Chapter 230

Meanwhile, the two girls who had safely returned home after defeating the monsters in the park while enjoying the flowers.

Having returned in good spirits without suffering from the festival traffic, the two of them played comfortably, not even thinking about exams.

And the price for such laziness…

“Come out in order and take yours.”

…came back to them in the form of report cards.

Shortly after the midterms, the midterm report card was in her hands.

Of course, unless you’re a genius, there’s no way a regular person who played around would have good scores.

“Eheh, it’s a mess.”

Looking at the simplified report card with just the scores written on thin paper, the numbers didn’t look good.

Except for Korean and Science, none of the scores were above 70. She muttered a few complaints and returned to her seat.

Even though she didn’t expect much, the results were disappointing compared to how carefully she had guessed.

As she was indifferently ignoring the report card, her classmates quietly gathered around her desk after the morning assembly.

“How many points did you get?”

“Everything except Korean and Science is a mess.”

“No, I mean, how many points?”

People who don’t study well care more about others’ scores.

Knowing that they were trying to comfort themselves by seeing someone worse off, she handed over her report card.

Except for Korean and Science, which were in the 80s, the rest of the scores were nothing to brag about.

Her friends, with puzzled expressions, commented as if it wasn’t that bad.

“You did well!”

“Yeah, it’s not that bad, right?”

Saying things they didn’t mean, as usual, they poked her cheeks.

Even if generously graded, scores between 60 and 70 are nothing to brag about.

Secretly thinking, ‘She’s a mess,’ they were relieved, those sly girls.

The subtle, unspoken competition among the not-so-studious girls about who did worse or better.

In that tiring atmosphere, after all the regular classes ended, the teacher’s advice followed, as it was the day the report cards were handed out.

“Depending on the elective subjects, some schools might not even let you apply, so you should start thinking about college and majors now.”


The choices that come with transitioning from 1st to 2nd year.

In the past, it was simply called Arts and Sciences, but now it’s called elective subjects.

Yes, the current student generation can’t understand ‘I’m sorry, I’m an Arts student.’

Even the saying ‘If you’re going to give up studying, give up in Sciences’ doesn’t work for today’s students.

What’s Arts? What’s Sciences? That’s the kind of answer you’d get.

Even though the classmates stick together, they step aside for Siyeon when it’s time to go home.

After realizing that they were more like family than friends, the persistent invitations to hang out decreased, which was a relief.


On the way home, Siyeon unzipped her coat all the way, seemingly feeling stuffy.

It felt quite warm by the end of April.

Thinking about the recent nights sleeping without thick blankets, she realized she should prepare for the approaching summer.

That aside, she casually asked Siyeon, who was unzipping her coat.

“Is it too hot?”

Since I had told her to dress warmly in case it was cold, I felt a bit guilty and asked.

Because I’m particularly sensitive to the cold, I was worried if Siyeon dressed too lightly.

“Cold if I take it off, hot if I keep it on…”

Siyeon tilted her head, unsure, and continued while looking straight ahead.

That ambiguous temperature where you can’t tell if it’s hot or cold.

Yeah, the time for thick clothes is over.

“Then I’ll get out some thin clothes when we get home.”

Saying that, she added one more chore to her mental list.

Then suddenly, she stopped, feeling like she had forgotten something.

‘Wait, did I clean out the closet last year?’

Thick clothes, thin clothes.

Thinking about clothes reminded her of the state of the closet.

After racking her brain, she realized she definitely didn’t clean out the closet last year.

Even after finishing everything at the end of the year, there was still a nagging feeling, and now she realized she had forgotten to organize the clothes.

The forgotten task from last year had caught up to her today.


“What are you going to do?”

“Gotta throw away what needs to be thrown away.”

After arriving home with Siyeon, I pulled out all the winter clothes from both rooms and laid them out in the living room.

As soon as we got home, Siyeon sat in front of the computer, sketching away.

Still shy about showing her drawings, she alt-tabbed every time she went to the closet to get clothes.

By the time we had pulled out all the winter clothes from both rooms…

“What are you doing?”

Seeming bothered by her constant trips to her room, she finally came out to the living room and asked.

“Oh, you came at the right time.”

I was about to ask her to try on the clothes one by one, but she saved me the trouble by coming out on her own.

After glancing at Siyeon, I pointed to the pile of clothes and said.

“Try on the clothes over there one by one, and set aside the ones that don’t fit.”

After saying that, I also tried on my own clothes laid out in the living room.

The winter clothes that would be put back in the closet and not taken out until at least October.

If I think they’re still wearable, it means I probably won’t be able to wear them this winter.

It’s pointless to put back clothes I’ve never worn just because I feel bad about wasting them.

Forget the price tags still attached, there’s no one to pass them on to…

No matter how much money you have, waste is still waste.

Even if you earn 100 million won a year, there’s no reason not to lick the lid of a yogurt.

With a heart-wrenching feeling, I kept trying on and taking off clothes over my underwear.

After setting aside about one in three that didn’t fit, I started sorting them out.

As I stuck my head through the neck of a shirt, Siyeon asked.

“Is this okay?”

“Let me see.”

With just my head sticking out of the shirt, I walked over to Siyeon, swinging it like a necklace.

It’s an unspoken rule to show me the clothes she can’t decide whether to keep or throw away.

Pulling the collar from the back and stretching her arms up, I checked the fit.

The arms, stomach, and shoulders were fine, but… the problem was the chest.

The fabric stretched and wrinkled between the swelling sides, clearly showing where it was tight.

“Is it tight around the chest?”

“Yeah… but it’s still wearable.”

Sometimes, even if you buy the same size, some clothes fit and some don’t…

“Must be a size issue. Take it off, we’ll throw it away.”

Without hesitation, I told Siyeon to throw away the clothes that didn’t fit and finished putting on the ones I was wearing.

After putting both arms into the half-worn shirt, I realized there was still plenty of room.

Worried that my growth plates had closed, it turned out I was still growing a bit.

What can you do, it’s just my constitution.

Let’s just be grateful that I’m still growing.

“Is that all?”

“Yeah, did you try everything on?”

“Yeah, these are the ones that don’t fit.”

“Okay, take the ones that fit and put them away.”

I told Siyeon to take the wearable clothes and put them away.

From the pile of folding baskets haphazardly placed on the dining table, I grabbed two and spread them out in the living room.

After folding the clothes that didn’t fit and placing them in the baskets, I headed outside.

Next to the apartment complex’s recycling bin, the unmistakably green clothing donation bin.

Carrying the baskets, I approached and stuffed the neatly folded clothes in haphazardly.

‘Done for today.’

With the exhilarating sense of accomplishment from finishing a big task, I stretched and headed to the common entrance.

Returning home, the clothes scattered in the living room seemed to protest, demanding to be folded and put back in the closet.

After finishing the remaining chores, just as I was about to head to my room…

“Mari, Mari!”

Hearing the urgent voice calling me from inside the room, I slowly shifted my steps from heading to my room to Siyeon’s.


With a lazy voice, I moved at a sloth-like pace.

What kind of big deal could happen in her room?

But her urgent voice made me curious, so I opened the door.

Siyeon, not even looking at me, was glued to the computer screen.

“Look at this.”

“What is it…”

Siyeon slightly moved aside, making space.

I peeked my head into the space and looked at the screen.

[Magical Girls in the Military? Controversy over Representative Kim’s Solution to Soldier Shortage.]

[Military Manpower Administration ‘Baseless’, ‘Even if True, Invitation…’ Explanation Causes Uproar on SNS.]

[‘Don’t Use Women as War Tools’, Upcoming Rally on the 1st.]

Articles from just 1 to 2 hours ago were flooding in.

What’s this about the military, some weird rumor spreading again.