Chapter 232
Jinseong looked at William with great interest.
It could only be interesting.
I had no idea what this man in front of me had done, but he was clearly marked as a target by either a shaman or a contractor.
To interfere with the cosmic energy and leave a mark like this was not something just anyone could do.
Only a shaman who has undergone long-term hardship and training could achieve this through pure human effort, or it would have to be a contractor blessed by a transcendent being who can easily perform things beyond human reach.
However, cosmic energy is not something to be trifled with.
Even if he claimed to be a contractor, if he had reached the level to leave a mark on the cosmic energy, he would certainly be a fairly well-known person.
‘I need to find out more.’
Jinseong felt a surge of curiosity, akin to a scholar discovering something precious.
His eyes sparkled like jewels, shining with an ominous glow.
“What’s so interesting?”
“Oh, it’s not anything significant. I just think an intriguing divination might come up.”
However, unlike his eyes, his voice was unbelievably calm.
He wore the same bright smile as before, and his whole demeanor radiated a sense of ease, as if announcing that there was no danger at all. Moreover, he moved his hands in a leisurely manner, creating a mystical impression while avoiding any sense of awe.
He was starting to create ‘familiarity’ so that the other person couldn’t keep psychological distance from him.
Not stopping there, he moved his body slowly and languidly, making it feel all the more dismissive, exuding the aura that ‘I can beat this guy anytime.’ This was in hopes of making the other let their guard down.
And Jinseong’s strategy worked perfectly.
William began to feel even more at ease around Jinseong than earlier.
Like someone approaching a cute animal without feeling any threat, or an insect drawn to a beautiful flower by a delicious smell.
However, even a cute animal has sharp teeth and claws filled with germs and filth, and a plant that emits a scent to lure insects is likely a carnivorous plant.
William let his guard down without knowing what was awaiting him.
“Well then, why don’t you quickly do the divination? I’m starting to get a bit bored.”
“Oh dear. That won’t do. Please wait just a moment.”
Jinseong smiled, pleased by William’s casual demeanor toward him, and reached into his robe to pull something out.
A small book covered in high-quality leather.
It was an item familiar to William.
“Oh? Isn’t that the Bible?”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
The book that Jinseong took out had the words ‘Hebrew Translation: Old Testament’ embossed in gold.
“Divination can vary greatly depending on the region, culture, and individual.”
Jinseong began to explain to William, who showed interest in the Bible.
This time, he spoke solely in the English used by the upper class.
“Divination is one of those things that is very close to people. The reason being that everyone feels fear of uncertainty and anxiety about the future that hasn’t yet come. To alleviate this anxiety, people have created methods to glimpse the future through unknown powers, and this is the very essence of divination.”
He spoke like a tutor conveying knowledge.
“People sought to glimpse the future using countless materials and countless methods. The poor tried to see the future with what was easily available around them, while the wealthy tried to do so with expensive and rare items. Some people used ‘interesting’ materials for the fun of it, while others approached systematically, incorporating symbols into their divination.”
Some might have used wheat grains and straw, others might have used broken branches and moss, mistletoe, or even ivory from distant elephants and crocodile hide. Some used cards that were mere playthings.
“And naturally, divination through the Bible exists as well. It involves randomly opening the Bible and taking a glimpse of the first verse that comes to mind in order to take a peek into the future.”
Jinseong extended the Bible toward William.
“Of course, it’s not a fully developed method. While it involves using a sacred book, those closest to the Bible and showing love toward God are not fond of using the Bible for divination, and devout people also do not favor using the Bible as a material for it.”
Moreover, heretical sects that used the Bible nonchalantly probably wouldn’t attempt divination with it.
It’s only natural.
Why would someone labeled a heretic bring the Bible around, and would they even have the faith to accept the words in the Bible as prophecies?
“Thus, divination using the Bible doesn’t align with true faith but belongs to those who are habitually and conventionally associated with religion. They are merely those who wish to increase their numbers, people who do not regard the words of the Bible as gold and precious rules. Not heretics, but rather atheists with not much belief. Those lacking talent in shamanism but wishing to imitate it. It’s not authentic, but simply those who hope to glimpse the future just for fun.”
“Hah, this is unbearably boring.”
William whined, as he roughly snatched the Bible from Jiinseong’s hand, muttering in annoyance.
“Long time no see, this disgusting book.”
“Do you have a bad memory with the Bible?”
“Hah, is there one I don’t have?”
He slammed the Bible onto the table, contorting his face in irritation.
“How many times have those old geezers dragged me to church, trying to educate me with those balding fools? Ugh. Just the thought is nauseating.”
“I see. They tried to force education upon you using the authority of religion… How truly tormenting.”
“Exactly. They say the same old boring things while their eyes are half-crazed. They acted as if there were demons in my body, causing quite the ruckus. It got a bit better once the holy sorcerers came and certified there was no problem.”
As he spoke, William picked up a beer bottle and gulped it down, looking irritated.
“Ah, so what? You can do divination with this Bible. The devout folks wouldn’t use the Bible for divination, but I could give it a try. Something like that?”
“That’s correct.”
“Well, that’s somewhat interesting. Ah, if possible, tell me how to do it properly. So I can pass it on to others when I go back to England.”
Spread it widely to mess with those religious folks, right?
William said this as he chuckled, carefully opening the Bible with intentions of blasphemy. He meticulously chose a page with his neatly trimmed nails and lifted it cautiously, lest the paper tear, before slamming it down with a bang on the table.
And what his open Bible revealed first was…
Unfamiliar words to William.
“Hey, what’s this?”
“Oh. You don’t read Korean, do you?”
Of course, William had no idea what the content on the page he opened was.
It was Korean.
An individual who couldn’t even properly speak the language common in Europe had no chance of understanding the language from a relatively young country in Asia.
“Just point to the first words that catch your eye.”
Thus, Jinseong asked William to point at the first line that caught his eye. William grumbled about why he brought a Bible written in some Eastern language instead of one in English, yet he pointed to the unknown words as Jinseong instructed.
Seeing what William pointed at, Jinseong beamed and explained its meaning.
“Qui percusserit animal, reddet vicarium, id est animam pro anima.”
In Latin.
“What, what?”
William blinked at Jinseong’s fluent Latin, then chuckled in disbelief.
“Speak in English, you bastard. Don’t use words that sound like something those bald-headed church guys would say.”
Jinseong smiled and explained the phrase he had just spoken.
“It’s Leviticus 24:18. ‘He who kills an animal must make restitution, life for life.’ Have you heard of it?”
“Isn’t that something like Hammurabi’s code? So what does it mean?”
Jinseong smiled but did not answer William’s question about the divination.
“It doesn’t hold any special meaning.”
He simply stated that.
“What? It’s not my divination? But it has no special meaning?”
“Yes. It has no special significance for you, Mr. William.”
There was sincerity in Jinseong’s words.
In reality, this divination meant nothing to William.
It was merely a message sent to Jinseong by someone who had come into contact with the cosmic energy of William.