Chapter 225

Regardless of the logic behind the content or what it holds, it’s never easy to overturn a claim that has once held a dominant position.

That’s just the case, especially if the voices championing that claim are excessively loud.

In reality, unless one really grits their teeth and prepares, reversing public opinion is practically an impossible task.

And unfortunately for someone, among those who were hastily summoned to the emergency meeting at the Association headquarters, there weren’t any who possessed the will to do so.

In fact, even the Chairman of the Korean branch, who should be raising his voice more than anyone, was merely observing the situation in silence.

In such a manner, a considerable number of people chose ‘silence’, and as a result, the opinions of those with louder voices quickly spread through the media as if they were the official stance of the Association headquarters.

Since it was a hasty assembly in which many had flown in from abroad, it was during a brief break that this incident occurred.

And while Dogun was deep in thought about how to tackle things alongside Chae-rim, he was met with a reaction to an article that appeared with the title ‘Breaking News.’

“These guys are completely insane…”

What in the world do they think they can accomplish by sending people there?

Honestly, that was the very first thought that came to mind when I saw the article.

The next thought was whether the journalist had been a ‘journalist’ at all.

It looked as if they had hastily translated an article from abroad and posted it, but translation errors are common, aren’t they?

Perhaps this was just one of those cases.


“Uh, well… there was an article that just popped up saying it was breaking news…”

How on earth was I supposed to explain this?

I couldn’t immediately come up with an answer, so I ended up just holding up my mobile phone with the article displayed on the screen toward Chae-rim.

And the reaction Chae-rim had upon seeing the article I had read was straightforward.

Her expression seemed to say ‘Of course this was going to happen…’

At the same time, she curled just one side of her mouth upward, appearing quite amused by the content of the article.


From Chae-rim’s perspective, it was entirely reasonable.

Even if the Chairman of the Hero Association came to ask for help, she might hesitate—so what about a Chairman from another country whose face she didn’t even know? There was no need to say more.

Moreover, since they didn’t first gauge opinions subtly beneath the surface, but rather used the media to initiate this, she was probably contemplating how to respond.

One thing was certain: it was an article that was perfect to stir up controversy.

Maybe that’s why…

Out of curiosity, I scrolled down slightly to check the comments section and found a war already taking place within.

It was somewhat surprising that there were quite a few people supporting the absurd opinions expressed.

“By the way… that’s surprising.”

“What is?”

“No, it seems there are unexpectedly many people who agree with those ridiculous claims.”

“Of course.”

“Of course? Why is that?”

What exactly was so obvious?

I tilted my head in confusion, and just as I did, Chae-rim’s response followed.

“Anyone would dislike the idea of a war breaking out in front of their own house.”


“And besides… everyone doesn’t really know what that world is like because they’ve never experienced it, right?”

That’s true… If even just half of those earnestly arguing in the comments to wipe out ‘Another Ones’ during this opportunity had experienced what the world they lived in was truly like, such discussions wouldn’t even arise.

The world that once separated Chae-rim and me was precisely that—a world unkind to humans.

And with that thought, I suddenly became curious.

So… how on earth do they plan to invest power into protecting that world, how would they supply their forces, and what would they do when they accomplish their goals to return?

Was there a device at the Association headquarters that could artificially create a Rift?

Without something like that, such claims couldn’t even stand.

Or were they perhaps thinking to secure power and supplies first, and when a Rift opened nearby, rush in there?

I didn’t know who first suggested that, but if that was their idea, they must be completely out of their mind.

After all, there’s no way a plan like that would succeed.

It would just result in a waste of valuable resources.

“But how do they think they’re going to secure the power needed for the subjugation?”

Truthfully, putting everything else aside, that was the real issue.

Anyone with a normal mindset would recognize that the plans currently being discussed were practically a suicide charge.

Let alone that the individuals called ‘Heroes’ in this world weren’t even real heroes.

Sure, some exist who are genuinely dedicated, like Chae-rim seated before me… but most of them?

Yet among those people, to summon members for a plan?

Honestly, how many would actually comply with such orders?

‘As long as they don’t revolt, that’s a win.’

It seemed Chae-rim was having similar thoughts.

“Well… if we assume the gentlemen up there aren’t all joining hands to go completely mad, they won’t resort to something crazy like forced conscription.”

So then?

“Then probably… they’ll take volunteers?”

“Volunteers? Will there be any?”

“There’s likely to be a good number.”

Chae-rim said that and fell silent for a moment, before adding in a slightly heavy voice.

“…Many people among the heroes have lost precious ones because of ‘Another Ones.'”


“Not just the active ones, if we include those who’ve retired, there would be even more.”

If we considered things up to that point, securing power didn’t seem impossible.

Yet my present self, fretting over a matter that hadn’t even arisen yet, might have appeared pitiful to Chae-rim.

Maybe she thought so when she abruptly stood up from her seat and reached out a hand.

“You must be tired from what happened earlier, so just stop worrying and get some rest. You don’t need to stress yourself out.”

She proceeded to ruffle my hair roughly.

What could I do but accept her command?

So, I went up to my room…

‘What the…’

As soon as I stepped inside, my eyes fell upon Yoonseo comfortably sprawled across my bed.

It looked like she had laid herself down with the intention of passing time but had dozed off instead.

Meanwhile, the blanket that had presumably felt stifling had been kicked off, leaving it precariously draped over her legs.


I approached the bed carefully, clearing my throat.

It seemed that due to the unfamiliar feel of this bed compared to the one she usually slept in, she had been tossing and turning, causing her to become a tangled mess.

Given the situation, I felt it was best not to leave her like this.

So, with my eyes gently closed, I made my way towards her—


The moment I neared Yoonseo, I was hit with the sound of someone clearly feeling under the weather.

I jolted my eyes wide open, noticing things I had missed from afar.

For instance, the beads of sweat dotted across Yoonseo’s forehead.

I could see she had been overexerting herself with all her efforts to rescue me, so while I had recovered my abilities at the Talent Organ, her body remained worn out from the relentless running.

It seemed that was the case, and I felt a wave of pity wash over me.


If only she had been diligent during practice sessions…

While I mentally grumbled about that, I also started brainstorming how to take care of Yoonseo.

What could I do to help her condition improve?

After a moment of contemplation, I finally made a decision.

First of all, I needed to address how uncomfortably she was dressed.