Chapter 255

K’Sante’s lane presence is weak.

When he goes for a gank, it’s painfully obvious where he’s headed, and if he steps into the field, he’s basically a walking target.

It seems Jason is aware of this too, as he immediately retreats the moment he sees K’Sante’s shadow.

However, it’s also true that he’s already gone pretty deep to escape without any harm.

Even if I’m K’Sante, it would be immorally careless for Jason to think he can just leave without using Flash in this situation.

“Looks like you’re not using Flash?”

With that cocky attitude, I followed Jason while wielding my scythe.

[“This isn’t in W range.”]

“I know. Save it for now.”

Viktor, generally, is a champion who lacks proper CC for responding to ganks.

Though he does have W, due to its gravitational nature, it’s optimized for dealing with incoming opponents rather than catching fleeing ones.

K’Sante’s CC isn’t much better either.

His only CC, his W, has such a large animation when not transformed that dodging it is too easy.

So usually, K’Sante players worth their salt tend to hold onto W if they see their opponent has a chance to dodge it.

Just like right now.

Tap, tap, tap.

After approaching with my Q skill, I poked Jason with a few auto attacks stained with red.

Use Flash.

Aren’t you going to use it?

I silently asked EZ, but it seemed EZ’s Jason wasn’t planning on using it.

‘He’s definitely watching the timer.’

Jason knew as well.

If he didn’t use Flash here, he wouldn’t be able to set foot in lane again.

Playing Jason is EZ, of course.

Despite being on a mid-tier team, he’s always mentioned as a top contender.

For our team’s top, Seo Yeon-woo, he was a rival he would have to overcome someday.

Because our team was one that would inevitably win the Red Cup someday.

Is it really okay to be stuck against someone who’s not a top player but a top contender?

Let alone, Seo Yeon-woo had already scored a solo kill against EZ before.

Even if it was in Solo Queue, strictly speaking, this place was also Solo Queue.


“I’m using it.”

Seo Yeon-woo boldly used her Flash first to place W in Jason’s escape path.

With such aggressive use of Flash, Jason had no choice but to counter Flash to survive.

[OLZ Outlaw (K’Sante): Jason Flash]

[OLZ Outlaw (K’Sante): Jason Flash]


– O

– Good job

– Flash exchange, crazy

– Good

– Nice

That’s how the top lane of both teams exchanged Flash.

Plus, I managed to poke Jason and get some decent gauge for myself.


I headed towards the enemy Golems as I pulled back.

Although the standard play would be to back home now, it seemed the enemy Nidalee was targeting our Bot.

Sure enough.

The enemy Nidalee showed up in the Bot’s tri-bush.

It was a perfectly natural diagonal pattern.

[❕] [❕] [❕]

[OLZ Outlaw (K’Sante) has sent a danger signal]

[OLZ Outlaw (K’Sante) has sent a danger signal]

[OLZ Outlaw (K’Sante) has sent a danger signal]

In this situation, all I could do was ping and respond by gaining benefits elsewhere, following the diagonal principle.

I used Smite and made sure to take down the freshly spawned enemy Golem.

Of course, Nidalee wasn’t just sitting idly.

Our Ezreal’s Flash had been burned.

And as she blatantly targeted our Bot’s dive, our Bot could no longer hold and discreetly retreated.

That meant CS loss.

After sending one wave, Nidalee entered my Golem jungle.

Not wanting to fall behind, I immediately headed for the enemy raptors.

Counting the Rift Scuttle would make it a very late home timing after completing 9 camps and ganking.

‘If I dash down to the jungle right now…’

At first glance, it seemed like Nidalee and I were on the same trajectory, but in reality, there was a slight difference.

I moved first, and Nidalee seemed to be following my movements.

Junglers must not be passive.

Junglers must be proactive.

Of course, if a jungler like SCV’s Vendetta heard that, he’d probably get furious, but that’s just an exception; generally, a jungler is a position that must be proactive.

A very brief moment of decision-making can change the success or failure of a gank or the ownership of an objective.

I quickly checked the raptors first. The one remaining means Nidalee had just finished stealing them.

‘Nidalee will immediately dash back to the lower jungle after returning.’

If I wanted to make a safe move here, I could just head up to the upper jungle.

But I decided to push hard.

I was starting to feel the need for gauge due to the fights.

I headed straight towards the enemy Blue jungle.

If the enemy returned home and wanted to clear the lower jungle again, they’d naturally start with Wolves, then head down to the Golem.

I aimed to steal their Golem right in front of them.

‘The evidence is mid lane control.’

Twisted Fate versus Akali.

This is a matchup where Twisted Fate can push from level 1.

Of course, there’s a chance of being solo-killed if not careful after level 6, but once we move past the laning phase to the team fight phase, Twisted Fate’s presence can overshadow Akali’s.

Akali starts with three orbs.

One of the starter items that has been trending recently or even from a long time ago, and the reason this tree is favored is simple.

It greatly enhances lane sustainability and, compared to other early starting items, it has a smaller loss when sold back.

In other words, it’s an extremely useful item build when you’re trying to withstand the early game.

However, as with any light, there’s a shadow, and if benefits are abundant, there are certainly downsides.

The three-orb build significantly increases lane sustainability, but it lacks health or defense stats, making it very vulnerable to burst damage from skill trades.


[OLZ Outlaw (K’Sante) has targeted MAX HwaLang]

‘Apply some pressure.’

MAX’s Mid Laner, Hwarang.

Hwarang is a smart player.

In short, he’s the kind of player who thinks about what it means when Twisted Fate can create strong trades at this timing.

‘It’s not all benefits, after all.’

As if to prove that, when Twisted Fate applied slight pressure, Akali began visibly backpedaling.

It was a type of fake-out.

I took that opportunity and dashed across the dragon’s nest toward the enemy Golem.


-Can it be?


Right now, the enemy bot is at home.

If my calculations are correct, as long as I don’t get spotted, there shouldn’t be significant danger.

And, I successfully took down the enemy Golem.

-Oh lolololol


-No way, really?


-Let’s go!

The audience burst into cheers, but I had no intention of stopping here.

After all, the reason I came this far was for a fight.

K’Sante’s weakness is that, although he’s a walking champion, he also has a half-baked movement speed buff skill typically found in walking champions.

However, if I could hit first after engaging, even the pre-transformation K’Sante wouldn’t be completely useless.

Nidalee was at a position aiming her spear at the Golem.

And from the vision blind spot, I leaped on Nidalee the moment she threw her spear at the Golem.

Of course, without her spear, Nidalee was caught off guard and tried to escape.

But I wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Nidalee is one of the champions with excellent survivability.

However, after being caught by me and hit with W slow first, she couldn’t shake me off as quickly as she would have liked after I followed up with Q.

She wasn’t fast enough, as the level and cooldown reduction on her W weren’t at satisfying levels yet.

The fight was already in my favor.

Naturally, Nidalee’s health began to plummet rapidly, and ultimately, she had no choice but to use Flash to escape.

[OLZ Outlaw (K’Sante): Nidalee Flash]

[OLZ Outlaw (K’Sante): Nidalee Flash]

“Nidalee has no Flash.”


As soon as the fight ended, my transformation gauge began to fill up.

It was totally worth it to hit Jason and Nidalee.


-Definitely filling the gauge well

-For real

‘Just one more kill should allow me to transform…’

Currently, Jason and Nidalee had both burned their Flashes.

However, there were still two ranged champions on the enemy team.

Most importantly, right in the vicinity where I was.

‘Nidalee is already chased away.’

So where should I go?

The answer was already there.


[OLZ Outlaw (K’Sante) is on the move]

“Let’s head to Bot.”

I moved straight towards the Bot lane.