Chapter 196

“There’s nothing here, not even a common bug.”

As we strolled through the forest, tension in the air, Haiven suddenly spoke up. Ever since we departed, nobody in the scouting team had uttered a word, so Haiven’s voice stood out.


The rain that had been pouring since the morning began to lighten. Suddenly looking up, I could see the dark clouds starting to thin out.

This place, known as the Land of Death, felt far too alien. Bright moonlight shone through the scattered clouds, and warmth of life surged from every corner of the forest. The air was fresh.

When a Dark Mage passed through, a heavy stench of corpses lingered. However, only the scent of wet earth and rich grass mixed with the rain that blew through.

As we continued our stroll through the forest without any particular gains, Haiven pushed aside a massive leaf with his staff, and all at once, the scouting team fell into combat formation.


The explosion of mana erupted. The aura exuded by the thirty skilled individuals burst forth like a storm, naturally pushing back the falling raindrops.

“This is…”

A sigh slipped from Haiven’s lips. While the scouting team readied for battle, none of them charged forth with their weapons.

There was no need to.


What revealed itself from the bushes was a pure white Skeleton. Not just one, but dozens of them.

Yet the Skeletons didn’t move a single step. There was no trace of the Dark Mage’s ominous mana. They simply stood there like a backdrop of the forest.

“This is unpleasant…”

“Is it an enemy’s trap?”

“Since I don’t sense traces of dark magic, it seems they’re just discarded bones… Still, it feels wrong to just pass by, let’s smash them.”

“Isn’t it dangerous…? What if it’s a trap…”

At that moment, Red Wind unsheathed his sword and strode forward toward the Skeletons. His grim expression showed just how much he disliked the current situation.


With a clear sound, Red Wind pulled out his sword. As the soft moonlight gleamed off the blade, it vanished, and a hot gust burst forth!

Dozens of Skeletons crumbled in an instant. The blackened bones that couldn’t withstand the heat rolled around on the ground.

While a few cautious members expressed their concern, nothing particularly alarming occurred. Naturally. If there had been any magical traps at play, Haiven and I would have sensed it first.

That must be why Haiven did not stop Red Wind’s actions.

The Skeletons, remaining still and showing no signs of dark magic, continued to appear. As we ventured deeper into the forest, their postures began to take on an eerie quality.

“It stinks…”

By this point, it was clear. The Skeletons decorating this forest weren’t revived by dark magic but were pure human bone adornments.

A large snake-like decoration, seemingly crafted to look like a gigantic serpent, stretched beneath the trees, connected by human skulls.

These decorations were not just one. A part resembling ribs was transformed into horns, and human palm bones were stuck together to form wings.

Each one bore an experimental appearance, evoking a strong sense of aversion rather than an appreciation for art. Naturally, we smashed every last one we saw.

“This place is too unpleasant… I want to get out quickly.”

“Rana… try this. I brought it…”

“Seris… let’s save the chit-chat…”

In the tranquil forest, there were no enemies in sight, only those disgusting decorations everywhere. It was only natural for people’s tension to ease.

Just as conversation began to flow once more, I suddenly noticed the air in the forest had changed. The previously refreshing breeze felt heavy, and mixed with the scent of damp grass was something difficult to describe—a musty smell.

The next to realize the change in the forest was Haiven. With a frown, he gradually drew upon his mana, and the entire scouting team prepared for battle.

Silence enveloped us as the rain stopped. In the depths of the forest, where not even the sound of rain could be heard, a clattering, alien sound rang out.


It sounded like bones being woven together and shaken violently. And with each passing moment, that sound drew closer.

The eerie sense of presence became stronger. Even from a distance, I could see the ominous mana flickering vividly.

An enemy.

I swallowed hard and pulled out the Fire Dragon Sword and Ice Dragon Sword.

What emerged from within the forest was a cluster made of various life forms’ bones. The body was indistinguishable between arms and legs, yet it had a head.

[You, human… human…]

Clatter, clatter. A tiny head atop that massive body produced the voice. It wasn’t vocalization using vocal cords, but rather a sound created by clashing mana.

“Undead…? No, perhaps a Demon?”

“Regardless of what it is, it won’t change the fact that it’s an enemy.”

At Haiven’s mumbling, Red Wind drew his sword and moved forward. He seemed intent on smashing this bizarre being just like the bone decorations.

I scowled as I gazed at the bone creature. It wasn’t an Undead, nor a Dark Mage. The answer was clear.

It was undoubtedly a Demon.

[New, something new… My collection…]


The moment the movement of countless bones halted.


A massive wave made of pure white bones erupted from the bone Demon’s body. It seemed like something that had been suppressed suddenly burst forth.

The scouting team was calm. Riding the wave of bones that surged forth, they began charging towards the enemy.

The first to reach the bone Demon was Red Wind. As he swung his sword, unleashing scorching flames, the wave of bones that had been pouring out began focusing on him, engulfing his body in a fiery blaze.

“Red Wind!”

With Ch’eong-bin’s short scream, Red Wind was instantly pushed back to the other side of the forest. However, since the wave of bones was concentrated on him, it opened up a path for the others to approach.

The moment I arrived before the bone Demon, I was soon joined by Su and Shu, followed by Foldrin, and we all swung our swords.

Each sword unleashed powerful slashes. At the moment those slashes came crashing down from four directions, I felt the strange presence from the bone Demon begin to move rapidly.


Mana raced furiously through my body, making time feel like it slowed down. My thoughts accelerated as I tracked the presence whose eyes had vanished.

Down, up, then to the right, and once more to the left. That chaotic presence, with no pattern, finally halted beside the mages who were preparing their spells.


Countless bones poured forth, coalescing to form the shape of the bone Demon, and a stream of blue mana enveloped the demon’s body.


Immediately after, an alien sound of rupture erupted. It was as if space itself began to shatter, and the bone Demon’s body started to split apart.

This wasn’t due to sword slashes. It was the effect of magic. The severance of space. An application of teleportation magic. There was only one mage I knew who could cast spatial magic so rapidly, and that was without a doubt Haiven.

Yet even as Haiven’s magic rent the bone Demon’s body asunder, it did not die. The moment black mana surged from the torn bone fragments, a shape identical to that of the previous bone Demon rose in a different location.

To defeat it, we needed to extinguish the mana itself. It might be possible if Paladins like Foldrin or clergymen poured in holy power, but the bone Demon never drew close to them.

Then there was only one method left.

I exhaled softly and drew the short bow that hung on my shoulder.


As if responding to my call, a small noise emanated from the bag on my back, and a white Crystal Stone soared up. Reaching back to grasp the Crystal Stone, I began pouring hot mana into it.


Flames, longing for the world’s end, surged forth. The Crystal Stone, which an A-Dragon had birthed, could sufficiently accept the mana of a higher being like a Dragon.

As the Crystal Stone Arrow turned red, I nocked it onto the bowstring. I had firmly sensed the creature’s presence. The arrow, imbued with the power of precision, would follow the creature wherever it moved and strike true with the flames of the Fire Dragon.


The moment I released the string, black ash scattered, clouding my vision. The swiftly shot red flash traced a peculiar arc toward the bone Demon.

Just as the Crystal Stone Arrow aimed to pierce the bone Demon’s body, the creature, which had been spewing forth piles of white bones, suddenly stopped its movement and resumed its new form from a distance.

It seemed to have instinctively sensed the danger of the arrow and fled, but it was nothing more than a futile struggle. The arrow sent by me altered its course, heading directly toward the newly emerged bone Demon.


The moment the red arrow pierced through the white bones, the Crystal Stone shattered, and the flames of Kalbain erupted from within.


The scorching flames devoured everything around. Even the formless mana could not escape that blaze.


There was no further movement from the bone Demon. Its presence faded faintly within the burning pile of bones.

I scowled as I observed that scene. Was it because of the intense heat in the arrow? The sleek bowstring was charred black.