Chapter 249

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“The Louvre Museum is quite the disappointment. If they had surrendered earlier, it wouldn’t have crumbled like that.”

“I heard that when the Commune just took over the mainland, they sent the Louvre’s collection off to Bordeaux and Marseille.”

Why exactly? Was it to prepare for when Paris fell?

It’s a bit odd for the Reds to act that way.

There’s this feeling that the Reds are just going to destroy everything.

Ah, maybe it’s too generalized because of the Cultural Revolution. I should rethink that.

“Surprising, isn’t it? Why’s that?”

“During the German Revolution, the Karl Liebknecht regime solely targeted artists who didn’t propagate the Communist Party. Perhaps Goebbels could have done the same, so didn’t the Commune stash some away in advance?”

I see. In any case, now that it’s a Communist state, art will only be used for propaganda. Cultural life will shift accordingly.

Even if the completed pieces can’t be helped, did they move everything from the Louvre?

“They didn’t completely destroy it, huh?”

“Be it the Reds or whoever, it’s still France.”

So, they might have stashed it in a back room.

It would be too wasteful to dispose of or destroy it. Just because they’re Reds doesn’t mean they’ll destroy everything without reason. Especially since it’s France.

“But, Marseille is where our fleet is, isn’t it?”

Marseille is where the Free French Army liberated the mainland while enjoying some food together.

So, the collection of the Louvre is there.


“Let’s just return what’s in Bordeaux and take the rest back to Russia.”

We need to gather some trophies, right?

“Wait, if we’re going to take it, shouldn’t we take everything?”

Anton Denikin licked his lips in disappointment. This won’t be easy.

Shouldn’t I show some mercy, being from the country of Saints?

I’m trying to promote my image by saying I managed to return at least half of the mainland due to the efforts of Pétain and Larocque, after all.

We need to rebuild the Louvre, so it makes sense to return some.

“If we keep a little, won’t they cling to the arts? France will become a region known for art and wine under the Rome Treaty Organization.”

If we strip everything away, they might give up hope, but even taking this much would mean France would focus solely on art without other sectors to invest in.

It does feel a bit sorry for them.

I heard Pétain half-died after witnessing the nuclear event. This level of mercy should be granted, right?

But the British are surprisingly vengeful. It’s not as easy as one might think.

I’m not going to kill the British. That old man Churchill destroyed Brittany, and if he’s become the Ultimate Mr. Brittany, he would have said, “Get lost.” If the uprising British manage to bring Churchill down, then it’s fair to take Britain.

But still, they’ve occupied two regions while pulling together all their souls. What can I do?

If Russia, who ought to encompass Europe, refuses to accept Churchill’s offer to calmly hand over his colonies, then what’s next?

If Britain peacefully relinquishes its colonies, other colonial empires might follow suit.

This is a discussion to have later with the leaders of the colonial empires.

For now, the matters with France are resolved. Leaving the colonial issue until after dealing with Japan. Within Europe, the German and Serbian issues remain.

So, I turned my gaze to Kaiser and Chancellor Hitler, combing through the hellish editions in Paris.

“The remaining task is to establish the Rome Treaty Organization and grant independence to the colonies. However, we need to resolve the remaining issues on the European front. Chancellor Hitler, will you take the southern German territories?”

“Hmm. Then, how about we proclaim independence for the Bavarian Republic? I think His Majesty would be okay with that.”

Hitler, who had his eyes on the south, seems to prefer granting independence.

Depleting German strength, he solidified the claim of liberation from communism. That should suffice.

Personally, I think it’s quite significant that Hitler has become a figure of authority.

The Danube Federation is a successor state of the Dual Empire.

They could recover regions like Lombardy or Bosnia as constituent nations of the Austrian Empire, but annexing southern Germany could seem unseemly.

“Bavaria, huh.”

The Kaiser seemed to be deep in thought.

“Chancellor Hitler’s suggestion seems reasonable. After all, the German homeland has undergone many changes under Communist rule. To transition from the people of a Communist state back to imperial subjects, the entire administrative system must be overhauled. Stabilizing the whole mainland would be difficult. You took Alsace-Lorraine when you tore apart France last time.”

This is true.

Even if many of the military defected to the imperial army, it remains a question of whether the millions of Germans would wish to return to the Kaiser regime.

Moreover, with Kaiser Wilhelm II nearing his end, it might be tough to regain control over the mainland before meeting his demise.

Meanwhile, to demand the entire mainland after subtly taking Alsace-Lorraine seems a bit greedy.

The Kaiser, perhaps wanting to cover up the fact that he took Alsace-Lorraine, cleared his throat.

“I shall proceed. After all, it was thanks to Tsarina that I couldn’t accomplish this alone. I entrust my daughter Luise to you.”

“Hmm, if His Majesty says so, I will also approve the Bavarian Republic.”

Considering my knowledge of history, it was quite surprising for Kaiser Wilhelm II of the Dual Empire and Hitler of the Danube to reach a consensus to restore the old regime.

Next is Yugoslavia. No, Serbia.

Serbia ultimately fell with Belgrade, the Danube has reclaimed lands including Bosnia, and it seems they decided to split the Serbian mainland evenly with Bulgaria.

I didn’t pay much attention to this side.

Since we decided to leave this to the two countries from the start of the war, I’m just curious to hear some news.

“Chancellor Hitler, has Serbia negotiated with Bulgaria?”

“Yes. We agreed to leave Belgrade as a demilitarized city and grant self-autonomy in western Serbia, while Bulgaria will annex eastern Serbia.”

Hmm, that’s not bad.

It’s fortunate that Hitler from the Danube is different from Hitler of Nazi Germany. If he had been overly greedy, I’d have to deal with him. This way, there’s no need for exertion.

Churchill, Hitler, Wilhelm II, and the president of Turkey all acknowledged Russia’s hegemony.

Since the Red Front government has collapsed, surrender procedures won’t happen all at once. Later, I’ll need to call only the leaders of the victorious nations for a land check.

Once we cross Europe, it’s time to deal with Japan. Isn’t it about time the U.S. starts making contacts with the Russians?

It’s a tough task if we want to take advantage of them for funds during reconstruction.

But before that, we need to prepare.

“So, is the war over?”

“Not yet, the war is not over. The Eastern power of Japan still remains.”

At Wilhelm II’s words, I shook my head lightly.

We haven’t even had direct combat yet, but the British won’t just sit idle, and we need to strike Japan’s back.

“Do we really have to handle them?”

Hitler seems a bit short on thoughts.

Well, it seems burdensome to participate in a war with Japan since the damage to the nation is significant, but the Rome Treaty Organization must have achievements in liberating colonies.

In that process, the colonial empires will get washed away.

At the very least, from the standpoint of leading, the original history can’t have Hitler taking all the blame and dying buried.

And above all, we have justification.

“Seeing their greed for the colonies suggests we’re bound to clash. Moreover, the colonies of Britain and the Netherlands are already under attack.”

Once the Rome Treaty Organization is launched, Britain will fight Japan due to the colonial assaults. We will automatically be involved as well.

No matter how it goes, participation is inevitable.

“That Rome Treaty Organization, huh.”

“Exactly. The German Empire and the Danube endured tremendous damage from the war. They could send only a portion of their forces with goodwill.”

Although France will remain under military governance for a while, dealing with Japan is another matter.

Now, we have European friends to handle things with.

An image of hitting Japan alongside them seems like a form of bullying, doesn’t it?

“When will the war crimes trials be held?”

“As soon as Goebbels and his minions recover. We’ll quickly deal with Mussolini too and send him off to Ethiopia.”

Before we strike Japan, we must conduct those war crimes trials. A historic trial that will signal the end of communism.

In the end, communism will stand as evidence that it could never surpass the rule of Tsarina Anastasia.

“There will probably be many deaths. No death penalty will be handed out.”

Those insects who resisted till the end deserve no mercy.

After all, dropping a nuke on Paris wasn’t done with concern for their lives. It was just a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. They were fated to perish.

After public hanging, burning them into ashes would keep the faithful from arising once more.

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**Washington D.C. of the United States**

Meanwhile, the United States still hadn’t properly secured naval power against Japan in the Pacific when compared to original history.

They managed to defend the islands in the Pacific, but without notable results.

It seems like a victory is on the horizon, but it’s still a long way off.

And this prolonged war would likely stir anti-war sentiments among the recently unified U.S. citizens.

This way, even MacArthur’s authority could be shaken.

“How can they still not secure naval supremacy?! What’s going on!”

“We’re close now. Those guys can’t even manage the land they’ve occupied. If we drag this out, Admiral Nimitz will crush them.”

Sure, he could crush them.

But by that time, the United States will have already suffered excessive damage from those Eastern monkeys.

Do they expect me to endure such a future?

“Anti-war sentiments could boil over, and the Reds might rise again! How long are we going to drag this out? Remember just a little while ago the KFC folks revolted!”

McArthur, who had been granted full powers for the war from Huey Long, didn’t want to waste time dragging this war on.

Somehow, he wanted to drop the U.S. Army onto those monkeys’ islands and make them experience what they’ve done to China.

Admiral Nimitz looks to be planning to handle a major confrontation with Japan, but given the current situation, the war would certainly last.

It was unacceptable to delay the landing on their homeland any longer.

“Just wait a bit longer.”

“Come on now, Ike (a nickname for Eisenhower). We can’t wait any longer. How did we even gain this military regime? If the citizens’ support decreases because we’re dragging this out, that won’t end well. Isn’t there any way?”

We want to end this as soon as possible.

The longer it drags on, the more foolish those monkey guys will appear.

It’s clear the anti-war sentiment will begin to rise.

“Isn’t it that we lack experienced elite pilots or sailors?”

That’s right. We have enough guns and production.

The problem lies with the lack of experienced soldiers.

Even the second civil war at home wasn’t as fierce as the Red-White civil war or the World War II; it was just a standoff, and KFC crumbled thanks to Russia’s assistance.

It was merely adequate local skirmishes followed by unity.

The army might be fine, but the Air Force and Navy are major issues.

Combat has plenty of inconveniences, and seizing advantageous terrain has been challenging.

Japan is gradually being pushed back due to a widened front, but ultimately, if they can’t seize naval power in the Pacific, it’s over.

“What then?”

“I’ve heard the war in Europe recently ended.”

“That’s right. I heard the French government-in-exile wiped Paris off the map to reclaim their country.”

To erase their own capital for the sake of exterminating communism? Pétain’s decisiveness is truly remarkable.

If I were in his place, with Reds swarming in Washington, I’d have dropped a weapon to erase that city without hesitation.

In that sense, MacArthur could applaud Pétain.

“That weapon is said to be a new Russian model. Russia’s technological capabilities are now overwhelming. Their proficiency is exceptional as well.”


So, Russia has grown that strong.

With such power that could wipe out cities, it’s fair to say Europe has fallen into Russia’s hands.


Then, as it stands, the only nation that can keep Russia in check is the United States.

Before that, we have to swiftly deal with Japan.

“Although the British army was slaughtered, they cultivated many skilled pilots through their battles with Communist Germany. Above all, the Royal Navy has concentrated its entire fleet’s strength on home defense.”

That’s right.

The European fleets currently consist of the strong remnants of the British Royal Navy and the Russian White Navy that once roamed the oceans.

Of course, strictly speaking, the Royal Navy is stronger than each individual nation in England and Russia. However, for now, they’re allies, and if they form a combined fleet to cross the Pacific, it’ll greatly benefit the United States.


“If we receive assistance from the British and Russian fleets and air forces, what do you think?”

Well, it sounds plausible.

But those guys won’t be unaffected by the war either. Would such people, just after a war, lend us a hand?

“Why would they help us?”

Those who just came out of war would be willing to help us?

Moreover, isn’t Russia a friend of Japan?

What if Japan appeals to Russia for help? Wouldn’t that make it risky?

“The Communist Germans, who suffered the greatest losses from the war, won’t be able to provide reparations since the German Empire is regaining its mainland, and once the French Commune is returned to France, won’t it be hard for them to recover afterwards? Even if we lack seasoned air and naval forces, we have one thing to overwhelm them. Money.”

The United States managed to get through the Great Depression while going through the civil war.

And the newly established United States, aiming to capture Japan, was employing tremendous production power to push against Japan.

Certainly, that immense financial power can’t be overlooked.

“You suggest we help their recovery in exchange for something, then?”

What a plausible suggestion.

It’s a bit uneasy to rely on Russia’s support again, but judging by Russia’s past behavior, they’re a country that operates on cash above all else.

Clearly, they’re investing in their own national development. We could just throw enough financial assistance to satisfy Tsarina’s appetites.