Chapter 252

Blaming the prices, another few days passed like that.

As if a hole had been punched in the sky, the relentless rain that had been pouring down crazily suddenly stopped…

And the “real” heat of midsummer, which no one except bugs wanted, began.

Outside the window, the heat was so intense that even the mirage was visible, a heat that could kill.

From the moment the air conditioner turned off, it wasn’t hard to see the indoor temperature skyrocket to 35, 36 degrees.

The moment I stepped out onto the double-glazed balcony to collect the laundry.

“Wow, the weather’s insane…”

The insane heat that made you sigh involuntarily covered my body.

If it were just the high temperature, it would be bearable, but the humidity hitting 70-80%.

That’s what drives people crazy.

Holding the clothes that were clipped to the laundry rack, I quickly ran back inside as if escaping.

Laying out the laundry in the living room, releasing the tightly held arms.

Starting to neatly fold the well-dried clothes next to the living room sofa where Siyeon’s room is clearly visible.

Socks in one place, bras in another, underwear in another, tops in another, bottoms in another.

This is mine, that’s Siyeon’s.

Shaking them out a couple of times to make a popping sound, neatly folding them, and suddenly, the haphazardly piled laundry is neatly organized.

Taking a refreshing breath as the housework is roughly done, I say the usual words.

“Siyeon, take your clothes-”

“Yeah, just a sec-”

Leaving a one-sided notice and hearing the reply, I trudged to my room with my share of clothes.

Both hands full, neatly stacking the clothes to keep them from getting messy, I neatly put them into the wardrobe.

After putting away the last piece of clothing, properly sorted by season, a sharp scream came from the living room.


“What’s wrong?!”

Rushing out of the room, I could immediately tell the cause of the scream without being told.

Juni, who had come out of her room at some point, had body-slammed the laundry.

The neatly arranged clothes were now a mess, all because of one beast.



Quickly stepping towards Juni, I grabbed her under the front legs and body, lifting her up.

Juni, dissatisfied with the sudden physical restraint, let out a mixed sound of complaint.

Claws fully extended, she was tightly gripping a top.

You crazy cat, you messed up first!

“Ugh, take it and go inside.”


Only then did Siyeon, belatedly, gather the clothes and go into her room, closing the door.

Probably because Juni showed an obsession with the clothes and might follow her into the room.

Anyway, these cats, if they were just a bit uglier, wouldn’t have been able to set foot in the city.

Only after the targeted clothes disappeared from the living room did I put Juni down.


As if the earlier rampage was an illusion, Juni shamelessly blinked her eyes and looked at me, crying.

Sigh, humans have to endure again.

After the carefully built laundry tower… no, the laundry collapse incident passed.

Lying sprawled on the sofa near the air conditioner, leisurely killing time with a smartphone and a power bank connected, then.

[Ji-eun unnie]

Suddenly, the smartphone screen was covered by an incoming call screen.

What could this unnie be calling about on such a hot day?

If I don’t answer, I’ll get an earful later when we meet, so with a suspicious glance, I push the green call button.


Immediately putting the phone to my ear, reciting the promised sentence.

Through the smartphone, Ji-eun unnie’s voice came back, mixed with a subtle admiration.

“Yo, why did you answer so quickly today?”

“If I don’t answer, I’ll get an earful…”

“Right, you know well.”

Responding to the question of why I answered so quickly with a logical retort, unnie affirms, saying I know well.

Even though it’s not a video call, I could almost see unnie nodding with her eyes closed on the other side of the smartphone.

After the short exchange of greetings, unnie leads into the main point.

“Do you have plans from next Wednesday to Friday?”


As soon as I hear Ji-eun unnie’s question, the gears in my head come to a screeching halt.

What would a high school student do from Wednesday to Friday, go to school.

Is she joking, or is she seriously asking?

With a voice mixed with absurdity, I answer as it comes to mind.

“…Go to school?”

“Ah, I didn’t explain enough.”

Hearing my bewildered voice, unnie continues, saying the explanation was insufficient.

“Field trip on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday? Don’t you want to take that?”

“Field trip? Ah.”

Suddenly, unnie brings up an unexpected word, field trip.

Among students, it’s roughly understood as ‘travel absence.’

Since we have the parents’ consent forms in our hands anyway, there’s no reason not to go…

But, why suddenly?

“But, why?”

“Obviously, you probably didn’t go anywhere during the vacation, and since the weather’s cleared up, let’s go to the beach.”

Ji-eun unnie is confident that during the vacation, except for necessary activities, I was holed up at home.

It feels a bit uncomfortable being treated like a shut-in, but it’s not entirely wrong, so it’s a bit weird.

Anyway, on a day perfect for dying, a sunny beach…

The formula of summer equals beach is actually close to the right choice.

It’s not a bad suggestion, but the light from the outside world makes me wonder if I really need to go out.


Letting out a groan mixed with contemplation, unable to make a clear decision, the scales in my heart tilt.

Honestly, I don’t feel like going, but having a legitimate excuse to skip school is a plus.

I’m like this, but what about Siyeon?


Finally, calling out to Siyeon again today.

Leaving the decision to someone else’s opinion rather than my own.


“Unnie says let’s skip school next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and go to the beach.”

“Ah, sounds good!”

The answer from the room comes without a second of hesitation.

Well, no matter the weather, there’s nothing better for a student than skipping school and going out to play.

Putting the smartphone back to my ear, I speak so Ji-eun unnie can hear.

“I’ll go.”

“Good, but do you guys have swimsuits?”


At the question about swimsuits, my finger moves to my chin.

Thinking hard, I realize I haven’t had a reason to wear a swimsuit in recent years.

Let’s see, the last time I wore a swimsuit was…

‘When we went to Sokcho a long time ago?’

The faint memory of the last swimsuit.

Siyeon was wearing a grandmother-style purple floral swimsuit.

A past so distant it could be called ancient in this lifetime… that is, elementary school days.

I probably threw it away…

It’s unlikely to still be there, and even if it is, it definitely wouldn’t fit.

Even though it won’t be visible through the screen, I habitually shake my head and speak into the smartphone.

“No, we don’t.”

“Then we need to buy Juwon a float too, let’s go to the mall tomorrow.”


After giving a drawn-out answer, unnie hangs up first.

Come to think of it, I didn’t even ask where we’re going.

Well, wherever it is, the beach is the beach.

With the call ended, I stride towards Siyeon’s room, resting my neck on the back of the chair and placing my hands on my shoulders, asking.

“You answered without hesitation, did you want to go to the beach?”

“No, not really…”

Siyeon, who also doesn’t seem particularly eager for the beach.

Catching the fading tail of her words, I repeat the end of her sentence, curious about what comes next.

“Not really?”

“Because we don’t have to go to school…”

With a cheek scratch, the following words come out with difficulty, and I let out a snort.

Of course, I somewhat agree, and I chuckle.

By the time you’re in your second or third year of high school, no matter how much you play, the stress from academics will be heavy, so you should play hard even in your first year.

Thinking that, I detach myself from the backrest and head to my room.

Which page is our school’s field trip application form on?

I’ll have to submit an application to the Minister too, there’s a lot to do.

Turning on the computer after a long time, I rummage through the school website, which I usually have no reason to visit.

“Ooh, are we going to the beach?”

Gomteng, who had been sneakily eavesdropping on the conversation nearby.

Flying over stealthily, he asks with a sinister gaze.

What, aiming for some fresh seafood?

Unfortunately, there’s no reason to take you guys this time.

“What do you mean ‘we,’ you guys have to guard the house.”


Answering the question without even a glance, Gomteng lets out a scream as if the world has collapsed.

Apparently, he thought we would take them, and when I turn my head, a blank expression is pitifully facing me.

“Anyway, this is an official application, and if monsters appear there, the magical girl over there will take care of it, why should we take you.”

Still, it’s not a baseless torment, I attach a reasonable explanation.

And, mentioning the part that concerned me more than monster extermination.

“And, if you all go, who will feed and water Juni?”

If all the mascots go, Juni will be alone at home.

There are trips where you can take pets, but usually, there are some issues with accommodations.

Unless it’s a trip organized by us, taking animals would be a nuisance.

“No, there’s that Tae Hyun guy, right!”

Gomteng retorts, mentioning Tae Hyun.

Well, that’s something I haven’t thought about either.

“Eh, that’s a bit sorry… he has school too.”

But, he’s also a guy who goes to school, and considering academies, it’s practically leaving it to the aunty.

He often gets meals from us, and that’s even more of a nuisance.

The conclusion was that it’s best for the mascots to stay and take care of Juni.

“Then what about us?”

“Not sorry.”