Chapter 210

Lee Sin vs Kindred matchup.

Originally, the Lee Sin vs Kindred scenario appears to revolve around hand-to-hand combat, but it’s generally accepted that Lee Sin counters Kindred.

No need to look far—Lee Sin was picked to directly counter Kindred, who got first-picked.

No matter how hard Kindred tries to kite, Lee Sin’s superior mobility allows him to easily catch up, and after level 6, Lee Sin’s ultimate can kick Kindred out of her ultimate.

Of course, that’s the norm…

“Bring it on.”

Eyes wide open, I quickly read the opponent’s skills and intentions.

You wouldn’t find many Lee Sin players dumb enough to throw out their sonic wave first against Kindred unless they were pretty confident.

Because dodging it would be pretty obvious.

The opponent figured this out too.

After approaching with a warded W, they planned to slow me down with E and slowly look for a sonic wave angle.

But there was no way I was going to fall for that cheap trick.

As soon as Lee Sin approached with his warded W, I boldly flashed back out of his E range.

The flustered Lee Sin shot out a sonic wave but I easily dodged it with Q.

In an instant, Lee Sin had burned through all his abilities.

When Lee Sin felt that kiting was the only option left, he tried to escape with a flash.

But at that point, he was already slowed by E and his escape was futile.

Kiting, kiting, kiting.

In the end, Lee Sin didn’t even get a decent fight going in the 1v1.

-You have slain an enemy!

[“Oh, what the heck.”]

[“Is he getting a solo kill?”]


[“Sister, I’m dying!”]

“……Shut up.”

The speed of the snowballing began to pick up.

When a solo kill happened in the jungle, the opponent’s bot lane felt the dive pressure again and had no choice but to back off.

They were already at a disadvantage, and now they were accumulating more losses.

While the opponent’s bot lane was helplessly burning through a massive wave of minions, I didn’t get stuck in the bot lane and turned around to do some jungle farming.

Just by not showing myself here, it felt like Kindred was ganking the opponent’s bot.

“No need to waste time diving a bot lane that won’t work.”

While the opponent’s jungle was dead, I invaded their blue side jungle and gradually built up my tempo.

The first Rift Herald would spawn at 8 minutes.

From this point on, the direction of the game would completely change.

It was obviously something we had to secure; naturally, we ought to get that Herald.



After pushing in the bot wave, Kim Ji-hoon’s Trundle immediately dashed toward the Rift Herald.

It was the moment for bot lane’s influence to show as we took control of the Herald.

“I’m hitting it right away.”


[“I’ll look for an angle too.”]

Currently, the top lane was pushing, but mid was on the back foot.

This was due to the teleport used earlier for a bot dive.

But it didn’t matter.

No matter how formidable LeBlanc is, in this situation, Twisted Fate with just a gold card couldn’t recklessly engage.

“I got it.”

-Blue team has slain the Rift Herald!

Having devoured the Herald and the vision, I immediately recalled and headed back to bot.

Since the essence of this snowball was the bot lane, I intended to use this Herald to demolish the first turret outright.

Meanwhile, Jiksoo had been holding the line against a 2v1 nicely from afar.

The opponent’s bot lane combo of Aphelios and Ruler.

Unless Kim Jae-min did something foolish, it would be tough for Jiksoo to get caught by their forced engage, while he just clears waves from a distance.

[“Why are you so late?”]

Kim Jaemin grumbled.

Normally, I’d throw him some banter, but considering he had held up respectably in a 2v1, I instead offered him a treat.

“You did well to hold.”

[“Of course, who do you think I am?”]

Today, I was willing to indulge his ego.

So, after unleashing the Herald in bot, naturally applying pressure for another dive, the opponents had no choice but to pull back again.

In a hurry, the opposing Lee Sin finally showed up, but it was too late; the power difference was clear, and equal numbers wouldn’t change a thing.

-Red team’s turret has been destroyed!

The bot first turret has fallen.

The real snowballing had officially begun.

“Let’s go for the second turret.”


[“Let’s go.”]

The opposing bot lane was already powerless.

Having been dived and burned through a big wave subsequently, it would be ridiculous for them to still have any strength left.

“If things go south, keep an eye on mid.”

[“Got it.”]

As I led the charge, the opposing team had no choice but to start retreating slowly.

Champions like Aphelios or Ruler, who are relatively immobile, could easily find themselves killed by Trundle’s pillars if they’re not careful.

In fact, Kim Ji-hoon’s pillars were practically masterpieces.

“Guard the Herald.”

[“I’ll try blocking it.”]

As the opponent Lee Sin flew in to smack the Herald, Kim Ji-hoon’s pillar intercepted it.

It was almost a miraculous play.

[“Wow, what was that?”]

Kim Jae-min seemed flabbergasted; it was clearly a first-time experience for him.

“You did great.”

After placing the Herald on the bot’s second turret, the two teammates in bot finally made their way to mid.

[⬇] [⬇]

[OLZ Protein (Trundles) is on the move]

[OLZ Protein (Trundles) is on the move]

The opposing bot was hurriedly trying to follow to mid, but the mid-first turret had already been taken down by the demolition machine, Twisted Fate, along with Jiksoo and the Trundles.

In a standoff against the virtually defenseless LeBlanc and Lee Sin, there was no way they could hold the turret.

-Red team’s turret has been destroyed!

The snowballing doesn’t stop.

Our bot lane, having crushed two enemy first turrets, immediately moved up to top.

It was to amp up the game’s tempo even further.

[“I’ll head to bot.”]


Seo Yeon-woo seemed to understand as she recalled and rushed to bot, while the allied bot headed for top, just as they did for mid.

The opposing top was Malphite.

With virtually no long-range wave clear capability, the top turret began to crumble under the weight of the damage.

Allowing us to zone them helped maintain our tempo.

The only strong opponent left was the mid LeBlanc, but even then, this scenario left LeBlanc with nothing to do.

-Red team’s turret has been destroyed!

Could it be thanks to the 5 demolish runes?

We had already stripped all the enemy turret walls before the second Rift Herald even spawns, indicating that this game was overwhelmingly in our favor.

“Now all that’s left is…”

There’s still time before the second Rift Herald shows up.

But I had no intention of sitting idle.

“Let’s go directly to mid.”


Never slowing down the pressure.

I knew all too well how long this game could drag out if we gave them breathing room.

We put pressure on both mid second turret and bot second turret simultaneously.

The top second turret was also defended hastily by LeBlanc, who was chowing down the incoming waves, but for the enemy, it was just painful.

1-2-1 formation.

It was the most commonly used tactic after the laning phase, but the enemy could no longer establish an even matchup.

As we pushed through the turret walls while snowballing, the unbridgeable gold gap had already formed between both teams.

[“Sister, aren’t we going for the Dragon?”]

“There’s no need.”

Dragons are undoubtedly very important in the current meta.

Some would even argue it’s even more crucial than the Rift Herald because dragon numbers significantly influence the game’s outcome.

However, that applies only when games drag out to the 4-dragon timing.

Considering we were looking to end the game before even the 3rd dragon shows up, it felt a bit silly.

“Soon, the second Rift Herald will appear.”

Currently, all enemy first turrets were destroyed, and second ones also took some damage.

In this situation, the second Rift Herald would be quite pivotal.

“I’m hitting the Herald right away.”


As we hinted at taking the Herald, the opposing LeBlanc and Lee Sin began to loom around their red-side jungle, seemingly unable to suppress their impatience.

They were signaling they wouldn’t just easily give away the second Rift Herald.

[“Looks like they’re aiming for a steal; what do we do?”]

“Let them try. We’ll catch them.”

[“Will it be okay?”]


As we let them make the move, the opposing Lee Sin, unaware this was a trap, hit the Rift Herald with a sonic wave and attempted a steal.

“Not on my watch.”

Instead of fighting for smite, I made the Herald invulnerable with my ultimate, negating Lee Sin’s Q’s smite attempt.

[“Wow, what timing…”]


As Kim Jae-min expressed his awe, Lee Sin attempted to kick me and run, but it was too late—the gold card from Twisted Fate had already landed on Lee Sin’s head.

-You have slain an enemy!

With the second Rift Herald and the opponent jungle in our possession, we didn’t stop.

We summoned the Herald directly mid, and together with Jiksoo’s high demolish power, we shattered the second turret without a second thought.

“Keep going.”

This time, the Herald charged into the inhibitor turret.

With the demolish rune and the relentless attacks from champions who never lose their demolish power, the inhibitor turret fell.

As we continued the assault, perhaps feeling it was futile,

The five opponents gathered mid for a desperate last stand.

“They’re coming.”

[“Looks like they want to fight?”]

“Then let’s fight.”

[“Watch out for Malphite’s ultimate.”]

The ultimate from Malphite.

For the opponent, it was their first and last chance to stop our advance.


Why don’t we see Malphite often in pro play?

There are several reasons, but the biggest one is the champion is just so predictable.

To capitalize on Malphite’s strengths in such a scenario requires a surprise from vision control, yet we were positioned in an open field.

Assuming he has flash, there wouldn’t be a single pro willing to take Malphite’s ultimate head-on in this expanse.

And then Malphite’s ultimate flew toward where Kindred and Jason were gathered.

“I dodged it.”

[“Me too.”]

It was so obvious, it was practically child’s play to dodge Malphite’s ultimate.

-You have slain an enemy!

What was left wasn’t a team fight.

It was merely a lopsided slaughter.

As we took down opponents one by one, we demolished the mid inhibitor and went on to destroy the bot second turret, bot inhibitor turret, and finally the bot inhibitor.

There was nothing to fear.

No need to stop.

By now, the opposing team had shown not only a lack of strength to stop us but even the will to fight back.

One by one, the twin turrets went down.

One, two.

And then the opposing Nexus slowly showed itself, all alone and forlorn.

“End it.”

With that firm declaration,


The game finally came to an end.

Game time 16 minutes and 04 seconds.

Kill score 11:0.

It was an overwhelming victory for OLZ.