Chapter 213

After the war ended.

Before dealing with the various monster byproducts and settlements, I first conducted a “funeral.”

Calculating and distributing the earnings I made during this time was important, but more important was honoring the souls of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for this war.

“David, Anthony. You’ve prepared the funeral well, right?”

[Of course, my lord. We have already built a ‘Hall of Ascension’ for the deceased soldiers.]

So I had a funeral hall prepared in advance.

I had instructed my engineering team, led by David and Anthony.

I immediately moved to the prepared ‘Hall of Ascension.’

There lay the gravestones of the fallen and the neatly restored bodies.

Having completed the funeral preparations, I called the people together.

About 10,000 people gathered in the hall, including royals from each nation, high-ranking nobles, state officials of the empire, and various commanders who participated in the war.

“Today, we have earned a considerable amount of money.”

However, as I stood on the podium, I began with an unexpected phrase.

On a day meant to honor the deceased and their families.

I started my speech with the keyword ‘money.’

People looked at me with puzzled or horrified expressions.

However, I continued my speech undeterred.

“Especially the money earned from ‘Star Shards’ is quite substantial. Many people sent money in support while watching this battle at the ‘Fix Theaters’ set up worldwide.”



As I continued discussing money, some looked at me with bewilderment.

Others began whispering to each other about this matter.

In this chaotic atmosphere, I continued with my next words.

“By the way, do you know how much of this sponsorship was personally sent to me?”


“A staggering 4 trillion. 4 trillion. An unimaginable amount has come to me personally in just one day.”

The noise of murmurs grew louder.

While the shocking figure of 4 trillion had an effect, it was also my manner of speaking about the money as if bragging that stirred the crowd.

“Well, this amount was somewhat expected. Didn’t I show quite a performance in this war? The Doom Suit mounted against the Serrioque tribe, various mechanized equipment, mechanized squads, Titans, atomic bombs—there were indeed many dramatic moments that allowed for this sponsorship to reach an astonishing 4 trillion.”

Yet I continued to boast without hesitation.

I explained that it was only natural to receive such sponsorships given the various devices I created and the moments of victory.

“But let me say this.”

And at this point, I introduced a twist.

As always, I drew people’s attention first and then revealed a twist; this was one of my common speech techniques.

“The 4 trillion Orden that has been sponsored to me personally is not entirely mine. It is not something I achieved alone.”

Saying this, I rummaged through the documents on the podium.

Then I picked up the ‘Titan Suit Developer Participation List’ and displayed it to the crowd, waving it.

“This is proof. Even the ‘Titan,’ which received the most sponsorships, was created through the collaboration of many people. Look. Just how many people participated here. David, Clario, Argos, McLaren, Silvio, Arhan, Tom, Max, Olivia, Anne, Cecilda… there are countless names. You may not know, but thousands of personnel were involved just in making the Titan’s equipment.”


I displayed the end of the document with my hand placed upon it.

There, the words [Total Personnel: 1427] were written.

“Every other matter is the same. There’s almost nothing I achieved alone. Would you like to see this document as well?”

I proceeded to show the list of those who participated in the atomic bomb development.

This list also had a significant number of names.

“Karl, Erden, Philik, Beatrix, Alice, Alicia, Kristana, Aaron, Anthony, Daniel, Douglas, Grace, Jessica… countless people participated in the development of the atomic bomb, which is hailed as ‘God’s Weapon.’ Thus, everything that caused a shiver among the sponsors was created by these individuals.”

I placed the list back on the podium.

Then I looked around to meet the gazes of everyone watching me.

Their eyes were captivated by some desire.

“…And among the names I’ve shown you, there are the fallen warriors laid to rest here. They freely extended their hands for me and humanity, and now they find peace here.”

Crying erupted from various places.

The bereaved families of the fallen could no longer hold back their tears.

Amidst that somber atmosphere, I began again.

“Today is a day of great victory. However, today’s victory is not mine alone; it belongs to all of you gathered here. And to the fallen warriors laid to rest in the ‘Hall of Ascension.’ Without their sacrifices, today’s victory would not have been possible.”

And I gave credit for this victory to everyone.

The crowd gazed at me with expressions of fervor.

“Thus, today’s victory did not come merely from ‘Fix’s equipment.’ It was achieved thanks to the elite warriors from various kingdoms who willingly rushed to aid the empire, and those mercenaries who stepped onto the battlefield to earn a just reward. Thanks to all those valiant warriors, we achieved this victory. As the one responsible for establishing the northern defense line, I express my gratitude for your sacrifices and dedication.”

I said this with a formal gesture of bowing my head.

However, the more I lowered myself and elevated the fallen, the more I could feel some energy surging towards me.

In that heated atmosphere, I declared a decisive statement.

“Therefore, I have decided this: The total amount of 4 trillion Orden that was personally sponsored to me will be delivered entirely to the families of the fallen.”


The fervor directed at me intensified.

When I willingly declared to give away the astronomical sum of 4 trillion Orden, people’s hearts began to boil.

Even during a funeral, crowds began to chant “Fix!”


Yet I lightly raised my hand to quell the rising heat.

The crowd that had been cheering my name and family name began to nod and fall silent.

In that settled silence, I posed a somewhat unexpected question.

“Everyone, do you know what the human body is composed of?”


The crowd, taken aback by the somewhat random question, looked at me in confusion.

I smiled and began listing the answer.

“Since no one is answering, I will share the answer. The human body is composed of 65% oxygen, 18% carbon, 10% hydrogen, 3% nitrogen, 1.5% calcium, 1.0% phosphorus, 0.4% potassium, 0.3% sulfur, 0.2% sodium, 0.2% chlorine, 0.1% magnesium, and trace minerals like zinc, iron, copper, selenium, boron, chromium, manganese, cobalt, iodine, molybdenum, vanadium, and silicon, which makes up 0.3%.”


The crowd stared at me as if they had heard an alien language.

To help their understanding, I provided the following explanation.

“So, the human body is made up of things from this Earth. The human body comprises elements of nature, and when we die, we return to nature.”

I said this as I pressed a switch.

Then the lights in the hall went out, and special lights began to illuminate.

These lights allowed us to see the ‘Mana Particles.’

“Do you see this blue light floating around you? That’s mana. It’s the energy source of the spells we naturally accept while breathing. When a person dies, this mana disperses into the atmosphere. Essentially, we inhale and exhale the mana emitted when someone dies.”


“When a person dies, all their components are scattered back into nature. Just as the power of Heavenly Beings and mana are imbued in nature, so too is the mana of our ancestors embedded in nature. Regardless of race, culture, or nation, ultimately, we all return to that great ecosystem of nature.”

I continued pressing the switch on the podium.

Then, a light filled the massive screen at the front, and the video began to play.

It was footage of a massive demon army ravaging the world.

“However, there are beings that seek to trample upon the one world we all share. They are the demons and the Demon Church who have been deceived by the demons.”


“Their objective is the extinction of humanity. They wish to pollute this land and turn it into their paradise. If their invasion succeeds and this land becomes tainted, all flora and fauna and natural components will be twisted and sullied, just like the Forest of Death that remains around the world.”

Faces in the crowd turned to horror.

I had shown them an unfiltered view of the Forest of Death through photos.

An area that had never been openly accessible by adventurers was showcased with the help of Charlotte, revealing its corrupted state.

With a serious expression, I turned to everyone and continued.

“Folks, now is the time to be angry. That vile group seeks to trample our one and only world. They want to pollute the world where our ancestors’ legacy dwells, the world imbued with our ancestors’ mana. And their malevolence knows no bounds when it comes to race or nationality.”

I intentionally raised my voice for dramatic effect.

I appealed to everyone with a furious, terrifying expression.

The crowd’s faces began to reflect their growing anger.

“We must show them just how destructive our rage and instinct for destruction can be. Fortunately, today we have been able to clearly showcase our power. It’s all thanks to the unification of many people.”

The purpose of my speech was singular: “Humanity must unite against the demons.”

To this end, I attributed the credit for the victory to everyone and tied together countries and races under the keywords ‘nature and the world.’

Furthermore, I warned everyone that this beautiful world is facing a crisis due to the demons.

All this buildup was meticulously constructed to deliver my next line.

“Thus, if we are to achieve victories like today in the future… to honor the souls of those who have gone before us, we must unite as one.”

A world that had never once come together despite all previous conflicts.

But I was confident that this time would be different.

Because the expressions of the crowd looking at me were filled with ‘anger and respect.’

Through this speech, I laid the foundation for uniting the world.


A week later.

Finally, the ‘World Conference’ that Edgar had long desired was held.

The invasion of the demons was broadcast worldwide, and Edgar’s speech touched people’s hearts, resulting in numerous kingdoms choosing to attend the conference under the empire’s leadership.

“We need to connect all nations via portals.”

Thus, Edgar proposed connecting the world through portals.

Since the demonic invasion can happen anytime and anywhere.

He suggested rapidly deploying reinforcements by connecting various places globally through portals.

“Hmm, that’s something we should consider further. While we can trust Lord Fix’s support, there may be uncomfortable nations to consider.”

However, many nations were not welcoming of this idea.

It felt awkward for long-time enemy nations to connect via portals.

To put it in perspective, it was akin to suggesting to connect Korea, China, and Japan as one.

“…I am in favor, but having a large army come into my territory is a bit… burdensome. My administration is also expressing concerns. So, if you could limit the number of personnel, then I would consider it.”

Many nations felt uneasy about foreign troops crossing into their land all at once.

This was because, should there be ulterior motives behind the invading forces, it could utterly ruin their country.

Thus, Edgar was left with no choice but to propose this alternative.

“Well then, how about this? Only I and my troops will open the portals to assist you. If there are concerns about my unsavory intentions, we can even write a memorandum here.”

“Oh, no! Why would we doubt you, the reincarnation and savior of the Heavenly Beings! Your support is always welcomed. I would readily open a portal for you.”

Then, one after another, others began to step forward, promising to open portals.

It was due to the trust gained from Edgar’s past results, reassuring them to open portals.

Above all, refusing someone like Edgar, who significantly aided their nation’s economy, would be a considerable loss for them.

As the Emperor’s right-hand man and the world’s richest person, going against him would bring absolutely no benefits.

“Thank you for your participation. Then, I’ll proceed with the large-scale portal connection project through mutual agreement.”

Thus, Edgar began constructing the portals to connect his territory with each nation.

Moreover, he established communication networks between countries for leaders to closely connect.

Two months had passed since starting the connection of the world.

[Lord Fix! We need support! A large demon army is breaking through the gates!]

Finally, the full-scale invasion of the demons had begun.

Edgar donned his suit and said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll sweep them all away.”