Chapter 248

Sure. At least I’ll be able to take pictures, so I’ve probably seen the mushroom cloud.

Seeing is believing, after all, but well, once we get into Paris, which will have lightened up enough for Spetsnaz to enter, Churchill will surely bow his head even more.

Even if the navy is falling behind in Britain, there’s overwhelming air power and missiles.

Eradicating the pirates’ nation with nukes shouldn’t be too difficult.

Once everything is wrecked and we occupy it, that would mean a return to Roman Britain.

Yet, Churchill, still trying to uphold his pride, forced himself to speak.

“Uh, if you want to secure your position as a hegemonic power, wouldn’t it have been better to advance into America while it was divided? We could have taken America then, even if it’s a bit awkward for us Brits.”

Sure, that could be.

“No matter what happens, I’m going to die. I worry about my afterlife. Isn’t Prime Minister Churchill also anxious about the future of Britain, having lost its colonies? Someone has to keep Russia, the hegemonic power, in check. There’s no country in Europe big enough to defeat current Russia, and the only one left is America.”

Churchill seemed to be pondering carefully as he wiped his fingers.

“Well, then, may I impose a condition?”

Typical British. Even in this situation, they want to set conditions.

But still, I’m feelin’ pretty relaxed about this.

Now that no one can oppose me, would I really be unable to grant one request from a bald man?

“Speak up.”

“According to this Treaty Organization, if any member nation is attacked by an enemy, all member nations declare war on the enemy and fight together in mutual defense. Is this still applicable?”

In a situation where refusal is difficult, it seems Churchill ultimately swayed towards seeking some gain.

What he means by that is, he wants someone to fight.

Most likely, it will be Japan.

Once the European front ends, Japan will be the enemy to Britain, attacking their colonies.

“All countries wouldn’t declare war; it would be the Rome Treaty Organization itself declaring war.”

It’s pretty much the same, but it signifies a united Europe.

Churchill, who had been like a docile lamb at my question, clenched his fists.

“I’ll have to catch those arrogant Japanese bastards who don’t know this kindness.”

Churchill’s veins bulged with rage, making his bald head shimmer.

Still, unlike in the original history, at least the Eastern Fleet is intact, right?

Of course, there has been damage to the navy in Communist Germany, but even so, the navy will still be strong.

Since I was already planning to strike Japan in the back, it was akin to having no condition at all.

Right now, with the red front looking like it does, they can’t even seek reparations. They’d be lucky just to receive raw materials from a torn-apart France. Naturally, those who need to recover their national power have no choice but to rely on Russia.

Britain suffered significant manpower losses, so they seek military assistance. Since they were planning on going to war anyway, this shouldn’t be too bad.

“It’s good to speed up the conversation. However, colonies still need to be relinquished. Let’s take a bit more time.”

“What do you mean?”

Japan can be attacked anytime.

So it’s just a matter of taking a little more time to catch our breath.

“It seems the US is having a hard time securing maritime rights against Japan. If we wait a bit longer, we could get US support as a condition for post-war recovery, can’t we?”

America is severely shattered, and the current Japan is coming at us much more aggressively than in the original history.

They don’t seem to even be dreaming about reaching India.

“Your Tsar is a figure I cannot even dare to fathom. Your late predecessor Tsar would be very pleased.”

Getting praise from Churchill is truly an honor.

Oh, wait, something just came to mind.

Regardless of anything else, this is something that must be resolved.

“I’d like to add a few more things, Prime Minister Churchill.”

“What could that possibly be?”

“For the cost of ripping France apart, this is actually rather light.”

“Well, do tell.”

Don’t give me that annoyed look. It’s no big deal. No need to be so tense.

It’s something that could simply be accepted with a smile.

“I haven’t formally put it in the documents yet, but we’re going to push the yard-pound system to the back and unify Europe under the metric system. So let’s tuck that ridiculous yard-pound system away.”


Now, now, I’m not done yet.

“And I happened to overhear Louis Mountbatten, dispatched to Belgium, mumble something about how Prime Minister Churchill disregarded the information leaked by Manstein, who planned to spoon-feed the Allied Forces, thinking that Communist Germany wouldn’t launch any offensives. If that’s true, I’d eat my beloved mint chocolate through my nose. Later, I’ll invite you to the Kremlin, so show me then.”

Churchill groaned like a man who’s lost his nation.

Whether it was about the yard-pound system or mint chocolate, who knows, but he certainly looked frustrated.

Well then, now we just need to extract the Commune’s surrender.

“Alright, let’s go meet Gamleyn. The Commune must pay for their attachments. Prime Minister Hitler, our United States’ Prime Minister, Turkey’s Prime Minister, and Ludendorff will also participate.”

This is bound to be a humiliating moment for France in many ways.

Afterwards, the leaders of the French Commune, including Gamleyn and the people’s army generals, will have to face justice as war criminals.


Together with the tearfully struggling Churchill, we moved on.

Now, let’s see our Gamleyn.

He probably thought he could somehow switch sides and show that France didn’t lose to Germany, but now, he has to pay the price for that.

Currently, the surrender signing ceremony of France, now transformed into Communist Germany, took place in Compiègne.

“I never thought I would see France conquered like this by the Tsar. How should I express this?”

Georgy Lvov, whom I hadn’t seen in a long time, was stunned, acting as if his brains had stopped working.

In this era, an Emperor never personally intervenes, and it would be my sole responsibility to wrap up the war. That’s only natural.

“Regardless, isn’t it enough that we’ve won? I will merely observe, so please finalize France’s surrender, Prime Minister.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Anyway, with Germany recovering its homeland under the Kaiser, Wilhelm List, leading Army Group A, will be sent to the German Empire only to be tried as a war criminal.

In reality, the surrender will be a simple process, mainly involving Gamleyn signing the surrender document.

Gamleyn, receiving the surrender document read by the representatives of each country, suddenly stood up.

“Brittany and Normandy are to be ceded to Britain, Alsace-Lorraine is rightful German territory, to be ‘returned.’ Corsica is to be surrendered to Spain, and the Republic of Burgundy, as well as Calais to Belgium! This is too harsh! You intend to tear France apart!”

Gamleyn was livid at the surrender document signing ceremony.

He had every right to be angry since they were ceding Brittany and Normandy to Britain, Calais to Belgium, Corsica to Spain, confirming the borders of Alsace-Lorraine with Germany, while establishing the Republic of Burgundy where Burgundy once was.

The remaining territory was left as French land, as a French Republic was established with Pétain as Prime Minister in Vichy, with the military only to defend the land confirmed by this agreement. Thus they would only maintain a self-defense force with restrictions on weapons production and development. The fleet must also not be owned, and any existing assets would be transferred to Russia.

All factories would be disassembled and transferred to Germany and the Danube.

Is that all? All colonies must be granted independence as well.

Of course, the independence of colonies was an inevitable byproduct of communism, decided upon by Pétain’s French Republic government to grant independence.

Naturally, Gamleyn and the People’s Army commanders, who were hoping to ride both sides for a sweet deal, were in hot water.

I expected that kind of backlash.

Then I also had something to say.

“When the Commune was established, you should have anticipated this much. Let’s think. If the red front had won, wouldn’t the anti-air defense nations have been torn apart similarly? This is thanks to General Pétain’s pleas that it has become this manageable. The African colonies will be handed over to Ethiopia, and you’ve surely seen the torn-up remains of Italy, so preserving your country should be seen as a blessing, don’t you think?”

Thus, France was established with Vichy as its capital, just like in the original history.

Thanks to Pétain, who approved nuclear weapons, somehow managing to keep the French homeland intact.

That Pétain is now nearly on the brink of death.

Anyway, while Vichy is only a temporary capital, it’s the only option for now.

“This is undoubtedly aimed at completely wrecking our France. If that’s the case, then…”

“If that’s the case, are you suggesting we should fight?”

“If that’s genuinely the case, I feel France may well vanish from the map.”

I blatantly warned them of the nuclear weapon’s destructive power in the meantime.


As if reminded of the nuclear’s devastating impact, Gamleyn crumpled to the ground.

The higher-ups had all been captured, and here he was, representing the French Commune in the signing of the surrender, making quite the fuss.

“It seems you still don’t grasp the current situation. The German revolution is what it is, but France is a betrayer in this war. All of Europe has deep resentment against the French. Eliminating your war capabilities is the only way for everyone to feel safe and maintain the country, and do you still not understand this?”

“Are you suggesting we should sit still and accept whatever invasion befalls us?”

That’s why I laid out the details of the Rome Treaty Organization.

The new European Union that I would establish.

That is the Rome Treaty Organization, based in the Papal States of Rome.

“You’ll see the Rome Treaty Organization written under that surrender document, right? Post-war, both France and the Republic of Burgundy will join this Rome Treaty Organization, so there’s no need to worry about war any longer. The region once known as Gaul, which was part of Rome, will escape from war under the new Roman order. And General Gamleyn will be tried as a war criminal, so think about your own life.”

Gamleyn couldn’t muster further objections.

Even Pétain was simply there as a puppet, watching Paris engulfed in nuclear ruin, with de Gaulle insisting on supporting him.

Reparations were to be resolved with raw materials, with the French Republic government set to regain its territory, allowing each country to claim reparations as desired.

Essentially, it is a gangster-like clause, yet it cannot be refused.

Since Gamleyn, who must face war crimes trials, seemed to have given up entirely, there was nothing left for him to do but silently sign the surrender document.

Churchill of Britain, Hitler of the Danube, Georgy Lvov of the Russian Republic, Ilyinuy of Turkey, and representatives of other nations all completed the re-confirmation of the surrender document.

“With this, the European front is completely concluded. Afterwards, we will establish the Rome Treaty Organization to create a union in Europe, achieving eternal peace in Europe and leading the world.”

My declaration was met with silence.

Everyone understood how overwhelmingly strong Russia had been in this war and saw the power of an omnipotent god.

In front of that force, national strength didn’t matter, so what was the point of resisting?

Countries in Europe had no choice but to acknowledge Russian hegemony.

The war with the red front was over, but there were still some tasks left to tackle.

War crime trials. The trials of war criminals will involve British, Danube, Polish, and German judges, representing nations with pent-up resentment against the Reds.

From my perspective, this war had been relatively easy, so I planned to leave that responsibility to our allies and merely observe from the sidelines.

Now, let’s head into Paris.

Plenty of time has passed, and I wanted to give it a little longer, so Paris must have significantly improved in terms of radiation.

After all, I had even sent Spetsnaz in once the danger lightened.

Weeks later, after wrapping up the surrender ceremony in Compiègne, we headed to Paris to see how things had changed.

“My, has Paris really changed this much?”

The British soldiers, who knew Paris better than anyone due to having been with France from the early days of the war, were taken aback to find the city now resembled a grim, forsaken grey landscape, decaying without maintenance as if humanity had been wiped out.

Especially Churchill blinked in disbelief, as if he couldn’t believe his own eyes.

“What has become of the victims of the nuclear fallout?”

I doubted whether I could find any Frenchman here who gazed with curiosity at foreign soldiers, as the Italians had, nervously anticipating what the occupying force might do.

Perhaps due to the nuclear strikes, there were no signs of the innocent bystanders; however, survivors must exist.

“The survivors were sent outside Paris for ‘treatment.’ We cannot have those core Reds presented in their monstrous forms while you make your entrance, Your Majesty.”

At Ungern’s words, I nodded in satisfaction.

If civilian casualties have already been so extensive, then a little manipulation is in order.

Although Pétain permitted it and a French pilot dropped the bomb, there’s a risk of reevaluation in the future. It’s better to paint Paris entirely as a den of core Reds.

Despite continuously urging surrender, those Reds remained utterly resistant, leaving no choice but to resort to such means.

Even the Free France government requested nuclear weapons from Russia for the complete eradication of Reds.

In aiming to halt reckless slaughter, the Saint, unfortunately, had to give nuclear weapons to the Free France government.

That should be sufficient.

Well, it’s not like the city can’t be rebuilt.

In any case, our entry into Paris has a single purpose.

Even though Paris has become a shadow of its former self, it is still a city where military governance will be central to maintaining and overseeing the future fragmented French regime.

Of course, publicly, it’s for the purpose of defending France, which now has no military at all, yet we need to instill some discipline to prevent unnecessary acts.

And the Eiffel Tower still stands.

It somehow managed to endure, but it’s bent and now truly looks dreadful.

When the city appeared intact, it looked somewhat nice, but since it was just a skeletal tower, it’s now quite hideous amidst the ruins.

The Louvre Museum doesn’t look very good either. Observing from a distance, it seemed quite unsightly.

“The power of this nuclear weapon is quite something.”

Hitler, while surveying the effects on Paris, was awe-struck.

Yes, indeed. If Russia dares to flick our noses again, they would be meeting that nuclear wrath.

Though, I hope we don’t have to use it again.