Volume 4 Chapter 76: “≠Satella”
――Thus, it was Subaru’s first experience meeting the “Witch” in person.
The name “Witch of Envy” had echoed in his ears countless times, and he had confronted the very threat of that witch within the loop precipitated by this “Sanctuary”.
Having felt the crushing pain of his heart being squeezed due to violating the imposed rules more than once, it was difficult to hold any good impressions towards the witch who had taken over Emilia’s body to destroy the “Sanctuary”.
Given his previous interaction with Echidna, he had developed an aversion to the very word “witch” itself. Yet still,
“After all, this one is… on a whole other level compared to the other witches.”
Standing before him, Subaru muttered with a hushed voice as he felt the pressure emanating from the witch.
She was a slender woman.
Her arms hung loosely by her sides, as if she made no effort to pose, looking at him with a gaze that felt disinterested. Her body was adorned in a dress of pitch-black—the very shadows rising from her feet woven into the garment, pulsating with the rhythm of her heartbeat.
Though the dress had long sleeves, her wrist and fingers were strikingly pale, making it predictable that the “Witch of Envy” possessed a beauty exceeding the norm, akin to the others.
However, the most crucial information necessary to assess this was lacking.
“I’ve seen her a few times, but… what’s the principle behind that?”
The upper part of the witch’s body was shrouded in obsidian shadows, making it impossible to see her face.
Unlike her shadowy dress, that darkness drifted like mist, concealing the features of the “Witch of Envy” from Subaru’s view.
To his exasperation, there was no response from the witch.
Burned by the rising impatience within him and sweating on his forehead, Subaru glanced around—the silent presence of the other four witches.
Observing the changes in their expressions, Subaru felt something unexpected.
As far as he knew, the relationship between the “Witch of Envy” and them was one of a murderer and the murdered. He thought he understood the psychological toll of facing someone who had killed him once before.
Yet, the expressions of the witches were entirely unlike what Subaru had imagined.
One bore a soft smile, another shot a sympathetic glance, one showed sheer indifference, and the last one—
“You broke through my boundary and made it this far? How rude to intrude upon the castle of dreams… You really are self-centered to the end.”
Only one—Echidna—glared at the “Witch of Envy” with hostility in her eyes.
To see Echidna express such hatred was surprising to Subaru. Just moments ago, he had thought she lacked such emotions and had spoken of separation. Now, seeing her reveal her feelings, he couldn’t help but doubt his previous assumptions.
However, the practical issue was that the moment had passed.
The problem now was how to respond to the witch standing before him, still motionless.
“What on earth does she intend to do here…”
“Maybe she’s angry because you blurted out things you shouldn’t have. I mean, I can’t help but dislike guys who speak too freely. I can understand her indignation a little.”
“Even if you say that, I have no idea. Are you siding with that witch? From your and the other witches’ perspective, isn’t she your enemy?”
“Your description of ‘enemy’ sounds silly. …I’ll confirm whether your claims have any merit from now on.”
Squinting at Subaru’s words, Minerva stirred, her wavy blonde hair cascading. She was staring intently at Subaru, advancing between him and the “Witch of Envy,” proudly puffing out her ample chest to confront the witch.
“Can you hear me? It’s me, Minerva. I’m the ‘Witch of Wrath’. If you remember me or can hear my voice, please respond.”
“——! Wait! As far as I know, she can’t communicate! If you provoke her with any other weird actions…”
“Better to stay silent then, huh?”
Minerva’s reckless declaration only seemed reckless to Subaru. But before he could stop her, her words were interrupted by Sekhmet, still curled up on the ground behind them.
With only a glance over her shoulder, Sekhmet said, shifting her red-purple furball form.
“While you’ve only interacted with her for a short time… we’ve spent much longer alongside her. Feeling anxious is natural, but you should let Minerva have a little confidence this time.”
“Hey, I can hear you, Sekhmet! If I don’t want our discussion to fail and end up swallowed up, then don’t say anything to provoke her! She’s already rising in anger!”
“Even just watching someone breathe, huh? You find a reason to get angry. What do you expect me to do about it?”
Despite the harsh evaluation, Minerva was still focused, undeterred by the looming threat ahead.
The “Witch of Envy” could have made her move during their exchange, but she remained still, merely gazing at Subaru through Minerva.
Indeed, this behavior was a stark contrast to the witches’ usual, straightforward responses.
However, just because she wasn’t immediately taking hostile action, it didn’t mean they were in a conversational position.
Minerva was initiating dialogue, while Sekhmet resigned her authority to Minerva completely. So then, what of the remaining two—
“Um, well… if Minerva-chan is going to try her best, then it’s fine… right? If Minerva-chan gets… y’know attacked… I’ll kill her though.”
“That’s a reassuring statement, but I’ve told you before you’re a bad match for her. The only one who can contend with her here is Sekhmet. —Do you understand?”
Carmilla, despite her stammering words, sounded quite combative, and Echidna admonished her in a calm tone. Then the silver-haired witch glanced at Sekhmet, who trembled as if reluctant to respond.
“Even I can’t continuously suppress her movements, you know? I’m aware I’m not suited for that, right?”
“I do understand. So all you need to do is crush her limbs and snap her neck. Physically handicap her, and then I could bury her from this space with my hands.”
Echidna’s statement made Carmilla seem adorably naive in comparison, as a fierce hostility emanated from her. Despite her nonchalant delivery, it was clear there was a deep-seated aversion hidden in her words.
One could say that when it came to the “Witch of Envy,” there was no need to doubt the negative sentiments Echidna held.
Amidst this tense conversation, Minerva and the “Witch of Envy” continued their stand-off. In fact, Minerva took a step closer, seemingly wishing to keep the others’ discussion from reaching the “Witch of Envy.”
Subaru held his breath as he watched Minerva advance in silence.
To Subaru, her actions seemed reckless, but he didn’t even know why the “Witch of Envy” had shown herself here in the first place.
Based on the events so far, it was likely that the witch had appeared because Subaru had broken a taboo. Yet, even with that broken taboo, the worst punishment she had dealt him involved merely manifesting an arm to cause him heartache, and when she had manifested fully, she swallowed up everything in sight.
She had never engaged in friendly interaction; in fact, the “Witch of Envy” had never even properly expressed her own intentions. None of her schemes were anything more than a mystery to Subaru even now.
Thus, whatever action the witch would take towards Minerva remained completely uncertain for him.
—If Minerva were to be swallowed by the shadows, the other three would surely act immediately.
If the expectations placed upon Sekhmet were accurate, then “Witch of Sloth” would crush the “Witch of Envy” with her powers, and Echidna would fend off the weakened “Witch of Envy.”
However, if that were the case—
Then why was no one acting immediately? It perplexed Subaru.
Speaking of oddities, it was already strange that the initial encounter with the “Witch of Envy” was entirely left to Minerva.
While Carmilla was willing to retaliate if necessary, Sekhmet had no desire for active hostility, and even the fervently antagonistic Echidna wasn’t rushing in to make a preemptive strike against Minerva’s intentions.
What were they all planning—
“You look like you’re being toyed with, not knowing the witches’ intentions.”
“Of course, if we are to be seen as mere playthings, it would be rather unbecoming for witches, so I’d prefer to not be underestimated.”
“Don’t go putting on a facade.
—If you genuinely want to keep ‘the Witch of Envy’ away, then isn’t now the most opportune moment?”
“I see. So you view the situation this way. That’s a rather… well, I’d say you’re right. As for me, I agree with your reasoning wholeheartedly. Ideally, I’d like to pour all the power I have into obliterating her without a trace, but…”
Echidna paused, narrowing her eyes.
This atypical action from her—he didn’t know how well he understood her, yet he could sense something was amiss from Echidna’s more unusual demeanor, which compelled Subaru to wait for her words.
After a brief silence, Echidna continued.
“Using all our resources to eliminate that one, only to be targeted by the other witches afterward would be utterly counterproductive. Though Minerva aside, it would be foolish to wager everything against Sekhmet and Typhon.”
“I can’t follow your logic. Why would they become enemies if you attempted to eliminate ‘the Witch of Envy’? The notion of an enemy applies equally to everyone…”
“That’s not it…!”
The interruption came from Carmilla, who had maintained her silence until now. She didn’t glance at Subaru’s bewildered expression, continuing to watch Minerva and the “Witch of Envy” locked in confrontation, speaking with a calm demeanor that belied her earlier demeanor.
“Everyone sees ‘Envy’ as an enemy—that’s true. But that’s a separate issue from that girl.”
“…I don’t understand what you mean. What are you all…”
“We have no clue as to what that thing is—so initiating violence would be irrational, wouldn’t it?”
“That thing…?”
Sekhmet’s reply added to Subaru’s confusion even more, as he struggled to grasp their meaning. Their words bore significant implications he couldn’t capture.
Once again, Minerva took a step closer to “Witch of Envy.”
She spread her arms in a non-resistant pose and asked the witch:
“—Are you ‘the Witch of Envy’? Or are you Satella? Which one?”
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
Subaru felt that a statement which would overturn everything he had previously recognized had just been made.
What Minerva said significantly diverged from the facts he knew. However, it was not a foolish statement or a joke; the silent affirmations from the surrounding witches confirmed this.
At Minerva’s call, for the first time, the shoulder of the “Witch of Envy” quivered slightly. The dark mist concealing her head writhed, and her body seemed to turn towards Minerva.
—At this moment, the witch had placed Minerva in her consciousness for the very first time.
There was no time for Subaru to question what this current statement meant. Even more so, it was becoming hard to swallow as the inherent tension dried out his throat.
Despite the witches’ affirmations, it betrayed Subaru’s thoughts from above.
Minerva’s assertion—namely—
—The possibility that the being called “Witch of Envy” Satella may not be the same person.
No, it was overly simplistic to think along these lines under current conditions.
How many times had he faced dire consequences from making judgments based on mere surface information, holding onto fixed assumptions? Despite considering possibilities, he must not become ensnared by them.
Above all, he should not take his eyes off the immediate spectacle for even a second.
“The first question should come without hesitation… that means… there’s still a chance.”
As he spoke this aloud, Minerva moved even closer.
The distance between the “Witch of Wrath” and the witch was now merely five paces.
“If she were ‘the Witch of Envy,’ she could’ve directed her ‘jealousy’ at me as soon as I stood between her and that girl. I had no worries about that at all.”
Four steps closer.
“But even so, she could’ve simply said something at the start. I know it must be awkward to meet me. I haven’t forgotten the last expression on her face when she devoured me.”
Three steps.
“I think I’m far better than the other five, though. Leaving Typhon aside, I was the one who… thought we were friends.”
Two steps. She bowed her head.
“That’s what I thought… I thought so, which is why…!”
She crouched down. At just two paces away, Minerva leaned forward, her back leg coiling with energy.
“I finally understand how it feels to be ignored, back in this unfamiliar situation—!?”
The ground erupted as Minerva charged forth, closing the mere two-step distance in a single stride.
She twisted her body and launched a punch with all her might, cutting through the air, breaking the walls of speed, reverberating with a roar aimed at the witch’s head, bursting forward toward the obscured face—
“—See? Just as I thought.”
Just before her fist could make contact with the witch’s face, Minerva’s punch miraculously came to a halt.
It wasn’t the witch’s shadow that had extended and ensnared her arm. Rather, it was Minerva’s own will that halted her wrist just before the full extension.
In that posture of rearing back her fist, Minerva threw her upper body back, her golden hair dancing as she proclaimed,
“Look, you see? The one who knows there’s no need to avoid my fist is Satella, not ‘the Witch of Envy.’ Echidna, you needn’t be wary.”
“…How so? I genuinely admire your perseverance to prove your own safety, but that may not precisely guarantee that she’ll hold back. If you’ve simply underestimated the threat you pose, she won’t just stand idle. So, Sekhmet.”
“Don’t you dare use that as an excuse to get me to move. You’re just as desperate here, Echidna. Admit it: that’s Satella.”
Sekhmet casually brushed off Echidna’s attempts to interject.
The witches, comrades made from the tension, had no inclination to take action. The final weapon of the witches, still a furball, showed no signs of activity. Meanwhile, in that moment where hands could touch, Minerva stood face to face with the witch—Satella— and glanced back at Subaru.
Gazing into her turquoise eyes, Subaru remained stunned, unable to aptly recognize the threatening presence looming beside him.
Displeased by Subaru’s demeanor, Minerva put forth a discontented expression and admonished him,
“What are you spacing out for? Hurry up and come here!”
“Come here, you say… that’s what I’ve been told.”
“What? You’re not acting like a boy. I’ve gone ahead and proven it’s okay to be here next to this girl, so shouldn’t you walk over boldly? Isn’t that right? Or are you saying that even with this set-up, you still need more? If someone builds a bridge of stone for you, and you won’t cross, then what do you need to cross that bridge for!”
“Don’t get all hyped up and lose it! It’s not like I’m scared to go! The reason I can’t is that I don’t know why I should go in the first place!”
Shouting in reply to Minerva’s anger, Subaru protested against the situation being left behind.
Pointing at what seemed to be the “Witch of Envy,” who appeared less immediately threatening as long as she didn’t act, he glanced at the witches who were letting their guard down.
“First of all, what does it mean that ‘the Witch of Envy’ and Satella are distinct? You all talked about it like it’s common knowledge, but that already holds different facts for me!”
“There’s nothing common about it. If someone who isn’t fit forcefully takes in a witch factor, it can lead to those kinds of issues. It’s a struggle between the aspects created through the influence of factors and their genuine self. From my perspective, it’s essentially the same entity, so I find it hard to accept the implication of distinction.”
“Separate personas…!? Then, what? The one that swallowed you all and executed those infamous deeds throughout history was that split personality, and the other side is harmless?”
“That’s incorrect.”
Even as Subaru expressed surprise at the new information, Echidna quickly cut him off. She shook her head to refute his reasoning.
“The act of swallowing half the world was carried out by none other than ‘Satella.’ The ‘Witch of Envy’ was not responsible.”
“N-no!? That doesn’t add up! If Satella was the one who swallowed you, then the one over there is Satella too, which means…!”
“That aligns perfectly, yes. We will not forgive ‘the Witch of Envy.’ However, with Satella, we don’t hold resentment toward her—that’s all.”
“I… I’m… still Satella… it’s just… I don’t like her… but it’s better than a witch.”
Sekhmet and Carmilla agreed with Subaru’s unresolved doubts.
It seemed to be a unified stance among the witches, but it made no sense to Subaru. The entity that had obliterated them all had a dual personality, yet they allowed one side to be forgiven while condemning the other—that didn’tclick with him.
Echidna’s logic was the one he found more comprehensible.
However, even so—
“I understand that’s your claim. That’s something I can accept… difficult to grasp, but I can reason that out. But, I still haven’t heard why that witch came out in the first place.”
“It’s clear that her next course of action won’t be a surprise attack. That much can be accepted. …But, that doesn’t make her safe. If, as I’ve seen, ‘the Witch of Envy’ appears before me, what’s Satella’s intention? The ‘Witch of Envy’ is merely a loathsome entity to me. Suddenly being told that’s different, it doesn’t compute.”
Especially when collating all the witches’ statements pointed to the fact that the one swallowing them was undoubtedly Satella herself. In that case, whether it was the ‘Witch of Envy’ who devoured the “Sanctuary,” Satella could also perform equally nefarious actions.
Who could be blamed for feeling a sense of danger and choosing to stay away?
“What on earth do you want, and why did you come here? Until I know that…!”
“If you want to find out, then you should come up to me.”
Minerva interrupted Subaru as he raised his voice.
With her hands on her hips, Minerva glared at Subaru, her lovely face openly showing her irritation.
“There’s been enough of the excuses and precautions. Even though I’m here beside this girl, nothing has happened, and she came here to meet you. If you can’t even get close to her, then that means we misjudged you, plain and simple.”
“There’s no such misjudgment! Don’t go making your assumptions about me! Don’t impose your whims on me! What do you all know about me?”
He was unwilling to be swayed by the image they painted of him and act accordingly.
Once, he had cried out in a similar situation, and there had been someone who responded. He remembered the words from that time. He relied on the words spoken during that encounter.
—If he couldn’t betray the self who had been saved by those words,
“Ah, damn it… I’m thinking something stupid…”
It felt like a rash, emotional choice—not a rational one.
How many painful experiences had come from this habit? He held no reflections on that. Instead, he needed to focus on the finer details, killing his emotions and acting coldly, in strict accordance with solid truths rather than swayed sentiments—maintaining a steadfast heart of steel.
He should wish to carry that out, yet still yearned for something more.
“Your decision is too slow.”
“The fear of approaching someone with whom I’ve barely survived clashes… Damn it, you understand what that feels like. This is really tricky.”
“We feel it too, you know. Unlike me, Sekhmet and Carmilla are simply more mature about it. I have my own reasons to be invested.”
Stepping closer, Minerva smirked at Subaru, then shrugs her shoulders in response. Without giving him the chance to ask for the reasons behind her stakes, Minerva shifted aside for Subaru.
As “Witch of Wrath” stepped aside, Subaru naturally faced the witch—Satella— at close range.
He instinctively swallowed and was left speechless at the peculiar presence right before him.
Watching from a distance, and approaching to see even closer, he had been aware, yet the pressure emanating from her and the discord wheeling in his perception were overwhelming.
The shadowy dress that clung to her form and curves portrayed something exceedingly lewd, while the obscured visage only heightened the feeling of perversion.
All these impressions were washed away by the confusion obstructing his comprehension of her head.
Upon inspection of the proximity, Subaru realized that the obstruction to his perception was not physical.
It wasn’t that literal shadows obscured her face; it was more rooted in something intrinsic to his psyche.
It wasn’t a physical obstruction preventing him from seeing her face, but rather an instinctive urge compelling him not to “see.”
“No one wants to face their most unsightly delusions.”
“If you can’t see that expression, it reflects a problem within your heart.”
From behind him came the sage advice that corroborated Subaru’s current line of reasoning.
Suppressing the urge to click his tongue, he continued to engage with Satella, without a moment’s distraction for Echidna—intently focused only on her.
Even now, Satella did not make any proactive move.
The extent of what Satella had done was simply manifested here, while the rest just fussed around to prevent escalated chaos from her presence.
Even existing in and of itself was abundant evidence of how dangerous her mere existence was.
Then, in that moment of stagnant indecision, he felt it.
Suddenly, he froze at the sight of a pair of hands being extended toward him.
Subaru had fixated so intently on Satella’s movements that he scarcely blinked. At any moment, he could not tell what might happen—yet that disquiet amplified the eeriness of the stretching hands bewilderingly in the forefront.
It wasn’t that he was surprised he had failed to see the motion. He distinctly observed Satella’s arms but still found himself bewildered seeing that those hands reached out and lingered until he had registered the movement.
“What are you… really? What do you want with me?”
As he failed to take any action in return to her outstretched hand, he hastily constructed words—not wanting to confront this reality, so forcing out a response.
“If you’re giving me the power to redo things… why is that…?”
He couldn’t grasp Satella’s intentions.
And here he was, standing this close and among her, continuously consciously shouting out his danger yet powerless to obey his own body.
—Why did his body instinctively seek “relief” in front of her?
Unable to accept the unbidden response of his own body, Subaru hesitated, reacting late to the sound that struck his eardrum. This, without a doubt, was a reaction to an event coming from outside his perception.
Holding his breath, Subaru awaited the words to follow.
In front of him, Satella still faced him, her unseen expression pointing at Subaru, waiting, swallowing hard, and after a measured pause, she eventually spoke.
“—I have always loved you. Only you, forever.”