Chapter 212

“Let’s promote Ethiopia’s victory on a grand scale.”

“Are you talking about Ethiopia’s victory?”

Yeah. We’re promoting Ethiopia’s victory.

And on a global scale, so that colonists can raise enough of a stink.

Maybe the Brits and the French will throw a fit?

Japan might feel some discomfort, but by their standards, they treat Korea as part of the Japanese Empire, not a colony.

In actual history, it was the common people who discriminated against Koreans more than the government did.

“Ethiopia, which nearly became a colony, managed to maintain its independence under a strong emperor—doesn’t that sound sufficient?”

It requires a powerful leader to escape colonialism—something to that effect.

It’s much better than falling into communism or something.

And if we just sprinkle in our Russia’s name, saying we support the independence movements of the colonies, it might create a nice vibe.

Hmm, this could be quite interesting.

Of course, actually helping might take some time, but at least we could prevent the red seed from being sown.

“We could promote this extensively to the colonies.”

“Even without a communist revolution, it’s possible! We can do this.”

A strong emperor leads you.

In this way, monarchists might re-emerge in the colonies instead of the red seed.

That alone would be enough.

Of course, considering that most colonies were monarchies, one might question if it’s back to monarchy again!

Anyways, generations have passed, and Haile Selassie is a living legend now.

“Britain and France are bound to cause a ruckus.”

“If they protest, won’t it be a hassle?”

What can they do if they protest? Either they guarantee broad freedoms for the colonies as promised, or grant freedom and equality rights to the colonies.

We’ll just do what we can.

The propaganda of our ally could be used to mess with the enemies.

As a member of the anti-aircraft alliance, we’ll support Ethiopia as much as we can.

It’s not really a problem if it gets a bit troublesome.

How much can those in war really argue with us?

At most, they’ll just be disappointed. That’s all it would be.

Sure, I would prefer to be the one giving the speech, but that won’t be so easy.

To put it bluntly, I need an outstanding leader, an emperor to step in. Saying it in that way might make it look like I’m advocating for monarchy.

Thinking about the Romanov past, precisely during Nicholas II’s reign, it’s going to be a sore topic.

Originally, I just didn’t want to—having refused several times, I ended up on the throne. If I comes out saying I support monarchy, that would be a bit awkward.

“Eventually, the day will come when they must give up the colonies to survive. That day isn’t far off, and we can force that choice.”

“Your Majesty, are you also considering freeing India in the future?”

“India, huh. India. They need to be freed. Haven’t they enjoyed enough for hundreds of years? But…”

It wouldn’t be right to just free them.

It’s better to at least tear them apart a little with religion.

I don’t feel bad for Gandhi, but he does have a bit of a glorified image too.

We need to elect some leaders from the various religious groups.

“What are your thoughts on this?”

“Let’s tear it apart like China.”

“Is India also dangerous?”

Oh, not like that. Honestly, I don’t know if it will be a threat in this world.

I merely aim to revert India to its original state.

Isn’t it only natural that if they sincerely want to escape colonialism, they should be torn apart as they were during the Indian Empire?

“Didn’t India only become unified after being under British rule? They need to be made back into the torn India from long before colonial times.”

Countries with a large population are risky.

Of course, the historically original India wasn’t a threat to Korea like China was.

Isn’t it a country full of class problems and various social issues?

The kind-hearted Anastasia can’t bear to see that.

So, I’m left wondering if tearing them apart with religion would be a good idea.

Initially, India didn’t have a dominant ethnic group like China did.

I never thought they were all the same ethnicity, and they had different religions.

The various ethnicities within Russia don’t particularly seek independence due to Russia’s reforms, but that’s only as long as Russia stays stable.

In the end, it’s the snowball that caused Pakistan to break off.

I’m also thinking of Turkey being a bully in the Middle East later. At the very least, India needs to be divided a bit.

Having a large population is indeed a burden.

“Well, that’s a matter to decide later. We’re not going to free India right now.”

Unless I’m planning to become enemies with Britain.

Right now, a decent monarch needs to become the center of the independence movement.

That should be enough.

Well, it might have an impact on the Korean Peninsula too, but over here, Japan has weakened the royal authority too much by diminishing the Lee family.

Even though they’ve treated Koreans somewhat better than in original history, Koreans aren’t going to worship the emperor.

For now, let’s see how Ethiopia is portrayed in the newspapers?

[The True Victory of the True Emperor of Africa, Haile Selassie! Saving the Nation from the Red Plague!]

[Italy, which threatened Ethiopia’s sovereignty and aimed to colonize it, chased away by Ethiopia’s emperor!]

“Is a monarchy necessary to proclaim true independence?”

“Haile Selassie played his part as a descendant of King Solomon of Israel.”

Soon, articles praising Ethiopia’s victory began pouring in.

And there isn’t a single lie among them.

Who else could have led Ethiopia to such heights but Haile Selassie?

Admittedly, this time the opponent was communism, so they fought fiercely, but there were also traitors amidst them.

When wars break out, traitors can appear anywhere, of course.

“As expected, Britain sent Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, and France sent Foreign Minister Pierre Laval to protest, asking if we’re supporting the independence movement.”

Upon hearing the report from the Foreign Minister, I casually flicked my fingers.

Oh my, that’s quite the disrespectful thing to say.

Our Russia never supports anything unless it’s profitable. At least not now.

“Well, it was expected. We also have a suitable justification, right? Now, what we need to do is formally bring Ethiopia into the anti-aircraft alliance. Let’s officially let Ethiopia know. Should we send someone?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

After all, those guys will be begging us, rather than being hostile to us post-war.

In the future, it would be a good strategy for Russia to once again shackle European countries using resources like in original history.

But that future must premise the absence of a character like Putin.

Now then, let’s think about the country that occupies a spot in my head. Japan. I hope they’ll blow something up soon.

“When will Japan strike Pearl Harbor?”

No matter how you look at it, it seems they’re heading toward Pearl Harbor.

If Japan really does launch an attack on Pearl Harbor again, there won’t be much of a difference from the original history.

No, perhaps this time Japan might destroy even the fuel storage facilities.

Coincidentally, Hawaii recently raised Douglas MacArthur’s hand while holding the Pacific fleet in neutrality, but the homeland is in chaos.

If Japan is determined to blow up the fuel storages, then the Pacific fleet will be stuck in port, unable to move.

Of course, that would also lead to significant losses for the Japanese navy.

If Japan is indeed only focused on oil, it’s not an impossible scenario.

It means it could be a bit of a stretch. What if we just play along a little?

I don’t know how MacArthur will treat us in the future, but we’ll just drop some hints with the Okhrana to be cautious about a Pearl Harbor attack.

Of course, whether MacArthur believes it or not is up to him to decide.

If the Japanese Combined Fleet is moving down, it’ll be too late anyway.

In Addis Ababa, Empire of Ethiopia

Maxim Maximovich Litvinov, the current Foreign Minister of the Russian Republic, visited the capital of the Empire of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.

Although the war is still ongoing, he utilized Britain to head towards Ethiopia.

The reason was to accept Ethiopia into the anti-aircraft alliance as equals with European nations, following the orders of the Tsar and for the purpose of “various discussions” to support Ethiopia as decided in the Duma.

Originally a member of Soviet Russia in actual history, he managed to forge a different path in this history by siding with the White Army during the Civil War and joining the Republic only to surrender to the Bolsheviks at the end.

Now, he had reached the status of Foreign Minister and was able to come directly to Ethiopia.

After all, he didn’t do a bad job restraining Italy on behalf of Russia.

This would make things easier for Russia later on, so he had the duty to convey Anastasia and the Duma’s wishes to Ethiopia.

If all goes well, Ethiopia might receive Italy’s surrender.

Of course, that’s assuming Italy doesn’t end up occupied by Britain beforehand.

With such concerns, Litvinov met with the Emperor, and Emperor Haile Selassie welcomed the Russian Foreign Minister with a pleasant expression.

“Your Tsar rejoiced at Ethiopia’s victory as if it were his own. Here is his personal letter.”

Litvinov presented the Tsar’s personal letter to Haile Selassie.

Upon receiving the letter, Haile Selassie confirmed that there was also a translated copy in Ethiopian language, feeling moved that the Russian Empress cared for Africa’s emperor.

“Isn’t this all thanks to your country’s help? I am grateful for the kindness bestowed upon us by your Tsar.”

Haile Selassie smiled contentedly.

That was not a false statement at all.

In truth, he believed he would have lost without Russia’s power.

Especially when Italy used the terrifying poison gas, if Russia had not provided countermeasures and gas masks, it would have been a disaster.

“No, Your Majesty. You have become a model for countless ethnicities suffering under colonial rule. Your victory will serve as the only case of triumph against the colonial empire. You have already proclaimed your victory to the world.”

“How considerate of you to care for us Ethiopia this much.”

Haile Selassie was swept away in waves of emotion.

Which European nation has ever cared for an African nation like this?

The rest of Africa, aside from Ethiopia, was mostly under European colonial rule, and honestly, without the fight against Italy, would Britain or France even care?

Of course, Russia must have its reasons for this—I think, but at the very least, no one has provided this much support before.

Litvinov was determined to leverage Russia’s beneficence to push Ethiopia a bit more.

“Currently, war is raging in Europe. The red Italians, who troubled your country, have invaded France.”

Litvinov opened the conversation by informing Haile Selassie of the current situation in Europe.

The main forces are distracted in Africa, heading towards the French front.

“Thanks to that, many Italian troops are withdrawing from our territory, greatly helping our victory.”

“Of course, that’s true. But isn’t it also thanks to the brilliant efforts of Your Majesty and the soldiers under your command?”

Litvinov enthusiastically praised Ethiopia’s struggles.

This way, Ethiopia would likely find it hard to easily distance itself from being pro-Russian in the future.

“Your Tsar has fought directly against the communists, so I am merely following suit.”

To be precise, it was because he himself should have gone to fight hard that it has been all credited to Russia instead. He planned to go along with that narrative.

“In the end, defeating communism relies on united strength. That unity comes under strong monarchy. Thus, our Tsar wishes to propose something more profound through this diplomatic letter.”

“A profound proposal? What kind of proposal is it?”

Haile Selassie seemed intrigued, tilting his head.

Just a little while ago, Ethiopia was a country trembling under Italy’s invasion, but now that Russia has been helping Ethiopia, he was curious what it could possibly be.

On one hand, there was also the worry that having received so much help, wouldn’t they expect something in return?

“His proposal is to formally offer Ethiopia a place in the anti-aircraft alliance. He also asks if you would be willing to become a partner nation in the European international organization that Russia will lead to be established in the future. This essentially declares that Ethiopia is the only African nation recognized by our empire as equal to European nations.”

An African nation equal to European nations.

Of course, this is a unilateral declaration from Russia, but by now, Britain and France wouldn’t even have the capacity to care.

“Then does that mean Russia will also go to war against Italy?”

Unfortunately, that will be difficult for some time.

In reality, it would be more accurate to say they would delay as long as possible, but in any case, the talks with the United States have not yet been finalized.

It seems that meetings between MacArthur and Huey Long are happening multiple times now.

And for that reason, the Russian army has also been staying in America for as long as possible, postponing their participation.

“For now, due to the U.S., that’s impossible, but eventually, we will participate. In return, we’d like to entrust the effort to Ethiopia. Of course, various supplies will be provided like before. Please reclaim Italy’s North African colonies with the strength of Ethiopia.”


In other words, this means asking Ethiopia’s forces to assist in this war.

So they weren’t merely helping ‘for the sake of helping.’

This is a strategy to use Ethiopia to crush Italy.

While I wouldn’t mind taking revenge on Italy, protecting one’s nation and going on an expedition are different matters.

“Our fleet will defeat the Italian fleet, and on land, we will launch a fierce attack using the sea for landings. At that time, we will entrust that landing operation to Ethiopia’s army.”

“But the damage to your nation will still be quite significant.”

Ethiopia has already fought hard across its entire territory.

Though Russia has assisted in the war, it was not the Russian army that directly blocked the enemies.

Moreover, unlike Europe, Ethiopia already has a disadvantage in terms of forces.

Where would they draw the strength to take on African colonies?

“Your Tsar has stated that while sacrifices concerning Italian territories post-war will be hard to concede, the surrender procedures for Italy can be conducted directly by Your Majesty.”

Haile Selassie’s eyes sparkled sharply.

That meant they were giving him a chance to catch Mussolini, to tear him apart! How could he not be interested?