Chapter 221
Chapter 221: The Recommendation for Rebellion
――In the audience chamber, everyone, both from the Demon Lord Kingdom and the alliance side, froze in shock.
It goes without saying that the prisoners were shaken, but even Nichar and Tavo looked taken aback, as if to say, “Wait, are you really going there?”
“Supposing, just supposing,”
I spoke to the prisoners while wearing the Demon Lord’s Prince smile I had practiced in the mirror.
“If you all dedicate eternal loyalty to the Demon Lord Kingdom and continue to serve… is there really a need to grant autonomy?”
With a refreshing smile.
“In that case, being slaves would be just fine, wouldn’t it?”
The prisoners gasped at my outrageous claim. Porkun nodded, crossing his arms as if to say, “This is tyranny!”
“The will for rebellion—meaning the desire for freedom—is just that. If you lack it, then relinquish your autonomy and become slaves immediately. If you don’t wish to do that… then it means you acknowledge your desire for freedom.”
Yeah, I’m not saying anything strange here!
‘That’s pretty extreme, you know?’
Antendeixis let out a voice of exasperation.
Well, that’s true. Though no one likes being a slave, commoners with decent treatment would follow orders even if they grumbled a bit. That way of living is also valid. But… that won’t do for me.
I want them to gather their strength in preparation for the inevitable collapse of the Demon Lord Kingdom.
I hope they sharpen their claws for rebellion while not acting out violently—such a situation would be ideal.
“Personally, I find your willingness to rebel quite pleasing.”
So when I grinned, the prisoners reacted in various ways.
Sebastian was scrutinizing me with a serious expression as if trying to decipher my true intentions, while the Priestess Apprentice maintained an expressionless facade to suppress her turbulent emotions. The spirited wounded soldier looked like he might shout, “What the hell do you want?!” if things were different.
Very good.
“In the Demon Lord Kingdom,”
I stood up from my throne.
“Power is revered. The right to alter the world as one wishes—that is the essence of power. The reason we demons sit confidently is that we possess this qualification. And the mightiest among us, reigning above all, is His Majesty the Demon Lord. The one who holds the greatest qualification to interfere with the state of the world—what else would we call that but a tyrant? Power. It all comes down to power. The strength of the individual determines one’s worth.”
The term ‘weakness’ is taken as the greatest insult in the Demon Lord Kingdom—
Because denying the core of dignity, the strength of the individual, ultimately denies the very existence of the other.
“Reversely, those without power are scorned. You humans are the prime examples.”
Yes. It’s the demonic sense I’ve cultivated in my six years as Demon Lord’s Prince.
“You are indeed strong. Your resilience in unity and your strong defenses are awe-inspiring. However, it’s the same for anyone who gathers.
Even we demons can say that,” I joked.
“Except for the very few like the Sword Saints, you’re merely weak. That’s why you’re so easily dismissed as slaves or as things to be killed. In that regard, the beastmen with their robust physiques are far higher in status.”
The Hobgoblins, including Tavo, were making faces that said they couldn’t argue with that logic. Would that mean they…
“If you’re unsatisfied with such treatment, then show your strength. It’s obvious that together you are strong, but also enhance your individual power. Only then, if the dominance of the Demon Lord Kingdom is unacceptable…”
I grinned defiantly, staring at the wounded soldier who was glaring at me.
“Then by all means, rebel. I welcome it!”
The prisoners looked at me as if I were a madman, while the surrounding dark figures were baffled, wondering “Did he really just say that?”
I smoothly lifted four fingers.
“Four hundred. Do you know what that number is?”
“The number of demon race warriors who participated in the Evaroti campaign.”
Of course they’re surprised. It’s far fewer than they expected, right?
“And across the entire Demon Lord Kingdom, there are hundreds of thousands of demon warriors waiting eagerly for their chance to fight.”
Of course, I was exaggerating a bit. Not everyone can fight.
I strolled before the prisoners like a commander giving a speech.
“Have you ever wondered why the Demon Lord Kingdom is leisurely waging wars one nation at a time? Of course, there is an aspect of enjoying the fights. But the answer is much simpler—if the Demon Lord’s army were to get serious, it would flatten the continent in no time, leaving no one left to battle against.”
The prisoners must have envisioned it—
The sight of hundreds of thousands of demon warriors surging onto every battlefield.
“We demons live to fight. For us, battlefields are finite resources. If we indulge shamelessly, they will run out in an instant. Thus, we savor it slowly—a feast of war.”
You demons… just think about being caught up in that chaos!
The Demon Lord Kingdom is trash! Their existence is a curse!!!
And I’m that cursed prince… Damn it!
“So, if you want to start a rebellion, go right ahead. In fact, I welcome it. Warriors from across the nation will gather in the suddenly formed battlefield. Armed with their spears, they will join in pursuit of glory—rioters on the left and right, the more heads you collect, the more credit you earn. Isn’t that a wonderful tale? The ultimate feast!”
I clapped my hands together.
…Hey, what’s wrong with you all?
Where’s that fierce spirit from earlier?
You don’t have time for cold sweat!
Get more motivated! Hey, what’s wrong with you all!!
“I don’t need obedient slaves! We already have plenty of those! If you keep lounging around weakly, I will unhesitatingly abolish the structure of the Autonomous District! Train yourselves! Show your strength! That is what it means to be a citizen of the Demon Lord Kingdom…!!”
I’ve got to kill the Demon Lord!!! Do you even get it!!!
No matter how much I enacted good governance, I can’t have you becoming obedient citizens of the Demon Lord Kingdom!
“The reason I allowed you to be armed is exactly that. Not just to protect the citizens. It’s for you to defend your dignity! The voices saying humans aren’t needed are deeply rooted in the Demon Lord Kingdom! If that frustrates you, prove them wrong with your power! Shout loudly that you are worth living! You must be the touchstone of whether your race deserves autonomy…!!”
Using gestures, I delivered my impassioned speech—
Suddenly, I looked down at the prisoners with a chilling smile.
“…Don’t you think this is a top-tier opportunity for a comeback?”
If you let this chance slip by—
It means letting go of your free will, the right to live.
Gulp… the prisoners swallowed hard.
This is the best chance handed to you…! Don’t waste it, I beg you, comrades.
“Well, with that said, don’t do anything half-hearted.”
I sat down heavily on the throne, wearing a troubled expression.
“Even Evaroti, who seemed so eager, fell in just three days… Next time, I hope to enjoy at least four days. I welcome rebellion, but I don’t want some half-hearted small fire.”
If a rebellion fails, almost certainly, everything will turn to ashes.
Keep in mind that you only get one shot at this.
“By the way, I wouldn’t recommend aiming for me with an assassination attempt. It’s not very effective. I am the Seventh Demon Lord Prince, the lowest of the princes. There are still six similar ones above me. The impact on the Demon Lord Kingdom… I must admit it is minimal.”
At my words, Nichar and Tavo were silently shouting “Liar—!”
Well, the top three would either surpass or equal me, and if I recover all the magic power stored with Antendeixis, I’d probably surpass the rest too!
“So, at the very least, come at me with a mindset to handle a hundred of me at once. Don’t disappoint me with half-hearted resolve! Of course, when the time comes, feel free to do whatever you want—building a church, raising a flag, or anything!”
When I brightly smiled at the Priestess Apprentice, he probably sensed my magic power faintly and shook his head in fear, pale-faced.
Hey, hey, I’m counting on you. I can barely handle a hundred!
Even if I had a hundred now, would I be able to win against the Demon Lord?
‘Surely, wouldn’t a hundred somehow make a difference?’
Maybe… if we form ranks and surround them… and if one of them managed to pull off a miracle like the senior hero, we might land a critical hit… maybe…?
Well, that’s a futile assumption, though.
“—Those without power are evil.”
I proclaimed like I was chanting a spell.
“—Power is the true virtue. Show your worth, everyone. I expect it, alright? Don’t disappoint me!”
If their behavior remains excessively weak, the meaning of autonomy might be questioned.
Yet, if they rebel half-heartedly, demons from all over the Demon Lord Kingdom will come pouring in.
So, while paying taxes diligently, they must relentlessly hone their abilities.
…Well, it sounds easy for me to say since I set this all up, but…
It’ll be tough, but I hope you’ll do your best.
“As your deputy, let me say one last time.”
I displayed the best Demon Lord Prince smile I could muster.
“Welcome to the Demon Lord Kingdom!”
Let’s destroy the Demon Lord Kingdom together!!!