Chapter 218

“On the second day, we strolled around the city, enjoying the remnants of tradition like historical sites, performances, and parks.”

“On the third day, instead of hitting the beach, we had a blast pretending we were at one at a water park, then later acted like we were studying while just chatting away.”

“By the fourth and fifth days, we stuffed ourselves with traditional Japanese cuisine that was still holding its ground…”

“Well, the trip to Japan wrapped up without any major incidents.”

“I didn’t have anything particularly memorable, but it surely was a fascinating experience for the kids.”

“As for Lapiz, even a week after we returned, she’s been buzzing around saying she wants to go back again. Imagine how the others feel!”

“Changwon would probably play it cool, suggesting such places can be visited later, but I doubt it. He must feel just as eager to return as Lapiz does.”

“Or maybe not.”

“Ugh… I want udon… Not instant stuff, but the kind sold at that shop in Japan…”

Seems like Lapiz got hit hard by the udon bug—she declared a fast on instant udon right after we got back to Heros Company, claiming she can’t eat this now.

She’s become one of those who knows what real udon is like and can’t settle for anything less. I admit, Japanese udon is delicious, but is it that life-changing?

She keeps whining about it, and sure enough, I can already see her secretly cooking some udon for herself later when the cravings hit.

“Well, we can go next winter break, my lady. Toojuu Ageha will be heading home then too, right? We could tag along and grab some.”

“Winter is too far away… Ugh…”

Looks like Lapiz is really craving it. The way she’s singing about how badly she wants it shows she’s in deep.

“My lady, I get that you want udon, but you can’t just ditch your homework and laze around. Get up. It’s already daytime.”

As I forcibly pulled the blanket off, Lapiz flailed her arms and legs, whining for it back, but soon let out a groan as she rolled out of bed.

“Shower, and there’s fried rice I made for breakfast—just heat it up. What’s up with your hair, my lady? How in the world do you sleep to end up like this?”

While I nagged and tidied up her mess, she complied but muttered something about how it makes me seem like her mom.

“But you told me to do this!”

“Seriously… I can wash myself, just go heat up some food for me. Yawn… I’m so sleepy.”

As Lapiz waddled off to the bathroom, I only relaxed once I saw her step inside before heading down to the kitchen to heat up the food.

Lapiz has snuck off to wash up a few times under the pretense of going to the bathroom, so I felt the need to keep an eye on her.

It’s not like I’d face any peril if she didn’t wash up, but it’s just concerning. Even if it’s a day with no plans, she should wash up and look presentable, right?

…Although, come to think of it, I do have someone at home who’s quite similar to Lapiz but lives in utter slobbery bliss.

I’m just going to consider Altera as an absolute exception. That lady doesn’t stink even when she doesn’t bathe… Not like I’m in a position to say anything.

“Hmm, were you practicing cooking? Oh, just reheating, I see.”

But lo and behold, out of nowhere came my master, as if summoned just by thinking about her.

“Good morning, my lady.”

“Why are you greeting me again after saying good morning initially? It’s not like I’m dying anytime soon.”

Before I even finished my sentence, Altera interrupted, saying she had something important to mention.

“From now on, you can worry less and venture outside without fret.”


“Why the surprise? Did you think I wouldn’t notice you sneaking out like a rat every now and then? Surely not!”

At a loss for words, I stammered. Altera reassured me that she wasn’t there to criticize or interrogate.

“How frustrating must it have been to feel the need to sneak out? I understand. You must have wanted to do something. I don’t care what that something is.”

“…I apologize for not being honest.”

“That’s fine. Though sneaking around is annoying, it’s understandable after being cooped up at home for months.”

While saying that, Altera also added that it’s a relief I returned safely after going out.

“If you’ve been careful not to get caught by the Heros Company folks while sneaking around, then I guess you have nothing to worry about. Just be aware of how people might see you, and that’s what you should be cautious of…”

Since nothing particularly scandalous came up during the Japan trip, it might really be okay.

First, she declared she’d evaluate me after letting me go out once.

“Ah, before you go, take this. If any silly folks try to mess with you, this will serve you better than anything else.”

My master handed me a badge-like thing made of black metal. When I asked what it was, she said it’s a symbol of my affiliation.

“Humans are weak to authority and power. Even the dumbest of them can recognize this thing. If anyone doesn’t understand what this is, just treat them like the vile creatures they are and deal with them.”

“But won’t this cause problems if I kill someone wearing this…?”

“Who cares about killing people, what a wicked girl you are.”

Altera mocked, laughing as she asked how many she had likely dispatched to reach her current position.

Killing off a few here and there wouldn’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things.


“However, don’t ever commit murder against innocent, ordinary mothers and daughters. If you do, you’ll be dead before Heros Company even has a chance to nab you.”

…Does she actually know what I’ve been up to every time I sneak out? How can she pinpoint that like it’s nothing?

Even knowing it’s unlikely, chills ran down my spine.

“Yawn… Guess I better catch some more sleep. I’m going to be spending the night with him, so don’t enter unannounced.”

“Understood. Just take care of the bed sheets, will you?”

“Mind your own business.”

No, seriously, this is exhausting.

But my master—no, Altera… Hmm. I’ll just pick one thing. My master seemed to laugh it off as a joke and slowly made her way back upstairs.

“Sigh, looks like I’ll need to replace the mattress soon…”

“Why replace the mattress?”

As I quietly lamented, Lapiz popped down and asked what the deal was.

“Ah, it’s nothing, my lady. It’s not about you anyway.”

Lapiz tilted her head, looking puzzled, but when I said it wasn’t related to her, she accepted it without fuss.

“Eat this and do your homework. I’m just stepping out for a bit, so don’t do anything else, my lady.”

“Huh? Blanca, are you going out? Is it okay to go alone?”

“Yeah, the lady gave me the green light. Just going for a short walk to acclimate.”

With that, Lapiz agreed but warned me not to stray too far or get into any dangerous situations.

“Don’t worry, my lady. Just because I’ve been doing housework doesn’t mean I’ve lost my touch.”

Reassuring Lapiz, I finally felt free to go out, not sneaking around this time.

But honestly, nothing special happened.

People glanced at me a bit, but spotting the black cloak I wore, they only commented things like, “Did she slip under that?” or “She must’ve gone over there and it was too late to see her.”

There were no humans trying to harm me or approach out of some misplaced admiration.

This kind of makes me appreciate the safety of having a “returner” status. Should I praise Heros Company for still trying to mess with returners, or call them foolish?

Not every returner is like Altera, but the sheer power they wield with a single gesture is what makes them terrifying.

It’s interesting, to say the least.

“Why is it that they only show up whenever I say something?”

While pondering about Heros Company, I suddenly noticed a bunch of guys in black suits tailing me.

They were increasing their pace, making it clear they had sinister intentions.

As I deliberately entered an alley, taunting them to follow, they complied, making their move.

So, after a long while, I finally got to enjoy a taste of some action.

“Why do you guys only wear black suits? Ever seen anything else?”

This was a question that formed as I toyed with the dogs of Heros Company, but with them unable to speak (having their vocal cords cut), it was a meaningless question, more like a mockery.

…Seriously, why is it all black suits?

Could it be some company regulation? But surely, there can’t actually be such a ridiculous rule.

If it’s meant to keep them from being spotted, then that’s a total failure, isn’t it?