Chapter 209

After the end of the first set.

We moved to the waiting room, leaving the opposing team sitting there with blank expressions.

“Everyone did well.”

Since it wasn’t really a game that needed feedback, the discussion naturally turned into a round of praises.

“You too, noona. Your gank timing was insane.”

“I didn’t even gank bot.”

It seemed like after losing in mid and top, the opposing bot had also quickly crumbled.

Solo kill, solo kill, solo kill.

This was that kind of game.

“Still, though.”

Kim Jae-min chuckled mischievously.

“Yeon-woo, you did well too.”

“Oh, thank you!”

“You too, Ji-hoon.”

“Not at all.”

“Alright, let’s wrap it up. Everyone gather here.”

At Baek Seong-an’s words, everyone congregated in front of the monitor set up in the waiting room.

“You all did great in this game. So, about that…”

Baek Seong-an’s suggestion was immediately met with a reaction from reaction master Kim Jaem-min.

“Ooh, ohhh… let’s do it! Sounds super fun.”

“And you guys?”

“I’m fine with it.”

Seo Yeon-woo responded first,

“I’m good with it too.”

Kim Ji-hoon chimed in.

“What about you, Yujin?”

Baek Seong-an’s suggestion was so sudden that it didn’t seem to fit this important match, but it did sound fun.

I found myself leaning more toward agreeing than opposing.

“Hmm… well, let’s try it.”

The truth was, I wasn’t confident about losing no matter how it turned out.

Above all, Baek Seong-an wasn’t suggesting throwing the game, so it was definitely worth trying.


“OLZ, get ready!”

With the staff’s shout, we headed back to the arena.

“We’ll start now.”

The band/pick phase for the second set began.

[“Just like we talked about earlier. Got it?”]


Baek Seong-an’s plan was simple.

Given that the skill gap between our team and the opposing team was pretty clear, there was no need to drag things out—let’s end the game quickly.

This wasn’t just about finishing the game fast.

The Challengers Korea Promotion Tournament finals are streamed live on the internet, unlike the preliminaries.

In other words, not only the game’s outcome but also the game itself is being watched by viewers and officials.

Making a strong impression on those viewers and other teams.

That was what Baek Seong-an wanted.

In a way, it was a form of entertainment.

‘Of course, I don’t think our team has that much popularity…’

It’s a bit awkward to say out loud, but before we formed the team, I was in a position that could easily be mistaken for a well-known internet broadcaster.

In fact, just browsing communities related to Legends of League, one could easily find discussions about me or our team, so we had enough recognition and buzz.

Why would Baek Seong-an propose this at this moment when he knew all that?

Because it was clear.

‘It wouldn’t be bad to give back like this.’

A reply to the fans who had been supporting us and watching us so far.

That would be today’s game.

At the heart of the plan was a ban/pick that was slightly different from the usual scenarios.

[“We’ll focus on banning champions with good wave clear.”]

[“Got it.”]

Since our team had the pick side in the second set, we naturally chose the blue side.

So our banned champions were as follows.



[Miss Fortune]

Soon enough, the bans for the second set were complete.


Top: Jason / Malphite

Jungle: Kindred / Lee Sin

Mid: Twisted Fate / LeBlanc

Bot: Jiksoo / Aphelios

Support: Trundle / Ruler

Ignoring any counter picks from the opponent, we settled on those picks with one sole goal in mind.

But that was fine.

Because of that, the opponent was indeed led to champion picks that were far from what we were aiming for.

[“Am I the only one nervous?”]

“Quit joking around and focus.”


Now that the ban/pick was completely done, they would probably sense something was off, but it was too late—the ban/pick was over.

What remained was in-game play.

And that was the aspect our team was incredibly confident about.

After the loading screen quickly passed,

– Welcome to Summoner’s Rift!

The official second set match has begun.

[“Did everyone set their runes?”]

[“I did.”]

“I did too.”

[“I also set them!”]

[“I got mine too.”]

[OLZ Honor (Jason): Destroy]

[OLZ Outlaw (Kindred): Destroy]

[OLZ Getback (Twisted Fate): Destroy]

[OLZ Jammin (Jiksoo): Destroy]

[OLZ Protein (Trundle): Destroy]

5 destroy runes.

This setup isn’t something that usually comes out in a normal game, but we had no intention of playing this game normally.

“Let’s go.”

Our destination was the enemy blue.

Unlike the previous game where they targeted my red, this time I was aiming to seize control over bot.

And as we boldly invaded the enemy blue jungle, at that moment.

“There’s Aphelios here.”


[OLZ Outlaw (Kindred) has targeted GKG GookOoK (Aphelios)]

They probably didn’t expect us to invade toward blue, as Aphelios, who had vision, showed a hint of panic.

[“I’ll use my flash.”]

Baek Seong-an was savvy.

If he draws his card beforehand, the opponent will expect the flash, so he didn’t pull it first and instead used the flash, quickly following up with the gold card.

His Twisted Fate mastery was impressive.

When Aphelios saw the gold card flying in, he used his own flash, but the card had already been thrown.


With the flash already used, the slow-moving bot lane champion being stunned pretty much sealed that champion’s fate.

As Kim Ji-hoon’s Trundle naturally used his pillar to block Aphelios’s escape route, Aphelios found himself unable to move while facing our team closing in.

– First blood!

– Enemy killed!



[“That was great.”]

After securing results from the early invade, the enemy seemingly also decided to give up on their blue jungle.

Overall, we had taken the first step of our plan.

The reason I was focusing on bot instead of other lanes was simple.

The first turret in top and mid has a buff preventing destruction for the first 5 minutes, introduced to counter the old lane swap meta.

In other words, if we wanted to break turrets and apply pressure quickly from the start, we had to focus on the bot side.

‘I can’t imagine they don’t know our plan… but they gave up the jungle surprisingly easily.’

It seemed like they had lost a lot of mental strength after the last game.

Otherwise, there was no way a team claiming to be in the pro scene wouldn’t know our strategy.

– Minions have spawned!

The real laning phase began.

The early situation seemed fine.

Exactly, it seemed that way at first glance.

“I’m heading bot now.”


It was only 3 minutes in.

Normally, it would be a tough time to try a dive on bot.

But that was just considering a 2:3 situation; a 2:4 makes everything different.

“You can hit now.”


A teleport was coming from mid.

The enemy LeBlanc took ignite instead of teleport to pressure Twisted Fate, so the only way to respond was by pushing mid and chipping the turret barrier a bit.

That was something we could easily give up.

If our previous game was perfectly executed to aim for a perfect game, this time, it was the opposite.

We could give kills to the enemy.

We could let them have turrets.

But instead, we would take their nexus.

“I’ll go first.”

A dive at bot in a 2:4 situation.

Currently, the only opponent with teleport was Malphite.

But what can a Malphite who’s not even level 6 do if he comes down with a cover teleport?

Moreover, the situation on the top side means Malphite can’t even afford to use a cover teleport down to bot.

If he made a careless move, he might suffer losses greater than just a kill at bot.

Knowing this fact, Malphite ultimately couldn’t come down.


With the help of our superior numbers, we gradually baited turret aggro while taking down enemy champions one by one.

– Enemy killed!

– Double kill!

The bot lane fell.

Of course, we took some losses with the mid lane and chipped the barrier a little, but that wouldn’t even compare to the damage inflicted upon the enemy bot.

I quickly recalled back, cleared our red jungle, and then headed back to bot again.

To speed up the game even more.

“This time we’re taking bot again and looking for the herald next.”


Just as I was about to go for the river crab, I ran into Lee Sin.