Chapter 254

Chapter 254. News and Ominous Signs

Well, it’s me, Zilbagias, diligently studying in my private chamber at the Demon Lord Castle as usual.

Though when I say “studying,” I’ve already acquired the minimum education, so it’s more like a hobby now… I’ve even started dabbling in logic lately.

“Zil, a message from the Undead.”

While I was engrossed in my book, Viene came to fetch me. It’s around this time that Enma usually delivers the Daily Evaroti.

As I stepped out of the room, an Undead cloaked in a hood presented an envelope with reverence.

“I bring a letter from my master Enma…”

This Undead had a featureless, androgynous face. In the past, such exchanges were handled by Claire, but she’s not here now.

This Undead must be a high-ranking Undead since it can speak and has self-awareness.

…or at least that’s what I thought at first.

The Undead who passed me the envelope snapped one eye shut and made a smacking sound with its lips.

Yup, this one’s definitely Enma.

Being the sharp observer I am, I understood that this weird action was a kind of code, so I mimicked the gesture, snapping one eye shut and making a smacking sound with my lips in return.


After grinning widely, it quickly returned to a glued-on expression and hurried away, the delivery Undead (presumably Enma).

I painfully realized while making Barbara’s body that soft parts like vocal cords and lips are incredibly difficult… It requires a pretty advanced level of technique, quite the departure from combat skills.

That lip-smacking must be a sort of technical prowess, showcasing that even a delivery body can be equipped with elaborate functions.


Hmm, what’s up, Ant?

“Uh… never mind…”

What’s with you? You get all weird when it comes to Enma sometimes, don’t you?

Anyway, onto the Daily Evaroti.

Compared to usual, the contents of the envelope felt heavier. Something must have happened, so I plopped down on the couch to read through it.

The soldier unit suffered heavy losses? What on earth happened?

…While on patrol in the autonomous district, they camped near a forest and were attacked by Asurabear.

Asurabear—that multi-armed creature? I remember fighting that back in my previous life; it was quite the hassle. I thought I’d break my shield! I ended up caving its head in with Adamas.

However, as far as I know, there shouldn’t have been any high-ranking fighters in the soldier unit. How did they not get wiped out… Four arms? Must have been a young specimen, I see.

They desperately resisted and managed to drive it off. Given the human race’s limitations, they couldn’t outrun an Asurabear, so that turned out to be a sound decision.

But, there are numerous seriously injured—some in critical condition…


I instinctively frowned and then remembered the presence of my servants, quickly managing to fix my expression.

—The timing is unfortunate. I had no choice but to think that.

I typically visit Evaroti sporadically. My stay duration varies. Sophia has always told me it’s hard to schedule things since I don’t make it clear ahead of time, but I stick to this style.

Because if I portray it as mere whim, I can rush over naturally when Claire sends an emergency message.

Yet… just this time, I just returned from Evaroti yesterday. I usually make a point to have a gap of at least four days between visits. There’s also Leila to consider; she seems fine with it, but still.

If I rushed to Evaroti now, I might save those in critical condition.

But, that’s just too convenient. It’s precisely for that “whim camouflage” that I devised this plan, yet to use it now… the urgency just isn’t enough. A cold part of me felt that way.

Of course, I understand. The brief note said “a few critically ill,” but this is about human lives. After surviving this war, they finally started stabilizing life in the autonomous district, putting in efforts for patrols and maintaining order—these are precious lives. The passionate part of me is screaming to go help right away.

I know, I know. I truly want to rush there immediately. But…

“The deputy lord shows up whimsically when the soldiers are on the brink of life and death, generously offering treatment. A true tale of nobility, surpassing even the legends… at least for the people of the autonomous district.”

Ant said in a flat voice.

“It’s just a bit too unnatural. I’m already facing some backlash for providing free treatment to the district’s citizens. Any more than this…”


That’s right. I had spoken as if it was my own asset, stating I wouldn’t shy away from bleeding to maintain it.

Because of that, I’ve been accused of becoming arrogant and trying to privatize the district, which is causing trouble.

This incident had its own potential repercussions if I rushed to aid. Of course, I’m prepared to bear a little inconvenience. But do I need to take the risk of exposing Enma’s rapid communication or being suspected of being overly involved with the district’s citizens at this moment?

If it were a crisis for the district itself or an emergency on par with that, I could move without hesitation…!


With a heavy heart, I folded the letter back up.

…Four days since my last visit—meaning I’ll depart for Evaroti the day after tomorrow. That’s the best I can do right now…


—As a result, those who were in critical condition didn’t survive until the next day.

One of the seriously injured worsened, passing away before I could arrive.

In the end, the soldier unit suffered seven deaths.

Due to unfortunate circumstances, they encountered the Asurabear…

Yes, unfortunate.

That’s how I viewed it.

I, everyone around me, even the involved parties.

—At this stage, at least.