Chapter 245

There are teams like that.

They’ve faced so many losses that there’s hardly any data on victories, so even when they manage to gain an early lead, they just fumble around and waste time until they get turned around.

Without a doubt, our team could be seen as the complete opposite of those teams.

We know exactly how to play the game when we’re ahead. After all, we’ve been through countless games just like that.

That doesn’t mean we don’t know what to do when our allies are losing their lanes.

Our scrim opponents were teams like SY and SCV, known for their skills at the top level, along with MAX.

We know all too well how to tough it out against those top-tier teams.

The reason I’m bringing all this up is simple.

– Enemy eliminated!

– Double kill!

When we already have a firm grip on the game, any counterattacks from the opponent are just a routine we’ve long gotten used to.


[“Ji-hoon, you really hooked that one well.”]

[“Nah, your response was solid.”]

In no time, we had taken down their mid and jungle, and we started comfortably going for the Rift Herald again.

By the time their bot lane arrived late, they were already outnumbered.

Of course, our allies weren’t without their ultimate abilities or spells being used, but it had been a long time since the opponent’s momentum was broken.

[“Come on in~”]

[“You’re the bot lane.”]

[“That’s why if you go in, I’ll get to farm more.”]

[“That’s true.”]

Kim Jae-min and Baek Seong-an laughed together as usual.

The atmosphere and situation of our team were nothing short of fantastic.

– Our team has slain the Rift Herald!

“Good good.”


“Jae-min, you should probably back off too.”

[“Wait, just one more minion…”]

Just like everything in life, excessive greed always invites disaster.


A teleport ignited from the bush near the bot lane, where three paths meet, and from the single-path bush, which we didn’t even know when it got warded.

The opposing top and mid finally decided to use their long-saved teleports to state their intent to take down the lone Kim Jae-min.

[“Anyone want to save me?”]

[“Doesn’t seem like it.”]

[“Oh no.”]

Unfortunately, with the top and mid’s teleports used for a recall and Galion’s ultimate already gone from the Rift fight, there was simply no way to help Kim Jae-min in his current situation.

[“I’ll do it alone.”]

Kim Jae-min made the bold choice to go for a frontal escape.

Without even trying to find a safer route, he chose to run straight towards the single-path bush.

That reckless escape naturally resulted in him running right into Fiona, who appeared via teleport.

But there was a fact that everyone seemed to overlook.

Right now, Kim Jae-min’s Aphelios had grown like a monster, whereas Fiona, being in a solo lane, wasn’t quite satisfying in terms of growth.

Moreover, the weapon Kim Jae-min was holding was having quite the impact as well.

When facing Aphelios, strategizing based on the current weapon state is usually essential, but FFF was in a bit of a hurry, leading to this unavoidable choice.

– Enemy eliminated!

As if proving that point, after a quick exchange of damage, Kim Jae-min’s Aphelios split Fiona’s head in half.

That was the power of ‘that weapon’.

[“You jerks! No way! Bug cut! Cut! Cut!”]

What Kim Jae-min shouted in excitement was overshadowed by the impact of the super play.

– Our team has been defeated!

Of course, shortly after, Kim Jae-min’s Aphelios was also taken out by Yune, but bringing down one of their members after they burned two teleports was a huge accomplishment.

[“Oh, what are you doing, Jaem-min!”]

[“I just taught him a lesson for trying to charge in.”]

[“Oh, so cool.”]

“Jae-min, you did well.”

With barely the last shred of spirit, Kim Jae-min’s super play also thwarted the enemy’s ambush.

The message was crystal clear.

You guys can’t win against us.


Overpowering all lanes except mid.

And did mid fail? That was not the case. Even with a pretty unfavorable matchup, Galion against Yune, Getback managed to hold his own perfectly.

No matter how much pressure came from the other lanes, Yune was bound to lose some strength too, but that didn’t undermine Getback’s reliability.

Some might say FFF was reckless.

That they made plays they didn’t need to.

Others might say OLZ was just strong.

That FFF had done their best within their means.

Either way, the outcome was the same.


Game time: 19 minutes 45 seconds.

Kill score: 1:9.

It was an overwhelming victory for OLZ.

Finally, as the first game concluded, the commentators shouted with excitement.

『“That’s overwhelming! With overwhelming power, OLZ crushed FFF after BLH!”』

『“Of course, considering how FFF has performed so far, it’s true they are a bit inconsistent… But still, they were the second-place team in last season’s Challengers Korea, you know?! If they’d just made one more step, they could have entered LCKR, and now they’ve lost so easily!”』

『“That really shows how dominant OLZ’s power is! Just how far is OLZ planning to go? This talk of leaving Challengers Korea isn’t just random talk!”』

The chat was just as excited.

You could call it a boring game if you wanted, but the maneuvers shown by FFF and OLZ’s responses were truly impressive.


– Epic!

– I’m dead, I’m dead! I’m dead, I’m dead! I’m dead, I’m dead!

– Jungle difference, is this real? Outlaw is a legend…

– Epic!

– If only Jaem-min hadn’t died, it would’ve been a perfect game.

– Epic!

『“OLZ’s performance so far has been remarkable. But the average game time is really short, right?”』

『“Yeah. It’s like they’ve been crushing from the early lane phases. That just shows that the OLZ players’ basic skills are anything but ordinary.”』

『“In fact, Outlaw has held the solo rank 1 for quite a long time with an insane win rate.”`

『“Of course, some might wonder what solo rank scores even mean, but high scores are still a good thing. Even if players aren’t really playing solo queue seriously, it’s still a basic indicator of their condition.”`

『“Absolutely! I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of performance OLZ and FFF will show in the next match. Especially FFF, as they’ll need a lot of feedback on the judgments they made in the previous game.”`

『“For sure! They have to come back with feedback if they want to take on OLZ! They can’t just stay like this!”`

As the commentators said, the difference in performance shown by OLZ and FFF was just staggering.

Exaggerating a bit, it felt like watching a pro team play against an amateur team, right?

The performance and game skill displayed by OLZ were nothing short of amazing.

『“Well then, we’ll see you all shortly!”`

『“See you soon!”』

After a brief advertisement…

They immediately showed the highlight scenes from the previous match along with the players’ voices.

– [“Nice!”]

– [“Ji-hoon, you really hooked that one well.”]

– [“Nah, your response was solid.”]

– Hoon ㅡ Hoon

– Protein seems quite nice, despite looking tough?

– Gotta be nice… Otherwise, a lot of people might die.

– That’s true, lol.

– Right? If they weren’t nice with that physique, they’d be in prison already, damn, lol.

Most of the scenes were ordinary.

Well, except for one.

– [“You jerks! No way! Bug cut! Cut! Cut!”]

– ?

– ???

– Huh?

– lololololol

– Damn, lol.

– Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut! Bug cut!

– Jaem-min, damn it, lol.

– So funny, lol.

– Fiona really was a bug, I agree.

Many viewers seemed to roll with it, but not everyone felt that way.

– I mean, saying that is…

– Isn’t that a problem?

– Even so, the opponent is a pro, calling it a bug cut is a bit…

– For real, that was pretty harsh.

– Doesn’t Outlaw’s team not train them? Jaem-min is already infamous for trash talking in solo queue.

The comments about Kim Jae-min’s remarks caused a stir in the chat.

– Doesn’t seem like it was intentional, why make a big deal out of it?

– For real, everyone could see it was a super play from a deadly situation, I would’ve been like ‘damn’ myself.

– For real, lol.

– But this isn’t solo queue, you can’t say that in a tournament.

– Yeah, they usually warn against such comments beforehand, if that slipped, isn’t it a problem?

– But shouldn’t Challengers Korea have cut that out from the start? Why let it air as it is?

– For real, Challengers Korea messed up.

– Anyway, their management is still trash.

Suddenly, as the chat atmosphere grew awkward, Red TV managers stepped in.

– [‘Kim Soo-han-mu Turtle’ was kicked out.]

– Mu.

– [‘Preacher of the Abyss’ has been muted.]

– Bing.

– Mu.

– Bing.

Despite their quick response, it couldn’t cover up what had already happened.

– Already memed, lol.

– For real? That got uploaded so fast.

Something was beginning.