Chapter 194
The election season was approaching. Among the prominent figures, Jeffreyism was gaining traction, ensuring a solid majority for the local factions. However, Jenis’ behind-the-scenes maneuvers at the funeral held in Harker territory yielded no successful results.
To avoid a disgraceful scenario where she’d end up unable to sit in the council herself, Jenis could no longer oppose Jeffrey openly. Her goal was to send both Jeongjae and Jenis to the council by hitching a ride with the Southern Alliance.
But even if the two were classified as part of the royal support faction within the alliance, it was clear that Jeffrey supporters would hold a majority. This was enough to conduct a separate independence vote, meaning they could impose a mandatory halt on the Hero’s military actions.
At this point, the Crown Princess, whose eyes and ears had been thoroughly blinded by the Hero, began to realize the situation.
Rose stormed into Walter’s tent, furious, and slammed her fist on the desk. Alex, who happened to be chatting near Walter’s desk due to military discussions, was startled by Rose’s sudden appearance and stepped back.
With an intense aura, Rose shouted.
“Hellhound, Walter Hellhound!”
“Rose, you came without saying a word.”
Walter, having roughly assessed the situation, took off his glasses with a weary expression. Rose snapped at him, demanding answers.
“I’ve heard news from the South. What’s the reason you’ve been hiding it from me until now?”
“Because I can easily predict what you plan to do, Rose. Sit down. If you can’t see the answer even now, I thought I’d have to inform you soon enough.”
Rose refused to sit. Instead, she continued to question Walter with a menacing growl.
“Explain it simply. What kind of situation are we in right now?”
“This situation, Rose Caprice, is the greatest crisis since the unification of the Audrich Empire. Do you need a more direct explanation than that?”
“You must know the solution, Walter.”
“If I knew the solution, do you think I’d be dragging it out like this? We have no means to politically topple Sally Jeffrey. We have no options.”
“Why don’t you have options?!”
Rose slammed her fist down on the desk once more. Seeing a tiny crack forming on the desk, Walter gently pushed Rose’s hand away from the table.
“Desks are made from precious timber. It’s not like I’m one to talk since I’ve broken a few myself, but let’s try to take care of them, Rose.”
“You have an army, Walter. If there’s an enemy to smash, smash them! If there’s someone obstructing you, step on them! How many soldiers does the Southern Army have? 30,000? 40,000? Just your appearance alone will make them surrender with their hands up! Move now, before it’s too late.”
“Sit down, Rose.”
“I knew you were too naïve to handle this kind of problem, Walter. Leave it to me. I’ll accuse Sally Jeffrey of political treason right this moment, and I’ll personally smash her head! What does that bitch know about war to act all high and mighty?! Alex, bring me my weapons and the enemy flag. I’ll immediately march with three legions to arrest the nobles who participated in the rebellion!”
For Alex, the Crown Princess’ orders were absolute. Just as the Crown Prince was about to hand over military authority to his sister, Walter threw his glasses down and stood up, his face flushed red with anger.
Rose, who was just before bursting with excitement, suddenly felt cold sweat running down her back when she met the Hero’s gaze. Walter smashed the cracked desk into pieces and shouted.
“Who do you think you are to recklessly move my army! Be cautious, Rose Caprice! This is an order from your commander!”
At that moment, the entire tent froze. Walter continued to glare at Rose, adding,
“Answer me.”
It took Rose a moment to grasp the situation. Unlike Alex, who was still overwhelmed by the pressure from the Hero, Rose managed to move her stiffened body, standing at attention and saluting.
Bowing her head stiffly, Rose apologized to the Hero.
“Y-yes… Yes, Commander, sir. I… I’ve crossed the line. I’m sorry.”
“Enough, Rose. Let’s take a seat comfortably. This is the worst crisis we’ve faced so far. Nothing will be accomplished that way. Do you understand what I mean?”
Walter brushed off the dust from the broken desk and slouched into a chair with a tired expression. Rose sat across from Walter, still awkwardly positioned, and nodded.
“U-umm… So, do you have any plans?”
“I don’t. Not right now.”
“Not right now means…”
“This issue isn’t something I can handle. I’ve delegated the resolution to Jenis Harker. All we can do is hope she finds a lawful and amicable solution to it. Remember, Rose. If the opponents aim to take power through illegal means, your response is justified. But if they attack with lawful means, we must respond with legitimate methods. And that young Lady Harker must figure that out.”
“So, are we just supposed to do nothing? Just sit back? I mean… Jenis is surely smart, but she doesn’t have the answer to every problem. Even…”
Rose trailed off, thinking, ‘Even Jenis herself could become another problem.’ She clamped her mouth shut, feeling that it wasn’t the time for such worries.
“We have to do… nothing. Rose, the Northern Expedition cannot be halted. If the Demon King weren’t so capable, I would have accepted Jeffrey’s proposal and looked toward ten more years of peace. But if my calculations are correct, ten years from now, that machine will be fully operational. We’re just stalling to prevent her from accessing better leads. The South is under the illusion that time is on humanity’s side, but actually, time is firmly on the Demon King’s side.”
“What about informing the public and persuading the opponents?”
“I’ve seen it. Fear will gradually eat away at the Empire, creating an atmosphere of anxiety that we can never defeat the Demon King. That’s when the true traitors will emerge and begin to crumble the Empire from within. The current opposition… in a way, they’re patriots. Their direction may have strayed somewhat. But when the true traitors manifest, we won’t even have the ability to fight back.”
Walter’s ‘I’ve seen it’ carried a clear meaning. Rose clenched her fists in frustration.
“So, if, really, if Jenis Harker fails? Half of the council will fall into Jeffrey’s hands, and using the division of the Empire as leverage, they’ll force you to halt the Northern Expedition and interfere in military operations at every turn. Will then your presence in the council just be a matter of making a few remarks? Isn’t there any better way?”
“Bernard, show Rose that.”
“This? Understood. Your Highness, Crown Princess, please don’t be too shocked or critical. The Hero teacher has also drawn the map while shedding tears several times.”
At that moment, out of nowhere, a hunter, hidden in the shadows, suddenly revealed himself. Rose and even Alex, who had known Bernard was present, were startled by the hunter’s sudden appearance.
As Rose watched Bernard unfold a map in front of Walter, she gasped.
The map that Bernard displayed had arrows pointing from the north, specifically from Walter’s directly governed territory towards the south.
The meaning was clear. The map Bernard presented was a plan for a full-scale offensive operation against the southern region of the continent.
“To resolve this through illegal means, it must be meticulous and simultaneous.”
Walter spoke in a cold voice. Rose and Alex, wearing blank expressions, blinked as they looked at the map several times. No matter how they saw it, it clearly indicated that the Caprice territory, and especially the Imperial Palace itself, were the primary targets for attack and occupation.
She felt as though she had seen something she shouldn’t have. This was a blatant and powerful coup plan that rendered Jeffrey’s cute scheme as trivial. Walter, realizing that the two royal bloodlines had been shocked by his plan, sighed and nodded.
“You’re right. If Jenis Harker fails, around 50,000 troops, half of the Northern Expeditionary Force, will be mobilized for this operation. The time limit is one week. It can’t take longer than that.”
“Explain it, Walter, explain it to me.”
Rose spoke with a face that had turned completely pale. Walter pointed at the map as he spoke.
“It has to be swift and precise. If Harker can’t do anything and is caught off guard, on election day or the following day, a new assembly will be formed and the first meeting will be held. Naturally, we’ll also be elected as representatives by fixed nominations, so we must attend. However, the army must be on standby.”
“Standby? Where?”
“Not too close. Just close enough to move immediately. If, without any changes, the council passes a resolution demanding I stop the Northern Expedition or partition it, the central army will mobilize immediately from that point. Rose, you should quickly exit the council and join with the three legions to enter the Imperial Palace.”
“Wha… what?”
“I will surround the assembly building with a single legion, then I’ll arrest the nobles present and announce the permanent dissolution of the Imperial Assembly. And Alex.”
“Yes, yes, brother.”
“You’ll preemptively arrest the knight corps mainly composed of local nobles to ensure they can’t act, and then select trustworthy Meng soldiers with no ties to the nobles to charge directly south, where the Southern Alliance’s forces are congregated, and seize that power. And Bernard.”
“Yes, I know my role. Considering the great sage might resist sudden military action, I’m to be responsible for surrounding the Magic Tower, right?”
“Walter, what exactly do you want me to do?”
“Use the Emperor’s garments. If I carry out a coup without the royal family’s approval, the Imperial Guard will obviously trigger combat. You need to move faster than anyone else to take the palace before the Emperor’s report is done, or before the guards even think of obstructing you. If necessary, consider forcefully obtaining approval and seizing the temporary throne. In any case, ensure the Emperor cannot block me.”
“What the hell…”
Rose muttered in a paler shade of daylight. Walter seemed to calm his mind, slowly closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
“We must avoid combat at all costs. Alex, you too, it’s not about engaging with the Southern Army, but rather letting them know they’ve already been subdued and focusing on absorbing their military strength. If successful, lead your troops to head back north under your command. And Rose, understand this well. No matter what, completely controlling the two wizards is impossible. If those two choose to cooperate, that would be great, but if they resist, the only one who can arrest them is you. Even if it entails some injuries, if Jeongjae and Jenis interfere, subdue them and confine them within the palace. Do you understand?”
“I dislike Jenis Harker. Honestly, I find her bothersome.”
Rose shook her head with a face filled with despair.
“But for this time, really, for this time, I must hope she succeeds. This is madness. This must never come to fruition.”
“I feel the same way, Rose. This is truly something that only a devil would undertake. But if things go wrong, I must become that devil.”
Walter’s gray irises glinted. That gaze was filled with a depth of sorrow that was hard to describe.
“Prepare yourselves, kids. And pray without cease that the Great Sage finds a solution to this issue before it’s too late. I’ve already begun doing so.”
“I… I will do that.”
“Understood, brother.”
“I’m always ready.”
The three people obliged to follow orders appeared to be somewhat prepared in mind. Ironically, the one who seemed least prepared for this extreme situation was arguably Walter himself, who had crafted this scenario.