Chapter 223

Broken Turret.

Isolated Jhin.

Jhin’s fate, surrounded by enemies in that situation, was already sealed.

-Enemy eliminated!

[“So delicious!”]

Ezreal, who had been happily enjoying free farming alone at bot, was growing even stronger as he secured a kill.


As soon as Jhin was delivered, Leona didn’t even look back and pulled back.

Thanks to that, we couldn’t catch both of the bot players, but eliminating the enemy ADC was already a sufficient achievement.

[“Ah, this is it.”]



Although Raise joined late, the numbers were already uneven, and our Mid Lane suffered as a result.

[“Mining mid.”]


Because of that, the CS and Gold gap between both mids started to shrink significantly.


By smashing the bot’s first turret, the pace of the game began to pick up.

Ezreal, whose power truly comes into effect after mid-game, arrived even sooner than expected.

-The red team has slain the Wind Dragon!

After destroying the bot’s first turret, we naturally collected the first dragon and began to ramp up the tempo.

“Bot to top.”


A lane swap between bot and top.

While SY knew we’d move, they didn’t anticipate we’d go to the top instead of mid. Thus, the enemy bot was headed to mid.

Naturally, due to Orianna’s traits, it wasn’t difficult for her to hold the line alone, allowing our bot to pressure the enemy top.

“Everyone’s doing well.”

The mighty SY was struggling to keep up with our tempo.

Who could have imagined?

A team that just got promoted to the second division was shaking SY.

‘Still, I’m not going to let my guard down.’

The opponent is SY.

There was no room for complacency.

“We’re going to dive. Get ready.”


[“Are we doing it now?”]



“Me first.”


-Enemy eliminated!



As practiced, we methodically executed our steps.

Legends of League is fundamentally a game where a leading team finds it very hard to be overturned if they avoid major mistakes.

Of course, it sounds easy, but few teams have managed to execute that perfectly in a game filled with countless variables.


No matter how favorable the situation, complacency was forbidden.

The opponent was SY, a team capable of igniting a counterattack at any moment.

Perhaps that’s why.

[“They’re coming out.”]

The second Rift Herald timing.

Declaring that they would no longer hold back, the SY champions who had been swinging around rallied together.

Under normal circumstances, they wouldn’t have made a move at this timing, but their combination made it so we had nothing to lose as time passed, so SY couldn’t hide their impatience.

“Yeonwoo, you should come too.”


Jax, who had been pushing the bot lane, quickly returned and started rushing toward the herald in response to the enemy’s movements.

A standoff ensued.

In basic standoffs, we had the overwhelming advantage in poking and sustain, while the enemy had a strong initiation combo.

The key was maintaining distance.


With Kim Jae-min’s boisterous shout, Ezreal’s Q, now in his prime, hit the enemy champions one by one.


It felt like I could hear the sound of the enemy champions’ health bars plummeting.

Even if they wanted to initiate, there was nothing they could do with their health so low from the start.

[“Left, right!”]

Like in a shooting game, enemy champions were in disarray every time Ezreal’s hands moved.

If Ezreal’s growth had been even slightly delayed, it might have been different, but ignoring that and forcing an initiation against the damage spewing from Ezreal’s fingertips was far too reckless.

Seeing Kim Jae-min, who was lively like a fish in water, I thought.

‘Surely, when things are going well, Kim Jae-min…’

He might have many flaws in various aspects including lane fighting, but at least in overwhelming the enemy in favorable conditions, he wasn’t lacking compared to other first division players.

Of course, to be precise, many players do well when they have the advantage, but…

‘That’s not what’s important right now.’

What mattered was that Kim Jae-min’s Ezreal had succeeded in forcing the enemy back.


[“Should we chase?”]

“No, no need.”

Even though the enemy was struggling with their health due to Kim Jae-min’s poking, there’s a possibility of a counter due to our combination’s characteristics.

We didn’t need to give them a chance to stage a comeback by overly risking ourselves.

“Let’s focus mid.”

What’s the key to snowballing?

One answer is vision.

No matter how unfavorable the situation is, if you have vision, you can dream of a comeback, and conversely, no matter how favorable it is, if there’s no vision, a turnaround can happen.

The crucial part of that vision battle was the mid first turret.

It’s not without reason that most champions heading to the mid lane are champions with good wave clear. When the mid first turret falls, you inevitably find yourself in a very unfavorable position for the vision battle.


The Herald appeared in mid.

Under normal circumstances, the enemy would have tried hard to stop this, but sadly, they had lost too much health in the standoff, leaving them short on defensive troops.

Moreover, Ezreal was still in fighting form, swinging his arms around, making it impossible to stop the Herald from crashing into the mid first turret.

-The blue team’s turret has been destroyed!

With SY’s mid first turret being destroyed, the momentum of the game began to lean completely in our favor.


Legends of League is an organic game.

The lanes are intricately connected like spider webs, so whatever happens on one side will undoubtedly affect the other side in some way.

The opposing Ezreal, who had begun to grow normally, suddenly became a monster, and that was part of that context.

The first Rift Herald fight.

The resulting reckless bot join.

The snowballing from the stolen Herald.

That was the backdrop for Ezreal’s growth.

‘…It’s my mistake.’

Ryu Jin-hyuk berated himself for his mistake.

He misread the enemy’s intentions, leading to a negative impact not only on mid but also on the other lanes.

Adding to that, he fell for the psychological warfare of the enemy jungler, making it a monumental blunder as both a mid laner and a main shot caller.

‘Moreover, the enemy top Jax’s growth isn’t negligible.’

No, to be precise, none of the opposing laners have been weak.

The jungler was already two levels ahead of the allied jungler, highlighting just how difficult the situation was.

[“What do we want to do about the dragon?”]

[“I think we should give it.”]

[“Hmm, okay.”]

Let it go.

Some may hold critical views on this, but the truth is, there aren’t many options available when you’re in a bad situation.

If you foolishly fear a minor loss and engage, you could end up suffering far more significant consequences.

Thus, while there’s a negative perception in giving up when disadvantaged, positively speaking, it could also mean planning for the future.

-The enemy has slain the Fire Dragon!

Given the situation, naturally, the second dragon was smoothly taken by the enemy, and before long, it was Baron timing.

SY could no longer simply curl up and hide.

If the difference had been ambiguous, the enemy would have cautiously eyed the Baron instead of daring to risk it for a mere fourth dragon. However, the growth gap between the two teams had already widened beyond that.

The enemy could attempt a bold Baron try at any moment.

[“There’s no vision here.”]

As soon as the clock struck 20 minutes, the Baron pit and our blue jungle were engulfed in darkness.

It was proof that vision work had been completed before the precise Baron timing.

From here onward, it was a typical OX quiz.

Are we hitting the Baron?

Or are we fishing instead?

If you couldn’t get the answer right, the consequence was simple.

The outcome of this game.

That was the OX quiz hanging in the balance.

The only silver lining in all of this was that our team still held vision-checking skills like Jhin’s ultimate and other tools like the Sweeping Lens.

“Should I use a lens?”


At the moment Longbow used the lens on the Baron pit.

-The red team has slain the Baron Nashor!

As if they had been waiting, the Baron fell, and the message appeared, indicating that the enemy had slain the Baron.


When facing SY, one must not show any gaps.

But when you need to be bold, you must be.

The 20-minute precise Baron was also a strategy born from such calculations.

The vision work was already done, and the enemy would exercise caution, so it seemed sufficient.

“Let’s go.”

There was nothing left to stop us.

Poking compositions could be easily neutralized when the enemy has taken the Baron but became terrifyingly threatening when we had it.

The strength of the standoff would change drastically depending on whether the Baron buff was in play.

Onward, onward, onward.

-Enemy eliminated!

-Double kill!

-Triple kill!

The SY champions stood in our way, but they couldn’t stop us due to the gap that had widened and the Baron buff we possessed.


Finally, as the enemy Nexus was destroyed, cheers erupted.



[“Phew… Sorry, everyone. If I hadn’t had any drinks…”]

“It’s okay.”

The world’s strongest.

The best in the world.

Above all… it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say the greatest team in the history of Legends of League.

Against that team, we successfully took Game One of the scrim.