Chapter 220

Rose Caprice was not the type to stand on a platform often. No matter how much her status as an Imperial Assembly member meant, she was the Crown Princess, a symbol of the absolute power of the Royal Family, and a fortress of heroism.

If she were to stand on the platform at the Imperial Assembly, it could be interpreted as excessive interference from the Royal Family in the assembly’s matters. The fact that she decided to stand at the center of the assembly in her uniform despite the risk implied that the current situation was one where “intervention from the Royal Family’s assembly would have to be borne.”

The atmosphere in the assembly was heavy. Even a child passing by would know that Jenis Harker’s aggressive expansion had stirred the Royal Family’s displeasure. Recently, there had been grim news about a ship carrying supplies to Febria Bay that had sunk due to a wyvern attack.

This was proof that the supply routes over the sea were not completely safe, and it amplified doubts about the strategy of ambushing the Demon King’s Army from Febria Bay.

While Jenis busied herself day and night enjoying paperwork and her romantic life to cover up the aftermath of that incident, Rose summoned those assembly members aligned with the Royal Family and began her speech. Rumors spread that she intended to retaliate against Harker.

And those rumors were closer to the truth than one might think.

“Our Empire has been operating under a state of emergency for the past decade. It couldn’t be helped. In extreme times, extreme methods are permissible. No, nothing other than extreme methods is permissible.”

With these words, Rose kicked off her speech. The assembly members read through the bill that Rose Caprice had submitted earlier. The “Normalization of Emergency Laws.” Whatever it was, it indicated that she intended to shatter several long-standing traditions.

“But thanks to the efforts of various individuals, we have gained an opportunity to return to the Empire’s old traditions. Today, I, Rose Caprice, present this bill to you esteemed members of the Imperial Assembly, hoping that the Empire can regain a semblance of normalcy. I will now explain its content.”

Rose coughed lightly. All the assembly members turned their ears to her.

“First, there’s the issue of the Southern Alliance. The Royal Family has been seriously concerned about this organization’s recent transformation into a political organization. Nonetheless, the Imperial Central has tolerated the situation of armed forces numbering in the tens of thousands moving without the Royal Family’s control. This is because the existence of the ‘second front,’ which the Central had failed to protect, was confirmed.”

The ‘second front’ that Rose was talking about referred to the vampire attacks instigated by Count Arthur Harker during Dracula’s time.

“The Royal Family honestly feels remorse for the South’s independent armed organization. This occurred because the Central failed to protect the South. However, for the South to politically unite under the same banner as if it were a consolidated family is a matter potentially fraught with illegality. Such actions could, depending on interpretation, be seen as a prelude to rebellion.”

The word ‘rebellion’ slipped from the Crown Princess’s lips. She had no intention of being lenient today.

“I am concerned. Our Empire’s Royal Family has no desire to interfere with the self-governance of the Southern nobility, but with a heavy heart, we officially intend to ban the use of the southern alliance flag. This is the first law I propose.”

The ban on the alliance flag. It might seem trivial, but it was simultaneously a massive move. It wasn’t just about banning a banner. It clearly expressed her intent to utterly obliterate the existence of the ‘Southern Alliance.’ In this context, the second law put forth by Rose was logical and even obvious.

“Furthermore, after discussions between the Imperial Central Army and the Royal Family, we reached this query: The second front has been dismantled. There are no particular movements on the third front, namely in Eramenia. Yet, unexpectedly, a second front has emerged in a completely unanticipated place, that being the far-off Febria Bay. How should we perceive this situation?”

The problem was whether the existence of this ‘Febria Bay front’ necessitated the Southern Alliance to maintain its independent military status. Naturally, Rose did not acknowledge that necessity.

“After much deliberation, the Royal Family concluded that maintaining the Febria Bay Fortress is unnecessary from the perspective of the Empire’s grand strategy. That fortress lacks self-sustaining production capability, requiring disproportionately large efforts to maintain its supply. It demands concurrent upkeep of the fortress and management of vessels, and protecting the fortress with thirty thousand personnel while also guarding hundreds of ships is a challenge. While we can hold out for now, if any unfortunate event occurs, we face the grave risk of being besieged and annihilated in an instant.”

Rose’s argument had merit. The reason Jenis had been burning the midnight oil was precisely due to the vulnerabilities Rose Caprice highlighted.

“The common sense response would be to give a full retreat order. It would be natural to hastily withdraw from the fortress using the fleet we have preserved and return to the Empire’s homeland. Unfortunately, however, the current military system does not grant the Royal Family direct command authority over ‘allied forces.’ Therefore, the Imperial Central Army deemed it essential that the Southern Army undergo an administrative process, retaining the allied army’s organization while assimilating into the Imperial Army. The second bill I submitted contains matters related to this.”

To summarize: ‘We allowed the Southern Army to operate independently during the emergency, but as that emergency has now dissipated, you are forcibly expanding the frontlines to maintain the allied army’s structure. This is a futile act, so retreat serenely and enter under the Imperial Army’s command.’

If this bill were to pass, the Southern faction would completely lose their military foundation. Having assumed command, Rose would naturally issue a large-scale retreat order to return to the homeland. Should they refuse, it would be rebellion. They would find themselves in a situation without supply from the homeland and perfectly trapped.

“The last matter concerns titles. The Great Sage, Jenis Harker, currently governs the Count Territory but has yet to receive formal titles, ruling over a vast territory equivalent to a duke as a viscount. This too was a situation that had been tolerated due to the state of emergency, but now that trivial matter must be corrected. Coincidentally, while perusing the Empire’s customary laws, I found an intriguing piece of information. It stated that the Great Sage of the Magic Tower is treated as an independent lord unlike ordinary sages.”

This was information even many in the Empire were unaware of. They had had no need to consider the existence of a ‘Great Sage’ until now. Strictly speaking, the Sage of the Magic Tower is nothing more than a proxy ruler, but the ‘Great Sage’ is treated as the true master of the Magic Tower, i.e., a lord and king.

“Well then, she deserves not the title of count but of king, or rather, queen. The Royal Family had originally resolved not to permit any independent state aside from the Caprice Empire on this continent, but if the Great Sage of the Magic Tower exists, that changes things. The Empire plans to officially recognize the Magic Tower’s lordship as independent through proper procedures and to crown Jenis Harker as queen of that land. As you all know, she is the great hero who slain the Kraken. If there is anyone in this world who deserves a noble title due to military merit, it would be hard to find anyone other than her.”

By this point, the expressions of the nobles began to pale as they realized the meaning behind Rose’s words. They understood that Rose Caprice had come to this place, sharpened and ready for battle. Rose began to deliver her true objectives without hesitation.

“It would be great if we could transfer the land that belonged to her entirely at once. But unfortunately, the Count Territory under Harker is legally bound to the Empire’s territory. Simply put, we cannot assign that land to the lordship of the Magic Tower just because we are declaring independence. Therefore, the Royal Family, with a heavy heart, is considering acquiring the Harker Count Territory and redistributing it according to military merit to nobles or commoners qualified for the nobility. The bill submitted today includes detailed content related to that.”

The assembly members hurriedly unfurled documents and began reading through the bills with their eyes. This was a declaration of war. While superficially a title of nobility was being discussed, considering that Harker had been operating the Magic Tower as an independent entity without that façade of nobility, this was effectively an act of land confiscation.

No, in some meanings, it was even more than that. This was because, until now, a significant portion of the Magic Tower’s research costs had been paid for by the Empire’s Royal Family. If the Magic Tower is treated as an independent state, it would then provide a justification for the royal family to slash the budgetary support for the Magic Tower. This was a law filled with intent to bind Jenis not only by her hands but also to muzzle her mouth.

“There are vast and significant issues at stake in this bill, and it is not a matter that can be quickly concluded. The assembly will remain in session for one week. Feel free to engage in discussions, and we will proceed to a vote in one week. I shall see you all again tomorrow. Thank you.”

Rose bowed her head towards the assembly and then exited the session. The bills submitted by Rose Caprice sent enormous ripples throughout the Empire. Although the news came through various means, the core was the same.

‘Rose Caprice has declared an all-out war against Jenis Harker.’

This news reached even Margaret in the forest across the mountains. The competition between the South and Central regions had always been news that the Elf Kingdom watched with anxiety.

General Phineas showed the bill to Margaret and asked for her opinion. The gravity of the situation was evident on Margaret’s face.

“This is madness. She is selectively citing customary and statutory laws as it pleases her. This is something that belongs to a rabble-rouser, yet it is spoken by none other than the Crown Princess of the Empire. This is not something to be taken lightly. The fate of the Audrich Empire is at risk.”

“What will you do, Your Highness the Princess?”

Phineas asked with a voice demanding action from Margaret. Phineas Marbelliust was a staunch advocate for a military intervention to crush civil war should the Audrich Empire find itself on the brink of civil war. Margaret tilted her head, hesitating.

Still gripping weapons felt burdensome. No, in truth, even intervening in matters outside this forest pricked her fears sharply.

“Who is moving? Is Jenis Harker going directly to the Empire?”

“I have heard otherwise. Recently, there was a request from a ship passing near our nation’s coast, and aboard that ship was… the Grand Mage, Baron Harriet. It seems she intends to head toward the system to represent the position of the Great Sage.”

Margaret squeezed her eyes shut.

“If Jeongjae is on the move, he will likely follow my counsel.”

The fairy monarch sighed as she looked up at the sky. There were no choices left. While curling up was comfortable, Margaret knew well that not everything in the world flows comfortably.

“Bring me my sword and bow. I suppose I need to stop by Caprice.”