Chapter 204

At least that’s how I see it. Look at the most prominent dictators from the world I lived in.

Look at the dictators who are mad with power, pressuring neighboring countries through force.

Russia, China, North Korea.

Russia ended communism with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but it still carries the title of its successor, while the Red Team, China and North Korea, has quite the lineup, doesn’t it?

A country ruled by a panda and a pig.

In addition to that, with Russia’s Putin, these three essentially share the roots of dictatorship that sprang from communism.

I see it as a dictatorship that began by exploiting the flaws of communism.

Regardless of the ideology, dictatorship is bound to emerge, but I personally feel that communism is the easiest pathway.

For communism is indeed the structure where dictatorship is most likely to arise.

“We’re producing torpedo bombers sufficiently.”

“By the way, I heard the navy has aircraft carriers as well.”

“Yes, we have aircraft carriers and submarines. We plan to give the Italian navy a proper thrashing with our torpedo bombers.”

Sure, from what I see.

Currently, the Russian fleet, including its old models, seems quite numerous, but that’s all for show.

The proportion of submarines is overwhelmingly high.

Can this be enough to take down the Italian fleet?

“Oh! We also have orders placed with the German Empire.”

The German Empire. It seems there were orders placed in East Prussia.

I wondered about how the German Empire operates. Do they outsource warships?

“Yes. Originally, we ordered from the Germans during the Great War, but some were confiscated. Keeping that in mind, we budgeted in the navy to place orders with them.”

The battleship of the Imperatritsa Mariya class has been revived.

Among the names of the three aircraft carriers, one is named Anastasia.

In fact, I did allow for a portion of this, but it feels a bit strange hearing “Anastasia aircraft carrier.”

Compared to the history where we had submarines one or two generations behind other countries, we’ve managed to produce quite a few new ones.

However, it seems we’re falling behind in other vessels.

At best, only the aircraft carriers seem impressive. You know, it’s like betting everything on a specific warship. It feels like that’s the state we’re in.

“No need to overextend ourselves by engaging in battle with the Italian navy. Minister Kolchak can’t exactly go into battle himself. If we’re to fight the Italian fleet, it would have to be the Black Sea Fleet. What about the commander of the Black Sea Fleet?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. The commander of the Black Sea Fleet is Nikolai Kuznetsov. He’s young but quite capable.”

Isn’t that man known as the father of the Soviet navy?

What an irony of history.

Had he belonged to the military originally, he could have flipped to the White Army, but Kuznetsov served in the navy during the Civil War. However, since the White Army emerged victorious, wouldn’t history have changed for him as well?

There’s a certain plausibility that the White Army would have recognized his talent and brought him in, but…

“We must also bolster the Baltic.”

“The Baltic Fleet will be commanded by Admiral Lev Galer. In case of emergency, the Baltic Fleet will join the German Empire’s fleet to strike Communist Germany.”

I suspect he might have been associated with the Bolsheviks. Ah, whatever. Let’s shrug it off.

After all, I don’t have high expectations of the navy.

That’s because the navy’s admiral, Alexander Kolchak, has aligned himself with me and has been moving up the ranks, after all.

Considering political and military abilities, he’s not exactly top-notch.

Well, in the original history, he was an admiral who suddenly ended up leading the nation, which says something about his capabilities.

In the end, the admiral is different from fighting against a minister directly.

The Black Sea Fleet will join the Turkish fleet to take on the Italian fleet, but can Kuznetsov deliver?

Realistically speaking, the Black Sea Fleet is practically the main force.

While it might be somewhat inferior compared to the Italian fleet, well, if the navy wins, good for them, and if they don’t, it’s alright too.

If Britain can secure naval dominance in the Mediterranean and take down Italy with the army, that works for me.

Truthfully, the navy has been given a fraction of what the army and air force received in terms of budget, so this is quite the substantial rebuild, right?

“This should sufficiently prepare the budget constraints.”

Right. This should be enough.

All that’s left is to wait for the war.

Of course, we mustn’t be complacent, as we need to snatch any new moves that Communist Germany attempts to employ.

“If the Anglo-German war breaks out, we need to look into German weaponry. You never know.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

So now, the only thing we can do is focus on the American Civil War.

We can only focus on the American Civil War while observing how the Anglo-German war unfolds.

“Then let us watch the calm before the storm. Ultimately, whether it’s Britain or Germany, one will pull the trigger first, and we must wrap up the American Civil War quickly.”

Still, Russia remains peaceful.

The expeditionary force prepared for the Military Government of the United States is unexpectedly headed to America as the American Communist Union stands firm,

But it’s different from the escalating military crisis in Western Europe.

Will Britain strike first, or will Germany?

I’m curious about that.

Not long after…

“Your Majesty. Britain has sent a final ultimatum to Germany, joined by Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France, excluding the air defense treaty.”

Our Britain has come up with something new.

It seems that the WWII in this world has been ignited by Britain lighting the fuse.

Since it’s been sparked, let’s hope they do well.

10 Downing Street, Britain

Churchill has finished preparing for war.

He appointed Louis Mountbatten as the commander of the Anglo-French fleet and sent Bernard Montgomery to Belgium.

Moreover, Britain, stimulated by Russia’s aircraft carriers and heavy bombers, has developed many bombers, even if they aren’t aircraft carriers.

Using these bombers, they established a bomber command, placing Air Marshal Arthur Harris in charge, and countless bomber squadrons will bomb all over Germany as soon as the war starts.

Dowding’s fighter command will also take down those cockroach-like communist German fighters.

Now what remains is to send a final ultimatum to Communist Germany in the name of His Majesty, the great King of the British Empire.

If they refuse this, Communist Germany will experience the roar of a resurrected lion firsthand.

“This should suffice. Guarantee independence to the Netherlands and Belgium. Send the ultimatum. Simply put, you lot are to stay out of Poland, Belgium, and the Netherlands. There are still communists in the colonies, so make reparations. Furthermore, the Secretary Goebbels must come to London personally to apologize for the Communist regime’s ridicule of the British Empire. Attach this pompously as the final ultimatum to Communist Germany.”

Yeah. We’ll take extreme measures that they can’t refuse outright.

Communist Germany will realize, “Ah, these guys are planning for war.”

“Couldn’t they just back down?”

At Mosley’s words, Churchill poured whiskey into a glass filled with a few ice cubes and shook his head.

For Communist Germany, accepting this ultimatum makes no sense.

Communist Germany has inevitable weaknesses.

The liberation of the world’s workers. The global revolution. Fighting against colonial empires.

If they accept the ultimatum, wouldn’t they undermine their very foundation?

Goebbels will need to accept it, even while choking back tears, to maintain his regime.

If they accept, the regime will collapse immediately; but even if they don’t, at least it will collapse a little later.

In other words, it means they’re planning on going to war anyway.

“That’s impossible. Because they’re communists. Those cockroaches will refuse the ultimatum to prevent their communism from wobbling.”

How many nations have sent final ultimatums without war breaking out?

A final ultimatum is simply a pretext before a declaration of war.

It’s merely an act to build justification.

While Russia is entangled in America, Europe needs to be completely won over to our side.

To achieve that, we need to send the ultimatum swiftly and start the war.

If they don’t want the ultimatum, then they can go to war.

Meanwhile, after receiving a long-winded ultimatum stating, “Let’s go to war!”, Goebbels frowned.

The time has finally arrived.

“Looks like Prime Minister Churchill wants to start a war with us quickly before the Russians settle things in America.”

“Churchill. This senile imperialist is truly detestable!”

“He still thinks we’re the German Empire!”

“Comrade Secretary, you don’t plan on accepting Churchill’s ultimatum, do you?”

The comrades of the Communist Party were in an uproar.

What is there to accept?

Communists hiding under the oppression of imperialists are watching over Communist Germany.

They, too, ask for courage. They wish to show audacious determination and rise up similarly.

Goebbels realized this battle was not simply a war for national honor.

Yes. It was a matter of power.

If that woman in Moscow is destined to become the worst enemy in the future, then for Goebbels now, Churchill is the ultimate enemy.

France will instigate a communist revolution, so they’re out of the picture.

In the end, it’s only Churchill, and if he loses this war, Goebbels faces death, and Churchill would face a similar fate.

Isn’t that plain to see?

Goebbels filled the Red Palace. In original history, known as the Sports Palace, he packed it full with German Communist Party executives, members, and civilians. He began broadcasting speeches across Germany via radio and television.

“Comrades. From factory workers to the countless Junker officers who once dedicated themselves to the Empire. Listen carefully. Those Tommy pigs have effectively declared war to trample upon our land, our justice, once again. If we yield here, we’ll become Tommy’s slaves, and we’ll have to endure an even greater era of suffering than during the last Great War. Do you want such a future? Or will you fight against those imperialists and achieve victory?”

Stirring up Junker origins who have joined the Red Army but still don’t want to fight under communism, Goebbels spoke.

Even if communism doesn’t appeal to them, this is indeed the perfect opportunity for revenge against the last Great War.

“Let’s fight!”, “We must not yield to the threats of the Tommies!”

The members of the German Communist Party fervently shouted for a battle against imperialism.

It was so fervent that it appeared fanatical.

They could never yield again to the cowardly Britons and French who once defeated our once-great nation, the world’s strongest country, Germany.

They must not be consumed by the consciousness of defeat.

After all, these are now the people of a magnificent communist nation.

As the people, how could they submit to those imperialists?

The moment they yield to imperialists, this nation would be lost again, and the great nation would become like a colony.

“They demand our submission! Just like the countless colonizers, they want us to bow down and cease our revolution! This will not lead to peace! I ask the workers of Germany! Will you submit to the imperialists of Britain, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands and become their slaves?”

Goebbels raised his finger high and yelled to the communists of the German Free Socialist Republic.

Would you become slaves, or will you complete the global revolution?

“No! (Nein) We want victory!”

“Comrade Secretary! Lead us!”

From factory workers to women cooking meals for their children at home, waiting for their husbands while listening to the radio speech.

Everyone hoped that Secretary Goebbels would lead the great Germany to victory in the upcoming war.

“They think we will yield as we did during the last Great War! Because they have judged that we are weaker than the German Empire and that we lack the will to wage war! If that’s the case, we must show them our determination! We are definitely not weak! I, Secretary Paul Joseph Goebbels, along with the Communist Party executives, and all party members and factory workers, must join together to show our strength against them!”

This is what the total war speech, which was originally made after the Battle of Stalingrad for the total mobilization of Germans, became.

Entering into total war as fighting begins.

Thus, we intend to inflict damage upon the colonial empire.

“As we enter into war, let the entire populace unite and show our total war against them! The power of united German workers! The strength of the German nation united under the red flag! Fear them not! If we gather our strength, we can conquer these imperialist reactionaries and liberate the colonies suffering under them!”

Honestly, although Russia and the Balkans are out of the picture, the opponent still remains the world’s strongest colonial empire.

Communist Germany, in its current state, is weak when facing such a nation.

However, we have spent a long time preparing for defensively, uniting the people for an invasion war, and ready as best we could to endure the coming harsh winter.

“Only victory! We will surely win for the sake of world revolution!”

“Hail Goebbels!”

“Long live the German Free Socialist Republic! Secretary Goebbels, lead us to victory!”

In Communist Germany, the national total mobilization order has been issued to face off against Britain.

“We in Italy will also assist Secretary Goebbels to rebuild Rome! We’ll take down Britain and France to resurrect a Red Rome!”

Mussolini opened the front line against France the moment the total mobilization order was issued.

Naturally, the Red Army of Italy, which was already struggling in Ethiopia, could only be left in shock.