Chapter 236

The Prime Time.

Every champion has their own prime time.

Some champions show a strong presence in the early game but lose steam in the late game.

On the flip side, some champions excel in the late game but struggle to grow early on.

Typically, champions that are strong in both the early and late games are classified as OP champions of the current meta, while those that are weak both early and late are labeled as off-meta picks.

In the case of Master Yi, he usually balances precariously between being an off-meta pick and a late-game powerhouse, but it’s common to classify him as an off-meta choice.


Because he’s too weak in the early game.

While he has strong ganking potential, he doesn’t have solid counters against enemy jungle pressure.

Admittedly, in a one-on-one situation, he can hold his own, but because of his slow movement speed, even that is not easy.

Soon enough, Master Yi became a pick despised by users not only in team games but also in solo rank.

He had essentially become what you’d call a “meme” champion.

But this game was different.

This Master Yi pick wasn’t chosen thoughtlessly.

It was a carefully selected combination and strategy crafted solely for Master Yi.

“Everyone held up well.”

Level 6.

This is when Master Yi’s prime time begins.

[“Mayday, Mayday! Help!”]

“Shut up.”

Kim Jae-min was being noisy, but the situation in the bot lane was not just fine; it was advantageous.

The opposing bot duo was Vayne and Leona.

In comparison, our bot lane was Miss Fortune and Yuumi, so regardless of any trades, we were bound to gain the upper hand.

Most importantly, there was a significant skill gap between both teams’ bot lanes.

As they say, bot lane is mostly played by the supporter, and even if there are limits to the Yuumi champion, Kim Ji-hoon was still Kim Ji-hoon.

[“Step Back One.”]

[“Eat the cannon and back off a bit. We’re ready to engage.”]

[“The enemy jungle’s all turned up. Avoid trades.”]

At this point, it feels more like my hands are on the strings rather than just leeching off.

To Kim Ji-hoon, who’s perpetually stuck in the bottom tier, or rather, the current Dia 1 master rank, Kim Jae-min wasn’t even someone to worry about.

All lanes were in favorable positions.

In this situation, it was only natural for the jungle to get a chance to move freely.

– Our team has slain the Fire Dragon!

The dragon was just the beginning.

Without needing to escalate to a grand objective fight, we could simply secure it using the vision we had.

The opposing team couldn’t even attempt to do anything in this situation.

No, it felt like they were just intimidated by us.


All those countless scrims we’ve had.

And the exaggerated monster called expectations placed upon our team.

All of it was making the team OLZ appear much larger than usual.

‘Doesn’t matter.’

If they won’t come out, we can just break down the door and barge in.

I said this as I returned home, timed perfectly with the bot lane’s recall.

“Hop on.”


A brief, awkward silence followed.

“Hmm? What are you doing?”

[“……It’s nothing.”]

The wait was very brief.

I smoothly took Yuumi along and headed for the riverbank above.

The bait had already been set.

I deliberately exposed the frog’s respawn time to Graves, who hadn’t tasted jungle camps for a long time.

For Graves, it was like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert.

I bypassed the respawning crab and dove straight into the enemy blue jungle.

After all, this was practically my crab, so there was no need to waste time securing it.

‘So then…’

All that was left was to hunt the lone enemy jungler.


[OLZ Outlaw (Master Yi) targets BLH SooHyun (Graves)]

As expected, Graves was hunting the frog, seeking out the long-awaited rainfall.

Though it’s something he must not do, I had no intention of letting it slide.

“Start with a slow.”

Yuumi’s Q skill shot forth, tracing an enchanted curve and hitting Graves directly.


Graves attempted to leap over the wall with his escape, but I was already on him, having followed up with my Q.

Master Yi activated his ultimate.

He truly was a champion that fit the term “savage force.”

“I got him.”

– First Blood!

– Enemy slain!

Graves, who had even lost the frog he was munching on, was now also lifeless.

If I were in Graves’ position, I’d have slammed my keyboard and yelled, as what he faced was the worst-case scenario.

Of course, I wasn’t about to stop here.

Like all snowballing, once the snowball starts rolling, it doesn’t stop.

“I’ll go top right away.”


The top lane was already pushing and setting up for a dive.

After the earlier failed gank, Jax had also taken a significant hit, alongside Graves.

[“I’ll take the lead.”]


Suddenly, Yuumi and I started putting the pressure on Jax, who was left alone.

[“I don’t see Akali. She seems to have gone up.”]

The mid called out.

But it didn’t matter much.

“It’s fine.”

It’ll all be over before she even arrives.


Yuumi’s Q landed, and as the turret aggro shifted to her, she gracefully leapt off to stand just outside turret range.

While Jax was preparing for a counter-attack, anticipating our next move, we certainly weren’t about to get caught in that trap.

“One turn back.”

There was no need to force it while Jax was on the counter-attack.

After all, the enemy was like a mouse trapped in a corner.

Calm, and even calmer.

Once more, Yuumi hopped back onto me, and this time, I struck Jax first.

With Master Yi’s Q skill, I could pull off an aggro swap at least once.

– Enemy slain!

We successfully dove without any issues and quickly distributed roles.

Ruler stayed top for farm, I took Rift Herald, and Yuumi would return to bot after recalling.

[“I’m dead!”]

Kim Jae-min’s whining echoed as he was already far back.

As action has its reaction, given we gained too much from the top, a slight loss from the bot was only fair, but honestly, it was really tough for an ADC to endure this situation.

“I’ll carry you, so just stay still.”


– Our team has slain the Rift Herald!

Teams that secure the first Rift Herald have about a 60% win rate.

Of course, this is just a general statistic for common situations, and as we move into the professional tier marked by early snowballing and precision play, this probability rises even further.

Most importantly, we’ve hardly ever lost a game after securing the first Rift Herald.

So, we could afford this level of leeway.

“Rift Herald farm.”

[“How much?”]

“First pick, of course.”


『“Ah… It has come to this.”』

『“We can’t avoid discussing ban/pick again. It seems the BLH side has overly fixated on banning Master Yi.”』

『“Yes. OLZ’s other players are not exactly easy picks either, and they’ve sacrificed too much just to counter Master Yi.”』

The gap between the two teams was widening beyond the mere kill score.

In every aspect—laning phase, CS, jungle camps—BLH was being overwhelmed by OLZ.

It was the so-called difference in power levels.

『“Just as I said! OLZ players have gathered in mid. It seems they’re planning to unleash the Rift Herald!”』

『“They may even try to smash it! Why is OLZ moving so fast? It’s truly amazing!”』

With the majestic form of the Rift Herald appearing in mid, the champions from both teams began to gather.

For BLH, conceding the first tier turret in mid meant conceding the game itself.

『“Watch out for Leona, Leona!”』


Just as Leona’s ultimate was about to drop down onto Yuumi’s head, Yuumi dodged it, slipping into Morgana.

『“She dodged it! She avoided it!”』

『“It looks like they underestimated our Yuumi, trying to catch her while she was out in the open?!”』

『“Yes! OLZ perfectly lured them into a trap!”』

An awkward initiation came to play.

The widening gap between the two teams.

There was no need to even look at the results of the team fight.

– Enemy slain!

– Double Kill!

– Triple Kill!

The once-mighty Master Yi turned into a slaughter machine, taking down one enemy champion after another.

Jax, Akali, Vayne, Leona—none could stop the path of Master Yi, enhanced by Morgana’s shields and Yuumi’s support.


That mid team fight marked the point of no return for the game, which ended shortly after.

Game Time: 21 minutes 41 seconds.

Kill Score: 9:0.

OLZ Victory.

A perfect game, having given away not a single kill or turret.