Chapter 251

Was it the remarks of the blonde woman, Millia, that were getting under her skin?

The eyebrows of the middle-aged woman, who was deeply engrossed in a heated argument with her, twitched slightly.

Yet, that was all.

Years of political acumen honed by defending her position as branch leader against countless competitors allowed her to quickly revert her expression to its normal state.

And the first action she took upon returning to her original demeanor was to ‘smile.’

Words accompanied by a faint smile were then shot towards Millia.

“You’re making statements that are just perfect for misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding, you say?”

“Isn’t it? To my ears, it definitely sounded like you were suggesting we hand that boy over to the Another Ones…”

Despite the somewhat backhanded comment that could have easily riled her up, Millia responded instead with a provocative smile.

What flowed from her lips was a comment just as challenging as her grin.

“Is that not the case?”

The reactions to her words split precisely into two streams.

Most of them?

They frowned as if hearing the most nonsensical statement imaginable.

They couldn’t help it.

The Association was clearly a group that proclaimed righteousness, and many took pride in that fact.

Yet, no matter how precarious the Association’s situation seemed, handing over an innocent boy — barely an adult — to those monstrous beings that fed on humans was no easy task.

That was not something one could say as a person with ties to the Association.

Thus, the response was not great.

However, many others were nodding along with their expressions twisted in concern, as the situation of the Association was undeniably dire.

Some branches, struggling to suppress sporadic small rifts, were also facing the wrath of villains!

In the worst-case scenario, the existence of the branch could be threatened.

Those who nodded in agreement with Millia were, regrettably, of the belief that they should consider any means necessary to prevent the situation from escalating to that point.

Though the reactions were divided, none of those within either group were willing to step forward.

To do so would only invite worry about the repercussions if this information were to leak outside the Association later.

Of course, this didn’t apply to the ones who had already taken the lead from the very beginning.

“Are you suggesting that’s not an option? Have you considered how people might react if it slipped outside?”

“Naturally, the initial response wouldn’t be good. The trust in the Association would also take a hit.”

“Initially, you say…?”

“Yes, initially that would be the case.”

“You speak as if people’s reactions will change swiftly.”

“Of course, they will.”

“On what grounds do you base that belief?”

“It’s simple… issues tend to be overshadowed by larger issues.”

What could that larger issue possibly be?

It was just at that moment, when the thoughts crossed the minds of those listening to the conversation between the two, that the question became relevant.

“Have you checked the identities of the villains mentioned in the intel?”

“…Of course.”

“Then you already know how much suffering they have caused.”


How could they not?

All those mentioned in the intel had successfully escaped the relentless tracking that the Association was notorious for.

The damages they had inflicted were certainly not minimal.

“How many personnel would be needed to eliminate them through normal methods? What about the various damages that would occur during the cleanup process?”

It surely would not be few.

In certain circles, there was even talk of it being unfair that these outlaws had managed to hide, thereby avoiding the relentless pursuit of the Association.

“Compared to that, if we could eliminate them with just the sacrifice of one man, wouldn’t that be a relatively good deal?”

“A good deal, you say… It doesn’t seem right to equate a person’s life with such a notion.”

“I’m just saying, it’s a saying. Let’s not get caught up on semantics.”

“It’s not semantics; it’s merely pointing out valid concerns.”

And there were more valid concerns than just that.

“More than anything, what I struggle to understand is the very idea of negotiating with the Another Ones.”

“You find that hard to comprehend? As I mentioned earlier, until now, it was thought impossible to negotiate anything with those creatures, but hasn’t this event opened up that possibility?”

“True. I do recognize that possibility has emerged, but how likely is it?”

“Even so, you still don’t understand? Branch Leader Serin?”

“What I want to emphasize is — how on earth do you plan to arrange a negotiation table with them?”

The possibility of an alliance between the Another Ones and the villains was made feasible only because the being known as the ‘Queen,’ the only known entity capable of communicating with humans, personally invited the villains to her world for negotiation.

But what about here?

There were no means or methods to set such a stage.

Simply put, it wasn’t feasible to just go before those who couldn’t understand a word and say, “I want to talk to your boss, so please make some space for us?”

There was no guarantee such a method would even work, and if it didn’t?

The innocent might just bear the brunt of it?

After pointing that out, did I fail to foresee the argument that would ensue from it?

In that instant, Millia’s expression, which had been sitting there with a look as if she were waiting to hear something, faltered for just a second. But that was that.

She quickly reverted to her playful façade as if flustered moments had not occurred.

“Well… we’ll need to think of that from this point on. That is our role, and the very reason we are gathered here, no?”

Middle-aged woman Serin couldn’t help but feel admiration for Millia’s response.

Indeed, she hadn’t expected such a sly escape route.

“True, that could be the case.”

“Then, let’s consider…”

“But is there any assurance that the Another Ones will comply with our requests? Can we trust them?”

After all, these were creatures that viewed humans as nothing more than prey.

And even the ‘Queen,’ though she appeared in human form, was no different.

From the viewpoint of the Another Ones and the Queen, this side was but mere fodder.

After pointing out that fact, rebuttals came swiftly.

“That’s something we can handle effectively as part of the negotiation process, isn’t it?”

“Handle effectively, you say… How?”

“Well… we would need to firmly state that we hold the man the ‘Queen’ has been desperately looking for, and we can’t hand him over unless the conditions of the negotiation are met.”

“I’m hesitant about this ‘reason we don’t know’ part.”

“Excuse me?”

“Why is the Queen so desperately seeking this ‘man’?”

No sooner had she asked that question than the response came, clearly conveying that they had no clue either.

Undeterred, she maintained her gaze, causing Millia to hesitantly offer her own speculation.

“Well… perhaps she’s seeking revenge?”

“Revenge, you say?”

Hearing that, Serin realized — she was the only one seriously contemplating the possible risks and implications concerning the Queen.

“It would be fortunate if that were the case, but… what if it isn’t?”

“Then what else can there be? The Queen is, after all, just a monster.”

“…It is known that the Another Ones don’t have a designated breeding period.”

“So what?”

“Could the Queen be any different?”

That wasn’t the only troubling consideration.

Another point of concern was the fact that this entity known as the ‘Queen’ happened to take on a female visage — if an ordinary person possessed such features, they’d surely be called beautiful.

In such a situation, could it simply be coincidental that the ‘Queen’ was seeking a ‘man’?

And if that was not mere coincidence…?

Were we to act upon Millia’s words, driven by the promise of immediate gain, we might end up facing an onslaught from the Another Ones, who bore forms not significantly dissimilar to humans.

If that were to happen…

There awaited a catastrophe unimaginable for humanity.

Such a fate must be prevented at all costs.

That was the role and duty of those in power.

Therefore, I could never turn over that boy, Dogun.

Well, even without going to these lengths, Chae-rim wouldn’t sit idly by.