Chapter 2

“W-What are you doing!? How dare you!!”

“Let me go!! I am from the Selens Earl House!! Such insolence!!”

Leon and Fiona, who had been pinned down, screamed and ordered to be released, but the two figures dressed in a butler outfit and a maid outfit paid no heed.

“Shut up…”

The boy in the butler outfit spoke in a low, threatening voice, and Leon immediately closed his mouth.

“You too. Insolence towards Lord Giorg… Normally, I would slit your throat on the spot, but we’re just restraining you for now.”

The girl in the maid outfit spoke in a calm voice to Fiona, who also promptly closed her mouth.

“Roy, Aisha, good work.”

“Your words are too kind.”

At my words, the two bowed their heads to me without loosening their grip at all.

Roy and Aisha are twin siblings, my personal butler and maid. They are sixteen years old and possess beautiful appearances.

“Now then…”

I quietly rang the bell on the desk, producing a clear sound, and within about twenty seconds, an elderly man in a butler outfit appeared.

“Rushaal, summon the Selens Earl and the Countess.”


“Ah, and also the Karmais Viscount and the Edior Viscount.”


“Of course, in my name.”


The butler named Rushaal paid no attention to the restrained Leon and Fiona, accepted my orders, turned on his heel, and left the office room.

Leon and Fiona exchanged glances, disbelief written all over their faces.

“This call is their last chance, but I wonder if those fools will realize it.”

My tone was flat, almost monotone. However, upon hearing my voice, Leon and Fiona visibly trembled.

“If you had simply come to request the annulment of the engagement, I might have granted it. But because of your presumptuous words… it pains my heart.”

At my words, the two began to tremble uncontrollably.

“Hoh… It seems you’ve finally realized how dire your situation is. But it’s too late to take it back now. Because it was me who heard it.”


Leon opened his mouth at my words. His weak voice was proof that he feared me. The arrogance he had shown earlier was nowhere to be seen.

“You don’t understand Roy’s kindness at all, do you?”


Leon seemed unable to grasp the meaning of my words. His face showed unease. Perhaps it was because my tone had turned cold, but that was of little consequence.

I turned my gaze to Roy and spoke quietly.

“Roy, it seems this fool doesn’t understand your kindness.”



At my words, Roy mercilessly snapped Leon’s finger.


Leon screamed in pain. Roy then leaned close to Leon’s ear, and Leon hurriedly closed his mouth. However, the pain didn’t lessen, and cold sweat continued to pour down his face.

“Neither of you shall speak without my permission. This is not a request… it’s an order. Do you understand?”

At my words, Leon and Fiona nodded repeatedly, like broken dolls.

“Both of you, release these fools.”


At my command, Roy and Aisha obediently released Leon and Fiona.

“Get up and move to the wall. Wait there.”

At my words, the two stumbled to their feet and silently moved to the wall, standing quietly without uttering a word. Their faces were stiff, and their complexions were as pale as could be.

“Have you become a little wiser now?”

At my words, the two trembled.

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