Shudo from the adventurers and then teleport Shudo to Suzette Imperial Academy.
The distance was considerable, so it was a hefty mana drain, but it was far better than letting him into the Valentine Duchy, so that’s what I decided to do.
(Thinking he could be nearby would just make my much-needed break stressful.)
So, despite managing a minor reunion with someone I’d rather not see, I wrapped things up before it turned into a significant hassle and headed back to the mansion with a light heart.