Chapter 230

230th Chapter. The Festival’s End (4)

The seriousness of the situation that unfolded at the Magical Banquet was not felt solely by Aligieri.

The spectacle was witnessed throughout the entire Empire via the transmission screens of crystal orbs spread across the realm.

The sight of Emperor Kamain transforming into the true form of the ‘Demon King’ sent shockwaves to all who were watching.

Especially in the imperial capital, Cross Divine, the shock was on another level compared to other regions.

Citizens wept at the revelation that the Emperor Kamain, who had led them, was no longer the Kamain they knew.

– Emperor Kamain!

– Get out of him, you demon!

The Sage Monarch, who had saved this land on the brink of destruction, ironically lost his body to the Demon King.

Seeing the once holy and kind Emperor being escorted as a grotesque figure through the imperial capital left everyone seething with anger.

He had been so revered that complaints naturally arose here and there.

– Release the Emperor at once!

– We can’t accept this!

– Isn’t this all just that Enviel’s plot?

– Please, let the Emperor go!!

The cries arose for the execution of the Emperor and his children for deceiving the citizens all this time.

Fury was directed towards the Demon King, who had usurped the Emperor’s physical body.

All of it stemmed from the escapism of blaming everything on Enviel.

A whirlwind of overwhelming emotions swirled through the imperial capital, Cross Divine.

Especially since many had their lives saved directly by the Emperor Kamain during his reign as Sage Monarch, the chaos was unlike any other.

“What do you intend to explain about this situation, Elder Enviel?”

In the vast conference room of the royal palace, an aristocrat seated around the round table spoke up.

In the center of the table sat Makia, shackled with various binding cuffs that nullified his magic, trapped behind bars.

“As you see, Your Majesty… No, he is no longer human.”

Similarly seated, Enviel pointed to the horrifying demonic form of the Emperor.

It was revealed that the magic measured from him was strikingly similar to that of the Demon King experienced thirty years prior.

Thus, there was no lack of evidence to call him a Demon King, yet they still couldn’t accept the truth.

“Indeed. We’ve obtained proof that he is the Demon King; what is there to hesitate about? We must act swiftly.”

“What nonsense! Don’t you also owe your life to His Majesty? If we are to dispose of him, we must first deal with the possessed Demon King.”

“No, we can’t let this slide! I’ve heard His Majesty’s children also participated in his plan; we must eradicate their lineage.”

“Are you not aware that there are innocent people among those who were used?”

The meeting hall was just as chaotic as outside. The only difference was the number of voices protesting.

“By the way, have you still not found the Emperor’s children?”

“Found them? Princess Meloin has long since lost her head. You all saw it, didn’t you?”

“Then what about Crown Prince Karis?”

“…We haven’t found him.”

“He’s surely hiding out of fear of being punished for his crimes. Therefore, we must hang the remaining one to quell the anger of the masses.”

“The hell are you talking about…!”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Mirona Kirien Divine. Some moderate nobles were stunned by the proposal to publicly execute her.

Those who realized who it referred to were ready to rebel, veins bulging.

“I can somewhat guess what you’re saying.”

Gerard Chain Silver also spoke up on this matter.

“Coincidentally, Princess Mirona is also in Cross Divine right now.”

“Is that true?”

The once-defiant aristocrat showed surprise.

From his perspective, returning to the capital in this situation seemed akin to inviting stones thrown at her.

However, she did not return to receive the cold gaze of the people.

“Where is she now?”

“She is likely reuniting with her mother, whom she parted with. Her mother has been confined here by the Emperor.”

Her goal was to save her mother from the twisted Emperor.

In short, Mirona had been treated as less than human by the Emperor from mother to daughter.

This fact would have been noted by any high noble present.

“Compared to the other children, Princess Mirona has been treated as a thorn in the Emperor’s side. To suggest that she is a participant in this is absurd.”


“Given that fact, it’s clear what your objective is in wanting to hang her.”

To attract the people’s attention, by executing her. Gerard knew that full well.

Moreover, there was no guarantee that it would create a good wind.

“The citizens are not fools to merely be swept along by our political games. Have you considered how many citizens might be upset by the execution of the princess?”

If there were more people against it, it would instead create a backlash.

The desire to execute the princess stemmed closely from jealousy towards the royal family.

“Desiring to erase the traces of the royal family might not bring any advantage.”


Erasing those traces would not make them Emperor either.

As such, the radical faction of nobles fell into silence.

“Well, that is indeed the case. If so, we would find ourselves in a bind without any action.”

At that moment, an aristocrat spoke up, and Gerard suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He had faced many nobles, but he did not want to meet this one by any means.

Throughout history, there had always been families envying the Chain Silver clan.

Especially this particular one, leading such activities, was Harkel Viole from the Viole family.

“Well, it’s secondary to say that Princess Mirona isn’t guilty. But why do we keep the Demon King alive?”

In the current situation where it has been established that the Emperor is the Demon King, immediate action would be the norm.

Of course, merely handling him while he was possessed was difficult, but Harkel was speaking from a perspective that merely allowed it to happen without action.

“Do you know? Princess Mirona is also of the Emperor’s bloodline. In other words, she is of the bloodline of the Demon King. There’s a chance she could awaken as a second Demon King.”

The moment those words were heard, the formerly silent radical nobles began to raise their voices.

If they framed it as a preemptive measure against a new danger, the citizens would likely understand.

“What evidence do you have for that?”

“While I can’t go that far, you know very well what memories the citizens possess about the Demon King. Gerard Chain Silver, you experienced those times firsthand, didn’t you?”

Indeed, the fear of the Demon King was beyond imagination.

Having personally experienced the devastation from the calamity, Gerard felt it deeply.

“I experienced that turmoil as well. Therefore, I cannot allow the source of evil to roam freely among the citizens.”


Gerard also agreed on that sentiment.

In thinking too much about the terrified citizens, he had once neglected the suffering of the former Saint.

Gerard did not want to repeat that mistake.

However, knowing the circumstances, Harkel smirked at Gerard’s predicament.

“Or are you planning to save the princess to win the people’s favor and rise to the throne?”

“The throne…?”

Hearing those words, Gerard inwardly laughed heartily.

Indeed, after the royal family and sect, the Chain Silver family was the next most powerful entity in the Empire.

However, the Chain Silver family had not always been such a formidable lineage.

Constantly mocked by surrounding nobles for being on the brink of extinction, they were the subject of immense jealousy when their revival came quickly.

Yet the family foremost in that jealousy was indeed the Viole family, driven by Harkel’s desire for the throne.

“That’s an interesting notion.”

Harkel had no qualifications to speak.

Gerard smiled at the absurdity of it all.

“You just mentioned the idea of a second Demon King; do you think we haven’t prepared for it?”

“What do you mean….”

A sudden thud—

The moment Harkel harbored doubts, the door to the meeting room swung open.

In walked two Saints and the Pope, the head of the Holy Cross Sect.

With a golden crown adorned with a cross and a robe bordered with sacred colors, he was Pope Paulo Drasel, an old man with a peaceful demeanor and a beard.

“My apologies for being late.”


“I just heard the talk outside. There will not be a second Demon King, as we plan to do our utmost in collaboration with the Chain Silver family.”


At the outrageous statement, Harkel’s face turned beet red.


“Chain Silver… Chain Silver…!”

That night, after the meeting ended, Harkel stepped into the outdoor courtyard of the royal palace.

His face bore a fearful expression as he muttered in a chilling voice.

For a long time, he had been obsessed with the Chain Silver family. Harkel was determined to crush them.

The Chain Silver family, once a minor clan, had always been despised and ridiculed by the Viole family.

This was a long-standing grudge passed down through the generations.

Unless one side was wiped out, their feud would not end.

Especially since Harkel was targeting the Emperor, a clash with the Chain Silver family was now unavoidable.

`To restore public sentiment, I had to cast away even the child causing the problem.`

Travell Viole. Once his son and a rogue, but now he was lost to him.

He had become an obstacle in his dream of becoming Emperor, so whether he lived or died was of no concern to him.

However, this meeting had brought him to a significant crisis.

Never did he expect even the Pope would side with the Chain Silver family.

He had to move quickly.

Otherwise, he would lose all authority to the Chain Silver family.

The anxiety was unbearable.

“Do you wish to become Emperor?”

At that moment, someone spoke to him, and Harkel reacted by instinctively reaching for the sword at his waist.

It was a man with pointed ears.

It was obvious he was an Elf and had a rather famous face.

Grisha Highend, the owner of the Yellow Magic Tower.

As he spoke, Harkel held his breath and listened carefully.

“Why not awaken the Destruction God together with me?”