Chapter 232

In this world, there are no video media like television or streaming broadcasts, as in past lives.

Although magical communication exists, the reality is that using it is quite burdensome for anyone.

However, one good thing is that newspapers have reached even the rural villages.

I intended to seriously promote this Shine Muscat using that aspect.

…To be precise, I had intended to promote it.

“Y-you, Your Excellency the Duke? I think you should see this for a moment!”

One day, the visitor was not the person from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with whom I had a prior appointment.

“Aren’t you the Vice-Principal of the Military Academy? What brings you here unexpectedly…?”

Normally, this person should be leading future officers alongside the Principal by now.

In terms of protocol, they would be at the deputy secretary level. At the very least, they would be a department head.

Yet here, the Vice-Principal of the Military Academy was panting like some lowly officer.

I wondered if something unfortunate had occurred as I glanced at the document he handed over…

“What’s this?”

“I’m curious about that too. Did the Chief of Staff really promote that hybrid grape as a fruit that imperial soldiers must consume…?”

“I would never do such a thing!”

What I aimed for were the nobles. In other words, those who would eat this expensive fruit without hesitation.

Why did I attach a premium? It’s simple. A considerable cost went into the hybridization process.

To cover that and promote more hybridization, it had to be shown that this could generate income.

As mentioned, the world ultimately operates on the logic of capitalism. It’s the easiest way to persuade.

“What on earth is going on? Why at the Military Academy…?”

“Uh, during the remote lecture held a few days ago. Did you mention anything about that grape?”

“No! I swear to God that I never did!”

“But all the cadets reacted that way after the remote lecture ended!”

No. I’m truly innocent! What on earth is this!

—As I thought this, I suddenly backtracked. ‘Wait a second. Could it be?’

Oh, please. No! Could it be that brief moment? Just a fleeting thought?

“Wait a moment, Vice-Principal. During the break in the lecture, I discussed the grape a bit more, and if the communication channel was active then, the cadets might have heard it…”

“Oh my. That seems to indeed be the case.”


“What should we do now?”

Why are you asking me? I have no idea! The Military Academy is your domain, not mine!


A few days later, a storm began to brew at the Imperial Military Academy.

“Grapes! Give us grapes!”

“The Chief of Staff said that grapes are a fruit that every imperial soldier should consume!”

This is the Military Academy. I repeat, this is the Imperial Military Academy. It’s not a marketplace.

Even so, the cadets were acting like merchants selling goods. Or the opposite, like buyers looking for something.

They created signs and roamed the campus during break time, proclaiming their demands.

The astonished instructors and professors hurriedly tried to extinguish this nonsensical fire.

Upon confirmation, it turned out this was merely a minor mistake. The Chief of Staff denied having said any such thing.

Above all, how could they supply hybrid grapes that were not cheap?

However, there was one thing they hadn’t factored in. All the cadets were elites.

As if they had anticipated such assertions, they immediately raised counterarguments.

“We never asked for hybrid grapes! We just want grapes! Grapes!”

“Grapes must be added to our diet at every meal!”

“The Chief of Staff desires it! This is what the Duke wants!!”

And another thing they overlooked. The instructors and professors. All of them were followers of Kael.

Though not to the same degree as the cadets, they too were amazed by the appearance the Chief of Staff showed.

When they shouted, “This is what the Chief of Staff desires!” it was much quicker to tilt their heads and think, “Could it be?”

“Now that I think about it, is it really an excessive demand to ask for grapes only?”

“Are you out of your mind?! What’s with this grape chant all of a sudden!!”

“Could the Chief of Staff really have made such a mistake? Everyone has their motives.”

“In fact, grapes are very good for the body. Could this be a sign that the Chief of Staff is concerned about the cadets’ nutritional balance…?”

“Oh my! The Chief of Staff is even concerning himself with the food at the Military Academy! This absolutely cannot be overlooked!”

The Chief of Staff had made significant contributions to establishing the Imperial Military Academy.

He was the protagonist, leading countless strategies to victory, undeniably the genius adviser of the Empire.

For anyone in the military, believing he made a mistake was far less credible than thinking there was something else at play.

At first glance, one might question if this scenario really made sense.

Yet grapes are genuinely one of the healthy fruits. (Not that there are unhealthy fruits)

It’s clear the Chief of Staff is paying a lot of attention to the Military Academy. (That’s so his juniors will fill his position)

Especially, no one could imagine that the Empire’s strategist would make such a mistake. (He claimed it was a mistake himself, but that got completely buried)

Given all of this, the conclusion became, “Ah! The Chief of Staff must think well of grapes! It seems grapes are necessary for the Military Academy!”

“…For those reasons. Starting tomorrow, it has been decided that grapes will be mandatorily provided in the Military Academy’s diet.”


The cadets erupted into cheers as if they had just achieved victory in a great struggle.

Watching them, the instructors and professors felt inexplicably pleased.

Even the Principal and Vice-Principal were okay with it, as the results were all that mattered.


The cadets of the Military Academy are elites. And being elite is not just about talent.

Their status is quite high too. They are at least members of noble families that lead certain regions.

Even the commoners among them have already made quite a name for themselves based on their abilities.

What would happen if such cadets suddenly began to extol the virtues of grapes?

“That hybrid grape, the Shine Muscat? Shouldn’t we work on securing exclusive supply for ourselves?”

“I’ll contact those in the Duchy of Neomes right away to make arrangements for some quantities.”

“That’s something the Duke proudly flaunted to the cadets. It’s not an ordinary thing, and if we don’t make a deal, we’ll surely fall behind!!”

Naturally, the first to react to this were the merchants in each region, sensitive to such matters.

You can’t just look at the product. What’s important is who’s backing it.

As for royal items, those are determined by the Ministry of the Palace, so none dare to touch them.

However, nobles are different. If there’s no predetermined merchant, they can rush in and line up.

If they’re lucky, they might do business while riding on a huge backing!

“Suddenly, there’s chatter about grapes among the noble families! It’s a must, a must!”

“Let’s head to Neomes. Every hour counts. No, even a minute feels precious!”

Some immediately headed to Neomes. But not all of them did so.

“Hybrid grapes. Just the name makes me certain that the quantity won’t be sufficient. Meanwhile, the number of seekers will only increase day by day.”

“But they can’t wait forever for that new fruit. Naturally, the demand for just grapes will also increase!”

Those who were sure that a grape boom would hit, ignoring the hybridization aspect.

With that thought, they raced straight to the southern region, home to the massive grape farms.

They hastily made agreements with those farms at reasonable prices about who would pick first.

With things unfolding this way, the southern grape farms were blooming with smiles.

With consumption suddenly soaring, and prices rising as well, how could they not be delighted?

Even the wines, which mainly use grapes, began to see a meteoric rise in popularity.


This is definitely not right. Damn it. The world is turning weird!

“Your Excellency the Duke! The nobles are raising their voices for more supply of the newly released grapes, specifically the Shine Muscat!”

“If everyone has money to eat other rare items, why are they fussing about grapes? They can just eat something better and more expensive instead!?”

“You know, after your mention of the grapes to the cadets, their interest skyrocketed. No, it’s not just a rise. It’s about to explode!”

“That wasn’t a mention…!”

The promotional effect I was envisioning was merely for a decent word-of-mouth spread.

Just to a point where it becomes one of the main businesses of the Duchy of Neomes would be fantastic.

I never expected this level of nationwide, no—continent-wide interest, to the point of clinging to it!

“The cadets say that grapes are healthy, and that’s why the Chief of Staff is bringing forth the hybrid grapes, insisting they be included in the diet. They would settle for just regular grapes as long as they follow the Chief of Staff’s words…”

“Apparently, the vineyards in the south of the Empire and the wineries are benefiting greatly from this. Since they can’t get Shine Muscat, they’re just settling for any grapes or wines. And that’s creating enormous demand…”

“The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry keeps contacting me about upcoming schedules. What do I do about this?”

I just want to make a bit more money. I want to give my grandkids some pocket money later on.

I was just trying to think about the distant future and did something strange, but I never expected this to happen.

Maybe I should just do nothing and stay idle instead?