Chapter 207
GKG, the 8th place team in Challengers Korea.
From now on, they are our opponent and the last hurdle in the promotion matches.
If we win this best-of-five series, we’ll finally take our first step onto the professional stage we’ve dreamed of.
We’ll secure a seed for the second division league.
To be honest, with our scrim results and the current atmosphere of GKG, it’s true that I’m not confident we’ll lose.
But there’s one important fact we can’t overlook.
A best-of-five series.
Though we’ve experienced many situations during scrims, this will be our first real stage match.
No… It’s not just the best-of-five that is new to us.
“Am I the only one feeling nervous?”
No audience.
But it’s not completely empty.
Though they may not be fans, there are definitely quite a few people watching us.
“…me too.”
“Right? I thought I was the only one.”
“You really don’t need to be so nervous. Just play as we practiced. Then we’ll win.”
Maybe because of that, aside from Baek Seong-an, who has years of experience as a pro, Kim Jae-min and Seo Yeon-woo looked noticeably tense.
Even Kim Ji-hoon, who didn’t show it openly, looked stiff as a board.
‘Now that I think about it… his nickname was a shy person.’
Looking at his absurdly muscular armor, that thought quickly disappeared, but his observed personality was indeed pretty close to it.
And then,
‘I’m feeling nervous too.’
I was trying to act fine since my teammates were around, but I was just as anxious.
If I’m feeling like this now, what will happen when the audience fills the stands later…?
As everyone couldn’t hide their nervousness, I started to feel a bit calmer as I launched the Legends of League client and fiddled with the settings.
[“Ah, mic test. Can everyone hear me?”]
“Uh, I can hear.”
Maybe he finally relaxed, Kim Jae-min spoke up.
[“Sister, 1:1 go?”]
“How cocky. Come on in.”
Thus began the 1:1.
The matchup was a mid Ezreal mirror.
“Yeah, missed.”
[“How about here?”]
“Still a miss.”
Champion motions.
Kim Jae-min’s mindset.
Reading all of that, I got the edge in the skill shot battle.
And in this 1:1 without any jungle or lane interventions, the difference was huge.
– First blood!
– You have slain an enemy!
The result was my victory.
Just like a tiger doesn’t spare efforts even when hunting a rabbit, I can’t let him off easy just because he’s younger.
[“No way, let’s do it again!”]
Kim Jae-min protested angrily, but unfortunately, the match time was already approaching.
“Everyone, please prepare now.”
At the staff’s announcement marking the start of the match, Kim Jae-min huffed.
“What do you mean no? Just come in.”
[“…Can we do it again later?”]
“Got it, dude.”
Though I had no plans to let him off this time.
[“Okay, everyone, play as usual.”]
The first match’s ban/pick phase began in earnest.
GKG, which had the choice of sides for the 1st, 3rd, and 5th set, chose blue for the first match.
In the current meta, the advantages of the blue side are often more favorable than those of the red side, making it a very conventional choice.
The opponent’s first ban was Graves.
It was quite a natural choice since we had shown that we could utilize Graves in both top and jungle in previous scrims.
Now it was our turn to ban, and as always, Seo Yeon-woo asked.
[“What should we ban? Yuumi?”]
The only difference from before was that after so many scrims, we now offered our opinions on the ban/pick patterns first.
It was a positive change.
[“That sounds good.”]
“Let’s ban Yuumi.”
Yuumi was practically a guaranteed ban for the red side, so we quickly banned her.
Finally, both teams finished their bans.
[Ban List]
Graves / Yuumi
Galion / Jui
Malphite / Lucian
If the first ban wasn’t Graves, the opponent’s intentions were clear.
But maybe they underestimated the seasoned veterans of the pro scene.
“Even if they take LeBlanc, we can handle it, right?”
[“Of course.”]
In that situation, the opponent made their first pick.
Given that Lucian wasn’t available, it could be considered a reasonable choice.
There were plenty of high-tier picks remaining among the choices left, like Lee Sin, for example.
“Let’s grab Lee Sin first.”
If it hadn’t been banned, fine, but since it’s available, there was no reason not to take it.
[Lee Sin]
[Champion Selection in Progress… ]
Seo Yeon-woo asked.
[“What should our next pick be?”]
Ideally, we could grab a pick like Twisted Fate since it’s alive, but the opponent’s mid ban was somewhat troubling.
As if they were trying to bait us into taking Twisted Fate.
“I think it might be better to go bottom for mid, what do you think?”
[“I think so too.”]
Despite being a pro, Baek Seong-an didn’t show any unnecessary stubbornness.
While lacking confidence can be an issue, an eerie level of self-awareness is indeed a good asset for a pro.
[“Hmm, since they picked their bot first, let’s grab our bot too.”]
Among the available ADC picks, we had viable options like Miss Fortune, Jiksoo, and Jhin.
“Jaem-min, what do you want to play?”
[“Hmm… I’ll go with Miss Fortune.”]
[Miss Fortune]
Our team’s second pick was done.
[Enemy Champion Selection in Progress.]
[Next turn to select.]
It was the opponent’s 2nd and 3rd picks.
Here we could gauge their overall composition concept.
Look at that?
“The opponent revealed their mid; should we pick our mid?”
[“Sandra, huh…”]
The opponent’s bans and first pick of Sandra made it clear.
They were confident they could handle our mid, Getback.
At this point, Getback had roughly two choices.
Play defensively and endure to aim for the late game, or go head-on.
Getback had typically chosen the former without question up to this point.
However, this is the promotion for the second division.
In a matchup against teams that were also relegated from the second division, Getback didn’t need to hold back.
[“I’ll go with LeBlanc.”]
[“…Um, are you sure, bro?”]
Even Kim Jae-min, who symbolizes lightheartedness, was worried enough to bring up his concern about Baek Seong-an’s bold LeBlanc pick.
[“Hey, what do you see me as?”]
[“Well, it seemed like you got smacked by AllDay last time…”]
Baek Seong-an cleared his throat after Kim Jae-min pointed out that stark fact.
[“Hmm, that was because they were AllDay. Just watch.”]
[“Hmm, alright then. If we lose, it’s your fault.”]
Of course, even if they were facing head-on, normally, Sandra had the advantage in the laning matchup against LeBlanc.
Nevertheless, the LeBlanc pick likely considered the 2:2 skirmish along with the jungler.
After all, in mid-jungle exchanges, the fighting potential of LeBlanc was literally top-tier.
And then, the 4th and 5th bans proceeded.
[“What are we banning?”]
[“Wait a sec.”]
Here’s the current ban/pick state.
1 : Aphelios / Lee Sin
2 : Leona / Miss Fortune
3 : Sandra / LeBlanc
Mid and ADC have been selected, the opponent chose support, and we picked jungle.
So, if we’re going to ban, it makes sense to invest in jungle and top lane.
[“Yeon-woo, do you have anything you want to ban?”]
[“Not really.”]
[“Well, let’s just go all out for top.”]
The blue side benefits from the first pick, while the red side benefits from the last pick.
Naturally, it’s best to capitalize on that advantage.
“How about banning Poppy? I feel like it’ll be an annoyance against our current composition.”
Banning Poppy against a Lee Sin-LeBlanc combo was a ban/pick we had shown before.
There was no need to fall for it knowing what would happen.
[“Right. Let’s do it that way.”]
Then the opponent made their ban.
From their perspective, it made sense to pressure us on support and top.
Just as expected, they banned Rakan, who had great synergy with Miss Fortune.
Kim Ji-hoon’s Rakan had indeed shown threatening performances, starting from initiating fights.
[“What do you want to do? Should we trim more jungles?”]
“Hmm. And top?”
[“I don’t really care about the last pick.”]
“Then… let’s ban Jarvan.”
[Jarvan III]
The opponent’s final ban came through.
It felt very conventional.
[“Now we need to pick a supporter. Ji-hoon, what do you want?”]
[“Give me Thresh.”]
“Really? How about you, Jae-min?”
“I’m fine with whatever you want, Ji-hoon.”
Our team’s 4th pick was done.
Now it’s the opponent’s 4th and 5th picks.
What’s left are jungle and top.
Should I say as expected?
Or should I say it was unexpected?
Both Rek’Sai and Kennen came out.
While Kennen has consistently been a strong pick, Rek’Sai… I couldn’t help but think back to the MSL that just happened not long ago.
‘Of course, they only won that one game.’
Soon, it would be our last pick’s turn.
5th pick for top.
Given that it’s a pivotal position passing out many picks, it was crucial for the red side.
“What do you want, Yeon-woo? I think Sylas looks pretty good.”
The Kennen vs. Sylas matchup is one where the weaker laner, Sylas, can still win his lane and, additionally, the late-game potential doesn’t fall behind Kennen.
In every sense, it was a pick that could be deemed a counter to Kennen.
Perhaps it felt my points were valid, or maybe it was just because it was my opinion; Seo Yeon-woo promptly responded.
[“Give me Sylas.”]