Volume 4 Chapter 68: “The Taste of Death”

Volume 4: “Eternal Contract”

Volume 4 Chapter 68: “The Taste of Death”

 ――In a world where everything looked distorted, Subaru was running desperately.


 This is insane.

 Insane, insane, insane, insane, insane, insane, insane, insane, insane, insane, insane, insane, insane, insane.

 The words kept repeating in his mind over and over and over again.

 As he repeated these words, the last moments of Roswaal, who fell to the fangs of the Great Rabbit before him, painted themselves behind his eyelids.

 Unresisting, accepting his own death so easily, without uttering a sound as his flesh was torn apart, Roswaal ended his existence.

 ――This is abnormal.

 What else can this be but a remark on its abnormality and madness?

 If the parallel world version of himself could achieve his goals, it wouldn’t matter if the current him died――if this were a game, Subaru might have given the same meaning to the death of a player character.

 But this is reality.

 In reality, how could he entrust his life to another version of himself, treated as a stranger?

 Roswaal, eaten by the rabbit before Subaru’s eyes, is dead. And that Roswaal’s consciousness doesn’t come back with Subaru into the world he returned to with “Return by Death.”

 While Roswaal might share Subaru’s hope in “Return by Death,” the weight of what needs to be paid to get there is far too different between them.

 Unlike Subaru, who can regain what he lost, Roswaal’s offered price does not come back.


 As he ran, the memory of Roswaal’s tragic death tormented him, causing waves of nausea.

 Stomach bile rose, and he felt a burning sensation in his throat. Without wasting even a moment to vomit, Subaru wandered through the “Sanctuary” in search of survivors.

 ――Hell was unfolding before Subaru once more.

 In the “Sanctuary,” where the snow had stopped falling, the wind still howled.

 With a grimace against the pain that felt like being scraped with a cold rasp, he looked around and heard cries mixed with the wind from all around him.

 Kichikichi, kichikichi, it sounded as if short, serrated teeth were grinding against each other, as if threatening their prey, wrapping the entire “Sanctuary.”

 The Great Rabbit was wandering the “Sanctuary” in search of prey.

 How intense must their hunger and emptiness be?

 If prey was hard to find, they couldn’t afford to take a break from biting into their fellow companions just to stave off their hunger. They were truly monstrous creatures gone out of control.

 The irritating sound of their teeth and the agonizing cries from cannibalism echoed around, slowly gnawing away at Subaru’s sanity.


 Trying to shake off the dreadful sounds echoing in his ears, a rabbit with its jaws open flew over Subaru’s head. The horrific sound of fangs clashing echoed, as the rabbit missed its prey and twisted on the snow.

 Moments later, one of Ryuzu’s replicas, running alongside Subaru, stomped down from above, crushing the rabbit’s torso. The sound of flesh being obliterated and bones cracking rang out as the rabbit’s small body expelled its insides from its mouth, dying instantly.

 Exhaling, Subaru resumed his sprint without sparing a glance for the corpse. Ryuzu’s replica moved its feet to keep pace with him.

 Behind, a short distance away, another rabbit arrived at the spot where the crushed one lay. The sound of the corpse being devoured echoed in Subaru’s ears, ringing the bell of doom even louder within him.

 There were still six of Ryuzu’s replicas around Subaru.

 After Roswaal had been taken down by the Great Rabbit, the count of those replicas had dwindled from eleven to half.

 Tasked with “protecting Subaru’s life,” they engaged the Great Rabbit and heroically shielded Subaru, only to have their own lives returned to mana.

 Subaru was in a state of mental paralysis over having given the command to give away their lives.

 Right now, he was only worried about Rem’s safety at the Cathedral and Emilia’s presence left in the graveyard, pushing everything else far from his thoughts.

 He felt that was the only way to affirm his actions now and protect his heart.

 “The cathedral is…!”

 Getting his feet caught in the snow while taking a detour to avoid a densely grouped mass of Great Rabbits, Subaru eventually reached the center of the village, the Cathedral.

 In a village without any light sources, the Cathedral immediately caught Subaru’s attention.

 Of course.

 ――In a white world, the Cathedral is engulfed in bright red flames.


 Kneeling in the snow, Subaru muttered in a hoarse voice, stunned.

 Sounds of crackling flames mixed with the noise of building materials being destroyed echoed, and he could even see the Great Rabbits jumping into the fire to consume their prey inside, falling like burnt insects.

 If they were so eager to enter the Cathedral, it meant there was something inside to quench their hunger.

 And the fact that they remained within those flames… well, that suggested something too.


 While it was somewhat understandable to despair over surviving and choose to end it rather than be devoured by the rabbits, he wished for them to fight until the very end…

 Wishing them to keep living and not give up until the final moment felt incredibly cruel.

 Roswaal, and all the people of the “Sanctuary,” undervalued their lives far too much.

 Subaru, who should have been the greatest sinner for having such thoughts, covered his face and cried.

 Both Roswaal and Subaru had not been able to evoke any hope in the residents of the “Sanctuary,” nor the evacuees from Araham Village, to wait and resist until the very end to be rescued.

 If trust had been built to that extent, they would have surely continued resisting until the last moment without abandoning their lives.――This was all Subaru’s responsibility, Subaru’s sin.

 “If only Rem…”

 He was too arrogant to assess the worth of lives in order. Calling out to Ryuzu, the representative persona who had instructed the replicas to return with Rem to the Cathedral, he found no notable response from anywhere.

 ――Rem was still inside that blazing Cathedral.

 Even if she had managed to escape, Subaru wasn’t naive enough to think that Ryuzu alone could protect Rem while fleeing from the Great Rabbit.

 Gritting his teeth, he tasted blood.

 Tasting the blood made him feel the rising bitterness, and Subaru bit down on his resolve.――He should have known already that this world was no good, yet he couldn’t bring himself to give up.

 This time, he should truly, finally know when to give up.


 He could feel the approach of monsters consumed by the madness of hunger.

 Having given up on devouring prey from the burning Cathedral, the rabbits noticed Subaru, who was kneeling and the surrounding replicas.

 Standing up, brushing off the snow, Subaru took a deep breath.

 Not noticing the feeling of tears rolling down his cheeks, he made no efforts to wipe them away.


 This world was coming to an end.

 Even if it didn’t, Subaru would end it himself.

 In a world where he couldn’t save a single person he wished to be with, he wanted at least this time of ending to be beside the cherished girl.

 “Protect me with your body.――Once we reach the graveyard, you can do as you please.”

 With that emotionless declaration to the six remaining replicas, Subaru stepped out as the horde of rabbits gradually closed in, then began to run.

 Sensing the prey’s attempt to escape, the Great Rabbits silently drooled as they chased after Subaru’s footprints.


 Two of the replicas struck the forefront of the incoming horde of Great Rabbits.

 The sound of meat being crushed and the agonizing cries echoed, and right after, an even larger number of rabbits began to swarm the replicas.

 In an instant, they were completely covered in white fur, and the toppled replica――after sustaining a fatal injury, its small body transformed into a flow of pale light.

 In the final explosion of mana, the Great Rabbit that had clung to it was also caught in the blast, and phosphorescent lights danced in the night sky of the “Sanctuary.”

 Feeling the last flicker of light from the replicas behind him, Subaru shook his head as if to throw off everything he had left behind, gritted his teeth, and kept running toward the graveyard.

 ――He kept running.

※※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

 When Subaru reached the graveyard, he no longer felt the cold.

 The snow blurred his vision, and he felt as if even his eyelashes were frozen, yet Subaru, exhaling white breath from trembling lips, paid no mind to it.

 Dull, heavy thoughts filled his mind, and the only image he could picture was of one girl.

 Making noises as he stepped on the stone path, Subaru pushed toward the back.

 In the “Trial” room, the girl he had left behind was surely waiting for him.


 No sooner had he stepped into an open space than a silvery voice called his name.

 Following the voice that beckoned him, he entered the hall, and the figure standing there exclaimed with delight.

 “After all, it’s you, Subaru! Where have you been? I was really worried!”

 As she approached him in a brisk run, Emilia took Subaru’s hand.

 With a sulking expression, Emilia hugged Subaru’s hand against her chest, transmitting her soft warmth, and looked up at him with large eyes.

 “…Are you tired?”

 “Yeah… I might be a little tired…”

 “Ehehe, is that so? Then, then!”

 In response to Subaru’s honest admission, Emilia blushed and smiled.

 Then, keeping hold of his hand, she suddenly sat down on the spot. Crossing her legs and settling into a side-sitting position, she pulled Subaru down with her into a half-kneeling posture.

 “See, here you go, Subaru.”

 “…A lap pillow, huh?”

 “Yep. You like my lap pillow, right? You said that before. I remember those things. Now, come on!”

 As she proudly patted her lap, Subaru, grateful for the offer, sat down and placed his head on her soft thigh.

 For a moment, her short hair brushed against his skin, and Emilia let out a soft “mhn,” before starting to gently stroke Subaru’s head as if she were already accustomed to it.

 “How many times has it been since I’ve given you a lap pillow like this?”

 “How about… the third time? It always feels like I’m falling apart.”

 “I enjoy doing this, playing with Subaru’s hair, face, and fingers like this. See? Uririri~.”

 Emilia teased Subaru, tugging at his bangs and sinking her fingers into his cheeks. Subaru didn’t even think of pushing her fingers away, fully aware that this was her way of expressing love.

 In this world that was already ending――he just wanted to drown in Emilia’s affection.

 ――After all, his insides and blood had already spilled out quite a bit.

 Subaru’s condition was so horrific that any normal person would want to look away.

 Having been mauled from behind, if one looked beneath his clothes, broken bones would be visible. Blood streamed profusely from many wounds, and his right hand lost most of its fingers when swatting away a rabbit, leaving only his thumb.

 Somehow, he had made it here, perhaps out of a sheer obsession and ironically because the extreme cold weakened his body’s metabolism.

 “Subaru, have you gotten a bit lighter than before?”

 “Trying my hand at a blood loss diet. It’s like… feeling like ballast, shedding weight, becoming lighter and lighter, you know…?”

 “I don’t understand what that means, but you did something reckless for someone again, didn’t you? That’s just like you, and I know it… makes me so worried.”


 “Honestly, I wish you would do that kind of thing just for me. But that’s just my selfish desire, and I don’t want to see Subaru ignoring the needs of others for my sake… Sorry, that’s also just my selfishness.”

 Emilia’s voice faded as she spoke rapidly.

 The temperature within the graveyard remained somewhat normal compared to the chilling air outside, ironically bringing Subaru’s metabolism back to normal, and the sluggish flow of blood restarted.

 Fresh blood began to spread across the stone path, and coughing, Subaru spilled blood from his mouth.

 The splattered blood speckled Emilia’s pale cheek. And yet――、

 “Hey, Subaru, are you listening? There are so many things I want to talk about, so many things I want to ask you. Please, stay by my side. I want to hear your voice. Please, talk to me, okay?”

 Emilia seemed to pay no mind to the blood that splattered across her cheeks.

 No, she was not even aware of it. Her purple-blue eyes indeed gazed down at Subaru, reflecting him――but she was not accepting the reality as it was.

 By the time he returned from the mansion, Subaru was already beaten and bloody from the torturous assault by Elsa. Dragged by Garfiel to the graveyard, he must have looked even worse.

 However, Emilia didn’t notice Subaru’s injuries, nor did she concern herself with them.

 This was the same even before her, when Subaru had been devoured by the Great Rabbit and had lost his limbs.

 Emilia could not see the stark reality.

 And perhaps it was the same for Subaru as well.


 Realistically, Subaru should inform Emilia of the crisis and urge her to flee from this place.

 The Great Rabbits had already swarmed the graveyard’s exterior, and it wouldn’t be long before they rushed in even here. In that case, Emilia would not escape either.

 Just like Roswaal had before, or the villagers who chose to end their lives in the flames, Emilia too would end up facing a grotesque death.

 Knowing that, Subaru couldn’t convey it to Emilia.

 He wanted to greet the last moments of his life by Emilia’s side, unable to escape the selfish wish of that fleeting time.

 The words of Roswaal, the regret of causing Garfiel and Ram’s deaths, the futility of losing Petra and Frederica, and the sense of powerlessness for not being able to save Rem and Beatrice, all weighed down on Subaru.

 The pain, even the fear of death, felt trivial now.

 ――He just wanted to disappear from this world.

 Subaru’s careless, selfish wish came true.

 The world began to blur white, and consciousness and soul slowly drifted away from this place.

 The strength bled from his limbs, and he could barely sense his delicately fading body.

 The one left behind, what remains, was only Emilia, who was unaware of the departing Subaru.


 Was he leaving Emilia behind?

 In this way, leaving behind the only one who could rely on him, the only one left who still leaned on Subaru as everything else vanished.


 At this point, regretting it would be too late. Everything was too late.

 His voice fell silent, and life drained from his eyes.

 Emilia tilted her head adorably at Subaru, who silently looked away.

 Then she smiled gently and brought her face closer――、



 With no words coming from Subaru, she pressed her lips against his.

 ――The first kiss tasted like the cold flavor of “death.”