Chapter 248

The Villainous Noble Who Kept Rewinding After Death: The Story Somehow Changed When I Committed Suicide

Chapter 241: Breaking the Gate

After leaving the village of Naron, Fiera and the others made a beeline through the forest without detours, stopping near the outer walls that protect the capital of the Clan Kingdom.

“That’s the outer wall leading to the capital of the Clan Kingdom.”

“It looks pretty sturdy, made of stone.”

“As Shuvina said, that wall has been reinforced with both magical and physical resistances, which is one reason why this country isn’t easily attacked. Plus, with all the mountains around, it’s hard to invade, and even if they did, they wouldn’t get much out of it.”

“I see. But why is there such a magnificent wall?”

“Well, you probably figured this out on your way here, but numerous monsters inhabit the area surrounding this country. To protect the kingdom from these monsters, the first king of the Clan Kingdom commissioned magicians to build this strong wall.”

“Huh. The old king was wise, wasn’t he? Yet the current king is trying to get involved in wars driven by greed. I just can’t understand.”

After hearing Kamael’s explanation, Sonia sighed with exasperation, while Kamael chuckled darkly for some reason.

“Well, everyone is greedy by nature. Once you get something, you want even more. It becomes even more true with different generations and people.”

“That’s true.”

“Certainly was.”

Shuvina and Sonia showed somewhat pained expressions, as if recalling experiences related to Kamael’s words.

“Oh, shoot. Sorry for the gloomy talk. So, I’ll take a different route to the castle from here. You two can take your time and head to the castle straight on. You might as well do some sightseeing and shopping along the way.”

“Unfortunately, I have very little money left after covering Shuvi’s meal costs. I won’t be able to buy anything, so I’ll head straight to the royal castle. You should wrap up your business quickly too.”

“Hey, Fiera! I didn’t eat that much! And my money was from my personal funds; there’s still some left for everyone!”

“Ahaha. Then it seems I should hurry and finish up too. Alright, I’m off! We’ll catch up later.”

With Fiera and Shuvina’s antics returning Kamael to his usual cheer, he said that with a joyful sound and disappeared as if sinking into something black.

“What kind of magic was that?”

“Wait, even Sonia, who loves magic, doesn’t know it?”

“Right. I’ve never seen magic like that while I was in the Magic Kingdom, and I haven’t encountered it at the academy either. It could be a type of teleportation magic, but it wasn’t the same as what Lewis showed me before. This is completely unfamiliar magic.”

Hearing that Lewis could use teleportation magic, Sonia had once insisted on seeing it, but what Kamael used was entirely different, a completely unknown magic to her.

“How about we think about it later? Fiera is itching to move on.”

When Sephiria said this and turned to Fiera, they found her completely uninterested in Sonia’s words. Instead, she was staring intently at the capital like a dog eager to play with its favorite toy.

“That’s true. Thinking about unknown mysteries will take too much time. Plus, I want to use magic soon!”

“I might as well let Dōna play after a long time. Maybe it’s been a while since she got any exercise; I’ve just been getting magic from Lewis lately, and my tummy is starting to bulge a bit.”

Spirits maintain their bodies using magic, so they don’t typically gain weight from food. However, if they continually rely on receiving magic without using it, they could see some effect on their bodies. Dōna had been getting magic from Lewis each time they met, so she had gained just a little extra around her tummy recently.

“If she hears that, she’ll cry.”

“I know. That’s why I have to subtly let it out during opportunities like this.”

“Are we all set?”

Just as Shuvina’s comment was about to derail the conversation again, it seemed Fiera had reached her limit and grinned like a fierce wolf, interrupting their chatter. The two promptly nodded in agreement and ceased their talks.

“Then let’s go!”

With that, at Fiera’s signal, they emerged from their hiding spot and rushed along the path leading into the capital.


As Fiera and the others arrived at the outer wall protecting the capital of the Clan Kingdom, they were stopped by a knight who noticed them.

“Are you adventurers? Then show us your guild cards. You also need to state your purpose for coming to this country. Otherwise, you cannot enter.”

The knight spoke with a low pressure in his voice, likely due to his job, but Fiera stepped forward without a care.

“I don’t want to show you the guild card; it’s a hassle. We’ve come here to settle a score because your colleagues kidnapped someone. Are you involved in kidnapping too?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? Just show me your guild card already. If not, you better leave.”

The knight glared at Fiera as if looking at a crazy woman, but she ignored his gaze, turning to Sephiria, who shook her head, signaling that he wasn’t lying.

Sephiria had a special ability as a Saintess known as the Truth Eye, allowing her to see through lies and deceptions when facing a small number of people.

“I understand you aren’t involved in this matter. If you stand aside quietly, I won’t do anything to you. But if you dare point your sword at us here, I won’t hold back.”

“What nonsense are you spouting? The one who won’t show any mercy is me! If you try anything, consider yourself opposing the Clan Kingdom! If you don’t want to suffer, leave at once! Even if there are numbers, I won’t lose to mere women like you!”

Saying that, the man pulled out his sword, intending to threaten them, but that would ultimately seal his fate. With the sword aiming at her, Fiera gave him a completely emotionless look.

“That’s your choice. Understood? Then you’ll let us through.”

“What are you saying… guah!!!”

The knight, clearly not processing Fiera’s words, was cut off mid-sentence as Fiera swiftly maneuvered past the sword and slipped into his embrace, using her body enhancement to mercilessly strike him in the gut.

The man who was hit soared towards the gate, breaking through it and continuing to fly into the streets of the capital without a pause.

“Uh, did he die?”

“Naah. It’s fine. He was wearing armor, and I held back a bit. It felt like he may have broken a few ribs, at most.”

“Okay. As long as he’s alive, we’re good. More importantly, the gate is open, so let’s get inside.”

“Yeah. Let’s finish this quickly and enjoy summer break with El.”

Thus, with a forceful but bold entry, Fiera and the others broke through the gate and stepped into the capital of the Clan Kingdom, facing the bewildered and stunned gazes directed at them, resolutely making their way towards the royal castle.