Volume 4 Chapter 78: “A Sound That Makes You Want to Cry”
“Shrunk down like this and stubborn… it’s just like being a child, isn’t it? It’s painful to watch; sigh.”
Hearing Sekhmet’s remark about his child-like demeanor, Subaru, cocooned in his small shell, thought, “That might be true.”
Becoming obstinate and believing in this way while ignoring the voices around me—yet, this method minimizes casualties and is the most reliable.
Leaning on the world’s repetitions, as long as Subaru continues to pay with his life as the price, he can challenge it infinitely. Surely, many times along the way, Subaru’s heart would wear down, fraying at the edges.
However, when he feels like he’s about to crumble into fragile pieces, Subaru has already received words strong enough to rally his spirits.
‘— Subaru-kun is Rem’s hero.’
That’s right. For Subaru, that alone is sufficient.
If everyone’s figures lie at the end of those words, then he desires nothing more.
What’s wrong with that?
“— Hey, are you crying, Val?”
Suddenly, a child-like voice echoed in the silence, and the witches gasped softly.
Small palms gently stroked Subaru’s head, which curled up. When Subaru lifted his tear-blurred eyes, he saw a girl with brown skin reflected faintly.
The Witch of Pride received Subaru’s weak gaze and said,
“Crying like this, how pitiful… who made you cry?”
Typhon, who had been kneeling, stood up and scanned the silent witches with a sharp glare.
With a threatening light in her eyes, the girl looked around at the faces of the witches, finally noticing Satella and raising an eyebrow.
“Terra? Terra’s here? Why? It’s been a while!”
Waving her raised hand and calling out to Satella, the combative light in Typhon’s eyes didn’t fade. The first to respond to Typhon’s demeanor was Sekhmet, letting out a weary sigh as she sat up.
“Typhon… sigh. Right now, I’m busy, so don’t provoke her. Come over here, sigh.”
“Ahaha, did you do something bad to Val? Ahaha, are you the villain?”
“No, sigh. I don’t have the energy to be a villain, sigh. I neither have the will to work nor to make you work, you know, sigh.”
Typhon nodded slightly at Sekhmet’s response but showed no sign of leaving Subaru’s side. Next, she turned her gaze to Minerva.
“What about Ruva? You’re not bullying Val, right?”
“Why ask me? That’s strange. I don’t always just heal others; sometimes I let my pent-up violent feelings take over and hurt… maybe even injure, you know?”
“It’s hard to believe someone who turns pale just imagining such a thing would take violent action themselves.”
Echidna shrugged and interjected with Minerva’s unreliable response. Minerva glared sharply at Echidna, causing Typhon to follow suit, grimacing at the sight of the younger woman’s face.
“Donna. Did you do something bad again? Are you a villain, Donna?”
“What does it mean that you’re so definite about me? I’d like to ask your foster parent about that. What do you think?”
“It’s about daily conduct, sigh.”
Sekhmet rested her forehead in a tired manner. Meanwhile, Typhon did not leave Subaru’s side, determined to find the “villain” who made her cry, eyes alert.
Watching the young witch intently, Echidna muttered, “That said…”
“If Typhon is showing up too, it’s practically a full house. If Daphne also shows her face, it’s just like 400 years ago…”
“Did you just call out Daphne?”
As if reacting to Echidna’s exclamation, a black coffin suddenly appeared in the meadow.
Inside the coffin, bound in restraints with her eyes closed, was the Witch of Gluttony, Daphne.
She twitched her small nose, as if using her sense of smell to assess everyone present.
“Aside from Subaru, Terra is also here? Impressive! The seven deadly witches are gathered, plus a candidate for a sage…”
“Daphne. — He hasn’t gotten that far yet.”
“… Ah, I’m sorry about that. That said… snuffle. It smells salty; is someone crying? Is it Nerl?”
The lethargic tone of her voice dispelled some of the tense atmosphere.
Now that all seven witches, including Satella, were assembled in this dream castle, it was a sight that had not even been achieved during the peak of the witches 400 years ago.
Just seven witches who had once plunged the world into chaos—now, with some on the brink of confrontation, could potentially alter the very shape of the world.
The Witch of Pride was ready to enact judgment on the one who made the small boy cry.
The Witch of Wrath clenched her fist, intent on fulfilling her close witch’s wishes.
The Witch of Sloth, while keeping an eye on everyone’s movements, lazily stood ready to crush anything should the need arise.
The Witch of Lust maintained an indifferent posture, ensuring she could protect herself in a sudden turn of events.
The Witch of Gluttony was indifferent to the situation’s fluctuation, pondering whose fingers would be the tastiest to munch on.
The Witch of Greed looked on with unwelcome eyes at one witch, yet her curiosity about how the current tea party would unfold sparkled in her gaze.
And it was not the Witch of Envy, but Satella—.
“I love you. —Because you brought light to my life. Because you held my hand and showed me the world outside. Because you held my hand through the nights I trembled in loneliness. Because you kissed me, telling me I was not alone. I received so much from you… So, I love you. Because you gave me everything.”
Satella’s whispers were completely unfamiliar to Subaru.
I don’t know, not a thing. I’ve never met Satella, exchanged words, nor shared warmth with her. What she spoke of was a product of delusion. A woman crazed with emotions was merely projecting fantasies onto Subaru.
Yet, despite that, Natsuki Subaru knows it.
“Why… what is this in me? I don’t want such feelings. Don’t bind me with memories that never even happened… I don’t… I don’t need you… you…!”
He should simply state he loathes her.
He could declare to the one who turns her affection towards him that he harbors not a shred of goodwill toward her. It would be intriguing to see how someone who tries to twist another’s emotions for their own ends would react. Surely their face would contort in a grand display of heartache.
—How can you do that to her?
“Th-that kid…”
“— Ah, that’s one choice. Natsuki Subaru.”
The witches called out to Subaru in their own manners as Echidna dropped her head slightly at the result of the summons.
“— Gah!”
—Crouching on the ground, Subaru bit through his own tongue.
Cornered by the witches, he found himself utterly lost.
Especially, if he couldn’t even maintain freedom over his own feelings in this situation, what would remain for Subaru?
If he couldn’t even stay true to his stubbornness and was merely rejected, that would be acceptable.
But, if by interacting with Satella he began to accept the rejection—
That terrifies me.
—What would happen if I meet my end in this dream castle?
Subaru’s body should now be resting at the Graveyard of the Sanctuary.
What is called here is Subaru’s spiritual body, in a sense, merely his soul. If the spiritual body dies here, would that feedback to his physical body? Or would it mean the death of his soul?
I don’t care. If I can die and start over, then I’m ready for it.
Without the witches’ aid, if I can shave away more of myself than ever before, stripping away all unnecessary elements, then with sheer determination, the path will surely open—then I…
“Y-you fool—!”
The instant Minerva noticed Subaru’s act of self-harm, she rolled up her sleeves and charged forward. With fists brimming with healing power, she sought to strike Subaru and heal him. Yet, standing in front was Typhon, who was by Subaru’s side.
The young witch spread her small body wide to block Minerva’s path and exclaimed,
“Val chose for himself! Ruva can’t interfere; that’s not allowed!”
“No self-harm, self-determination, or harm to others will be permitted before my eyes! I don’t care about your internal struggles! Invisible wounds mean nothing to me! So! I’ll never overlook visible wounds!”
With a single strike, the ground crumbled beneath. Minerva’s punch that split the wind slammed toward Typhon’s face.
The power contained in the thrust could shatter mountains, but the instant it impacted the living being, destructive energy transformed into healing energy. However, only the shockwave and impact of the blow would pierce through the target.
A loud crash reverberated as Minerva’s extended arm sent Typhon flying.
The underdeveloped body of the girl soared like a leaf, high into the faux blue sky of the meadow. It was a merciless sight—but Typhon wasn’t the only one hurt.
Minerva’s dislodged right arm shattered like ice crystals at the shoulder.
Touched by the Witch of Pride’s judgment, acts deemed “evil” were denied.
Minerva looked skyward with the pain of losing her arm, opening her mouth wide to unleash a scream—,
“Farting frogs—!!”
Not at all.
The sensitive Witch of Wrath delays her own pain indefinitely.
Indeed, she sets aside Natsuki Subaru’s way of living.
“Anyway, with this—!”
With no more obstruction, Minerva twisted her remaining left arm and jumped towards Subaru. An overwhelmingly powerful arm dropped down toward Subaru’s direction, saying,
“The next interruption will be me, sigh.”
With golden hair flowing, Minerva was suddenly slammed down to the ground.
Pressing her entire body against the earth, creating a human-shaped depression in the meadow, Minerva looked up, now furious, and screamed at Sekhmet, who was sitting in a huff.
“Don’t get in the way—! Sekhmet—!”
“That’s not happening, sigh. Emotionally, I’m on that boy’s side, sigh. To add, I’m on Typhon’s side as well, sigh. There’s no reason not to interfere, sigh.”
Minerva bit her lip in frustration and scanned her surroundings.
However, Daphne and Carmilla remained neutral in this confrontation, and Echidna had become nothing more than a spectator observing the results. As for Satella—.
“Ah… ah…”
Kneeling and collapsing before him, Subaru spat out a large amount of fresh blood.
Choking on the overflowing blood and his severed tongue, Subaru felt a drowning sensation, but he was somehow aware of Satella’s state at the edge of his consciousness.
She was crying, perhaps.
Seeing Subaru’s “death,” she appeared more unsettled than ever.
“Why can’t you realize…? That among all you wish to save, you should be there as well.”
Why did she think of Subaru in that way?
How much has Subaru supported her heart within this delusion?
“Just like those struggling in the dead end of fate, the same must apply to you. However, only you have the potential to overturn that… You too deserve to be saved, so why…”
That’s entirely mistaken.
Subaru is an incorrigible fool, barely accomplishing anything even when it felt within reach, incapable of saving even the ones he wants to save; he’s stuck in mediocrity.
Didn’t he vow to break free from such mediocrity, to stop being half-hearted?
Wasn’t that what he decided when he tried to put on a brave front?
—Within himself, a weak Subaru contended against the stubborn wish to not be weak.
Natsuki Subaru cannot show his weakness to anyone any longer.
He must embody strength, nobility, and resilience—this is how a hero should be.
A single girl wished that of Subaru. It was a curse he cast upon himself, and he has a duty to repay the girl bound by that curse. No, it’s not about duty. Just, if she believes that, he wants to be someone who can be believed in.
Because she told him she liked him, he wishes to be the kind of person who can keep hearing her say she loves him.
Ah, that’s right.
That’s it.
If someone were to mourn for Subaru’s “death,” it would surely be her.
Choosing “death” would mean betraying the one who believed in him. Of course, Subaru doesn’t intend to let it end with just “death.” To shatter the reasons for “death” and reclaim everything, he’s prepared to even use “death” as a stepping stone.
But what becomes of those left behind who are affected by Subaru choosing “death”?
He shouldn’t think about that.
He must not know. It’s a perilous way of thinking.
It’s fine. Natsuki Subaru is all right as is.
He must not think he’s someone others would mourn.
He’s not someone of worth. Subaru’s life is expendable. It should be used, used up, and as long as he can reach the end, it should be treated as expendable.
Without regard for appearances, he must effectively utilize dying and must not face his own “death.”
He must cut it clean. There’s no need to think. It’s a decision to discard what must be tossed away to grab the things he wants. Everyone does it. Subaru should as well.
As long as he can help the important people who deserve saving, that’s enough.
If he can do that much, then Subaru—
“What have you seen in the two ‘Trials’…?”
Trials. — Trials, Trials, “Trials.” Trials Trials Trials, “Trials” Trials Trials Trials, Trials—?
His head was spinning due to lack of oxygen and shock.
His vision was becoming increasingly shaky, the world was beginning to flash red, and he wondered if this was the end, much like a television set covered in static.
The end was slowly approaching.
How many times has he faced “death” like this? Counting would be too bothersome, but that was acceptable.
Eventually, he would have to die so many times that counting would become undesirable.
It’s hard to think he could maintain a composure that allowed for counting the number of “deaths.”
A heart of steel.
A heart of steel that doesn’t sway for anything, he must have—
And slowly, slowly, Subaru’s consciousness was fading away,
Until it vanished,
※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
“I’m counting on you, son.”
He heard a sound.
From beyond the noise, amid the reflections of sound, a notably clear sound emerged.
“— Take care.”
He heard it again.
Another sound was heard. Yet, the feeling it brought to his chest was the same; he heard a sound.
“I wanted to call you my friend.”
Different sounds, feelings changing sounds.
An unnervingly restless sound. Yet, it was also a comfortable sound.
“Subaru-dono… I’m very sorry…”
Another sound.
What flooded his heart was a feeling of emptiness combined with something akin to longing, stirring a feeling of guilt.
“I know you’re not that person… but.”
The sound that tightened his chest echoed.
Hearing that sound made him feel overwhelmingly unable to hold back. A sound that makes one want to cry. A sound not meant to be made sad. A sound that must be protected. Sound. Sound. Sound.
“Please show me your cool side. Subaru-kun.”
With a thump, something inside himself burst in response to the sound.
His entire body heated. He was driven by a sense of mission. This sound had always supported him.
And then,
“Thank you, Subaru.”
A sound was made.
“— For helping me.”
— A sound that announced the beginning of everything.
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
Will he end up crying?
When the people who Subaru cherishes learn of his death, will they grieve for him?
Will those who remain in this world broken by his selfish “death” mourn and sorrow over losing Subaru?
As Subaru lamented his shortcomings and repeated “Return by Death” seeking the best outcome, those who lost Subaru just before the final step—did they also regret that moment?
There are people he considers important.
People he believes he must protect.
People he can wish to rescue from the dead end of fate.
—Is there any value in being mourned by those important to him?
Can he be conceited?
Is it acceptable for someone like him to be thought of as an essential existence by those who matter?
Is it alright to believe?
That even someone like him is needed by those he wants to protect, who would wish to keep him close?
Is it permissible to long?
That even someone like him has people who would shed tears for his loss, granting him the worth to reach out and save them?
—Is it fine to think like that?
He doesn’t want to die.
More than anything, he doesn’t want to give up and accept it as the only way out.
He doesn’t want to disappear, becoming the foundation to protect the future of those precious to him.
He wants, together with his important people, to be part of that future he can protect.
Is it okay for him to think like that?
Does he have the right to feel that way?
If he does, then—
“I don’t want to die…”
The sound of a blood clot spilled forth with a noise, alongside the sound of air escaping.
His throat, which should have been sealed by biting his tongue, opened, gasping for air mixed with sobs, his mouth flapping for oxygen. His lungs expanded, oxygen reached his brain, and the blurred vision began to clear.
And then,
“That’s your true feeling, isn’t it…?”
—Right in front of him, the Witch of Wrath, whose face reddened and healed him with a headbutt, reached him even without her legs.