Chapter 214


OLZ Outlaw has joined the lobby.

SY Rainbow has joined the lobby.

IIIIliIIIIiIlI has joined the lobby.

Let’s go there has joined the lobby.

YSG JuWon has joined the lobby.


The viewers erupted in cheers at the appearance of a player known to everyone enjoying Legends of League.


-Rainbow crazy!


-As expected, the celestial realm ㄷㄷ

-Meet him right from the first match!

-Isn’t this a true snipe? lol


『‘Reeeeeeeeenbow’ has gifted ‘10 balloons’.』


‘…I can’t believe I’m meeting him.’

How long has it been since I was with Rainbow as an ally in solo rank?

I couldn’t remember well, but it was definitely quite a while.

While I was lost in thought, the bans were soon completed.



⛝ / Kamal

⛝ / Lee Sin

Lucian / Sandra

Talon / Vayne

Lee Sin / Graves


I was so dazed that I missed the ban.

Excluding the two empty bans on our team, it was a decent ban.

Our team was on the blue side.

We were first pick.

[Champion selection ongoing.]

[OLZ Outlaw: Do you have something you want to pick?]

There was no response.

As expected, the fear of first pick in solo queue is common across all positions.


-Jus ㅡ t no

-Why is the butcher trying to counter-pick?

-For real.

-Just… butcher ㅡ

『‘Junglererere’ has gifted ‘10 balloons’.』

『“Honestly, jungle counter-picking is arrogant.”』

-l agree.

-l agree, different agree.

-This is correct.

-Please stop the jungle hate.

『‘KingGodRoyalKingDryner’ has gifted ‘10 balloons’.』

『“Just pick first quietly.”』


-Nickname value.

-Oh lawd, rank 1 says.

As my words were drowned out by the viewers like fish in water, they were having a field day.

“…I was going to pick first anyway.”

-Nope nope nope


-Of course of course

-Oh haha, said he was going to pick first~

-That’s just how it is, yeah.


-Puh-lease, I wanna pick first jungle.


Damn them.

‘…That aside.’

First pick on blue always makes me think.

In terms of solo rank rather than team play, no matter what pick I go for, there’s a high chance it will end badly.

‘Let’s see.’

From the remaining picks, what’s feasible for a blue first pick…….

[Jarvan III]

According to the news from the test server, he’s supposed to be nerfed in the next patch, but for now, he’s still a viable pick.

-Pretty normal.




I have no idea what kind of pick they expected from me, but the viewers’ reactions were cold.


I tried to air my discomfort in a slightly irritated tone, but the viewers were not easily moved.


-Are you mad?

-Oh wow

-lol, trembling.

“…Not mad.”

-Of course of course.

-lol ㅇㅇㅇㅇ

-Yeah, yeah that’s right.

-Who said the host was mad?

I used to think the viewers were really nice… but it seems like the long absence from broadcasting had a big impact, as many of the managers I once appointed had vanished.

‘Reappointing them is quite tricky, though.’

Even though it’s an off-season, no matter how often I stream again, I doubt it would be as back in the day, and in such circumstances, picking new managers seems a bit sticky.


As I was squabbling with the viewers in the name of communication, the ban/pick process was completed.


[Allied / Enemy]

Top: Malphite / Jason

Jungle: Jarvan III / Xin Zhao

Mid: Akali / Twisted Fate

ADC: Jhin / Ezreal

Support: Jerastu / Leona


Overall, the ban/pick structure was what you’d call… a typical solo queue combination.

Mid getting countered, but top and bot winning lane.

“It doesn’t look good for the late game.”

The reason Twisted Fate is considered a counter to Akali is not just in lane but also because he can make a fool out of Akali in teamfights with his ultimate.

Of course, Rainbow’s Akali is different, but…

‘That’s not the usual case.’

-Ban/pick destruction lol

-? Isn’t it okay?

-Mid will probably be important.

-No, Leona’s importance is usually in mid.

-For real lol

-We’ll know when we try it, right?

[Please select your champion!]

[Please select a skin!]

Just as the game was about to start, a bell rang.

『‘GoGoGo115’ has gifted ‘1,000 balloons’.』

『“For each kill Rainbow gets in the victory, 500 balloons!”』


Out of nowhere, a thousand balloons donated.

And then the mission content.



-WTF lol

-Is this a prank?

-No, that person is a famous supporter lol

-Is this… a supporter?

-LOL lol

-Finally, a supporter has gone crazy…

Not my kills but for Rainbow’s 1 kill at 500 balloons?

“…I’ll do it! I’m definitely doing it.”

The mission’s purpose was clear.

Rainbow’s carry.

‘If it’s 500 per kill… roughly 10 kills earns 5000.’

Of course, getting 10 kills isn’t easy, but if it’s Rainbow doing it, it’s a whole different story.

As a jungler, giving about 10 kills to mid shouldn’t be that hard.


-Look at him just readily accepting it lol

-Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow, oh wow, oh wow, oh wow

-Is this… the dog of capitalism?

-It’s so funny lol

-Rainbow is about to burst out laughing haha

-It’s a mission for victory but it already feels like a win lol

-To be honest, if it’s Outlaw and Rainbow in jungle-mid, it’s hard to lose.

-That’s right too.

『‘Nallenae’ has gifted ‘10 balloons’.』

『“The host’s eyes have just turned around.”』

-For real lol

-Capitalism stop!

-The enemy mid is gonna cry.

-108 mid gank on standby.

Amid the explosive reactions from the viewers, the loading started properly.


MAX WooChan – Jason

BLH SooHyun – Xin Zhao

BLH Proof – Twisted Fate

GTD LastOrder – Ezreal

SY GuineaPig – Leona


The opposing team of five consisted entirely of pros, both in parts one and two.

Particularly, in mid-jungle, Proof and SooHyun would soon meet in the league, so the stakes felt quite different.

‘Shall I try.’

Let the service roll begin.


Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!

The game has started.

[⬇] [⬇]

[SY Rainbow (Akali) is on the way.]

[SY Rainbow (Akali) is on the way.]

Unusually for him, Rainbow took the initiative to ping for an invade.

Considering the composition, an early invade was not particularly ideal, but in this match, it was crucial that we secure bottom lane control, so one could say he accurately grasped the flow of the game.

‘Let’s see.’

The direction Rainbow pinged towards was the bot river.

Even though the game focuses on mid, it’s largely said the outcome hinges on what happens in the bot lane.

[❕] [❕] [❕]

We waited at bottom, but the opponents, being seasoned pros, passed through without any significant variables in the early game.

As the mild early game passed, I diligently pinged for Red.

[⨷] [⨷] [⨷]

[OLZ Outlaw (Jarvan III): If you could leash please, thanks.]

Normally, I would seize the initiative here, and getting a leash from the crucial bot lane is not what I typically do, but this game is different.

-They’re actually getting a leash?

-Hey, is this right?

-I must be losing my mind right now.

Having secured the red, I hit level 2 and headed straight to mid.


-Is this for real?

-No lol

In the early matchup of Akali vs. Twisted Fate, Twisted Fate applies consistent pressure until level 6, after which Akali gains kill potential upon learning her ultimate.

Thus, it’s important to apply pressure early, and the enemy TF had already crossed the line.


[OLZ Outlaw (Jarvan III) targets BLH Proof (Twisted Fate)]


With just a ping, Rainbow’s Akali purposely baited a trade with Twisted Fate.

The moment Twisted Fate stepped forth, I rushed to mid.


Proof’s Twisted Fate used Flash without a moment’s hesitation.

I could have followed with Flash, but since Akali’s position was such that there wasn’t a follow-up, I moved along to the upper jungle as if nothing had happened.



-So cool.

-This is how it’s done.

-Didn’t he escape without using it?

-No, if you get poked like that you eventually have to go home.

-Poking like that gives up control, rather than not using flash.

-But even if he used flash, the control is gone, right?

-That is also true.

Of course, I had no intention of stopping there.

After Gromp-Blue, I went back to mid.


[OLZ Outlaw (Jarvan III) targets BLH Proof (Twisted Fate)]

Two ganks, putting growth aside.

Thanks to the risk, Proof’s Twisted Fate couldn’t revive.

-First blood!

-Enemy has been slain!

Rainbow with the kill.

Considering the damage dealt when Akali gets a kill early, I not only recouped from the loss I endured but came out ahead.



After a cozy exchange of emotions with Rainbow, the enemy mid typed in chat.

[All][BLH Proof (Twisted Fate): ;;]


-The enemy mid is crying lol

-Ah lol, Rainbow deserves this kind of treatment lol

-So funny haha


-Getting hit by rainbow like that?

If the opponent’s Rainbow, having a jungler execute extreme ganks like that, how could one not react like that?

‘But I’m not done here yet.’

Rainbow now has 1 kill.

Today, let’s build a tower.