Chapter 238

“Is it the third generation?”

[Yes, it seems like it’s finally coming out.]

During a long-awaited phone call with my manager, talk of the third generation debut was finally emerging.

I think I heard a few months ago that they were preparing for it, but is it time for them to debut now?

Thinking back on when the second generation debuted, the timing seems right.

Plus, with the second generation nearing their first anniversary…

It feels like just yesterday they were starting out and releasing tracks; time sure is flying by.

But speaking of the third generation… hmm.

“The third generation… they should do well, right?”

Seeing the second generation makes me confident that The Six has a keen eye for choosing talent.

I don’t really have any worries; they’ll likely do fine.

[You don’t seem too interested, huh?]

“Well, I do have some interest.”

How could I not be interested in the third generation of the group I have such a significant stake in, the Celestial Realm?

Of course, I’m interested, but…

“Now it’s time for the second generation to take care of them.”

I can’t keep looking after the juniors forever, can I?

Having already poured so much love into the second generation, it’s now their turn to shower the third generation with affection.

It’s similar to a one-sided love but distinctly different, the Celestial Realm’s special brand of giving love from above.

[The second generation?]

“Yeah, they’ve grown a lot now, haven’t they?”

They’re no longer those adorable little babies from before.

Now, they’re confident virtual YouTubers leading their own fandom, so it’s time for them to guide their juniors.

First-generation veteran virtual YouTuber Miro is now watching from a distance.

[Well, the second generation has truly blossomed.]

“Right? Sometimes I catch glimpses of their growth and it’s… astonishing.”

Looking at the current state of the second generation, I can’t underestimate them based on their seniority anymore.

Their growth is such that some second-generation members are already nearly on par with first-generation members.

[Do you think only Miro is achieving that?]


Of course, my growth chart might be the highest of all.

New fans seem to be pouring in from somewhere.

Perhaps the reason for the second generation’s significant growth is the trickle-down effect from Miro’s incoming fans.

Those who started becoming fans of the Celestial Realm through me likely preferred the newer second generation over the already established first generation.

So, once the third generation debuts, will new fans gravitate toward them instead?

Who knows, perhaps one day, the first generation will truly be overshadowed by their juniors.

[Miro, you’re really working hard, aren’t you? How are you lately? Still busy as usual?]

“Well, it’s pretty much the same as always.”

It’s not like I’m overwhelmed, just moderately busy?

I can’t say I have much free time with daily broadcasts, acting practice, and keeping up with tracks.

[Please don’t overdo it. Make sure to regularly visit the hospital for check-ups.]

“Only you would say that, Manager!”

I’m busy, but do you think you’re not?

In my opinion, the one putting in the most work in the Celestial Realm is probably the manager I’m currently talking to.

Of course, that means promotions come fast and the salary is higher, but you’re likely under even more pressure than me.

[I have to visit the hospital too.]

“Well, how about we go together for an appointment?”

Since I have to go for a regular check-up, should I go with the manager?

I could end up looking healthier compared to them.

[Oh, really? I thought you’d say no.]

[But once we set a date, you’re going, right? I figured if I asked you to go alone, you wouldn’t.]

“…I might have pushed it off, but eventually, I would have gone.”

[If you have a convenient date, please send it ahead. I’ll take a day off to go too.]

“Do you have paid leave?”

[I should start using it now. I’ve accumulated quite a bit.]

No wonder I’ve never seen you take a break; it looks like you’ve just been working without using your leave.

“Then I’ll contact you later.”

[Okay, take care. I’ll get back to work now.]

After making an indefinite health check-up appointment with my manager, I ended the call.

Since we’re both busy, a short call was all we needed before getting back to our respective duties.

My manager must be busy with third-generation-related tasks, and now it’s my turn to go live.

Broadcasting has become as routine as breathing for me, so I set everything up swiftly and turned on the broadcast.

“Ah, can you hear me?”

– Yes

– Can hear you

– Hello, hello

“Nice to see you all again today!”

– Been doing well with the streams lately

– Hello

– Got no work these days?

“There is work, you know. Even when I’m busy, I still turn on the broadcast.”

Earlier today, I had been at the filming location practicing acting.

I took a break in the afternoon, had a call with my manager, and now I’m live, so it’s true that I’m just a broadcasting fool.

– Haha

– Da Miro

– Truly a master

The viewers seem to be starting to acknowledge how busy I am with their generous praise for my daily broadcasts.

Though, as much as they cheer, I know that if I take just one break, they’d probably roast me.

Still, I’ve streamed nearly every day.

My last break was when I signed a new contract at the filming location, so I’d say I’ve been pretty consistent.

If we consider only the number of times I’ve streamed, I might even be among the top few in the Celestial Realm.

Aside from that monster Gan from the second generation, who sometimes streams twice a day, I might be next in line.

“Speaking of which, the year-end is approaching.”

– Year-end?

– Isn’t it still a bit early? haha

– Why are you declaring it year-end?

“Well, it’s almost here.”

While doing this and that, time has indeed passed swiftly.

So much so that it’s already starting to snow outside.

Just the other day, I was in a coat, and now it’s already time for padded jackets.

Time really flies.

What was I doing around this time last year…?

Ah, I must have been super busy with the year-end concert preparations.

When I think of last year, it feels like I have more leeway now.

– Don’t you have anything for this year-end?

– How about a year-end concert again?

“Sadly, there’s nothing for this year.”

I think the second generation said they might be releasing a Christmas carol, but as for us… not a big announcement has come.

We just casually talked about traveling together around the year-end or new year.

– I feel cheated, haha…

– Viewers are like money mules now??

“Hey now, don’t say I see the viewers as a wallet. Just how much do I care about my viewers?”

To think of viewers in that way? I’d feel hurt if that’s the case.

How much I care about our audience…

– You really did promise last time though, didn’t you?

– Please do an ASMR…

“Oh, ASMR?”

Come to think of it, I mentioned it briefly last time, and it seems they remembered.

– Yes, yes

– Let’s try it just once

– Other members have done it too

“Other members have done it too?”

Have all the others done it?

Even Anna and Loa?

– Yes

– Everyone’s been doing it lately

– Just you left to do it

I looked at the chat and searched the members’ YouTube channels.

I entered Anna’s channel, the most subscribed among the first generation (aside from Miro), and scrolled down to find an ASMR video right away.

“Wow, there really is one?”

Looks like it was an eating ASMR where she’s munching on fruits.

When did she even do that?

But then again, ASMRs are something idols have been doing lately too.

It would be strange if we virtual YouTubers didn’t join in on the trend.

– Yup, yup

– It’s doing well

– Have you seen the views?

“Views? Oh…”

And the view count is evidently higher than other videos.

Seems like it’s genuinely popular.

Should I try doing an eating broadcast too?

Who knows, maybe I have a talent for it.

“Shall we try it out simply?”

In truth, I used to make excuses about the microphone but what I have now is already a pretty good mic.

With a fitting setup, I should be able to go live shortly, right?

– Go, go, go

– I think you’d do amazingly if you tried it, haha

– Go, go

[Thank you, 10,000 won donation from *username*!]

Just mentioning it casually sparked an enthusiastic response right off the bat.

Do they really want it that badly?

In that case, I Miro, the beloved, can’t possibly refuse.

“Let me just set things up for a bit.”

It’s not that I’m tempted by views; it’s just that the audience wants this, so I’m doing it.

Since I don’t have anything particularly planned today, on a whim, I’m thinking of doing a short broadcast.

First, I need to set up the mic. How do I even do that again?

Well, the internet is full of information, so I guess I’ll just search…

[Thank you, 5,000 won donation from *username*!]

I’ve posted the setup method on the café~

– Hahaha

– Right away with the prep, huh, haha


How could they find and post it that quickly after I just mentioned it?

Skeptical, I checked the fan café after seeing the donation message, and saw that the setup method was indeed listed under the popular posts.

“Wow, it’s real!”

– What’s going on?

– Hahahaha

– He’s serious, haha

“Let’s give it a try.”

So, I set up the mic just like it said in the café.

Since it was written simply, following it made the setup quite easy and quick.

Is it set up now?

Tap tap.

I lightly tapped the mic with my finger.

– Oh..

– Wow, hahaha

– This is it

Testing it briefly, it seems the setup is good.

Should I just go ahead with the eating broadcast?

“Okay, now let’s bring out some snacks.”

– Please speak a bit quieter

– ASMR doesn’t mean shouting, right??

– It’s too loud right now

Oh, I have to speak softly.

I hadn’t thought of that at all.

“…How is it now?”

– Oh…

– This sounds great

– Wow, your voice, haha

“Uh! I have some leftover snacks!”

– What the heck

– The sound is crazy;

– You little brat

– Why do you have Japanese snacks?

“Oh, I bought these a while back.”

I had brought some snacks from my last trip but since I don’t snack much, I still have some left.

I even gave some to my family, yet there are still plenty.

– Oh, okay

– Please speak quietly

– Just lowered the volume

“…I haven’t snacked much, so I still have leftovers.”

– Oh, okay

– Whoa

– Now that you’re quieter, I can’t hear you, dammit;

– Whispering is way better

– Your voice really works wonders

“So! Today I’m planning on finishing all of it.”

– You’re clearly doing this on purpose, aren’t you?

– You little brat, you raised your voice about that

– If you want to kill me, just downvote, haha

“…Alright, I’m going to eat the snacks now.”

– Wow, hahaha

– Let’s go

– You really have a gift..

Anyway, I pulled out the snacks.

They were chocolate snacks shaped like bamboo shoots from Japan.

I bought them after seeing them in an anime, but they’re rather average tasting, so I had them lying around untouched.

I tore it open and popped one into my mouth.

Crunch- crunch-

– Whoa

– Wow, hahaha

– This is it

– For real, you have a talent

Being careful with the sounds as I chewed seems to have produced a pretty good reaction.

Maybe I do have some talent?

“…How’s the sound? Is it okay?”

– Yes, yes, yes

– This is amazing

– It’s resonating just right;

– Ah, the sound is just right

– Sounds so good, really

“Now! I’m really going to eat it all today.”

– You did this on purpose; you little brat

– You turned the sound up

– If you want to kill me, just downvote, haha

“…Alright, I’m tasting the snacks now.”

– Wow, hahaha

– Let’s go

– You really have talent, huh..

At this point, I just need to give those snacks a go.

They were those snack sticks that looked like bamboo shoots.

I’d seen them in an anime and decided to buy them, but the taste was ordinary enough that I’ve had them lying around untouched.

So, I just ripped it open and popping it in my mouth now.

Crunch- crunch-

– Wow

– Haha, just wow

– This is it

– For real, you have talent

Being cautious to make crunchy sounds as I chewed seemed to yield great reactions.

Maybe I really do have a knack for this?

“…How does it sound? Is it alright?”

– Yes, yes, yes

– It sounds great

– It fits just right;

– Ah, the sound is perfect

– Voices this nice are a rare find

“Then! I plan on finishing everything today.”

– You’re doing this on purpose, right?

– You little sucker, you raised the volume again

– If you want to get me killed, just downvote, haha

“…I’ll eat some snacks now.”

– Wow, haha

– Let’s go

– You’re seriously effing talented..

With that, I just proceeded to take out one more of the snacks.