Volume 4 Chapter 69: “Liar”
The hard ground felt cold as it jolted Subaru’s consciousness awake.
Lying face down, he opened his eyes and, while propping himself up, spat out the dirt and gravel that had gotten into his mouth. The earthy smell made him spit again, and as he looked around, his vision was shrouded in a dim haze.
—It’s the graveyard, the “Trial” chamber.
Subaru’s world began again in the same place it had ended.
While relieved to have returned, he felt a sense of futility facing a world that might again become hell.
With thoughts hinting at a dead end swirling in his mind, Subaru shook his head to reject them.
Then he stood up, brushing off the dirt from his body and looking around—only to spot Emilia collapsed in a corner of the room.
He called out and started to run over, but hesitated for a moment.
What flashed through his mind was the moment just before he had returned—Emilia had held the Subaru that was fading away in her lap, sharing a kiss without realizing he was disappearing.
Unconsciously, Subaru touched his lips with his fingers, frowning at their dry texture. At the last moment, he had surely been covered in blood, making a mess of his face. There was no way to understand Emilia’s feelings at that moment, but it definitely wouldn’t have remained a good memory.
That too, for Subaru who had been on the brink of death, though he could replay the event in his mind, he could not carry over the sensations or emotions tied to it.
Subaru’s first kiss with Emilia had been obstructed by the cruel “Death”, leaving no sentiment behind.
However, Subaru was not regretful about his hesitation.
The memory of the kiss was overshadowed by his anxiety regarding Emilia’s transformation—Emilia, who had grown dependent on Subaru and escaped into a fantasy.
Without Pack’s presence, burdened by the pressures from villagers and those living in the “Sanctuary”, Emilia’s heart had shattered without Subaru’s support.
If that was the result, then how had Emilia fared in the previous loops?
Subaru had left the “Sanctuary” four times to return to the mansion. Of those, he had only been able to reunite once. So what had become of Emilia during the other three times?
In those instances, the “Sanctuary” had already been attacked by the Great Rabbit.
Even if Emilia’s mind had maintained its balance, it could be surmised she had been unable to withstand the Beast’s onslaught. But what had happened to her heart?
“What could have possibly happened—if my absence led to that, then it means my presence is essential…”
There wasn’t a single optimistic factor in the situation.
It was pointless to disguise what might be overlooked in the future.
To grasp the best future, he must continue to imagine the worst possible future.
The world prepared for Subaru the most cruel and unreasonable fate.
Thus, Emilia, Beatrice, Elsa, and Roswaal certainly had the most formidable circumstances awaiting Subaru.
“What I must do…”
Save Emilia’s heart, rescue those tied to the “Sanctuary” from the threat of the Great Rabbit, and protect his companions in the mansion from Elsa’s rampage. —What an incredibly steep and daunting path this was.
—Can I do it?
Weak Subaru within questioned, providing escape routes, excuses, and defenses.
—It’s not about whether I can or not, it’s about having to do it.
Fangs bared against that weak self, Subaru pledges his resolve not to falter on his oath.
Identify the problems and obstacles, clarify the conditions for clearing them, construct a timeline, evaluate how to best utilize time, and take on the challenge again and again.
Even if Subaru’s heart wears thin with each failure, if there’s a future to seize as a result, then that’s enough. No matter how much he might have to confront things he doesn’t want to see.
“—Emilia. Are you alright?”
He stretched out his hand and shook the shoulder of the lovely girl lying down.
At the sensation of Subaru’s fingers, Emilia’s closed eyelids trembled, her consciousness being pulled back from the “Trial” world and the past to reality.
Her lids opened, the deep violet hue reflecting Subaru. In just seconds, tears welled up, and Emilia, denying the past, clung to Subaru.
In that moment, he embraced Emilia who needed support, vowing not only in words to be her support but also firmly in his heart.
—I will protect Emilia and save everyone.
No one else but Natsuki Subaru must do this.
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
Sorting out the information he hadn’t been able to piece together at the end of the last loop.
Among them, the most important was undoubtedly Roswaal L. Meiastars.
Roswaal had perished before Subaru, a victim to the Great Rabbit’s fangs.
Roswaal knows about Subaru’s “Return by Death”.
Although he hasn’t yet realized that “Death” is the trigger, he knows that Subaru is “doing it over”.
Whether he learned this after arriving at the “Sanctuary” or much earlier is unclear, but it’s likely noted in the gospel that Roswaal possesses.
In the previous loop, Subaru hadn’t been able to recover the gospel owned by Roswaal.
If it was in his possession, it was now in the belly of the Great Rabbit along with Roswaal’s body. Even if it were in the temporary residence where he was recuperating, Subaru had no spare heart to jump in and confirm it.
Thus, he couldn’t touch the content of the writings.
—But what is Roswaal’s ultimate purpose?
If he’s acting according to the gospel’s descriptions, where does the reason for his ultimate sacrifice lie? —That answer is likely contained in the gospel’s text.
Presumably, Roswaal strives with his life to adhere to the writings of the gospel.
Though it’s not clear in what form the gospel’s text exists, it follows that acting according to it serves as a guiding star towards the future he seeks, likely the same as other gospels like Petelgeuse’s.
If the Witch Cult’s gospel deviates from the description, Petelgeuse seems to have adjusted the interpretation with some leeway to align with reality in the end.
In contrast, Roswaal is different.
Able to act with the “do-over” in mind, Roswaal seems to negate any time that diverges from the description by forfeiting his life.
Even if descriptions vary, Petelgeuse reacts flexibly.
Roswaal doesn’t allow deviation and is resolute in upholding the descriptions.
While both are troublesome opponents possessing gospels, their motivations to actualize the gospel’s content are radically different.
Subaru couldn’t help but feel that Roswaal’s form of dependency is far more sinister than Petelgeuse’s.
—The issue lies in the content of Roswaal’s gospel writing.
If it records the outcome of the crisis that befalls the “Sanctuary” and the mansion, then tragedies will be repeatedly engineered until Roswaal’s desired end is reached.
For instance, in the previous “Sanctuary” scene of snow, it’s presumed Roswaal acted to fulfill the writings of the gospel. This means the snow scene must occur every time.
Subaru hadn’t encountered it before because he had never returned to the “Sanctuary” after leaving the mansion.
Roswaal’s snow in the “Sanctuary” is a means to isolate Emilia.
Then what on earth is the significance of that?
The unbearable pressure from the surroundings should have been sufficient to torment Emilia without such roundabout methods. Emilia, who possesses a strong sense of responsibility, acutely senses the expectations of those around her, gritting her teeth against feelings of anxiety and helplessness while she persists.
Without Subaru leaning beside her, she would lose her anchor and fall into despair.
Is Roswaal’s objective to bring Emilia to such a state of despair?
However, if Emilia were to cease her actions “for someone else,” the liberation of the “Sanctuary” wouldn’t happen. If liberation doesn’t occur, then it means losing the option to “flee” from the approaching Great Rabbit.
There are many contradictions between Roswaal’s actions and his attitude towards Emilia.
Most importantly, the last words he spoke just before he was devoured.
—To shed everything except for that which is truly important to him.
That’s what Roswaal had let slip.
If he does so, then he could end up like himself.
Whether he wishes to become like Roswaal or not, if one searches for the hidden meaning behind that remark, it means that Roswaal indeed stripped away everything unimportant, standing there.
Truly, it is without a doubt the resolve to throw away even his life.
If he can adhere to the descriptions, corner Emilia into isolation, and a situation would resolve as desired, he might be able to attain that one thing he deems important.
Or perhaps where lies the true intention behind Roswaal revealing that to Subaru.
In any case—
“I absolutely can’t let go.”
Emilia is important.
But, of course, there are many more things Subaru wants to protect, to be by their side, that are countless.
Subaru’s small world would become desolate with just one missing piece.
Greedy and self-centered, Subaru surely won’t be able to endure that.
Thus, he can’t heed Roswaal’s words.
“Roswaal, I will—never become like you.”
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
Subaru somehow calmed down the sobbing Emilia and, carrying the sleeping girl, left the graveyard.
In the midst of the surprised faces awaiting the outcome of the “Trial” and Emilia’s state, he would first move to Ryuzu’s house for Emilia to rest as was customary.
On the way, he found himself feeling the pain in Garfiel’s attitude as he pretended to be cheerful, perhaps being mindful of the atmosphere, and noticed Ryuzu casting a meaningful glance at him, yet Subaru didn’t mention it.
The former was left deliberately unaddressed to confirm some later uncertainties.
As for the latter, Subaru already had a sense of that gaze’s meaning.
“Mind lending me your face for a bit?”
Leaving the sleeping Emilia with Ram, and just as it had been decided to disperse for the night, Garfiel called Subaru to a stop. Anticipating this call, Subaru responded with an honest “Yeah” and followed the shorter figure ahead into the woods on the outskirts of the “Sanctuary.”
Though he couldn’t tell if this place was the same as where he was called before, he could see Garfiel’s expression was clearly the same as before, glaring intently at Subaru.
With his eyes sparkling brightly, Garfiel glowered at Subaru.
The atmosphere was markedly different from right after he left the graveyard; it was evident that he regarded Subaru as an adversary.
Naturally, the first question he raised was—
“What the hell…?”
“What did you see in the graveyard…?”
Garfiel seemed to have a vein popping on his forehead at being cut off, only to widen his eyes in disbelief as Subaru said what he nearly voiced.
Surprisingly, that unexpected reaction wiped away the prickly image Garfiel had held until now, revealing a hint of childlike aura.
As Subaru squinted one eye, Garfiel quickly shook his head, growling angrily through his clenched teeth,
“It’s creepy, but if you understand, let’s make this quick. Speak plainly and honestly. If you want to avoid pain, that is.”
“Yeah, well, I have things I want to confirm too, so I’m kind of busy right now. —I’ll answer your question, but in return, can you answer one of mine?”
“You think you get to dictate terms here? I’m the one who gets to chow you down, while you’re supposed to offer up meat other than yourself to avoid being eaten. Like ‘the elder brother gives up his younger brother,’ y’know?”
“That’s probably the most unpleasant saying you’ve shared yet.”
Shrugging, Subaru chose silence for a moment, lowering his gaze.
Garfiel was visibly anxious but didn’t rush Subaru. Taking a deep breath, Subaru decided on the response he’d give.
“I accepted the ‘Trial’ inside. I saw the past.”
“—! So, you really are qualified…! And the result was…?”
“Loss. It’s not something you can just easily deny or accept the past. …Emilia’s the same way, I’m sure.”
In the first half, he conveyed the truth, and in the second half, he revealed a lie, gauging Garfiel’s reaction.
Upon hearing that Subaru had “taken the Trial,” Garfiel’s expression shifted dramatically, but as he learned it hadn’t led to success, he let out a sigh of relief.
“You look unusually relieved.”
“What’s that supposed to mean…?”
“I thought you were happy to accept Emilia’s failure and that the ‘Sanctuary’ wouldn’t be freed.”
At Subaru’s words, Garfiel crinkled his brow, as if he’d understood. He slightly lowered his posture, glaring up at Subaru.
“What did you hear in the past…No, what did you hear in the ‘Trial’…?”
“The formation of this ‘Sanctuary,’ some light underground circumstances. Also, about you and Ryuzu.”
“—Huh!? Could it be…you know about me…?”
Garfiel’s attitude suggested a questioning look, and Subaru shook his head in advance, suppressing his concern.
He hadn’t delved into the content of the “Trial” as Garfiel feared.
“I don’t know what exactly you saw in the past. But I can guess why you’ve kept quiet about having taken the ‘Trial.’”
“…Such a thing…”
“Just a guess. You can be angry at me for being overly suspicious.”
Subaru’s acquaintance with Garfiel had only lasted a single day in this world.
Most of the information he could gather through contact with Garfiel should not be shared at this stage.
This also applied to the fact that Ryuzu Meier herself was lying dormant in the experiment facility.
So in this moment, Subaru intended to leverage the knowledge he’d gained within the graveyard, using the existence of the “Trial” and Echidna as a handy resource.
Right now, Subaru couldn’t come up with any new information or movements by talking to Garfiel.
He just wanted to finish this conversation quickly.
“—Hey, why won’t you challenge the ‘Trial’ again?”
Pressing Garfiel, who had fallen silent, Subaru repeated the question.
Upon hearing that, Garfiel’s face dropped as he avoided eye contact with Subaru.
His arms hung limply, the posture of vigilance lacked strength and began to slacken.
Thus, he correctly judged that there would be no immediate attack.
“I can’t help but feel that your actions lack consistency. You push for Emilia to break free from the ‘Sanctuary’ yet seem relieved by her failure. If you truly intend to block the liberation of the “Sanctuary”, then your methods are half-hearted.”
If he truly didn’t care about the consequences, Garfiel could transform into his beast form and take Subaru or Emilia’s lives.
Naturally, the emotions of the evacuees and Roswaal would hit rock bottom, but if Garfiel intended to genuinely obstruct the liberation of the “Sanctuary”, then that path would be reliable and swift.
Nevertheless, Garfiel only chose to take action when it was incredibly narrow—until Subaru had surpassed the line of getting the evacuees out of the “Sanctuary.”
—There exists a boundary within Garfiel that Subaru was still unaware of.
If he were to pinpoint that clearly,
“I’d like to rely on your power too.”
“—Shut up!”
At Subaru’s words, Garfiel momentarily fumbled for a response.
Looking up, Garfiel shook his head while wearing an expression that lacked any of his usual intensity.
“Letting you dictate terms isn’t how this works. I won’t actively obstruct you, but I won’t help out either. I’m neutral. Being neutral is fine.”
“Doesn’t that position seem super uncharacteristic for you?”
“It’s not about whether it suits me or not. I’m doing this because it’s necessary.”
As he spoke in a way that was so unlike him, Garfiel kicked at the ground annoyingly, kicking up dust and turning his back to Subaru.
“If that half-demon wants to conquer the ‘Trial,’ then that’s that. Since I got wrapped up in it, I understand that I need to overcome the ‘Trial’ to get out. —However, whether I follow along beyond the liberated ‘Sanctuary’ is a different story.”
“If you want to get out, go ahead and leave. But don’t try to do anything to the inside. Don’t step further onto this side. If that happens, I won’t do anything.”
“Are you saying even if I say you’re needed outside, you still won’t listen?”
“…Whatever I desire, y’all can’t prepare it. That’s the end of my line. Don’t go making any unnecessary moves.”
Ignoring Subaru’s words while speaking somewhat more reasonably, Garfiel took his leave.
This was the first time Garfiel hadn’t shown strong rejection to the conversation they’d engaged in.
What lay behind this difference? What was the true intention?
“I have so much I want to think about… but.”
Running his fingers through his black hair, Subaru confined the tangled information swirling in his mind.
He wanted to sum it up, organize it, construct it, and draw out answers, but.
“Even considering that, ruminating alone won’t lead anywhere.”
If Subaru wandered into a labrynth of thought, he would once again be ensnared in a negative spiral. To avoid that, what he needs now is.
“Can I rely on you again…?”
He could only think of the one person in this world to whom he could confide his worries.
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
Driven by unbearable emotions, Subaru quickened his pace.
After parting from Garfiel, his walking feet had quickly turned into a run.
Breathing heavily, sweating profusely, and with trembling eyes, Subaru sprinted.
His destination was clear, the graveyard, illuminated by the moon floating in the night sky.
After the earlier exchanges, now that Garfiel had asserted he wouldn’t interfere, there would be no obstruction in Subaru’s act of rushing back into the graveyard.
As he reached the entrance, Subaru halted, roughly wiping his sweat with his sleeve.
Panting, he steadied his breath and gazed into the darkness of the graveyard.
His objective lay within—indeed, in the dream castle that could be called the depths of his desires, the world of Echidna.
“I wish to know… so if I wish…”
When invited, the white-haired witch had explained this to Subaru.
With a longing feeling, Subaru had come here, believing fully in that invitation.
He had so many things to inquire about, discussions to have, and a bag full of items he wanted to put his head together over, asking her to help him find an answer.
What he must do and what he wants to are aligned.
All that’s left is to discover answers beyond just struggling alone to make them happen.
As he ventured forth into Echidna’s castle, he couldn’t help but feel shameful about leaning on her for his struggles, spilling all his hesitations that had built up inside.
Subaru was aware of the possibility that as he broke the taboo and revealed everything to Echidna, the shadows of jealousy would consume the “Sanctuary” once again—his legs trembled at that prospect.
Yet still, Subaru hoped.
To have the witch’s guidance be the clue to break through this invisible dead end of fate.
“Given my current self… I believe I meet the conditions.”
Since he was so lost on his path.
Since he was so determined to exhaust every option.
What else could the current Subaru ask for, if not the Apostle of Greed?
He would throw his life away time and again for that. He would relinquish his pride as long as it meant helping—that was the utmost effort of the pathetic, disgraceful, powerless, and ignorant Natsuki Subaru.
“Please, Echidna…!”
Regaining his composure, Subaru quietly steeled himself and stepped into the graveyard.
Once again entering the “Trial” chamber, which had accepted a challenger just that night, he glanced around the square space before moving toward the center of the room.
“Where and what kind of ceremony is needed? We’ll leave it to chance…”
The second time Subaru was summoned in a dream, he was in a state of desperation for an answer, just as he had been when he crawled back after “Returning by Death.”
It didn’t seem like there was any special condition to offer something in exchange.
Having no time to waste, Subaru knelt down and clasped his hands together, shutting his eyes.
What he envisioned was the image of the white witch and he laid out his emotions as if calling for her. He implored with the fervor to pull in a future that felt stuck.
Then, Subaru would silently wait indefinitely for time to pass.
The cold air of the graveyard brushed against his skin, yet he could feel the cold sweat gathering on his forehead.
He sought it. Desperately.
He desired it. Urgently.
If he desired this much, sought it so earnestly, yet still it remained out of reach.
—Is greed simply an overwhelming desire beyond the capacity of humans?
Just as weak feelings began to creep in, Subaru unexpectedly sensed a white light infiltrating the darkness behind his closed eyelids. —No, it wasn’t an illusion.
The white light invaded his line of sight, gradually consuming the pitch-black world.
Before he realized, the kneeling body had toppled to the ground, and his consciousness felt like it was being pulled away from reality into another world.
—The invitation to the dream castle was beginning.
To the castle where Echidna awaited, this time he wished for a conversation to seize his future.
In the haze of consciousness, Subaru fervently wished for just that—
“—Look upon this impossible now.”
Just as consciousness faded, he thought he heard that voice.
※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※
A sensation akin to intoxication fiercely rattled all of Subaru’s nerves.
What had happened, he didn’t know.
The awakening of his consciousness came all at once, as if it had switched channels.
It felt like flipping from one channel to a completely different one, yet still carrying the noise of the prior one during the sudden change of consciousness.
Just as it was right after “Returning by Death”, Subaru experienced a sensation akin to this.
The stark contrast between the horrid reality just before death and the situation following “Return by Death” carved a sense of dissonance into Subaru’s consciousness, physical form, and even his soul.
And upon awakening, Subaru realized he was unable to voice a sound.
As he tried to place a hand upon his throat, he slowly came to the realization that he had neither the sensation of a throat nor of hands.
No hands, no feet, not even eyes or a mouth; right now, Subaru had no body at all.
Only consciousness floated, rendering him a mere standpoint and allowing him to overlook the world.
It was an unnatural sensation, devoid of the flesh, resembling something from a dream.
Yet, it felt familiar despite being in this state for the first time; was it simply due to being in a dreamlike state?
In thinking like this, Natsuki Subaru tried to detach his consciousness from the scene before him.
Yet that was an impossible feat.
Without a body, Subaru could neither turn his head nor even close his eyes.
He could only watch an unavoidably burned scene before him.
“—You lie.”
It was a small, cracked voice.
So weak that it was difficult to decipher what had been said.
His intuition enlightened him.
This was bad; Subaru’s instinct quickly recognized that.
It was a voice never meant to be heard.
It was something that must not be realized.
There was something there that was not supposed to be known.
But despite Subaru’s consciousness protesting against it, the scene burned into him didn’t change. It wouldn’t fade away. Only, it enforced that “result” upon him, etching it deep within.
“Liar… Liar, liar liars liars liars liars liars liars…”
The repeated words, the incomprehensible fragments began to take shape as tears mingled in the sound that seemed to forget to end.
It was a painful sight. The unbearable sorrow laced within it seemed to resonate with his ears. To witness and hear this was the height of suffering in this world.
Why was he here now?
Why had he been made aware of this?
He had failed. He had erred. He had misjudged. He should not have realized. He shouldn’t have known. He shouldn’t be made to understand.
—If Subaru did not think this way, he would—
“Liar, liar! Subaru’s… liar! Liar, you—!!”
Tears streamed down Emilia’s deep violet eyes as she shrieked in anguish.
As if condemning him for betrayal, as if to deny the nightmare before her, Emilia spun her long hair about in a frenzy, crying out in madness.
—Before the corpse of Subaru, who had committed suicide with a dagger to his throat lying on the bed, Emilia screamed desperately.